
Cake… Three Ways!

Mini Cakes

I love cake! And, by now you guys should know I love things little, too. So, I made some mini cakes using my new favorite moist yellow cake recipe. Actually I made 9″ cakes and used a round cutter to make them mini. Two layers will get you six 3 7/16″ cake circles and two smaller circles. Here’s how one of the layers looks all cut up.

cake cutouts

cake cutouts

And here they are stacked. They’re so cute… even without any frosting. (Don’t worry the scraps made it safely to my tummy.)

Little Cake

But, who would serve a naked cake. So here it is fully clothed in luscious white buttercream frosting. Hold me back!

Three Mini Cakes

I started out making the fondant covered cake that’s on the pedestal (inspired by a pillow fabric from an old Pottery Barn catalog. Yep… I love their stuff.) Then, I made the second one using decorator icing bags and tips. Then I got tired and just slapped some buttercream all over the last one. And, I have to admit, I think it’s my favorite. But, tell me what you think.

Mini Cakes

How do you like your cakes decorated?

Messy: casual and careless
Sassy: semi-casual, piped with pretty icing and flirty flowers
Classy: all dressed up with fondant cutouts and a smooth finish

Fiesta Head Chefs


If you leave a comment below with your favorite cake style, you’ll be entered for a chance to win these cute little Fiesta Head Chefs ($50 value). I won them a while back and was going to keep them, but so many of you loved them that I decided to give them away. I know, I’m nice like that.

How to enter:

  • Leave a comment with your cake style (messy, sassy, or classy)
  • Leave a link to your blog profile or website that has an email contact.
  • The cutoff to enter is Saturday, December 6th at 12 midnight.
  • The winner* will be announced sometime Sunday.

And, you’ll want to check back Sunday
because Christmas Pops are coming!

* The winner will be chosen at random, using the integer generator.

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1,848 comments on “Cake… Three Ways!”

  1. Oh there is no way I can choose cause I love them all. Just depends on my mood! lol

    I am starting my granddaughter in the kitchen with me YOUNG, she is only 2 and loves to help. She will watch and say ’round and round’ when she wants to stir! :)

  2. Sassy has caught my eye, but my stomach craves Messy.

  3. I always try to make the classy cake, but they only ever turn out messy. Not even the cute messy.

    Your mini cakes are to die for. You’re so awesome.

  4. I’m a messy person. I love love love the look of the classy cake, I just don’t like eating fondant though. They’re all so pretty though!

  5. All of the cakes are gorgeous!!! I think I would be more of a classy cake girl, though!

  6. I love the Sassy baby! I’m not s fondant fan (pretty but hate the consistency when eating) but the messy looks tasty too.

  7. I love the classy look, but it’s the messy cake I’m after! Gobble wobble!!

    Beautiful as always! I can’t believe that with this comment I secure a chance to win a prize. Unbelievable. I love you! Just don’t tell my family they may get jealous LOL.

  8. My favorite is the buttercream. The swirly icing can be beautiful by itself, and the taste—YUM.

  9. I think I like the middle one with the piping, I find it hard to like fondant although I love the look, but if it were for me its buttercream all the way.

  10. MESSY!!

  11. Classy, all the way. And your example of classy has a bit of sass in the color scheme so that makes it even better! Excellent work on these cakes!

  12. I’m definitely classy and am all about doing fondant cakes rather than buttercream (which I load up on underneath the fondant!)… but I go more whimsical too.

    So would that make me “whimsy?” Yep… I’m totally whimsy!

    PS… made cake pops, candy cane oreo truffles (white chocolate with crushed candy cane sprinkles) and nutter butters in chocolate. Beyond Yummy! My girls had a blast doing it and we had a crazy sprinkle mess afterwards.. but so worth it!

    Thanks for continuing to inspire us all! Hugs…Shelia

  13. I am sorry, but it is not possible to limit my taste buds. Cake is divine. And I really like all of them. Messy for everyday munching, sassy for birthdays, and classy to give as a gift so you get ooohs and ahhs, how about that?

