
Cha Cha Chocolate

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Here’s a super last minute idea or more likely – an early idea for next year. Just something quick and cute.

And if you don’t need any treats, you might want to mosey on down towards the middle of this post.


I made little heart chocolates. Hi.


And packaged them up like tiny candy bars. Too cute. And thanks for reading.

This is super easy. You’ll need a candy mold though. The product number is in the photo below if you want to search for it. I found mine at Cake Art. The squares are 1.25 inch.

And because I have a mini candy coating store growing in my kitchen, I decided to use some of it up for these.


Melt pink candy coating and then using a toothpick, draw heart shapes in the cavity of the candy molds. Let it dry and then pour melted chocolate candy coating over the top. Mercken’s is what I used for these. Fill the cavity enough so it reaches the corners without overflowing and then tap the mold on the counter to settle and even out the coating. Repeat with the remaining cavities. Place in the freezer for a few minutes to set and then pop them right out of the mold and place on wax paper. Repeat and repeat until you have what you need.

Of course, you make these even easier and unwrap existing candy bars to use.


Now the fun part. I had these pink foil wrappers that were lonely and waiting to cuddle something. They were really too big for the bars I made so I cut them in half.


Lay the chocolate on the wrapper, fold the two short pieces first and then the long ones.

The foil is super thin so you can press it pretty flat.

These are also fun to wrap up your cake pops if you do simple decorations.


After your bars are all wrapped in foil, you can add paper wrappers.

I created these with different sayings.


Even one for the pinterest lovers out there.

Here’s a pdf if you want it.


Making your own wrappers is a cute gift or favor idea. Use the same process and create your own wrappers for your theme. You can turn any candy bar into something a little more special.

But now let me tell you why I really made these.

I bought something for myself a few weeks ago that I thought was the cutest thing ever.

Or at least the cutest thing that week.

It was on sale thank goodness. Wanna see?

It goes with the theme so far.

And it’s really what inspired these tiny wrapped chocolate bars.

But this chocolate is a little bit bigger.

And sassier.


The good thing is it won’t melt in my hands.

Check it out. A Cha Cha Chocolate Clutch.


From Kate Spade.

Loving the label.


And look at the chocolate candy clasp.

I die.


And the inside lining. So cute.


It’s pretty big, too. Actually it’s a really big clutch.


Big enough to carry all my cha cha chocolates.


Thankfully it has a chain strap, too.


And yes, I couldn’t help but make little Cha Cha labels. It’s just too much fun to say.

But I haven’t mentioned the best part about this bag. It turns out I didn’t just buy one.

Yep. Right now I have one for each hand and that just looks plain silly.


So who wants to help me out and take one of these off my hands?



Enter for a chance to win a Kate Spade Cha Cha Chocolate Clutch.

  • Just leave a comment on this post and say something sweet about someone you love. It’s that kind of day you know.
  • Deadline to enter is Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 6 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced Below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Thursday evening.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day and good luck!

Okay, cha cha time. Let’s see who won the cute clutch. By the way, I’m so glad I didn’t have to choose based on your comments. I would have never been able to pick. So many of you have the sweetest sweethearts in your lives. It made me so happy to read your comments. Smiles and smiles.

But the random winner is………

chachawinnerYay! Congratulations Gayl! Hope you have fun with the clutch.

Note: Giveaway sponsored by moi.


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4,045 comments on “Cha Cha Chocolate”

  1. I love my girls.

  2. love my nieces – they’re the best!

  3. I just Love my 3 boys sooo much, we had a great Valentine’s Day this year, they are old enough to really enjoy the day! We have one more boy on the way in may and that makes 4 boys in our house! Crazy, but fun.

  4. I’ve enjoyed reading about all the wonderful people in all of your lives! My special someone is my mom! She’s the most thoughtful, generous, kind, and loving person and I feel so blessed that she’s my mom!

  5. My girls are the best Valentine’s ever!

  6. that bag is A. Maz. Ing

    I love my husband. he gives the kids a bath almost every time they are dirty!

  7. Love the chocolates and labels! I must try it next year…or sooner. :)

    My love is my hubby of going on 19 years. wow that sounds as if I must be old!

  8. These chocolates are so sweet and the clutch is amazing!
    My special someone is my best friend… we’ve been friends for about 11 years and he has been there for me through everything. He’s one of the few people I can totally be myself around (the nerd and the girly girl and everything in between)!

