
Cake Pops: An adventure

Today almost snuck up on me. I realized it just in time to reminisce and celebrate with you guys.

Oh and this is a pretty long post, but I had a hard time making it any shorter.

Four years ago today, on February 1, I posted something that changed my life and maybe even some of yours.

Cupcake Pops

I posted these cupcake pops. I posted them the day after I posted these pink cake pops. And I had no idea then the impact they would have. Seriously, read the old posts. Pretty amusing.

While the pink cake pops were super cute and definitely different since they were cake on a stick, it was the cupcake pops that became crazy popular thanks to so many of you.  If it hadn’t been for your enthusiasm, I don’t know if I would have kept experimenting and creating craziness like the muppets cake pops for instance. It could have just ended right here with the cupcake pops. And, that would have been okay, too. They are still my and my mom’s favorite. I guess I have an attachment to them.

A little background history…  when I first made the pink cake pops, I was so excited by how they turned out. I wanted others to see them too because I thought they were so cute and I just knew they would make people smile. I was following the blog Cupcakes Takes the Cake (CTTC) at the time and I thought that if I could just make them look like a cupcake, they might feature them on their blog. So after I made the pink cake pop, I figured out a way to shape the cake balls with a cutter and dip them twice to make them look like a cupcake. Success! I couldn’t believe it. So I added my photos to the CTTC flickr group and crossed my fingers that they would pick them to feature on their site. And they did.

For me that was it. I wasn’t looking for anything more. Just to keep baking and making cute treats. And hopefully bring smiles to anyone that wanted to look at them.

But then, something crazy happened. A month or so after I posted the photos, I was invited to show Martha Stewart how I make them … on her show… like standing next to her. I thought I was being punked. I mean I had only been blogging for about four months when I received the invitation. And I hadn’t been baking much longer before that. Let’s just say I was petrified. But I did it anyway. You can watch the video here on her site. The link is on the sidebar. If you haven’t seen it before I think you’ll get a chuckle at what she calls them. Of course it wasn’t funny at the time. I think I managed to mask my shock pretty well. I know I told them we shouldn’t use chocolate cake on TV. Good times.

Lots of other fun things have happened since then, too.

  • I started experimenting with designs and creating all kinds of cake pop themes.
  • I visited the Pioneer Woman and we had a cake pop demo at the lodge. So fun. Love you Ree.
  • I proposed to Melissa for Rich with cake pops. Miss you guys.
  • Betty Crocker invited me to make cake pops for the cover of one of their magazines.
  • I wrote a little book. You may have heard of it.
  • I made cupcake pops with Blake Lively. Ummm… what is going on?
  • You guys became Pop Stars.
  • I made some cake pops for Disney’s website.
  • I made a little kit and some cards, too.
  • My cake pops were featured in magazines like People, Entertainment Weekly, Taste of Home, Family Circle, O, and more.
  • I went on the Today Show. Kathie Lee shook the pop a bit too hard and got candy coating on her eyelashes. My stomach sunk. Mortified.
  • The book has been printed in several languages throughout the world. Craziness.
  • And there’s a couple more fun things coming that I can’t say just yet.


But that’s not all that’s happened because of these tiny treats on a stick. So many other things have popped on the scene because you all fell in love with the cake pops I made. Your excitement and enthusiasm for cake pops are probably the biggest reason for their success and why they are now so popular. For example…

  • Cake pops are sold in a certain world dominating coffee shop.
  • Bakeries and cupcake shops now sell them in their lineup.
  • Businesses have packaged sprinkles and such to market for them.
  • Commercials and other kits appeared. Some even use my designs. Flattering, I guess one could say.
  • Machines are now on the market to make them … albeit they don’t let you mix the frosting in or custom shape them.
  • Other books have surfaced on the topic, too, which just reinforces how popular cake pops have become.


But it’s not all that stuff that makes me shake my head in amazement. You guys have done so much with them on a personal level and have continued to inspire me along the way.

  • So many of you have started home businesses selling cake pops.
  • Or websites devoted to cake pops
  • Or created rollers or stands or just about anything else you can think of to make or use with cake pops.
  • I know many of you that make them just for fun. And make lots of them.
  • Your emails and stories brighten my day every time I read them. There have been so many sweet ones too. Emails from all over the world. From places I’ve never even heard of. Some that made me cry and some that made me laugh. But all that made me feel so special to have played a little part in bringing smiles to your lives.
  • Big hugs and congratulations to all of you, too!


I think cake pops have definitely made their mark in the baking world, making life a little bit sweeter.

Actually, I think we need a National Cake Pop Day. Or an International Cake Pop Day. And today seems like a great choice to me. That’s it I’m proclaiming February 1, the Official Unofficial Cake Pop Day. Who’s with me?

I’d love for you to tell me if cake pops have meant anything special to you.

  • Do you sell them? What’s your site?
  • Have you made them on your blog? I’d love to see.
  • Do you have a picture of yours on your facebook? Share a link.
  • Do you follow my facebook page for cake pop inspiration?
  • Do you have the book? Do you have a favorite design?
  • Are you a Pop Star? Do you want to be?
  • Have you started a business to help people make them?
  • Maybe you’ve just eaten them before. Or have seen them at a bakery or wedding or party.
  • Maybe someone has given them to you as a gift.
  • And maybe you have no idea what I’m talking about? That’s okay, too.

Leave a comment or a link and let’s share.

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510 comments on “Cake Pops: An adventure”

  1. What an amazing journey! I started my blog about the time you did and have followed you ever since. When you first introduced cake pops I flipped. I LOVED the cuteness!

    When I first saw cake pops grace the cover of a magazine I was outraged that they copied your idea…then I realized it was you in the magazine!!!

    Even though you don’t know me from Adam I feel like I know you, like we’re friends. Thank you for sharing your passion for baking and a little insight to your life.

    While I don’t have any cake pops posted here’s a look at a few baking creations I’ve made.

    Again, Thank you! :)

  2. I just found your site while searching Google for what to do with left over cake pieces….brilliant! I love your site and love your story…..good for you! I made ‘Cake Pop Bling’ and linked to your site – nice job Bakerella!


  3. I made them on the STOP SOPA day when we all boycotted the blog. I haven’t gotten them up on my site yet! It was my first try and I ended up making red velvet cake with red, white and black candy bits and dyed almond bark to decorate. They turned out fantastic and if I had my act together i would have had them up on the site already. I have to admit I was afraid to make them, so I bought the coffee shop kit (cough) and made them at home. But now I have been requested by my fiance to make them for his Valentines day party at work. They are perfect for office parties or kids parties at school. Small, not messy or crumbly, easy clean up and for the kids less sugar the teachers say THANKS!

  4. Happy Anniversary, Bakerella! I first saw you on Martha, then again on PW.

    I have made cake balls once, but I’d rather eat the ones that other people make for me. We have a big annual fundraiser for a nonprofit I’m involved with and this will be our second year buying cake pops. The guests LOVED them last year (I didn’t even get one!).

  5. i started following you back in the beginning too! LOVED the idea, and made them for my sons 2nd birthday party. everyone loved them, but we kind of ‘moved on’ … watching and listening, but than just like you said BANG cake pops are everywhere! We buy them at starbucks (so good), we got a machine (which is awesome with pancake batter – yum yum) and we have made them faithfully for three years at home just because… thank you! God bless and keep baking!

  6. I own a company based in the UK who not only sell Cake Pops but also hold Cake Pop Workshops! At a Cupcake Workshop the other day I got talking to one of my students about Cake Pops and she hadn’t heard of you so of course I sang your praises and gave her a link to your website! :)

    I have such fun making Cake Pops and here is a link to some pictures of mine on Facebook:

    Lots of love! Keep baking! :)

    Ami @ Little Penguin xxxx

  7. Cake Pop Day is also my boyfriend’s birthday!! i think i will never forget this day :)

    dear Bakerella, you’re gorgeous, really love your cake pops!

    take care and god loves you:)

  8. I started making cake pops to help pass the time while I had to be at home and now here is my facebook page.
    Mom’s Marvelous Munchies Sweets N Treats

  9. When are you coming to Salt Lake City, Utah for a book signing?

  10. YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION!!!! Now I’m going to school to get a degree in bakery and pastry management, but in the mean time, I’ve started a side business and everyone LOVES my pops. I hope to be as good as you someday!!

  11. Not to mention you have created some jobs in the good old USA! I’m a huge fan of your blog but never comment due to shyness. However, I just had to let you know, thanks to you, a little home business here in central Wisconsin has taken off and has helped my family emensely. My partner in the business and myself refer to you as our Goddess, your website as our church, and our Cake pop book as our bible.( Figuratively speaking of course) I can’t thank you enough for helping me through a tough economy and a dying little town. God bless you girl.

  12. Hey Bakerella, My sister and I blog at A Beautiful Mess ( and we love your blog. I’ve been a fan for years. I often cater weddings and I get lots of requests for cake pops. Thank you for your beautiful creations and constant inspiration-you rock!

  13. In December, my four-year-old nephew’s friend wanted so badly NOT to share her last cake pop that she shoved the whole thing in her mouth. My nephew, Jack, had never even tasted as much as a tiny bite of a cake pop, but he was pretty bummed.

    A few days later, Jack’s dad, my brother, called me to see if I’d be interested in watching Jack for a day while he and his wife went on a massive out-of-town shopping trip to outfit their new house. Of course I’d hang out with Jack, because I hop at any chance to see him.

    My brother asked if, while I was there, I would make cake pops with Jack. My sister-in-law told Jack that they could make cake pops at home, and who better to make the cake pops with than me, the aunt who bakes?