  14. Messy is my style! I love all of them though, your work is WONDERFUL.

  15. Wow! I love them all! I would only ever be able to figure out the messy one, but if someone else made it for me, I would definitely take the Classy one! :)

  16. Messy all the way for me. I just love frosting!

  17. I would love to be classy but Im more of a Sassy Mess or is that a Messy Sas LOL
    If I had to pick just one it would be the messy…that way I wouldnt feel bad eating it YUM

  18. I love Messy. Its the best. And I really wish I had a few of them…mini cakes are fantastic. Forget about having a skinny slice…have a couple CAKES!

  19. Messy – I wish I could decorate my son’s 1st birthday cake like that. (it’s only a week and a half away!)

  20. Messy all the way! I love the looks of the other 2 cakes, fabulous job. And I would love to know how to make the sassy and classy cakes too. But the look of that frosting in the middle of the messy cake.. YUM!

  21. Classy all the way! But I’m glad messy is cool because I can totally make messy! Love it!

  22. Messy. It’s a fantastic way of looking good, yet covering any problem areas – like cracked cheesecakes and sunken cakes. Not that that’s happened to me, of course…….


  23. Like all three, but I keep eyeing the Classy!

  24. I love the classy one, but I definitely like the messy one, too. The messy one is more my style. I wish I could get it to turn out so cute :)

  25. Sassy or classy are my favorite ways to decorate. Any way is my favorite kind to eat!

  26. My favorite to eat? Messy
    My favorite to serve? Sassy

  27. Definitely classy. Love the pattern.

    And I also love mini things.

  28. I think I have to say Messy… but mostly because thats all I’ve ever made! I’m feeling like I need to give the others a try though. I would love to make a lovely classy cake :)

  29. I love the Messy. I really love the Classy one too, and I’d love to learn how to do fondant someday, but for now, I like the Messy.

  30. Oh they all look so yummy—but I’m kind of a messy gal myself.

  31. I think I love the Messy one the best because, if I’m really honest, I just could never EVER make anything as beautiful as the other two. :) So choosing Messy is just in my comfort zone.

    Beautiful cakes!! (my blog is private for the kids, sorry).

  32. I love the messy–mostly because it’s what I could duplicate and I’m sure it’s yummy!

  33. Oh my gosh…they’re all fabulous. I’m sure I’m more the messy type…but I LOVE all of them. If I was to try my hand at making them, I would have to try the classy one!

  34. I love classy, but the messy is ususally more fun to eat….and I love buttercream more than the fondant….so I guess that makes me messy at heart!

  35. oh goodness, those cakes are both beautiful and adorable! :D they’ve all got such lovely and unique character…

    for your def. of classy, I’d have to go with classy, just cuz I love the look of fondant. Though I probably would have otherwise said sassy just because I’m that type of gal. your beautiful “mess”, though, is making me think that messy can be fun, too! :D

  36. Messy is much more my talent level.. I wish I could do the sassy look! As long as its smothered in frosting it doesn’t matter to me HOW it looks!

  37. Oh my gosh, all three are perfect, especially displayed together! No way I can pick a favorite, but I’ll admit Classy caught my eye…

  38. I’ve gotta go with Messy since buttercream is SOOOO yummy!!

  39. Classy!
    themoosehouse at gmail dot com

  40. I am a messy kinda girl!! Thanks

  41. I like all of them because I find all little things adorable too. But if I had to choose one it would probably be the fondant one because I love the cutouts.

  42. classy is pretty to look at, but when it comes to eatin’ cake give me messy any time!

  43. I like the classy one coz it looks like a painting and very elegant too!

  44. classy. it is so beautiful!!!

  45. sassy, definitely!!

  46. Sassy is my style!!! Cute cakes!

  47. Gonna have to go classy! I have a Pottery Barn inspired baby cake on my cake blog. I’m a big fan of them, too :)

  48. I really like the sassy cake – I’m a huge fan of all that frothy frilly stuff.

  49. I like the messy one best. Although I do love them all

  50. SO. The sassy one is fun to make, the fondant one what I want to learn to do, but the messy one is by far the most delicious to eat! so that’s where my vote goes!