  9. I love my new husband for all the help he gives me, and my mom for all the love she gives me! I am a very lucky lady!

  10. My sweet, sweet sister is my favorite person in the world. When I’m visiting my family (I live an hour and a half away), she always asks me to come and spend time with her, even if we don’t do anything exciting. I love that girl!

  11. So cute… the little chocolate bars. My someone special or someones is my husband and my 2 little girls. They are my world and I can’t wait to spend the evening spoiling them with love!

  12. OMG! what a great gift! and IF i were so lucky to win this, I would auction it off for my child’s PACCS class room. He’s autistic and they could use extra help with their funding. I love my children and I love their special ed teachers!

  13. I have the most amazing kids, truly. Thanks for the opportunity =) Happy Valentine’s Day!

  14. My sweet husband is my Valentine. I’ve never known a man who works so hard but always has time to spend with our kids or with me. After 14 yrs of marriage, he still writes me love letters and brings me flowers! I am very blessed!

    That clutch is Amazing!

  15. How wonderful! My husband is my valentine this year, and of course our unborn baby too. I can’t wait to give him his valentine!

  16. My grandsons are my Valentines! I don’t get to see them often because of the distance between us, but they always have a big hug and kiss for me whenever I do.

  17. I LOVE my husband Scott!! Even though I have the flu–yuck!! He made this the best Valentine’s Day–Roses, chocolates and “Lady and the Tramp” on DVD (I saw it at the theater when I was a little girl)!!!! He is the greatest!!!

  18. love these! my daughter is the sweetest little thing! she never fails to put a smile on my face.

  19. I love my friends! and my latin teacher, who sent me a candy gram when he bought one extra. and my parents. because they are my parents. and CHOCOLATE!!!

  20. wonderful post… valentines are all people we love and I love my mum … she had the kindness heart I know, the type of person who would give me the shirt off her back to ensure I was happy :) love you mum xx

  21. My husband is the best! I love how we bond over science fiction and how his eyes almost closes when he smiles! Plus his eyes are the coolest shade of jade! I love him so much!!!!!

  22. My sweetie, Mike, will often surprise me with chocolates and even gets our 6 year old in on the surprises! The 2 of them will go out to the store together and come back with goodies and a hug & kiss for me!

  23. My husband Billy is so sweet, and the most handsome man in all the land.

    Happy Valentines to the lady with the cute clutch:)

  24. Love the clutch! I’ve had my eye on it for some time now, and would love to get my hands on it too! Happy Valentines Day!

  25. I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have my boyfriend!

  26. My sweet things said is for my 3 favorite Valentines. What more can a mom ask for than kids who would rather spend time with her than going outside and playing?

  27. Something sweet about my husband :)

  28. My Valentine melts my heart

  29. Hi!
    I don’t know if people outside the US can enter your giveaway, but I still want to say a few words about my hubby. You are the sweetest! And such a great dad to our two daughters. Love you lots, honey :)

  30. I’m so blessed to have such a loving husband and family. Life is good. Love this purse, my sister inlaw is so special to me I would love to give the clutch to her.

  31. this afternoon I came home to the sweetest handmade card from my boyfriend. sometimes it’s the simplest things that mean the most.

    thank you for the chance and Happy Valentine’s Day!

  32. I love my husband and son – they are both amazing men and i’m blessed to have them in my life!

  33. My wife its the best woman you could ever imagine! She is my rock!

  34. My husband surprised me last week with roses and beat the Valentine’s Day price hike! And once we get a sitter he’s taking me clothes shopping. I wonder if I’ll have a budget!! My two little darlings are so precious to me and light up every day, even when I’m cranky….lilke this morning. Getting up early to make pink pancakes before school sounded much better in theory. But they are worth the lost sleep.

  35. Oh, those are too cute!

    Here’s a sweetie I just learned about: a new co-worker (she’s been here 3 weeks) just came around with flowers for every woman in the department. Just to let us each know we have a Valentine. How sweet is that?

  36. My husband its always been there for me on the worst moments of my life. He makes me complete!

  37. my husband used crayons and made my valentine. I love that. He colored a version of a picture that we bought on our honeymoon. Love that man.

  38. I made all kinds of ‘chocolate treats’ for my friends at work today. I think celebrating Valentine’s Day with your friends is the best thing ever!

  39. Happy Valentine’s Day!
    My special someone and I are busy people but he always manages to surprise me with his thoughtfulness and love.