    Every time I spoke with Jack over the next few weeks, he mentioned cake pops. Every time he spoke with my parents over the next few weeks, he mentioned cake pop (at one point he called them “cake pox”). He was so excited to finally taste cake pops — and make them himself. The kid couldn’t wait to make cake pops — and neither could I!

    I’ll never forget the messy experience of making cake pops at the kitchen table with my nephew. It was a special day for both of us!

  14. Where would I have known about cake pops if not for Bakerella? I must admit that it’s how cute cake pops looks that got me started on them. I’ve done it once for my daughter’s teachers as a Teacher’s day gift.

    I’ve been sharing about cake pops on my blog as well. I’m planning to make some soon, perhaps for Valentine’s Day and Easter!

  15. Hi Bakerella!

    You inspire me every day with your cake pop ideas. Many of them I have used to make cake pops for my friends and family or to come up with new ideas. You can check them out over on my website: Congratulations; I can’t believe it has been 4 years!

  16. You were the first person to inspire me to start baking. I remember a couple years ago I made a guitar cake for my dad for his studio opening party. There was a woman there that was talking all about you and your website. As soon as I got home I jumped on my computer and looked you up. I was 21 (I’m now 23) and live off your website. I bake cake pops every moment I get and usually just give them away for free since I feind such enjoyment in making them.
    I want to thank you for creating such an inspirational website for people at any age! I got your book last year and I am in love with every creation. Shh…I sometimes flip through the pages just to look at the pretty pictures when I’m bored! :] Anyways, this post is getting quite long but you are truly my hero and hey..if you ever need a personal assistant or just plain person at your beckoning call…I’m free! haha :D
    That is my baking facebook that has all my cakepops on it! Thank you again Bakerella. You’re amazing! <3

  17. We LOVE Cake Pops! I think the first batch we made was 2 years ago. We brought them to our school family fun night for the “Cupcake Walk”. Last year we made them for Valentine’s treats for school, And now my oldest daughter who is 12 is baking more and more and starting her own little blog about her baking adventures. She LOVES BAKERELLA and is constantly looking at your site and cookbook for inspiration and recipes to use. Yours are her favorites. Thank you for making those very first pink cake pops! We are fans forever!

  18. It was those same pink cupcake pops that got me started with this addiction also. =) I think you have featured my Diet Coke cans and Muppet pops in your pop stars section, awesome! I’ve met a lot of talented people through your facebook page but you continue to be the most inspiring! what a revolution.. thanks for being so cool. Here’s my facebook page:

  19. I found you while researching favor ideas for my wedding in ’08. I somehow lost you and found you again in ’10 and I’m so glad. I love reading you blog and have made cake balls many many times (no cake pops yet). Now my mom, brother and mother in law make them too. They are always a hit. I haven’t perfected coating them yet but still trying. I get excited for you as you become more popular and think it’s funny (sort of) that huge cake companies have copied you. I think you deserve all the credit.

  20. I have a story about cakepops that I’ve been sharing with others for the last 3 1/2 years- but never with you.
    So here goes.
    My niece is an officer in the navy and she brought our family to spend Thanksgiving with her after she got back from a 18 months in Iraq. She was stationed in Hawaii- so it was a real nice holiday. While we were there she was supposed to take a dessert out to one of the groups of young recruits that were out of the loop- no bus, no close places to eat- these guys didn’t even have car privileges at this point- and the command was supposed to put together a nice Thanksgiving meal for them.
    I had just seen you make cake pops with Martha and I mentioned them to my niece as a possibility. She loved the idea and so we set out to make 400 cake pops.
    We were more concerned to get enough made so we weren’t too worried about cute, but we did dip them in chocolate and sprinkle them with fall colors.
    After we got them finished, I packed them up on trays and told her to take them. She said we all had to go- but I thought these young guys weren’t going to want old ladies hanging around their party. She insisted I come and I’m so glad we did!
    These boys were so young- most of them still teenagers, but quite a few of them had wives and children. Babies all over the place- and a number of the wives couldn’t speak English very well yet, so they had some difficulty communicating.
    When we walked in with those trays of cake pops- they just disappeared from in front of us. There were pies and cookies, brownies and a boughten cake- but the cake pops were what was taken first. And then the young women put the babies in our arms with shy smiles. It was like we were there to represent the grandmas those babies hadn’t seen yet. The grandmas who couldn’t be there.
    The cake pops opened up a place- gave us a chance to touch the hearts of young families.
    Thanks for giving me the chance that Thanksgiving.
    and thanks for giving me the chance to share this with you.

  21. You inspired my 6 year old daughter with Down syndrome to ask for a “Bakerella” birthday party and when I sent you an email about it, you so kindly sent her a Bakerella t shirt that arrived just as her party was starting. It thrilled her! (And the kids had a blast dipping and decorating their cakepops).

  22. These are so clever!!

  23. I just love making cake pops! My favorite flavor is definitely red velvet! I made some for my daughter’s 3rd birthday and they seemed to be a big hit!

    If you scroll down you can see my lion and tiger cake pops that I made for her safari themed birthday!

  24. I have followed your blog since the beginning.

    I loved the photos and stories of baking with your niece. Does she still bake with you and is she a “cakepopper”?

    The inspiration you offer your fans is more than just creativity in the kitchen. You are a real role model and we have all learned so much about attitude and how to deal with adversity, and how to live.

    Thank you. You have so much to offer and you share with the greatest generosity of spirit.

    I am grateful.

  25. I’m just getting started trying to sell cakepops along with other handmade things, but I fell in love with these the first time I tried them. Then I was overheard talking to someone in the isles of Hobby Lobby when I was looking at your book, which I now own and LOVE, and was approached by a young lady who ask me if I knew anything about making wedding cakes. My response was “not really” but I have made some cake pops for different occasions and everyone loves them. Once I explained what they were, I got a relieved look from her mother who was currently flipping through the pages of a cake decorating book. She asked me on the spot “Could you make some for a wedding?”. My natural response was “Of course. They would be perfect for a wedding.” Then she continues…” Could you make 100 of them for a wedding in 2 days?”. At first I was a little reluctant because I hadn’t made that many at once and didn’t know if I could have them made in time, but I said sure, and since I had been contemplating making them to sell and I could tell they were trying to save money by looking through cake books and making a cake themselves, I offered to make them for free if they would supply the materials. To make a long story short, I am setting up my facebook page and ordering brochures and business cards, and I came to a problem…I want to be able to show people examples incase people have been living under a rock and didn’t know what cake pops were, lol, and I was wondering if you would be ok with me using some of your pictures to show examples as long as I provide a link to your website? I won’t claim I made them, simply that I can make them if that’s the kind they want, and as I have more examples of my own to show, I will post those. I don’t want to take credit for your ideas, but I just wanted to make sure I checked with you before I put up the pictures or ordered any brochures. Thanks, and your book and blog has been a great inspiration to me, and since I am a stay at home army wife that also homeschools my girls currently, these have given me hope that maybe I can make a little income from home.

  26. Bakerella, you inspired me to make my first pops!! I have always loved baking and so as soon as I read your blogs on cake pops I just had to try them. I have been popping for almost 2 years now and they always put smiles on peoples faces!!

    Thank you from London, UK for sharing your pretty work.

    Here is a link to my cake pop album on my Facebook page:

    Marie xx

  27. I started following your blog when I saw you on Martha Stewart during her cupcake week. My son was just a little guy when I saw them but was so excited for when he was in school so I could make them for his class. Well, he’s now 4 and in preschool and I make pumpkin shaped ones for his school’s field trip to the pumpkin patch. Cake on a stick? Love.
    I know we’ve never met (book signings always conflicted with other things – grr), but through your blog, seeing all you’re doing, I get excited FOR you! When I saw cake pops being sold at said coffee giant and when my sister saw them at Harrods while in London, it was clear that cake pops had made an impact.
    Congratulations on your success and I wish you the best in the future! I also wish you the best of health and am so glad for your successful transplant. I hope your story inspires others to be organ donors too!

  28. I am a home baker and brand new blogger. I recently watched your video tutorial and attempted to make cake pops for the first time. They were so much fun to make! Here’s a link. Thanks for the inspiration!

  29. I sell cake pops, cake balls, cupcakes etc. I make them for my blog too. The business is, the blog is

    Yesterday I made strawberry cake balls that look like chocolate dipped strawberries!

    All of my other creations are on my facebook site:

    I follow you on facebook and twitter because I love you!
    I don’t have the book but I WOULD LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to be a popstar!

    I hope you’re having a great day! I’m sad to have missed you when you came to Austin.

  30. I just wanted to say Thanks so much for sharing your talents! I’ve been reading your blog since 2008 when I lived in Taiwan and was getting anxious for life back in North America. I couldn’t wait to make my first cake pops. 5 kids later, I still haven’t made them yet, but I got your book for Christmas and I will make the cupcake ones for my twins’ birthday next month! Please keep sharing your sweetness!

  31. I am in love with making cake pops. Thank you so much for bringing this to light! I now run my own home based business for cake pops and cupcakes. And because i can, I get to spend more time with my kids. You’ve made my ultimate goal a reality! I also have kitchen helpers when I’m popping away!
    Here’s my website for my business:
    Thank you so much for this wonderful gift.

  32. These cake pops have helped change my life! I’m 18 trying to go to college.I started making these at home and selling them! People love them! Like my page on facebook @Pre’s Cake Pops and fallow me on Twitter @PresCakePops

  33. Hi Angie, ever since I found out that I was pregnant, I been toying with the idea of starting a business. Many fleeting ideas came and were gone (it’s been almost 2 years) but when I saw your Cake Pops. I immediately locked in the idea. You and your Cake Pops are the reason I tried to bake for the first time. Believe it or not. Thank you so much.

    Do you sell them? What’s your site?
    Yes, I do. As you can see, I named my shop after your “Pop Star” section.