    And those kitchen utensils are so cute!

  51. I’m a Messy kind of gal. Patience is not my strong suit!


  52. The other two are beautiful, but I’m drawn to the buttercream.

    Thank you for sharing!

  53. I would have to go with messy. That just fits me best. It’s kinda like walking around bare foot. I like it. But all of them are amazing!

  54. Oh wow. I think it depends on my mood. That fondant cake is beautiful, but I want to gobble up the messy one.

  55. I love these adorable little cakes. I’m going to have to use this idea. my cake style is sassy.

    Hope I win! :)

  56. i’m a messy person myself. my blog is and im at heather dot rascona at gmail dot com

  57. I love the classic style. I especially like the color theme.


  58. I just have to say that those little guys are absolutely adorable. Now, to answer your question: definitely messy. It’s got that cozy homemade comfort- plus, it’s the easiest way to decorate!

    No website, so: allisonq at gmail dot com

  59. They’re so adorably delicious! I’m definitely lovin’ the messy. Simple and still gets your attention. See what you did, now I have to go make a mini cake:)

  60. I guess MY style is Messy, but I prefer all 3 actually. I think they all look perfect together, but I could eat anyone of those. Beautiful!

  61. If it is for me – messy.

    If I am making for someone else – sassy.

    I tried fondant once and only once!

  62. Loving the Messy look, maybe it’s just because that’s how my life is right now.

  63. Messy is the way I know how, but I love all three.

    I just love reading your blog. You seem to make your cakes come alive!!

  64. Messy!! I would chose one of the other but if it were me decorating it would still end up messy.

  65. I am all over the classy one. Love it!!!!

  66. YAY!!!! I am in LOVE with these!!! :) Crossing my fingers! Can I say I like all 3? Honestly I think they look the best in the last picture with all the different ones together! I’m almost always undecided!

  67. I would have to say classy! I’m not a huge fan of rolled fondant covered cakes, but I do love the rolled out shapes for contrast. Never been a huge fan of either RF or buttercream flowers. Messy is good too, but for my taste I would have to say classy! That is a beautiful cake. I bet people are going to print out that picture and bring it to their local bakery. :)

  68. Definitely messy! Although, all three look amazing and I wouldn’t have trouble eating any of them!

  69. I am messy but love to learn to be sassy and classy. All three are unique!

  70. I love the look of the Classy…but baby…you just can’t beat mounds of messy buttercream. Mmm mm mmm

  71. Im definitely on the classy side. Love the clean look of fondant! When it comes to eating, however… I’m quite the opposite. Messy, all the way!

  72. Those cakes are beautiful!!! My favorite has to be the ‘Classy’ one though, gorgeous detail, and I love how small they are.


  73. I’m a classy girl! But they’re all so fun and unique! You’ve got talent girl!

  74. Definitely love the messy look!

  75. I love the sassy, which is alot like me. Teehee.

  76. I think sassy works for me

  77. I’d choose all three. :) I mean seriously, aren’t we all somewhat messy, sassy, and classy every now and then. And, after all, they are ‘little’ cakes so I’d be hungry for more after just one! BUT, since I have to choose one, it would be Sassy…it’s just so pretty! Beautiful work!

  78. All of the cakes are so tempting!!!! If I had to pick one it would probably be classy! Your designs are great.

  79. I cant decide between Sassy and Messy. I would Love to make something that looked like your sassy cake, but mine would probably end up looking Messy..
    ALL your cakes are great looking!! I wish I had your talent!

  80. Classy is so gorgeous but let’s face it– messy always tastes better!


  81. I love the “messy” look! Pretty cakes are too pretty to eat and messy is something I can do myself with no help! Thanks for the fun contest.

  82. Classy. I love the design of those cut outs! Definitely what I would have done if I had the patience.

    (ps my email addy is on the “Meg” page.)

  83. my vote is for messy…probably because it is the only one i can replicate! my decorating skills leave something to be desired.