  40. Love that clutch!

    And today my heart goes out to my amazing boyfriend, against all odds here we are 2 years later. How can you not love a guy who does all your dishes and doesn’t hold a grudge when you choose yet another chihuahua over something more “manly”?

  41. LOVE the purse!!! I have 4 very sweet valentines! My awesome husband and my 3 very sweet little boys. I’m one lucky mommy!

  42. My favorite person in the world is my mom. From taking me to Disney World to letting me cry on her shoulder, I absolutely and irrevocably love her. <3

  43. I still adore my husband after all these years!

  44. Super cute! My love is my rock – we’ve been through a lot, but come out stronger on the other end.

  45. My husband remembered (and purchased!) my favourite chocolates for me today. Even without that, he’s my forever man and I love him dearly.

  46. Happy V-Day! I am completely in love with my fiance. He is the sweetest most thought guy I have ever met. He is a wonderful father figure with my son and treats him as his own. He is all I have ever hoped for.

  47. My friend is just the sweetest girl in the entire world. She is incredibly busy at school, but she still finds the time to bake goodies for all of her friends and make personalized cards. I’m lucky to know her!

  48. YOU inspire me every time I click on your website. You could let life get you down, but you don’t. Helps me remember that sometimes, my problems really aren’t such a BIG DEAL!
    Blessings and Hugs

  49. I love the way my guy makes me feel beautiful each and every day

  50. That is so cute! My husband is the sweetest, he drives me to all my doctor’s appts. and sits with me through the 3 hour long chemo process and never complains. I don’t know what I would do without his support! Thanks Honey, you’re the best!

  51. My Boyfriend is an amazing Man. He is always 100% supportive of the (sometimes crazy) choices i make and anything new i want to try. Even on the worst days he can make me smile. I really never knew that you could love someone so much and so deeply until i met him.

  52. Hii!
    I love my baby boy! He’s the sweetest thing on earth! He’s two year old :)

  53. My fiance prepared a romantic dinner last night with candles, flowers, and Subway. I think I liked that more than a fancy dinner. It’s not the food that I look forward to

  54. Oh please please please send me some Kate Spade love!

    No Valentine this year, and Kate Spade is hard (and expensive to get) in Australia.

    I really really really would love this clutch!

    Happy Valentines day!

  55. My hubby has been absolutely wonderful during my first trimester. I’ve been so sick, that he’s been ok with either just having cereal for dinner or doing the cooking himself, while I escape the smell. He’s so understanding and loving!!

  56. My husband is my valentine and has been for 50+ years. His idea of a valentine treat is chocolate chip cookies. So I will make him some tonight. Thanks for giving us all the opportunity to have one of these adorable clutches.

  57. Today it is my hubby who did not flinch an inch when I told him that it cost $100 to get an oil change on car. OMG!!!!

  58. I’m going to say something sweet about my Mom, because I just bought my first house, and I miss her! She’s the best mama in the world!

  59. On my way home today, I bought some last minute Valentines Day stuff for my parents. My poor Dad just got a tooth removed, so he can’t have the peanut brittle or chocolate turtle candy I usually get him, so I got him some pudding instead! I got flowers for my Mom (she also got some pudding). They weren’t able to get anything for each other this year, which was all the more reason I wanted to get a little something for them to make them smile! My parents have always made Valentines Day fun for me, so it’s my turn! :)

    By the way, do you use a particular program to make your cute paper wrappers? I thought about doing it on photoshop, but if there’s an easier way, I’d love to hear! :)

  60. My daughters are the most amazing blessing God has given me… And I have been blessed everyday since I met my DH.

  61. My Sweetie knows the route to my heart lies not in chocolate or flowers but in donuts! Oh, how well he knows me.

  62. I love your blog, and your style of writing. You make me smile!

  63. I just don’t have one, I have three. My husband of course and my two amazing boys. They put a smile on face and know how to make me laugh when I am feeling down.

  64. I love all your ideas! I get so excited when I see you updated! My special someone is my Mom. She is my best friend and is the one person who I can turn to for anything. Even though next year I’ll be going away to school the one thing I’ll miss about home is her. I love you mommy!

  65. As I read this adorable post and look at these chic cha cha chocolates the sweetest little 6 week old baby boy is resting on my chest (thank goodness for iPads). After years of trying for a little one, I’m so blessed to finally have this special gift. He’s my most special valentine ever!