    Have you made them on your blog? I’d love to see.
    I recently celebrated my son’s 1 year old birthday. It was a dinosaur-themed party and we had Dino Cake Pops of course!

    Do you have a picture of yours on your facebook? Share a link.
    Here’s our Facebook Page:

    Do you follow my facebook page for cake pop inspiration?
    Of course! So many incredible “Pop Stars” there~

    Do you have the book? Do you have a favorite design?
    Yes!!! Definitely the Cupcake Pops.

    Are you a Pop Star? Do you want to be?
    Not yet but I will submit a photo soon~

  34. I have put it in my diary and it have it to repeat every year. End ? Never. 1st February will always be cake pop day !

  35. I have followed your blog right from the start. In fact, I think I remember your first two or three posts and may have left some of your first comments. I knew you were onto something when I saw those pops for the first time.

    When my daughter graduated elementary school in 2009, I made the cupcake versions in school colours – they were a huge hit. Now that they’re everywhere, I smile when I see what they’ve turned into but today in Starbucks I saw their Valentine versions and my heart sunk a bit… I hope you’ve had ample compensation for your creation. If not, you deserve it.

  36. Nothing has ever taken me by storm like your cakepops. I love creating them, making them, selling them and watching people’s faces when they see them. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You never cease to amaze me with your creativeness.

  37. I found your website around Christmas and purchased your Cake Pop kit, I plan to bake and sell cake pops soon!

  38. I absolutely love your cake pops so much so that my kids got me your book for Christmas!!! and yes I also got the machine to make them so I can make them both ways…I love the different ideas you have and I am always looking for inspiration. I didn’t post the last ones that I made but when I make them again(soon) I am definitely going to post them. They are just the right size treat for someone who doesn’t want a whole lot of sweets. I am just beginning to start to sell them so hopefully I will have much success!! Thanks for making the world a sweeter place…one cake pop at a time!!

  39. I love your blog!! I actually attempted cake pops for a Children’s Miracle Network fundraiser…couldn’t get the whole “pop” part so I went for cake balls instead! Turned out great though, sold a bunch for a great cause! It all started here with your blog, I was so inspired! Keep baking, you’re awesome!

  40. I watched the Martha video and all ll want to say is GOOD FOR YOU!

  41. Since learning about your cake pops which I discovered about 3 years ago, I have tired and failed (but they still tasted good). i tried again after getting your book and success came with it. I just make it for fun for my 2 girls and share with their friends. Thanks for making cake pops a lot of fun to make!

  42. You definitely are a REVOLUTIONARY! I, like you, had cakeballs at a Christmas party a few years back, and after a few trials and errors, I began making them. You are a rock star. I have been following your blog for about 2 years, it’s even my homepage. I agree that February 1 should be Cake Pop Day. Funny thing I sold my few order of cakeballs just this week. Thanks for all the laughter and love you have shared with the world!

  43. I saw them in a bakery and said “I can do that”. Well that was a disaster so I bought the book! Next thing I knew I was making them and people were asking me to either teach them or make them for their parties and events. I loved making them so I usually just charged them for the materials. It was a bit like therapy for me making them. I love to bake and with the chance to be artistic it was a home run for me! Since people usually gave me a “tip” in addition to what I charged them because they were so overjoyed, I gave that money to my kids who in-turn put it in their piggy banks. Over the course of about 6 months they had enough for us to go to Disneyland for two days!!!! The biggest cake pop explosion I had was when my sister in law and I took orders through her parents sandwich shop for Easter. We EACH ended up having to make 200 cake pops. We were making chickies, sheep and bunnies until we could no longer stand the smell of candy melts! Even my two year old and four year old know how to make them (and eat them). I have made everything from “Pixie wand” cake pops to just about every design out of your book!

  44. Super cute and easy to make!

  45. LOVE cakepops ! We have a facebook account “Elgin Cake Pops” and I keep track of what I have sold and done. My husband and I have a great time with it. He is in school right now to become a pastry chef. Some have turned out great others….well its a learning process, but so fun. THANKS again for your inspiration . Stay well….

  46. I ate my first cake pop in a star-emblem coffee shop in Mexico! And now I see them everywhere! Felicidades!

  47. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog, your cake pops and your amazing upbeat lookout on life. Reading this post, I kinda feel like a part of your journey. I have been reading and following your blog for quite a while and finally made my first successful cake pops! My last attempt about 2 years ago was unsuccessful and I was scared to try again, then a bought your book, read it from cover to cover and then tried again…I am so glad I did, because I love making them now. My kids love them to eat and also gave them as gifts this Christmas to their teachers and I got great compliments back. I am inspired by you to keep experimenting with them and maybe one day be able to make a business out of it (my mom thinks I should! lol!) Anyway, THANK YOU so much for doing what you do and for taking us along for the ride!

    I hope this link comes thru ok….My first successful attempt at Cake Pops!

  48. About 3yrs ago, my sister-n-law’s “DAD”, sent me an email with your website link. I have been baking for family for years and he thought it was something I would like. He had no idea how much you would inspire me. I have been following you ever since!! I have an 8 year old niece who has been baking with me since she was 3 and we love making cake pops for all her school events and birthdays. I have a small business now thanks to your inspiration and I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to follow you. Even though we have never spoken or met, I feel like we are lifelong friends. I would love for you to stop by my FB page.

  49. ok, i’ve marked feb 1st on my calendar as national cake pop day………

    your site brings a smile on my face (after i pull the “omg how cute face”) the pics are fantastic………and your words are beautifully written……….(and funny too. ) thanx for giving us a place to visit and for sharing all your fantastic ideas and creations.
    i hope the next big surprise is “that you are coming to melbourne australia” pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fingers crossed !

  50. I’ve made cake pops (or balls) at my kids’ birthday parties for the past few years. Now, tomorrow I begin my first day of work at a bakery. My job? Exclusively making cake pops. They are so popular that they hired someone (me) just to make cake pops. So, thank you Bakerella for the paid hours of fun I am about to have!

  51. I make cakepops for friends events all the time now! I’ve even done birthday favors =)

  52. Yes I have your cookbook and have made these yummy cupcake cake pops. I have made numerous recipes! My favorite cupcake recipe is the chocolate cup cake recipe made from a bunt cake recipe. It contains cake mix, sour cream, mini chocolate chips and mixes up like a mousse. Very yummy!!!

  53. Got me teary eyed! Congratulations on your success and sharing a little bit of sweetness with so many!

    What a dream come true for you, an amazing journey that so many only wish could come their way!

    A great example of how something so small can impact so much and so many!

    Cake pop cheers to many more years of success!

  54. Bakerella, thanks so much for the cake pop inspiration! I do not have a business but I do make pops for friends. I love making them and experimenting. I have been a popstar, I submitted a photo of some Angry Bird Pops I made for my son’s 3rd birthday. I have a link to my Facebook album, does not include the Angry Birds, not sure where those pictures are! For Valentine’s Day, my son’s Kindergarten teacher has asked me to come help make cake pops with the kids. Thanks again for the blog, I look forward to your new posts!

  55. I LOVE cake pops. I used them for a fundraiser last year for when I walked the Komen 3 Day in Dallas. In 3 days, I raised over $800 (5 pops for $10 – the was a LOT of pops…)

  56. omgsh! i started following your blog like about a year now, you are AMAZING (: i’ve been wanting to make cake pops since the first time i saw it & even remember telling my dad i wanted your book for my birthday (never got it though :/ ) but anyway i finally make em & everyone wanted to make em afterwards & kept asking how to make em ha
    well congrats on the anniversary & i hope you have many more blessing to come (:

  57. I have the cake pops book! Making cake pops is hard for me, but I’m hoping to get a cake pop maker! Then I could made lots of cake pops. I am only 12 ,but I dream of owning my own bakery, so I can bake all day! :)

  58. For me it all started when my daughter gave me your sweet Cakepop book. Her and I made them together the first time out of the gates. Like most I feel in love with them. I then became a blog follower and a Bakerella fan for life. I started making and selling basic cakepops to friends, coworkers and they appeared at just about every family gathering or celebration. My family has been my best taste testers. Although I’ll never get rich making these cute little pops, it has be a creative and challenging journey for me. I have begun selling small cakepop stands on Etsy, and also host monthly Cakepop classes to instruct others on the tips I’ve discovered along the Cakepop journey. I try to made the classes informative and give credit to where it mostly began, with YOU!. It’s interesting how something so small has touched so many of us in a positive way. Thank you for sharing your adventure and allowing us all to be a small part of it. I second the motion on national Cakepop DAY! xoxox

  59. I loved the cake pops! I have your book! Your creativity has changed how I look at entertaining for dessert.
    I made cake pops for a baby shower for a friend of mine last April as favors. I did yellow cake and then coated them with blue melting chocolate and drizzled them with white. Put them in transparent blue cellophane bags and tied with a little boat. (It was a baby boy nautical themed party). It was so much fun. I’m going to do some tonight for my brunch tomorrow. Heart shaped cake balls with strawberry cake. Still thinking about the design for them.
    All this fun is because you had fun one day! Thank you!

  60. I agree we need a cake pop day! I remember the first ones I made were the chicks for Easter service at church and that was before they became so main stream. People thought I was so talented! But how do you show case those beautiful things – like this!

    thanks for sharing your stories and ideas!