  84. I like Messy AND Classy. This is such a great idea. I’m going to have to give it a shot sometime…

  85. Woo hoo! I love the Head Chefs! My favorite is the “classy” one. Gotta love Pottery Barn too. :)

  86. I absolutely love the classy cake. It’s so creative and unique; I love it!!

  87. I’m good at making the messy, but I think my favourite is the sassy. The colour really pops…


  88. I have to agree with the majority! Messy for sure. It just looks so yummy, the other kinds are pretty but you never can tell if they will taste good or not. Although I am sure all of your cakes are yummy!!

  89. Totally messy. Messy Jessie *needs* those little dudes, my kitchen is calling out for them!

  90. I vote classy if I am not eating it. I am not a fan of the fondant taste but love the look! If I am eating, I say messy so I don’t feel guilty. ;) Thanks for the giveaway!

  91. Oh, wow. I love the classy look. I love the sassy look. I almost always turn out the messy look though.

  92. Definitely messy. Because I don’t have the patience for the other types. :)

  93. How could I really choose just one? I think I like the sassy one, just because I would love to be able to re-create that, what tallent! I think I could re-create the messy one, but I can already hear my family mocking me for the amount of frosting on it, they just don’t get the power of buttercream!

  94. Classy would be beautiful on a Christmas dessert table. But I have to admit that the Messy would be the best in my house.

    I totally love the mini cakes and I’m going to have to borrow the idea.

  95. All three are great! They look yummy…I would probably go with the messy one.

  96. messy buttercream is so yummy! But your classy cake is just gorgeous!

  97. Sassy! But they are all soooo cute! Love the mini-cakes!

  98. Messy! It seems to be more enjoyable to eat if I am not thinking about how pretty it looked before I started!

  99. Wow! They all look SO yummy. If I had to choose just one (so hard!) I’d say classy.

    Thanks for the chance!

  100. Definitely Messy, with a touch of classy.

  101. Oops! Forgot to include my e-mail address. It’s angelahollick AT gmail DOT com.

  102. Classy all the way! They must have taken ages to make:)

  103. I love the classy, although I doubt I could ever do it. It looks so amazing! They all look great though. Keep up the great work!

  104. messy…the others are too pretty to eat

  105. Classy, by far! But all are adorable and scrumptious looking. Here’s to hoping I win!

  106. Messy! It’s all about the taste, right?!

  107. Definitely classy!!

  108. The classy one is my fave. I love the cutouts and the color! But they all look delicious!

  109. The classy cake is my favorite!

  110. I’m most definitely Messy!!

    I’m a recent convert to the Bakerella blog and I must say, I love it here!

    Thanks for the chance to win something!

    – meaghan (

  111. Sassy baby! Buttercream rocks, as does vanilla. It may be Plain Jane – or perhaps it is Insane Jane!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  112. I love the classy! I can’t believe how much detail you put into such little cakes. Amazing, as always!


  113. i would definitely have to say messy…. then I don’t feel bad about destroying it when I eat it!

  114. messy. i too get way to tired by the time it comes to decorating. i dont have the bakers endurance yet. HAPPY HOLIDAYS:)

  115. messy. i too get way to tired by the time it comes to decorating. i dont have the bakers endurance yet. HAPPY HOLIDAYS:)

  116. messy. i too get way to tired by the time it comes to decorating. i dont have the bakers endurance yet. HAPPY HOLIDAYS:)

  117. messy. i too get way to tired by the time it comes to decorating. i dont have the bakers endurance yet. HAPPY HOLIDAYS:)

  118. messy. i too get way to tired by the time it comes to decorating. i dont have the bakers endurance yet. HAPPY HOLIDAYS:)

  119. messy. i too get way to tired by the time it comes to decorating. i dont have the bakers endurance yet. HAPPY HOLIDAYS:)

  120. messy. i too get way to tired by the time it comes to decorating. i dont have the bakers endurance yet. HAPPY HOLIDAYS:)

  121. Cake, cake, and more cake. Basically, anyway I can eat it. I guess you could say, “I like my cake and eat it, too.” ;-)

  122. messy. i too get way to tired by the time it comes to decorating. i dont have the bakers endurance yet. HAPPY HOLIDAYS:)

  123. I start with classy and move to messy when things don’t go my way. I get impatient fast. Especially around cake. Mmm. Cake.