  66. I love my kids!! All three of them are really special, caring and all around wonderful human beings!!

  67. Bakerella, I have been following your blog for a while now. Made my first Cakepops just recently! LUV the mini chocolates…can’t believe the patience in drawing the pink hearts, folding the foil and printing the labels! Super Cute Clutch : )

  68. oh my word! such adorable chocolates! I love my husband. he’s an amazing man! :)

  69. Aww, these are just to cute!! And I love that purse, its absolutely precious. My someone special is by best friend. He is beyond amazing and supportive, I really don’t know what I would do without him. Everything really is better when he is around, and he always is (:

  70. Adorable! For Valentine’s or yesterday’s Galentines, I absolutely love my friends. <3

  71. I want to win this for my sweet sister. As a mother to three young children, I am enjoying every moment of her being the pregnant one this time (with her first)!!! She adores all things Kate Spade and I know she would love this!

  72. These chocolates are so cute! My husband is the kindest, most understanding person I’ve ever met, I’m so grateful to have him in my life!

  73. That must be the cutest purse ever! My sweet daughter used her own money to get me a balloon and stuffed bear today! My sweet son gave me a HUGE hug and kiss. Can’t beat that.

  74. For the last 7 years, my husband has been my rock. Through losing a child, and being diagnosed with MS.. he’s always been my pillar of support. I probably don’t tell him enough how much I appreciate him. Hopefully making some chocolates before he gets home will do the trick!

  75. Adorable purse. My valentine left a thermos of coffee and a heart-shaped donut for me this morning… I was in heaven!

  76. i love his heart.

  77. I love my mom because of all the things she does for me

  78. You are so incredibly creative-what a special God-given gift!
    I have 2 very special and very loved Valentines-the best husband of 39 yrs.(and even more madly in love!) and our special needs daughter(who loves life and never complains, despite 43 surgeries), They bless me in countless ways and I love them dearly!!!

  79. Wish I had the baking skills you have! (although chocolates aren’t baking, but you get my jist) .

    Someone I love had to travel out of town for work on this Vday and was none too pleased, since it was sprung on him last minute. Although he’s in one of the best cities to eat!

  80. I love my dog Sherlock,he is my Valentine!

  81. my “best friend” is a 4 year old cutie

  82. I love my husband! He’s always able to make me laugh, even when I’m sick.

  83. This post was too cute…and so was the purse!

    My Valentine is my husband of a whopping 9 months. He’s been my best friend and support for the 4 years we’ve been together and I am definitely the luckiest girl in the world to have him <3

  84. These are so cute. my valentine is my bestest friend and baking buddy tot. :D

  85. Chocolate and Kate Spade go perfect together for any Valentines Day!! (or any day in general)

  86. OMGGGGGGG!!!!!! Love the bag. My Valentine’s are my daughters Christa & Jenna and my husband Tom along with the two cutest King Charles Cavaliers Lola & Ava. They make my life sweeter everyday!!!

  87. Bakerella, you are marvelous! This purse is absolutely gorgeous!
    My four year old daughter is my best friend. She is my shopping sidekick and my baking sweetheart. I would be lost without her because she is my sunshine. Love her.

  88. Cute bag!
    My special valentine is my 5 year old daughter, who woke me up this morning with a kiss and a handmade valentine, written completely by her ( a new skill!). She’s been asking for a sibling for years, and we made her wish come true with a little sister due in the summer, who she is excited for and such a great helper with all the preparations, including daily backrubs!

  89. I love my hubby for being such a great guy and my sugar daddy, so that I can be a SAHM and spend my days with our son and best doberman pinscher, Zelda :)

  90. Oh, how I need this ‘sweet’ clutch! Chocolate without the calories…perfect!

    I love my family! They love me unconditionally and make me laugh; two of the most important things in the world!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!! xx

  91. My boyfriend’s birthday is Valentine’s day :) There aren’t enough sweet words to describe how sweet he is. I know, I know….sappy….but it’s true.
    Love the chocolates and the purse! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  92. Love the clutch! I would just have to say my husband is a sweetheart. He takes such good care of me and our twin two year olds. He’s amazing.

  93. Those Cha Cha chocolates are too cute to eat. My special someone is my sweet hasband of 38 wonderful years.

  94. I thought the chocolates were fab, then I saw the clutch, then the clutch filled with the fab chocolates, LOVE it!! I’d love to win, SO pretty!!

  95. Love people? How about love the world with all its little birds, chocolate and heart-warming people. There’s more! Love the water, clouds and snow. Love the stars, paper, trees and lilies. I even love highlighters! I am happy to be here and that’s why I love the world. (I like the clutch too!)