  61. Happy belated cake pop day Bakerella! Have been following you for a few years now, stumbled on your blog one day searching for cupcake recipes and love it so much, I can’t wait for Monday to see what wonderful new ideas you have in store. I have made cake bites, cupcake bites, cupcake pops, christmas tree pops, snowman pops.. I love making them and my friends/fam love seeing and eating them! Their smiles are the best part! I love your other ideas too, the bikini beach bears where a huge hit, and the chocolate chip cookie dough brownies. The petits fours and macarons are next on my list, as soon as I can work up the courage! Thank you so much for your creativity, humor and generosity in sharing with us. You feel just like a good friend to me! Above all, please stay healthy!! xoxo

  62. Hi my name is Libby Lu and I make videos on youtube. I made one for Halloween and here’s the link. I made oreo truffles and made them Halloweeney and on a stick!

    Thank you for always inspiring me!

  63. The first time I made cake balls was just to have a cute and different dessert at a party…but this would turn out to be merely a trial run.

    Almost two years ago when I had just started dating my current boyfriend he informed me that his mother and two brothers were coming to visit.
    Of course I was nervous! I knew I wanted to make something delicious to impress them but I didn’t want something boring or risk making something not all of them would like.
    Then it hit me: CAKE POPS!

    The mom and one brother love dark chocolate and the other brother likes white chocolate. No problem! I covered some in white and others in dark and did a decorative drizzle with the contrasting chocolate.
    They were all very impressed and now whenever my boyfriend’s mother visits she hints to him to ask me to make “those cake truffles” for her!

    Cake balls/pops are so fun and versatile I love making them for parties. My boyfriend absolutely loves chocolate cake one covered in melted peanut butter chips. Yum!

  64. I followed your blog for a while, and after being inspired I started to make them myself… then about a year ago I started a business called Sweetie Pie, where I make mostly cake pops, macarons and stationery. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have found my love for all of it… Now about a month ago I started a blog : and my second post was dedicated to thanking you! The post is called It all began with cake pops and Bakerella… He is the link:

    So again, thank you for being such an inspiration!

    With love, from Costa Rica,

  65. Some time ago I discovered your blog, and your cake pops and I was delighted with them. They looked sooo funny! And a few months ago I made my first cake pops, with my daughter (very simple really …) but I loved them! and put them on my blog # more.
    And today I am making another for the birthday of one of my children, and I’m looking for inspiration for your blog, so I can only say thank you because you inspire me a lot. I read all your stories, but do not write comments. I live in Spain, and here as you know you are very famous. Congratulations on all your success and to continue!
    Happy Pops Day!

  66. Congratulations Bakerella!!! I have been following your blog since I saw you on Martha Stewart and check it everyday. It always brings a smile to my face to see your beautiful creations and occasionally a tear to my eye when you share your inspirational story!
    All the best and continued success to you :)

  67. It’s amazing what you’ve been able to do in four short years!! Congrats! I love seeing what pop idea you come up with next! I am jealous at how smooth yours are though… lol My cousin got married last year and they had a green apple themed wedding. They were looking for favors and were inspired by your red apple pops – it ended up with them asking me to make them green a apple cake ball wedding cake (slightly terrifying for me). It worked out great and they loved it – thanks for the inspiration!
    (sorry the link is for the whole album, but they are in there!)

  68. It really has been quite the adventure! I am so happy you started making cake pops, so much so that I started a little site of my own! We call them Lolly Cakes up here in Boston but they taste just as great! Thank you for everything!

  69. What an amazing story! I have finally made my first cake pops and had so much fun. My 5 year old daughter helped me, although she had much more fun eating them.
    My first attempt is here…

    I have also made chocolate ones that can be seen here…


  70. I decided to make them for my RA staff after perusing the website, and since then I’m a veritable Cake Pop maniac! I baked them for my Professional Staff bake off, and won! (I’ve never won anything in my life, so this was a big deal)

    Thank you so much for your creativity! (The cake pops that won!) (Cake Pops for Christmas!)

  71. Didn’t get my name in on the previous comment.

    “Happy Official Unofficial Cake Pop Day! You are such an inspiration! I live in Chennai, India and most ingredients used in cake pops aren’t available locally. I tried though. I just HAD to!

  72. Happy Official Unofficial Cake Pop Day! You are such an inspiration! I live in Chennai, India and most ingredients used in cake pops aren’t available locally. I tried though. I just HAD to!

  73. Girl, you have completely rocked the baking world!! And I just have to say, as someone reading you from the very beginning (I’ve been blogging since 2006), I am AMAZED by your generous attitude!! You don’t seem one bit perturbed that soooo many are replicating your idea. Each time I see a cake pop some where, I say THOSE WERE BAKERELLA’S IDEA! The lawyer in me is dying to know whether you are trademark/patent protected :-)

    Happy Anniversary and you are SUCH an inspiration!

  74. My sister and I made the easter chicks and bunnies–they are so darn cute! She has gone on to make cake pops for birthday partiesand other kid-friendly occasions. I bought her the book for her birthday and just gave her daughter a kit for her 13th birthday. Long live the cake pop!

  75. Bakerella your post was just so sweet!! I don’t have a blog of my own, but I sell homemade baked goods, at first I was just selling cakes and cupcakes, but I discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago and now I’m also selling cake pops! You’ve inspired me so much! Even though I’m still a beginner on making cake pops I think I’ve learned a lot from you and I wanna thank you for all your wonderful posts and recipes you’ve shared, you deserve everything that has been given to you and more :) Happy cake pop day!

  76. I found you through Ree’s website (love The Pioneer Woman) and you immediately went into my favorites!!!! I bought your book and my daughter and I had the best time making the cupcake pops! They are my fave! I also make some cake pops for my Mom’s boutique opening and one of my best friends made some cake balls for it as well. I am so glad I clicked on the link on PW’s blog that day! You seem like the sweetest person ever and I hope that one day I can meet you!!! Congratulations and thank you for sharing you creativeness with us!!!!! Hugs!!!

  77. I absolutely adore you and the addition to cake pops that I have. My friends, family, and co-workers know that a holiday or birthday will not pass by without me producing some fun cake pops for them!! I have the book and would not trade the time that I get to spend with my daughter making cake pops for anything. I just recently started blogging, but have many photos posted on FB. My dream is to be a PopStar!!. Here is to another four years and many more!! Thank you so much for this gift that you have given us humble bakers!

  78. Bakerella, I was so excited when I first found out about you and your cake pops. Its been almost a year since I made my first ones. Your website and book are my inspiration. :)

    I just started up a blog the other day so I can start displaying them, I wouldn’t mind selling cake pops but haven’t looked into it much yet.

  79. I’ve only been making them for a month or so, but I’m hooked, I love that they let me eat just a little bit of sweet & are so good! So far, I just give them away. On s small scale. But I’m thinking that I could go s bit bigger. We’ll see…

  80. Just made some tonight with a group of teen girls at their youth group activity. They thought they were so fun, and that the ones one the site were so cute. I still need help on making the chocolate the perfect consistency for a smooth finish, and keeping the pop from coming off the stick.

  81. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful idea with the world and starting a whole crazy/fun cake pop revolution! I love yourstory about just wanting to be on the blog. I definitely know how that feels! My friend and I decided to dedicate a whole blog post ( to cake pops just so we could be pop stars! What we ended up with was a funny story and a memorable experience! So I just want to say thank you so much for sharing your amazing life and ideas with us!

  82. Congrats (and Happy Nat’l Cake Pops Day) :) My first experience with cake pops was probably about 3 years ago, when a co-worker at the time said she was going to make “cake pops” for our office Halloween potluck. I had never seen or had a cake pop before, but the red velvet cake pops she brought in were delicious and I found myself coming here that evening after googling recipes for them. I’ve been reading your blog ever since. I’m so inspired when I come here, but have yet to make cake pops of my own. I’m afraid I’d get too addicted, lol. Keep up the awesome work and I look forward to seeing what other adventures you will be taking us!

  83. Hi Bakerella watching you on Martha Stewart changed my life forever as well. I made the cupcake pops right away and my kids fell in love with them. Due to my lack of time I designed a cupcake pop mold for personal use. However, I kept thinking others might be able to use one as well and that was the start of My Little Cupcake. You are so creative and a huge inspiration. I’m so happy you are doing well and wish you continued success!

  84. Your blog is my bible!
    I’ve managed to make a little business selling cupcakes and cake pops – while ALSO getting going to school full time, working, and just being a 22 yr old girl. Because I love them THAT much!
    While they do take work, I like to call it passion, it’s so worth it to see the end result and how cute they are!
    So thank you, for being a creative baker and sharing your gift with the world!

  85. Like so many, I am deeply inspired by your story and sweetness. Having bought your book, I have made hundreds of cake pops for pleasure and profit. They are always a big hit and people just seem to love them. You can view mine on my website, facebook page and I plan to post more on my blog, to celebrate a belated “National Cake Pops Day”! Thank you for creating something so fun and new and for sharing it with the world. It is wonderful that you are blessed beyond your wildest dreams with a humble and sweet beginning. May God continue to bless you.

  86. Cake pops are awesome and I mentioned your “name” at least once a day when talking about them! I started with your book that I got for a gift last Christmas and have been making them for the past year. I have tried many of yours and done some of my own. I love all the colors and different arrangements to be made! I have a website and I sell them locally thank you so much for your inspiration – your even on my web page! I am all for cake pop day!!!

  87. Oh my gosh.. the first time I saw cake pops was when my niece made some and brought them to a family event. Several family members are foodies and we gather just to talk about new blogs or websites. You and your amazing talent, world ,website, and incredible self (you)is the most talked about. I have everything thing you do – your book, kits, cards…I made the reindeer cake pops and entered a baking contest and I won! Yes!!!! we need a cake pop day!