  124. I LOVE the classy one! They’re all amazing though. I wish I knew how to do stuff like that.


  125. I would have to say messy or sassy. I am not sure I have ever even had fondant… it looks so uneatable.

  126. Messy. Any attempt at either sassy or classy turns into a disaster.

    Beautiful, beautiful cakes! They’ve inspired me to attempt to make them as little Christmas gifts for friends!

  127. I love them all, but I am really impressed with the look of the classy. I think i would like to eat the messy.

  128. Wow…this would be a good birthday present for myself. :-) It depends on my mood as to whether or not I am messy, sassy, or classy. I would venture to say that I am more of a sassy sort of gal. :D

  129. I’m going with classy because I’m so visual, and because you did a stunning job with that fondant, but if it’s about making me hungry and wanting to eat the cake, I’d have to go with your luscious messy one!

  130. Mine would be messy, though Id like to strive for at least classy.

  131. MESSY MESSY…I love messy cakes…like the pne you posted or like the coconut look….LOVE IT! :) MY FAV…YOU ROCK!!!! GREAT CAKES! GREAT GIVEAWAY!

  132. i’m definitely classy ;0)

  133. I say sassy. I like the taste of buttercream and love, love how it’s decorated.

  134. I’d have to go with Messy style. I love the look of fancy cakes but you just can’t beat the taste of a “messy” regular cake.

    I love your website and even made some of the Halloween cake pops. You’re very talented!!

  135. All the cakes look so gorgeous but my vote would have to be Sassy! That’s because my dress style is semi-casual!

  136. definitely the classy one. and btw… SO RANDOM. the hubby and I saw those for the first time at BBB tonight!!! lol.

  137. I’m definitely a messy cake gal – it makes it that much easier to dig in without the guilt of destroying the design!

  138. I like the classy, but the Messy looks much more fun to eat!

    Melissa P

  139. I like the Classy, it’s so pretty! And I love the color scheme of it too =)

  140. \I love the look of classy but am not much on the taste of fondant, so I would probably pick messy.

  141. I’m definately messy, unless I’m making it for someone else and then I’m on the sassy side. After seeing these, I’m ready to get out my pans and make a few “messy” cakes.

  142. I love them all …why must you make me choose…your cruel, sigh but if I must I must. My eyes love classy most( my lips love messy more!!)

  143. I’d go with messy. The picture of it all cut up was what got me. YUM!

  144. I am going to go for “messy” cause I think the other two are too pretty to eat.

    I love the color combo you chose, or Pottery Barn chose..whatever. It’s pretty.

  145. Classy, Sassy, Messy.

  146. messy, cuz its easy peasy!

  147. I would like to say I like a classy cake. But my attempts at decorating always seem to look messy to me, but always edible!! I love cake too!!!

  148. so cute! i’m new to your blog, but am impressed. All are adorable, but i’m going to have to vote for classy. big pottery barn fan :)

  149. If I was decorating I would say Messy because I might be able to pull it off. But I love the Classy, it is my favorite.

  150. I LOVE the classy, but if I have to make it, I might be better off going with the messy :)

  151. I think I like the classy! But they’re all pretty and probably delicious!

  152. Well, I intend to do it Sassy, but it usually looks Messy. (I always admire the Classy and wish I could do it that way, but I’m not that patient for such perfection.)

  153. Classy

  154. I would say it is a toss up between the classy & the sassy, they are both beautiful!

  155. What adorable projects!! I’m going to decorate my computer right now!

  156. Definitely like mine messy! Who doesn’t like a cake smothered in buttercream frosting…yum!

    Love the mini cakes…so cute!

  157. SASSY! But love them all
    wish my cakes looked that cute

  158. Definitely Sassy! Usually by the time I get to decorating, I am too worn out to go all out so piping pretty colors is usually good enough, especially because my brother usually gobbles the entire thing up in a day or two anyway!