  96. This March will be 24 years that I have been married to the most wonderful man in the world. Others may think they have the most wonderful man but I know for a fact that I do. :) They say that after so many years you lose that lust/desire for the other. I am happy and thankful to say that even after all these years he still floats my boat and he is better than chocolate!

  97. Wow, I la-la-love that Kate Spade clutch! Like my jokie-pokie there? Anyhow, my somebody sweet is my dear husband. The best thing about him is that he and I can be utterly silly and ridiculous together, do things that other people might think are absurd, but when we do them together, we have the best time and grow closer together through our goofiness.

  98. Love the clutch and the cute chocolates!!!
    My valentines are my wonderful husband, and my dogs. My husband has been so supportive and understanding. When I feel like the world doesn’t get me, he does. And my dogs, no matter how long I am gone, I can always count on their faces to be in the window waiting for me when I drive up, they are always so happy to see me. It’s like iv’e been gone for days, they love so unconditionally.

  99. I have two Valentine’s this year. My baby girl Kennedi and my boyfriend Kenon. Life is sweet right now.

    Your chocolate candies look AMAZING!!! You are so blessed to be that talented in the kitchen. :-)

    Happy Valentine’s Day Bakerella!


    My husband is the sweetest Valentine there ever was… except for maybe our little pug puggy : )

  101. Happy Valentines Day, Bakerella! I ? you!

    My Valentine is my loving fiancee!! He’s my better half in most ways! ??? Also, my 2.9 pd, teacup poodle has a big piece of my heart too! hugs & kisses!

  102. I love the chocolates!!
    My special valentine is my wonderful husband…we are going thru hard times with him having been laid off for the past 18 months and raising our 4 kids, and he feels bad about not being able to buy me a valentines gift. He doesnt realize that his love and all the hard work he does every day of th eyear is all I need..I would love the purse, but I could live with out it..I love my husband and cant live without him!!

  103. My kiddos love the fun of exchanging Valentines and put a lot of thought for our family gifts.

  104. My kids are the best and I couldn’t love them more:)

  105. I love my best friends and my parents for being the most incredible people in the world! They show me what love is all about.

  106. The purse fits you! My favorite sweetie is my daughter who loves me unconditionally through thick and thin and thinks I still have the “answers”.

  107. sweets for my sweetness!
    she would love that bag!

  108. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Those chocolates are adorable and That Clutch…..Holy Cuteness!!! I love accesories that are associated with Chocolate…and food, lol.

    My nephew is the sweetest little 6 yr. old I know. He’s very kind and loves being helpful and is always doing nice things for others and his Aunt Wim (thats me) and I Love Him to pieces :D

  109. In honor of gay marriage passing in Washington I bought my soon to be wife (of 27 years) the first “for my wife” valentine today.

  110. I love the clutch. Adorable.
    My husband is my special someone. He is an amazing father to our twins and a wonderful husband.

  111. My fiancee is the sweetest! He may not be a romantic person, but he loves me for who I am.

  112. I love those!

    My special someone is actually two people. My sweet baby boy who brightens my life each and every day, and my loving husband who is so supportive of our family.

  113. I didn’t catch on quickly enough that it was a purse–too fabulous. My mom is the best valentine…she never forgets to get us the little heart shaped boxes of candy, but tucks in a little dark chocolate for those of us with good taste! She’s had a hard year, and I’m glad she’s enjoying this Valentine’s Day.

  114. I love that my boyfriend made me a Vday card with a picture of a nose saying “Pick me to be your Valentine?” It’s not flowers or chocolates or a fancy dinner, but I’ll take it any day!

  115. I love my iphone!!! I would put it in there!!!

  116. Someone I love is my boyfriend. He makes me feel safe and loved everyday.

  117. Love this idea! Chocolate is so yummy!!

    My special someone is my husband. In the last two years, we moved in with my parents, had baby #1, he lost his job, had baby #2 (they’re 19 months apart!), and are still struggling to find time together. But, he makes sure to let me know that no matter how tough life can be, he is there for me forever. :)

  118. I love both the chocolate squares and the clutch. I may have to try and make the squares. My sweet little puppy is my Valentine :)

  119. I am abundantly loved by my handsome husband and my two daughters. We are expectantly waiting on baby number three who will join our family on April 19th. I am so blessed by my family- they are my world!