  88. i saw the commercial for the pan that bakes cake pops and was confused at what they were. i went online and saw your website. CRAZY! what cave was i living in?? i tested the pan & the original way (cake w/ frosting mix in it). either way, my family & friends went wild. i put together a bouquet for Valentine’s Day. advertised at work. i have 12 orders! OMG! each bouquet is 1/2 a dozen and some want a full dozen. check out my bouquet on facebook. you are an inspiration to all of us! thank you for making life a little sweeter.!/photo.php?fbid=2510993421282&set=a.1321195397075.2038697.1446512837&type=3&theater!/photo.php?fbid=2510997701389&set=a.1321195397075.2038697.1446512837&type=3&theater

  89. I’ve been following your blog since the cupcake pops. Your site was recommended to me as a place for baking ideas, and not being much of a baker, I was hesitant to try anything I found online. Your site has taught me that baking is fun, and a place to be creative. It’s also shown me that mistakes can be made, but that’s okay! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving this mom another way to have fun with her kids; this volunteer another way to fundraise; and this artist another way to be creative!

  90. So crazy and exciting! I remember the first time I ever heard about a cake ball and then rapidly discovered them on sticks, although I have never gotten past just making them into little truffles yet. The cupcake cake pops are absolutely adorable, congrats on all of your success!

  91. I’ve never made, nor eaten, a cake pop – but I know of them for sure. I love a wonderful cinderella blogger story like this – way to go!

  92. I love your cake pops!!! My favorite design from the book would have to be the original cupcakes !! Its just inspiring to know that it was your first. And basically the reason you are so far in your career!! Keep making your BEAUTIFUL creations, because i can assure you they make everyone happy !!!! Sadly, i haven’t made any cake pops yet, but i will make sure to make some very soon !!!! :D <3

  93. Wow, you are amazing and such an inspiration! Congratulations on all of your success!

  94. Dear Bakerella!!

    Congratulations! Your story is great! I just started making cake pops and I Love it! You are a true inspiration!! May you have much more success and show us many more bright ideas of your!!!! Thank you Bakerella!!! You should visit El Paso Texas for a book signing!! I love your book and blog and Everything!!! :)

  95. Dear Bakerella,
    I love your blog! I got your book for Christmas and I have been obbsessed ever since! I just finished reading your blog from the very beginning! I need to start baking, lol:) thank u for introducing me to cake pops!

    -Sydney, age 11

  96. Thank you, Bakerella for your continued inspiration. You have inspired many of us to start our our businesses, blogs, books or just create such sweet treats for our family and friends to enjoy. For me, not only is it a small business but it’s my creative outlet. When the kids are asleep and the house is quiet, I can sit and roll and dip and decorate…it’s my “me” time. Thank you for sharing your ideas and yourself, even when things were really tough for you. You were in many of our thoughts and prayers. Wishing you continued success and good health. Here’s to International Cake Pop Day!

  97. I love your work, it’s amazing! Congrat’s on all of your accomplishments!
    I started making Cake Bites and now I specialize in themed fondant cakes. Lately though, many customers have been asking
    for cake pops and they love them! Thank You!
    my Facebook link is below, I will be adding them to my website!

  98. So happy for you Bakerella! What an impact your wonderful cake pops have had on the baking world! Although I love the variety of types of pops you and others have created, I too gravitate to the original! Thank you for sharing your amazing idea with us!

  99. Well done. I watched the video and you did a great job. You have revolutionised the world of baking :-)

  100. February 1st is a great Unofficial Official Cake Pop Day!!! Actually any day is, but this will make if unofficially official!! We have two ‘signed’ books from your visit to Toronto!! We were so excited to go and it’s the first time my daugher (and grandbaby) have EVER done anything like this!! It was worth it to meet you and your mom!!

    We make these snowmen to sell at a show we do before Christmas. This year I had been thinking about how to do the hat better and I think it turned out quite well. I pipe the features on using a very fine tip for the eyes and mouth and I pipe the nose using orange chocolate melts in a plastic bag with a bit of the corner cut off. I like the more 3D look this gives them!/photo.php?fbid=10150449162169860&set=a.10150342246259860.368068.507194859&type=3&theater

    We made really mini cake pops for Jaclynn’s 1st birthday last year which everyone loved!!

  101. I make them for church to raise money for our youth group. I made the chick ones for Easter and the Christmas trees and Hanukkah cake pops for our Christmas tree/cookie sale (I will say that the kids from the temple across the street LOST IT when they saw Hanukkah cake pops) And I just realized…while Tina Fey didn’t buy my cake pops, she did buy TWO of the Easter basket cupcakes that I made from a recipe on your site!!

  102. You are just amazing Bakerella! I follow your posts and emails every week. I get pretty excited when I see your name pop up in my inbox and just know it’s going to be something that inspires me even more. I have started a home business making cake pops, and am in the process of making my nieces 3rd cake pop birthday cake. I have now mastered the consistency of cake and home made buttercream. Thank you for introducing me to the art of Cake Pops. Thanks again for bringing the va-voom back into my life.. I was certainly lacking the motivation to express my creativity. It’s all back thanks to you. Can’t wait for the next instalment. My congratulations to you could not even begin to cover your success in everything you have achieved in such a short space of time. All my best wishes to you, for a bigger and better 2012~ Love from OZ, Iliana x

  103. Thank you for doing what you do!!

    I love making cake pops. I make them for every and any occasion, and I love the happiness that they bring!

  104. This was such a nice post (despite the dirt and turd commentary hehe) and also very inspiring for a fellow baker/blogger!. I make your cake pops all the time for my friends and family, and just LOVE them. Here is a link to my blog post for my sister’s baby shower and here is a picture of Easter egg cake pops I made last year
    Keep the amazing and innovative baking ideas coming!! XO

  105. I love your story! You are an inspiration. I want to make cherry cake mix cake pops this weekend to send to my daughter away at university. We have your book and it is the first thing my daughters reach for when they want to bake! Thanks.

  106. hi – i don’t have a book or a shop or anything, but just like to bake for fun. i’ve been following your journey via the blog and am really amazed by all that has happened in such a short time! i hope you take time to enjoy it and that you’re continuing to feel well. thanks for letting the rest of us live vicariously through you! :)

  107. Yes! I actually was a teacher and started staying home when I had a little girl- you were my inspiration for cake pops, for sure. So, I began doing cupcakes and cake pops and then ventured out with cakes. I was even in our local newspaper – yay :) I now have child number 2 and things aren’t quite as busy, but you have def. inspired many, and yes I have your book and read your blog when I get a chance. I would be honored for you to take a look at some of my work. I’m also on FB under sweet stella treats Thank you for sharing yourself with the world! :)

  108. Congrats, Bakerella!

    You have single-handedly started a world-wide baking trend! I LOVE cake pops and have made them for the holidays and for party favors for a baby shower. I just bought some cute stands from KC Bakes that I saw on your site for a Sip & See I’m giving at the end of the month. I have yet to make any design pops… I enjoy just the plain ones (they are a lot of work!)

    Blessings this new year in all your cake pop endeavors!


  109. You’ve made the world a little bit sweeter with both your words and your cake pops.

    Happy Birthday Bakerella!

  110. I don’t blog – just a fan of reading blogs. I found your blog when I was reading Ree’s blog. I made the reindeer cake pops with son and he loved making them…my only regret is that I did not take pictures of our completed Reindeer cake pops!
    I love your style, your smile and your enthusiam for baking…it really does just ooze from the screen and become contagious! Love, Marissa

  111. Love your cakepops!
    I made your cupcake pops soon after you appeared on Martha Stewart for Mother’s day. I bought your book as soon as it came out, (I actually pre-ordered it).
    I have made the Hello Kitty pops for my daughter’s 24th birthday and also gave another batch of the cupcake pops as a thank you. My 16 year old daughter and all her friends made a batch of the plain cakepops soon after seeing the thank you pops.
    And this past Christmas I bought another book and the cakepop kit for my sister-in-law because she loved my pops so much.
    I look forward every week to a new post and was worried and concerned and prayed for you last year during your transplant. You are a part of my family.
    Thank you so much for your blog.

  112. Cake Pop Day is a fantastic idea!! I’ve made them several times, although none as cute as what you’ve done. Mine are usually the kind that aren’t much to look at, but are pretty darn tasty.

    Thank you for your creativity, and for sharing it with all of us. You are awesome!

  113. Congratulations on all you’ve done and have been able to do! I love your blog and creations, thank you so much for sharing them with us! :)

    I thought of getting a cake pop maker, but I like the frosting in them so decided not to, I’ll spend the time making them myself. Plus soon enough my children can help :)

  114. Thank you for sharing your journey and your cookie pop inspirations! I am so happy for your continued success. You bring smiles to so many of us. My sister was inspired by your creations and made turkey cookie pops for Thanksgiving: Cheers to you!

  115. Ok so I am probably the only commenter who has YET to make a cake pop. I am an avid baker (mostly lots of varieties of bread and pies), but do not have the “decorating” or “artistic” gene so I have been a little timid. However I check your blog every week so finally I think I am ready. :) My two good friends (one who makes cake pops on a regular basis) are coming over next week for a Cake Pop Baking Day! So thanks for starting this fun new craze and I am sure in no time I will be addicted!

  116. Happy Anniversary! You’ve been an inspiration to me as well. I’ve made them for birthdays and a baby shower. Here are some pics.

    Hello Kitty ones are next for one of my friend’s bday!
    Friends tell me I should sell them. Maybe I will :O)

    Thank you Bakerella!

  117. I own your book and always find inspiration in what you make. You’re amazing! I first made them 3 1/2 years or so ago while we were living in Cuba (while my husband was in the Navy). I eventually started making them for all sorts of parties on the island since there was no way of getting anything like them on island. Everyone loved them and they still bring a smile to people’s faces when I make them for craft fairs here in Florida. :) I am always getting requests for different designs (I have made teacups and hamburgers, for example) and love the challenge of a new design. Thank you for bringing cake pops to the world and being an inspiration to so many of us.