  159. i love the fondant cake! so pretty!!

  160. I’m torn between Messy and Classy….But I think that Classy must win for me. I recently made my little girl’s first birthday cupcakes, and while messy would have been WAY easier, I went with the classy look and had to be a perfectionist!!

    tbmroberts at yahoo dot com

  161. I like the classy, the sassy is pretty and having never tasted fondant, it doesn’t sound appealing. But I know, I’d be lazy too and end up messy, lol.
    Those are darling little cakes, did they make you hands hurt from decorating such a small cake?

  162. Hmm, tough choice. I like to eat the messy style cake but I like making the classy style cakes!

  163. I’m in love with the classy one! I love Pottery Barn and their designs as well
    ! If I were making them though…I have to say that I would make the messy one (although I’m sure I’d put too much effort into it and it wouldn’t look nearly as cute as yours)! You’re so very talented and have inspired me to bake a lot more!

  164. If I could make my classy look like your classy I would be happy. I like my cakes…yummy. That makes up for any decorating disasters. :)

  165. Looks Yummy! I love SASSY!!!

  166. I’d like to be classy, but I usually end up somewhere in between messy and sassy!

  167. I love the classy look but could never decorate that way.

  168. Definetley Sassy! THose are amazing! great job!

  169. Sassy is for me. It’s just the right fit.

  170. While I love the artistry of the Classy and the Sassy, I always feel a bit bad eating something that took so long to create.

    But I can easily see myself eating the Messy one. Plus, for my limited (i.e., nonexistent) frosting skills could recreate that version for family and friends.

  171. Sassy, definitely sassy… But every once in awhile a nice smooth finish sure is purdy! You HAVE to try Fondarific- it is THE best fondant around! it tastes just like candy and it sometimes doesn’t even make it to my cakes!

  172. I am messy all the way! I’m not a fan of how fondant tastes but buttercream, YUM! Besides, as a mother of 3, they immediately destroy my creations. Messy is a whole lot quicker!

  173. I am messy…not by choice but because I am no good at decorating, LOL! I would love to be classy though :)

  174. oh my goodness they are all so cute but I think I like Sassy the best!

  175. I love the looks of fondant, but love the taste of buttercream!

  176. I like all three as well….but Sassy is my way!

  177. I’m all over the classy one!

  178. Your cakes are beautiful! I love your website too :) My favorite is the SASSY cake but it was hard to choose…

  179. I like all three- just like everyone else! I think the messy looks the most delicious! I am actually not much of a baker but always admire your creativity!


  180. You know, I would never have said classy, but your version of classy is so funky and fun. I have to go with classy :-). Thanks for sharing the goodies!!!

  181. what a cute little project! i love all three off them but i think i would pick MESSY…i have a short attention span :) i wouldnt make it through decorating the other two :) love your blog!

  182. I love them all!-Messy would be my favorite since it is all I could do!

  183. The sassy one is beeyooteeful… but messy is usually how I roll! :-D

  184. I love all three, but if I have to choose I would select classy.

  185. I’m a SASSY! love your piping!!

  186. I’m definitely a classy kinda gal but they’re all gorgeous!

  187. My vote is for the Messy look. The other 2 are pretty but I would hate cutting into it. The messy one I would be perfectly fine with tearing into it!!

  188. I like both the classy and messy!

  189. I am a messy, but mainly because I don’t have the patience most of the time for anything else!

  190. I have to say I LOVE the 3!!!!
    I will probably do the Messy one because that is the only one I know how to do :p
    But my FAVORITE one is the classy :D

  191. I think I am sassy! They are all beautiful though.

    steele DOT kerri AT gmail DOT com

  192. I love sassy and classy but mine always end up looking messy…..tho not your kind of cute messy …..still yummy tho!

  193. I like them all for different occasions/reasons…I love the look of fondant but I’m not all that fond of the taste of it. I llllllooooove buttercream!

  194. Me first?! Wow!

    I am definitely Messy. I love that home made look, refrigerated.

    Love your cakes!

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