  120. Bakerella…I don’t mean to be all Jerry McGuire on you…but you complete me!!!! Love this and love that bag!

  121. My husband never ceases to amaze me. He is a loyal, funny and smart. I have been truly blessed to have him in my life.

  122. It’s so cute!!!!! My BFF has helped me through a single valentines day. However, you are my special person Bakerella. My homepage, which i check day to day, my inspiration for my blog, and my supplier of the cookies i made today. XOXO

  123. I don’t think I’ve ever coveted a clutch as much as I do this one! My mom is my biggest Valentine this year. Our family has been through so much these last few years, and she can always not only hold us together, but she does it with humor and grace.

  124. My hubby, one sweet guy, made a heart out of streamers that stretches from ceiling to floor! I have one creative valentine! :)

  125. My dad always makes valentines day special by asking if I’ll be his valentine.

  126. That is the cutest!! My valentines are my 22 year old daughter who is the LOVE of my life and my 8 year old grandaughter. I love the holidays with my girls!

  127. I always thought my husband was a wonderful partner and now that we have 2 daughters, I know that he is an even better father. We are the 3 most lucky girls in the world :)

  128. I choo – choo – choose my husband as my someone special. He’s my best friend and I love him more than anything. I’m so lucky I found him. : )

  129. I love how my son loves me so much. When I’m having a bad day or feel tired or sick, he’ll come up to me and give me a kiss to make me feel better.

  130. I LOVE this clutch!! And I LOVE chocolate!! Does the clutch come with all the individually wrapped chocolates??
    My husband is truly the BEST friend and husband any girl could ever wish for! He is the greatest to me and our son and our #2 (baby on the way) and I could not ask for anything more. (Except for this awesome clutch, of course).
    Happy Valentines Day!!

  131. I love your little Cha Cha Chocolates they are so cute. The purse is to die for. I have the best Valentine. He is my husband
    and this our 37th Valentines Day together. He fills my heart with love 365 days a year. I love him today just as much as I did when I met him over 37 years ago. Happy Valentines Day to everyone

  132. my fiancee is the most beautiful woman in the world, and although we are spending this valentine’s apart (LDR boohoo :( ). I know that every day we will get to spend together will be amazing because she is the sweetest, most caring person I have ever met.

    darn got all emotional…

  133. I’ll be spending the day on the couch watching movies with my new boyfriend!

  134. Love, love, love the chocolates. My guy loves me enough to let me eat as many chocolates as I want. Usually too many

  135. SO CUTE!

    My someone is my husband. This time of year sucks for both of us since we’re in Accounting, but he always manages to make Valentine’s Day special even if it does fall in the midst of a 60+ hour work week!

  136. My SO thought it’d be a good idea to serenade me with Nazareth’s Love Hurts, then said Happy (rotten) Valentine’s Day, my love. I think his point was that after everything he puts me through I still love him anyway. :)

  137. These are super cute! Chocolate is my main reason for loving valentine’s day :]

  138. My parents are the sweetest, most supportive people I could ask for!

  139. My daughter LOVES your blog! I bought her a cake pop starter kit for Christmas! She’s also my Valentine’s Date later this week.

  140. I love my hubby!!!

  141. My husband to be and my daughter are my whole world. They have filled my life with love.

  142. It just goes to show that it does not take money to show love-when we were 16 my hubby and I were totally broke and he made me flowers from construction paper-and now 20 years later he still gets me flowers-he says when he looks at me he sees a 16 year old girl. At almost 40, you can’t ask for better than that. I am making him your chocolate souffles tonight as a special treat. The Kate Spade bag is divine…thank you for such a wonderful chance!

  143. I love the chocolates! And I love my valentine, my sweet hubby Brian. He is so thoughtful and kind.

  144. I love that my beau spent hours online trying to ‘surprise’ me with a new handbag for Valentine’s Day. I ended up choosing my own gift (because boys just don’t know how to pick these things), but it’s so sweet that he put that kind of time in.

  145. Cha…Cha…Charming. My kitchen has been in remodel mode for six weeks so no homemade Valentine treats :( My dear husband hung a sign on the new (still unwired) dishwasher and said, “Happy Valentines from the Old Model.” This is my very first dishwasher unless you count him washing dishes (I cooked, he cleaned) for 34 years. I do! <3

  146. My boyfriend is always there for me no matter what =)

  147. That purse is so cute! I love it!

    My valentine this year is my little sister. She makes me smile everyday and lets me know all of the time how much she loves me. She’s the perfect little valentine!