  118. Angie…I so loved reading your story. And do you know, I had NEVER seen that Martha clip! Martha said “turd!” Oh my gosh! Who knew that word was in her vocabulary?!? I just got the biggest kick out of hearing you giggle at her!

    You are one of the most creative and generous people I’ve ever met. I mean, seriously…you brought the world CAKE POPS!!! The WORLD, Angie!

    So happy for all of your success! Cheers to you…and to all the exciting things in your future!

  119. I bought your book at Target over a year ago because I thought the pops were so darned cute! I am not creative but I am very crafty when given a pattern to follow. When I saw your book I just knew I could do them because your directions were so good. It was only later that I found out you have a blog. Anyway, I started this past Halloween withe the ghosts, then at Thanksgiving I did the turkeys and at Crhistmas I made the trees. Now for all the holidays everyone is wondering what I’ll do next. I am even contemplating the little wedding cakes for my daughter’s wedding shower. Thank you for helping me make all the holidays just a little more fun!

  120. Congratulations & Happy Anniversary! I just got an email for cake pop molds. You “little ” idea has created a buisness for everyone. I wish yu got that sweet idea patented

  121. I’m casting my vote for Feb 1 to be Bakerella Day! Yes, my life has been enriched by you, Angie. I’ve made most of your designs and many of my own and have raised thousands of dollars for my kids’ school programs and other non-profits. I’ve hosted many team building sessions, with your signed book as our guide. You’ve honored me 5 times as a Pop Star. I’ve cheered you and your mom and rejoiced in your recovery. Its all GREAT!
    My fav pop are probably the ones I made for my girls’ Viking soccer team “”
    Thanks for the memories and fun that’s yet to be had, Angie!

  122. I just got started making cake pops and my entire family loves them! I have so much fun making them and only HOPE to be as great at decorating them as you are. I just ordered your book and can not wait for it to arrive!

  123. I was so glad to read your post. I was afraid that so many people making the cake pops did not realize that you were the one that created them! I even saw them at that coffee shop that you mentioned!
    With websites like Pinterest and various blogs, there are so many people doing them, but I remember 4 years ago reading your blog, falling in love with them and trying them for my daughter’s birthday party. Since then those have been known as my “thing” for holidays, birthdays, etc. My family is always asking me to make them and if they want the recipe, I refer them to your blog. I love all your stuff! You are so creative! Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful ideas!!!

  124. I made them this week for the opening night of my show! Red white and blue cupcake bites!

    I hope that link works.

  125. PS Happy Cake Popiversary!

  126. I started making “cakepops” in 2009, but I called them Plushies. I felt quite silly once I stumbled across your blog in 2011 and read how you made them. (Mine came out the same, but your way was much easier.) I think what you have done for the Baking World as a whole is fantastic. You are so much more than “cakepops.” Considering your health challenges, and may I add that I pray you continue on a healthy recovery, you never stopped once trying to put a smile on other’s faces. The success you have been given is well deserved. I can not speak for others, but thank you for bringing a little sunshine into my day every once in a while. Has anyone created a “Bakerella CakePop yet?

  127. I just love seeing how creative you are with coming up with different designs. I think you’re a genius! I admit I get a little mad when I see big companies making a profit off your ideas and don’t give you any credit. You should have copyrighted them from day one. :)

  128. YOU inspire me. I made cakepop for my girls bday. Not a baker at all but they loved them for their rock star princess bday party we had at a hotel. I had fun making them and they had fun eating them. Though I think I will stick with making invitations at future parties! LOL.

  129. My daughter made the chick cake pops to ask a boy to a school dance. “This chick wants to go to spring fling with you.” We did yellow ones and placed a pink one in the middle with her name on it so he knew who was asking. It was so fun. We love looking every week to see what you’ve made this time. Thanks Bakerella !!

  130. WOW, what an awesome post! I know you must read/hear this a lot, but I absolutely love your blog. What an incredible journey you have embarked on. Just like the donut, chocolate chip cookie and cupcake, cake pops are here to stay. Congratulations and keep having fun and inspiring others. You are the most creative baker I know! What a fun gift from God! And yes, I too and one of the many who have tried my hand at cakepops thanks to you sharing your idea.

  131. It is incredible what you have created for yourself with these sweet treats. Congratulations for all your wonderful success and thank you for some of the most adorable desserts I’ve ever seen or tasted!

  132. OMG I can’t believe Martha said that!!!! How embarrassing. LOL.
    I just wanted to say thanks for everything you have done. I think you are a cake ball/pop genius and have obviously inspired so many people. For me, I really enjoy trying to come up with new ideas but I also love making the ones in your book, which I actually had signed by you in Walnut Creek, CA!!
    But I have started trying to sell my balls/pops. I’ve sold a few batches but I don’t have the confidence yet to really go for it. I’m working on it!!
    Thanks so much!

  133. Hi Bakerella.

    I´m from Spain and I love your blog. I´ve tried to make some cake pops but here its quite difficult to find the correct ingredients. I just want to thank you for share all your fantastic creations with us, I would like to have your book but I cannot find it in my country. I promise I¨ll keep trying. xoxo from Spain.

    Olé Bakerella!!!

  134. I’ve made cake pops a few times – never anything super fancy, just the round chocolate inside with pink, white or chocolate on the oustide. Everytime, I’m a cake pop hero or something. At my daughter’s high school, which is quite small, the seniors get a treat from a parent every once in a while. I thought Valentine’s Day and cake pops would be a good treat idea when she was a senior, and was I ever right. Every senior received a cake pop (or two) and some of the teachers, too, and my daughter received thank yous and compliments all day long. Even boys were asking for the recipe. Cake pops could save the world. Thank you, Angie!

  135. Happy Cake Pop Day!!! (A day late, but still…)

    I’ve been following your blog for about 2 years, I think, since just before you visited Ree on her blog. Thanks to you I got to introduce all my friends to cake pops. I have your book and everytime I see your T-shirt advertisement I want one of those too, just haven’t seemed to get around to it.

    It’s been so good to see you posting more. My kids and I missed you. We’re praying for you and your mom.

    Hugs from Texas!

  136. Congratulations and Thank you!! I’ve always loved baking and decorating and cake pops are so fun and they are the perfect treat. I’ve made tons and tons of them – I even made bride and groom pops for my daughters wedding. Until recently not a lot of people had ever heard of them and when I’d make them they just thought I was the cleverest person ever.
    I always give you credit and direct them to your website if they want to know how to make them. Thanks for sharing your talents, ideas, beautiful photos and personal stories with all of us.

  137. Happy Cake Pops Day! Keep your spirit and continue doing sooo creative and beautiful things! You’re a star!
    Here’s my two attempts in cake pops, hope you like it! Greetings from Bulgaria :)

  138. I had NO IDEA that it had only been four years! For such a fantastic idea, I thought it would have taken decades (not that I think you look old enough!) or generations for something like CAKE POPS to be created. Congrats! I still do the plain old circle ones, but my daughter thinks I am fantastic, so thank you!

  139. The more I make them, the better at it I get! My friend had a dessert themed baby shower – bring your favorite childhood dessert. So I made rainbow chip cake pops. They were phenomenal!

  140. P.s Bakerella I would be honored if you could check out my new site and see my work :)

  141. love cake pops but so glad to be a part of your life thanks for sharing it with us fans..

  142. I JUST LOVE CAKE POPS!!!! All of them, every single one!!! I just bought your book!! My first attempt at cake pops I was hooked. I do not have nearly enough time to make them as I would like, but I LOVE them!! Thank you for your inspiring posts and extremely creative ideas. They brighten my day

  143. Bakerella,
    First and foremost, thank you for continuing to share all your wonderful ideas with all your fans. All your inspiration as led so many individuals to have a creative outlet such as myself. I began on my Cake Pop journey about a year ago and since then have had such a positive reaction from my family and friends. Family and friends begin to take notice in my talent and passion for making Cake Pops and other sweet treats that they encouraged me to create my own business! As of October 2011 I created my small home based business called Melrose Baking & Party Decor. So again I thank YOU for sharing all your work and giving me the confidence and inspiration I needed to create my own business :) You truly make all your fans including me feel we all have a little inner “Bakerella” <3 My goal is to one day become a Cake Pop star on your page :) So with that said thank you again and congratulations on all your accomplishments! All your fans are behind you 100%!!!!!!

    Here is my favorite Cake Pop I have made thus far..

  144. Love love love you! Yes have the book, follow you on facebook, read your blog posts! You are great!!! :) I do make cake pops altho not my full time job but I loveeee doing them! They are so so so sooooooooo fun! I wish I had more time to make more!

    Come check me out!!!!

    Thanks so much for the inspiration! :)

  145. I love to bake, but I’m not an expert. Your blog posts have inspired and touched me since I started following. I got to see you in person when you were in Chicago a little over a year ago, and sure enough – you’re just as cute and sweet in person as on your blog!! I love that you’re sincere and humble and enthusiastic about life. And on top of that, you’re incredibly talented! Thanks for all you’ve shared and offered to us!!

  146. Bakerella, I’m glad I had the chance to meet you when you came to Chicago. You’re very creative and not only with cake pops, but with your pictures as well. Don’t ever stop blogging!

  147. I love making caking pops! I have made many different variety cake pops for baby showers, Christmas parties, Birthdays and for my boyfriends school, as a fund raiser to help the kids raise money for there uniforms and this Valentines Day the Tennis club will be selling my heart ones for there team. I am able to donate and the kids benefit from it! It is a win win situation all around. I thank you for coming up with the book and website because I could NOT have done it with out your help!

  148. Cake Pops, your book, has inspired us to quit our full-time jobs and start our own Cake Pop Company in NOVA/DC area! We had no idea the impact these cute little desserts would have in the community.

    It started with making 100 cake pops (first trial run) for my husband’s change of command at Walter Reed in Bethesda, MD. The feedback was overwhelming, we had 12 orders and we hadn’t even considered selling these as as a full-time career. Shortly after, we decided if we were going to make a business out of this, we need a good cause and therefore we paired up with Operation Second Chance who helps the wounded, illed, and injured soldiers and their families.

    We had the opportunity to meet the president of OSC, Cindy McGrew, yesterday who is by far the sweetest woman we’ve ever met. She is dedicated to the cause and extremely appreciative of our efforts. Baking for a cause is the most rewarding feeling on earth and we are so happy you have brought this to our lives to share with everyone. Thank you Bakerella and we will be celebrating National Cake Pop Day! (It’s offical in our book!) ;)

  149. You are such an inspiration! And you you have made the world just a little sweeter . Thank you and congrats! I first heard of you by accident while surfing the net about cake ,cupcake ect…….Then I saw it.!… The little oven charm by juicy. You had had a contest…I didn’t win, but eventually got on from my dear hubby for a gift, but I had already fell in love with your website and and come here often.Not just for the cuteness,but your wonderful humor and great outlook on life. I am a subscriber so I get you’re emails, and when I see one from you, it’s the first one I read. Well I could go on, as I am know to babble a bit . Best wishes to you and keep up the great work?

  150. You have certainly been on a wild ride for the past four years. I hope you are feeling well and enjoying your amazingly exciting life to the fullest. Congratulations on your success and Happy Cake Pops Day!!! I have been so inspired by you and your creations and just this week made some cute little Warm Fuzzy Cake Balls to celebrate Valentines Day.
    I wish for you continued success. Have a sweet day,


  151. what a sweet post. Happy Anniversary to the cupcakes cake pops!
    Can’t wait to see what’s coming up next!

  152. Congratulations on all of your wonderful success! :)

  153. I love making cake pops, and grab your book whenever I have a minute. The last cake pops I made were some zebra pops for my Christmas Party.

  154. 1) Do you sell them? What’s your site?- I will sell my pops but didn’t start out to do that. I would make them and give them to my neighbors, co-workers or mail them to family.
    2) Have you made them on your blog? I’d love to see.- I don’t have a blog but I do take a photo of each one and put them on my FaceBook page. I’ve had a few friends who say I should sell them and I tell them about how many other people who are out there (here) doing just that and I work for the Sheirff’s Office 12 hour days I just don’t have the time to put toward making and selling them right now. I like making them on my days off with an audio book on my ears. It just relaxes me!
    3) Do you have a picture of yours on your facebook? Share a link.- my Facebook page can be found at
    4) Do you follow my facebook page for cake pop inspiration?- Oh, yeah! I tagged your page on one of my photos but I did not see it when I looked, {sigh}
    5) Do you have the book? Do you have a favorite design?- yes!!! and I like the farm animals, I added in the chick to these also. As a matter of fact I made them on Sunday and shipped them all right to the family the same night. I spoke to all three house holds last night and all were excited about the gift in the mail!
    6) Are you a Pop Star? Do you want to be?- No :( , But I have not posted. Sure!

  155. I make them for my children’s class for Valentines/Christmas/end of the year.
    I also have for the past 2 years made 300 of them for the grade 8 graduation. I got to know quite a few of the kids through cooking for them at the breakfast program. The program is part fill their bellies part socializing/nurturing, and you know I got so much out of being with the students that I enjoy doing something a little special for them!

  156. You are such an inspiration and I envy you!

    I live in a small Minnesota town where people have never seen or heard of cake pops. I started my own side baking business where people in this small town were being blown away by fondant covered cakes and other gourmet-looking sweets. I ran across your blog about a year ago and tried my first pops – so frustrating the first time! I watched your tutorial video and did it along with you, haha :) I do have your book and follow you on facebook. Now people can’t get ENOUGH of these sweet treats, and people are blown away! I have an album devoted to them on my facebook page:

  157. Thanks so much for giving us cake pops. We have used them for birthday party favors, anniversary favors, just plain fun, and mother’s day gifts. We have made all different shapes and sizes and designs. They are always SOOO beautiful and impressive, and they taste even better! NO ONE refuses a cake pop. We love cake pops!

  158. Bakerella YOU HAVE CHANGED THE WORLD!!! …And now I’ve hitched my sled to your sleigh and i’m COMING WITH YA!!!!!!
    You inspired me to start my own website, and cake pops are actually the first thing that i made!!
    Check out my cake pops on my site

  159. Bakerella, you’ve definitely been an inspiration! I’ve now become the mom that the teachers want because of the yummy cake pops I make for almost every holiday. My daughters 1st grade teacher is now addicted to them because of you and I! I make them for people when they ask and throroughly LOVE making them! I always head to your website first to see if you’ve made a particular design before I attempt it. Thank you for your brillance and lovely beautiful soul! Happy 4th Anniversary!

  160. I have definitely made them and my sister sent me your book as a gift right when it came out. I’m sure you hear you are an inspiration all the time, but I, as a self taught baker and new blogger, find your story very inspirational. Thanks! :)

  161. Just the other day I was thinking about how your blog was the first baking blog I ever started religiously following and once I started making cake pops for my friends in college, I caught the baking bug. A year or so later I started my own baking blog, and can’t imagine my life without it! Thanks for always inspiring me, introducing me to the beautiful world of food blogging, and being so sweet :) I’m very excited to meet you at the Food Blog Forum Conference in Orlando!

  162. Angie, I have been following you since that first post on CTTC. I remember fondly when you announced that you were going to be on MS show. O…M….G…! I watched you with butterflies in my stomach knowing how excited you must have been! I followed your blog, commenting occasionally and as your success grew, I felt so much pride as if we were great old friends from way back when you and I were simply bloggers and cupcake enthusiasts. I crossed my fingers when I heard about your book tour and hoped you would be visiting South Florida (c’mon, the weather is really nice here…) and my heart broke for you when I read about your illness. I tried only once to make the original cake pops but mine really didn’t look like yours! So now, although I have been selling cupcakes for almost 5 years, I leave it up to the pro’s to make cake pops. I have your book and display it proudly on my bookshelf along with all my baking classics; I admire it as eye candy but most importantly, it serves as inspiration and a reminder of what can happen in your own kitchen when you combine creativity, passion, great photography skills (thanks for the tips and yes, I bought the lens you recommended!) and lots of humor. Wishing you many years of good health and success. xoxo

  163. I made cake-pops in December for a bake sale fundraiser we were having for Cancer Aid & Research. The cake pops were the first to disappear. I have a pictures, but not sure how to send it.

  164. Sigh….I wish I could say that I have made amazing cake pops but my few ventures into this have been amazing flops! I tried making bunny pops and the only thing cute about them were their tails. :) But you bring me joy with every post, I get so excited to see each new design, I haven’t given up trying to make them right….I hope it will still happen. LOL I love reading your posts, have enjoyed watching your success grow (from the first Martha Stewart show!) You inspire me and I am so happy for you and your success. Thanks for it all…………

  165. Angie, it’s been so fun watching you experience all these exciting things with your adorable cake pops that have taken the planet by storm! Every time I see cake pops (now in local bakery shops and yes, a ‘certain’ well-known coffee shop), I think of you, and what an amazing impact you’ve made… it’s truly wonderful how many smiles you’ve brought to people’s faces – whether they know of the talented Bakerella or not. *Thank you* and I can’t wait to here what’s in store next! It HAS to be a TV show! Pretty please!

  166. Your blog was the first one I started reading and I still love it. I have your book too and it is so cute. Feb 1st is my birthday so having cake pops day on that day sounds perfect to me. Congratulations on all your success, excited to see what you’re working on at the moment.

    I’ve blogged about some Peppa Pig cake pops I made here;

  167. love your story -truly an inspiration!

  168. Oh My Ganache! Are you kidding me?! I heard about Bakerella 1 1/2 yrs. ago and tried making them….the very first time was a great success….I purchased the book, bought my daughters (5) all a book…They encouraged me to start a business…and the rest is history….I have made 21 different flavors and enjoy seeing all the creativity many of you do with them….Thank you Bakerella! Your have been an inspiration to many!!!! please visit me on FB and like..

  169. Long story kinda short… I saw cake pops this past fall being sold at the counter of a local burger joint and thought, “What a cute idea for homemade Christmas gifts.” So I went home and did a little researching online (which included discovering you, of course), and did my first trial run end of October. What a disaster. Everything went wrong. But instead of throwing my arms up in defeat as is my nature, something compelled me to want to get it right. Plus, I started getting all these fun ideas for decorating them and presenting them, and I wanted to try them out. I’ve never been any sort of crafter, so this inclination of mine took me by surprise.

    Anyway, I just kept plugging away in my kitchen and online, and although I continued to face challenges and countless road blocks of one sort or another, I learned from each failure, and got a little better each time.

    In the meantime, I was gathering ideas and supplies for displaying, and made my first full-fledged display as a housewarming gift for a friend. I was pretty pleased with the outcome, and posted pictures of it on face book, and the response was overwhelming. People admired my creativity (Who, me?!) and wanted to order for the holidays.

    Then I got really excited, and, well, downright obsessed. I started playing around with all sorts of ways to adorn and display holiday pops, posting pics as I went along, and the positive responses kept on coming, as did the orders. And there you have it. I’ve (re)found my calling. I say “re-” because I used to cater on the side years ago, and loved it. But somehow ended up taking another career path that I’m frankly quite sick of. It requires my being at a computer day in and day out, and I just can’t take it anymore.

    So… my son (a culinary school graduate, who attends to making the insides of the pops taste good) and I are going to start our own catering company of bite-sized treats, both sweet and savory, including cake pops, of course.