  148. My brother is 9 nine years old, but his cheeks are still as squishable as they were when he was a few months old. i really love squishing those cheeks, though maybe he doesn’t love me all the time for squishing them.

    p.s. your chacha chocolate labels are really cute!

  149. So cute.

    I would actually love this for my sister who is single. She does so much for us and this would be such a great gift for her!

  150. My daughter LOVES everything Kate Spade so she would love to have this Purse. She would also enjoy the treats inside.

  151. Unbelievable!

    My love and I have known each other for nearly 40yrs, how lucky are we?! He puts up with my idiosyncrasies….need I say more? Yes, I put up with his as well, and winning this clutch will make everything well.

  152. OMGosh so lovely and the chocolates are amazing!

    My special love is my husband, he’s is my all and try so much every day make me happy
    I love him for make me better every day and I would love to win that clutch, it’s beautiful

  153. Wow! You are legit!

    My husband is my special someone. . . he’s “hash-tag totes amaze!”

  154. Those candies and that purse are absolutely adorable!
    My sweet valentine, my hubby, has been taking good care of me while I’ve been sick during my pregnancy with our first baby. I was admitted to the hospital yesterday, but he made sure that I had flowers, candy, and starbucks this morning at the hospital to start of my valentine’s day before he went to work. He is such a sweetheart and I love him so much!

  155. Love love love it!!

  156. there is a certain gentleman to whom i am married… he deserves so much better than me. and there’s also a certain 4 year old angel whose mother am i, she’s the sweetest, most caring and giving person i know, old or young. thank you both for putting up with me!

  157. Happy Valentines Day Bakerella. I am so happy my honey survived his heart attack and is here to celebrate Valentines day with me this year.

  158. The clutch is too cute!
    My special someone is my boyfriend. Not, just today, he is thoughtful the entire year. A wonderful person.

  159. I love my husband, Jonathon !! Hope he never leaves me !!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!!!!!!!

  160. I love the connection between my girlfriend and I it’s like a chubby kid loves chocolate can’t separate the two (=

  161. My boyfriend got me the cutest valentines day gift. three sets of cookie cutters….he’s the best! I think it may actually be a hint that he wants cookies though. Ha..great way to spend the day baking for someone you love…

  162. The clutch would be for my BBF — she’s going thru some tough times right now — and there’s nothing like a “surprise” gift. Happy Valentine’s to all.

  163. my special one is g, who makes me grapefruit juice every morning and doesn’t let a single kiss go unthanked. i’m such a lucky girl.

  164. Working full time, how you are going to read all the entries when mine is close to the 3000th one…… That is sweet, but I must say I cannot choose just one sweet one to mention this day, there is my daughter who has been the sweetness of my life since the day she came into my life (because until she was born, I didn’t know if it was a boy or girl….. olden days!!!).. Then all the sweet things I have adopted as daughters at my local church. These ladies fill the void since mine is 3000 miles away. They are all filled with the love of Jesus and makes their mother and me.. filled with love and joy each and every day. And, there is you with your love for life, Cake Pops and your Mom. Happy Valetines Day…..

  165. my friends and family are amazing. Happy valentine’s day!

  166. My sons brighten everyday and make my life the best and richest it can be. They give me more love than I ever imagined possible. They are my whole world.

  167. My, BEST friend, Constance, as well as her sister Margot, who encourage me to love Jesus, and be more like him. And we simply have so many things in common!

  168. Thank you very much for sharing your gifts of creativity, sweetness, and kindness, Bakerella! You are really awesome!

    My mother Tessie is the sweetest person I have ever known – I am forever grateful!
    Roland is the love of my life – he simply lets me be my real self and respects my true beauty <3

    Thank you very much again. You are beautiful and loved, Bakerella!

  169. My mom is my sweetheart. She deserves all the hugs, kisses, and chocolate in the world!

  170. My best friend Jill is fabulous-she’s dealing with a lot of medical issues with her kid right now, and she’s handling it all really well even though she’s stressed as hell. :) I’m lucky to have her as a friend.

  171. I’m almost 30 and my dad still asks me to be his valentine every year… i love it & him!

  172. My valentine’s are my husband and two kitties! They all contribute equally (lol) to my happiness! I love them today and everyday!

  173. Wow…too cute as always!
    My family means the world to me. My husband says he wakes up every morning thinking to himself, “what can I do to make my wife’s day better” I believe him!