    I started a blog a while back, but haven’t kept it up ( I’m pretty active on my facebook page though (, and am trying to get my website up and running (

    Lots of adventures lie ahead, I am sure, including getting into our own commercial space. Now, if I could just win the lottery!

    Thank you, Bakerella, for sharing and for asking us to share. Your clever little idea has truly been life-altering for me, and came to me just when I needed it, it seems.

  170. I made “Hello Kidney” cake pops when a friend of mine discovered he needed a kidney transplant coincidentally the same time you did. They are totally wonky but were made with love and best wishes to both of you:

  171. What a sweet, sweet blog. Isn’t it amazing how sometimes a simple idea grows into something so huge! Thank you so much for your inspiration. My brief story…..after 14 years in pharmaceutical sales, I was laid off in December 2010. Feeling a little blue, I began to seek solace in baking (A LOT). I stumbled upon the reindeer pop, and I was hooked. I began making so many pops that so many suggested I start a small business… I did. I got a business license, a kitchen license, and a kitchen aide mixer. I’ve learned and grown more in the last year than I thought possible….and I love my job. Thank you again for all you do – Please check out my site if ever have a spare moment! or Facebook: Party Pops by Julie

  172. No website, no blog, but after loosing a business in 2010 and dragging myself around for several weeks not having a clue what to do, I ran across your blog and you inspired me to start baking again. Something I loved to do prior to the business venture. I started baking and baking and creating. Forgot how much I enjoyed playing with the cake decorating supplies and chocolates. It even landed me a part time job helping out in a kitchen which turned into a full time job as manager of a kitchen where they love homemade goodies. Congrats on your success and the heart and enthusiasim that your share it with. I appreciate the fact that you share. I have the book and love it. Blessings for continued succes and health. Can’t wait to see what 2012 has in store for you.

  173. Your baking (all of it :) ) has totally inspired me! I have a food blog because i adore your cake pops and cupcakes and photography and YOU! U are awsome Angie! Thank you so much for sharing all your gorgeous ideas with us! U have touched so many lives!

  174. i totally remember that martha stewart episode. that’s how i actually found you and your blog. i was so intrigued and have been following your posts ever since. really great work, very inspiring. keep it up :)

  175. I can’t believe it’s been that long!! I’ve followed you from the beginning and every time I see some iteration of them, I always think, one woman started them all!

    I was one of your Pop Stars and met you when you came to Seattle for your book signing. That was the icing on the cakepop because you’ve inspired so many ideas for me. I’ve even have a post label called Cake Poperella, (even though a few pushpops have snuck in there).

    I’ve shared horror posts of ‘Why can’t I get the cake to work’ and used brownies instead, which inspired the great CakeSpy to make her own

    Thank you for letting us share here, and sharing your life struggles with us…

  176. Here’s my link for those who are interested: ^_^

  177. What a fantastic journey for you Bakerella! Needless to say, I caught the cake pop bug off you after receiving your book as a birthday gift last November, and I haven’t looked back! I have a facebook page called Penny Pops where I post pictures of the pops you’ve inspired me with, and also some of my very own originals like Officer Cutie! ^_^ I’m very proud of him! He was for my dad’s birthday, and he was very POPular! I’d love to hear what you think of my facebook page! All the best and happy cake popping everyone!! :D

  178. I discover your cakepops recently and i love them. I have your book (in spanish because i’m from Spain). I have make them a lot of times and everybody say that they are awesome. I have a Facebook page and a blog: and twitter account if you want to follow me @isabakery and there you can see my cakepops and cupcakes and more.
    I made them the first time for a Birthday party and now i can’t stop of made them!
    Thanks a lot for everything you teach us! I’ve learnt a lot!

  179. A most heart felt congratulations to you! I keep thinking I would love to introduce you to my son! lol! But in the meantime, you have inspired me to make Collegiate Cakepops for USC.

    Here is my link ~

    You deserve all the wonderful things coming your way. xoxo

  180. I made them to sell for our Alzheimer’s Walk last year.

  181. i found out about your site from the martha stewart show and i pretty much never watch it. i was just flipping through the channels and landed on your presentation. after seeing your demo i knew i had to find your website and i wrote it down. i’ve never taken so much interested in something on tv before. i’ve been following you ever since! it’s crazy how cake pops have blown up!

  182. I LOVE cake pops. My daughter and I have been wanting to make some for some time now. She is SUCH a baker like her mom! I also wanted to say I LOVE your blog. I found you a few years ago when I stumbled upon your blog looking for an idea for my welcome back to school treat for my students in 5th/6th grades. I saw your “hamburger and fries” cupcake and sugar cookies with the printed tissue paper made to look like to go containers….too cute! Thanks for the inspiration!


  183. ever since my friend introduced me to cake pops, I have been obsessed! I have cake ball tastings where people can taste my then flavors and help me with new ideas for new flavors! People always ask me to bring cake pops to events and people even pay me to bake them for them! Its wonderful! I even get to teach the kids I work with how to make them

  184. You are a true testament that anyone can do anything with the right tools and a little creativity. Your posts and your story are so inspiring!

    I have made cakepops, but nothing fancy like your creations. I just love how cute and amazing tasting they are.. here are my latest:

  185. Thank You So Much Bakerella for being such an inspiration. Thanks to you, I am now able to support my child, continue my education and have my own at home cake pop business. I love all your creations. You are amazing!!! Gracias.

  186. Hi Angie,
    I have enjoyed and been amused by your website for ages.
    Finally decided to give cake pops a try.
    Now I am even more in awe of your talent.
    I posted the results on my blog:

    So much fun, Lori

  187. I so want to be a Pop Star! I just made little Acorn Cake Pops, and they are featured on my new blog and on my facebook page:

    It has been my goal to get on your pop stars page since I discovered it! I made these Acorn Cake Pops for a good friend’s birthday and got tons of compliments on the look and the taste. Please check out my website. Its new, but its a continuation of my old website, so I have been doing this for the last year :) You have been a huge inspiration to me since I started baking. I have your book, and it would really be amazing to make it onto you pop stars page.

    Thank you and happy cake pop anniversary!!!!

  188. I remember seeing these and I was in aww… I lost my job almost four years ago with the economic hit and I was surfing the web trying to remember where I had seen the cake pops and here was your website :) I was able to pay my morgage during christmas by selling baked goods and pops. So I thank you for your creativity and I’m so glad Your so blessed in all your endevors!

  189. I made cake pops in August for my son’s 3rd birthday. They were SOOO basic because I had never made them before but i was so proud! I posted them on facebook and was shocked at how many of my friends and family back home-in South Dakota, I now live in Canada-had not heard of them. They have now! And they have all tried them and fallen in love with them just like I did. My husband, who isn’t a big cake fan-crazy man!-LOVES cake pops and tells me every time that I make them that they are going to get him in trouble because they taste so amazing. Mmm…now I want to make some more! Maybe this weekend!

  190. I remember the post that started it all and I’m so happy for you, Angie!

  191. You’re an American success story. And you’re so artistic…great combo…and happening to such a sweet, normal person. You’ve been through a lot and God has been good to you. Congrats.

  192. Hi Bakerella!!!

    Well God is good, because he led me to you and I was able to purchase your book as a birthday gift to myself about a year ago. I’ve been popping every since. I’m on facebook with my bakerella and self inspired pops. Thanks so much!

  193. Cake Pops totally changed the way I look at cakes and cake decorating. I love how fun they are to make (and eat!) and I even made cake balls, inspired by you, for my wedding favors last year! Everyone loved them and they are definitely something that I’m going to continuing making and experimenting with :) You are a total legend for coming up with this and you deserve all the success you’ve had and more!

  194. I have made the cake-pops twice. Most recently as the edible favor for my daughters school Halloween party. The are easy and fun to make. I still have problems icing them though because I never get a smooth shell like you do. Any pointers would help with that as I would love to keep making them. You really are an inspiration. Here is a link to the ones I made for the school party.

  195. Happy Birthday to your Cake Pops! How exciting! So much has happened with these goodies on a stick in the past few years. I love it! The first time I made cake pops was for a dessert buffet at my cousin’s wedding a couple of years ago (I know… a wedding probably wasn’t the best place to try something new, but she thought the idea was fun, so we went with it!). They turned out really cute and everyone LOVED them. I’ve been making pops for family & friends ever since. They even convinced me to make a facebook page featuring my treats (

    I have to tell you a term that my husband says he’s coined for what happened in my earlier cake popping days when the chocolate or candy coating didn’t totally coat the pop and/or the stick. You know how the cake will escape through the hole or crack in the coating? Well, he said my cake pops had the “cake poops!” Ha! Your mention of Martha Stewart and the chocolate cake pops made me remember that. :)

    Thank YOU for inspiring me and so many others. I can’t wait to see what’s up next in your world!

  196. Cake pops have changed my life for sure! Not only do I have my own cake pop biz, website and fb page, I also developed the Easy Roller:)! You know the one you can use to roll up to 21 cake balls at a time! You say Albeit you cant make cute shapes with any of the machines out there… well I am here to say in March that will all change:)!! The Easy Roller will launch it’s first set of interchangeable shapes, first to be your fav and mine, the Cupcake:)!! Thank you for inspiring me to create! <3

  197. Because of cupcakes and cake pops, my wife and I started a company which makes, among other things, high quality, reusable and adjustable cake pop stands. You can check them out at:

    They have been very poplar and has allowed us to start a family business selling baking supplies.


  198. I’m glad you’ve gotten recognition for your cake pops. I was so surprised to see cakepops in that coffee chain! I made Jack Skellington cakepops for Halloween one year. My coworkers thought they were the coolest treats ever! I love seeing all of your cute treats. I can’t wait to hear about your upcoming surprises! :)

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