  174. This year, my special someone is my dog. I’m a single pringle, as always and i just got my first dog EVER! her name is sadie and i love her with all my heart. Every time I come home, she is there to jump on me and lick me to pieces. I spent Valentines day with her since i have never even had a valentine…..but i luv her soooo much!
    Happy valentines day, all!!! <3
    p.s. whoever wins that purse is sooo lucky!

  175. Those chocolates are absolutely precious!

    I love my husband, who is also my best friend and perhaps the only man on earth who could put up with me!

  176. I love my two lil fartblossoms. They’re both super lovey dovey and the three of us cuddle up together and there’s absolutely nothing better in the world! Love really does make the world go ’round!

  177. So this Fab girl is just loving that little purse, but much more the chocolate (even though I’m not chocolate fan). I could soo make them for my fam & friends, who incidentally are ALL my Vday Sweeties.

  178. Even though my husband is out of town for work all week, he left a card where he knew I would find it today. awww.

  179. This is one of the most amazing things I`ve ever seen!!! I LOVE chocolate and I LOVE tha purse.

    My special someone is every person that has given me something, a moment, a smile, a hug, an advise that helped me become the person that I am today.

    I treassure every moment and this is the perfect day to tell them THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU!!!

  180. This is the first Valentine’s Day my boyfriend and I aren’t spending the day together, so naturally I made cupcakes. Love you, Krys!

  181. I love the bag! The chocolates are a great idea. Thanks!

  182. That clutch is amazing. My mom, a nurse, goes out of her way to help the staff on her floor with whatever they could possibly need. Baby showers, Christmas presents for the aides and their kids, whatever. It’s pretty amazing that she doesn’t think anything of it.

  183. Wow. Suchcute chocolates! I’m totally going to have to get that mold… I’m imagining the possibilities right now. Pumpkins, Christmas trees, ghosts, etc etc! Thanks Angie!

    My husband is my sweetie and he starts the Fire Academy next week. That might not be something sweet, but it is really sweet and I am super proud of him!

  184. My husband is so good to me. I love waking up to his pancakes in the morning and going to bed with his kisses at night :)

  185. I just had a baby 2 weeks ago, and I La La Love her soft cheeks and breath on my face. Loving her to pieces, even though she keeps me up ALL night. :)

  186. I married my best friend and he still makes my heart flutter…10 years of marriage and 3 munchkins later! he’s the sweetest guy and I can’t imagine my life without him! Oh, and fab giveaway too! ;o)

  187. Too cute! Today I will give extra hugs to my childhood friend Monica, that I see and talk to too seldom, but who will always have a very special place in my heart.

  188. i love my friends!!!! i won’t be specific…

  189. omg! One of my dearest friends would love that clutch, she is so wonderful to me and inspires me all the time, inspires me to be a better person, a more fit person, and inspires me to bake a ton. I love her!

  190. I love my Grandma. She is hilarious and makes me so happy :)

  191. The clutch is adorable! And my favorite thing about the one I love is how I can be 100% myself around her! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  192. It’s mine and husbands first Valentines day as a married couple but we just put an offer in on a house and decided to not give each other anything. We decided love is all we need…. But I could also go for chocolate!!
    You’ve inspired me to take cake decorating classes and I just love everything you do so thank you!
    Happy Love Day xo

  193. What an adorable bag for any chocolate lover! I love my husband for being sweet, caring, attentive, and my best friend :) We got married in August and the past 6 months have been the best of my life! Can’t wait for many more :) Happy Valentine’s Day Bakerella!!!

  194. I love my sister, she is always there when I need her and always finds ways to make me laugh

  195. My closest friend, Lizzy is always there for me. We listen to each others problems, and she can instantly cheer me up whenever I’m feeling down. She’s the sweetest, funniest, and caring person I know. I can always depend on her. Even though lately we see each other less, we communicate through email, text, and Facebook. She’s my best friend, and my Valentine. :)

  196. So sweet! My dear daughter is 13 now and growing into such a sweet young lady. Middle school can be tough, but she has done well and is very ready for high school!!

  197. Happy Valentine’s Day! Love the clutch. Chocolate is my favorite. I have a super husband and two wonderful boys who spoil me.
    God bless,

  198. My wife Sonya never holds back love.

  199. My husband is my Valentine and he is the sweetest guy, always thinking of new dates for us to go on. Love him!

  200. I love how hard my husband works so I can stay home to raise our daughter. I love when my daughter says “I Love you!” and holds my cheeks to kiss my face. (She’s 17 months).

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