

A while back I gave away the cutest little clutch. Anyone remember? It was from the Petunia Pickle Bottom Line called Cake. The color was called Red Velvet. Too cute. The Cake line of purses are actually diaper bag styles disguised as super fashionable handbags. But don’t let that keep you from falling in love with them. You can totally use this as a regular purse. It’s made of Italian cut velvet and coordinating wool tweed. It has lots of pockets, cute Cake zipper pulls and comes in fun “flavors.”

Anyway, last time I bought the clutch to give away because I loved the look of it and of course the name… Red Velvet Cake clutch… hard to resist.

But recently Petunia Pickle Bottom contacted me and offered one of their full-size Cosmopolitan Carryall bags for a giveaway. A big one. Yay for you guys!

This time the color is Buttercream… and it’s gorgeous.

Take a look…


Buttercream Cake Handbag Details

Check out this Red Velvet Clutch post for some close up shots of the purse detailing.


WANT IT? Enter for a chance to win this YELLOW Buttercream Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Purse.

  • Now, even though the prize purse is buttercream, I thought it would be fun to find out your favorite fabric flavor. (Say that fast three times.)
  • To enter, just pick your favorite from one of the flavors below or suggest one that you think would be fun. Personally, I’m waiting for Strawberry Cake to be an option. Please Petunia? Pink?
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, November 2 at 6 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced Below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.


Good Luck! And if you stumbled on this post looking for buttercream frosting, here’s a recipe for the one I use most of the time.

Okay. Okay. It’s time to announce the winner. Lots of people love this purse… including me. Sorry that there’s only one to give away. And that winner is comment #3638 – Sally!  Yay Sally. You’ll be super sassy when you carry it. Congrats!


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10,437 comments on “Buttercream”

  1. i love french gooseberry! so elegant.

  2. French Gooseberry…what a turquoise dream! I love all of them!

  3. Who doesn’t love a good Apple Tart? Delish!

  4. Love Apple Tart!!!!

  5. The Red Velvet is absolutely gorgeous, but I would totally love any of them to be a staple in my wardrobe!! These are delicious bags!!

    My favorite is always Chocolaty Decadence!

  7. Red Velvet – favorite color, favorite flavor—yum

  8. Licorace Pudding!!! Sounds intriquing – and it’s so pretty…

  9. Juniper Berry all the way!

  10. oooh…a little bit in love with apple tart!

  11. Juniper Berry. Love the color and am curious what juniper berries taste like!

  12. Chocolate Decadence!

  13. Love the Licorice Pudding cake :) Would love love love to win one of these bags!

  14. Ooo…I LOVE the Juniper Berry, but they are all pretty delicious looking!

  15. I love the butter cream the most! But pistachio would be pretty too.

  16. I am 100% a buttercream kinda gal!

  17. What beautiful bags! The French Gooseberry color is just stunning, though I love the subtleness of the Buttercream!

  18. Love the buttercream!

  19. The buttercream color is my favorite. And now I want some frosting!

  20. Yumm-O Licorice Pudding looks fab!

  21. I love French Gooseberry, so Gorgeous!
    What a fantastic giveaway :)

  22. I like Licorice Pudding, but really they are all beautiful!

  23. I absolutely love the French Gooseberry. The turquoise is just divine!

  24. Gooseberry is so Parisian! Love these!

  25. I love the Apple Tart!

  26. French Gooseberry without a doubt!

  27. I would love love love to win one of these bags! I love them all but would really love the gooseberry or the licorice….ok….licorice!

  28. mmmm… a nutella one would be fun =)

  29. love the buttercream

  30. Oh my! I love them all! I’m partial to pink & brown, as they were my wedding colors, so maybe a chocolate covered strawberry purse? :)

  31. Red Velvet of course!

  32. I LOVE the Red Velvet bag….it pops against the dark colors of winter. It looks edible!

  33. I love the apple tart and the red velvet. However I would love to see a purple color.. Sugar Plum perhaps!

  34. I love the Chocolate Decadence.

  35. Licorice Pudding for sure!

  36. adore the juniper berry…

  37. Oooh, licorice for sure! My favo flavor IRL too!

  38. Oh my gosh, this combines my two fetishes, cakes and purses, into one amazing item! It is just gorgeous!

  39. French Gooseberry!!!

  40. juniper berry :)

  41. I love a good Apple Tart, but I’m glad the winner gets the Buttercream, it’s my favorite.

  42. I love me some FRENCH GOOSEBERRY! It’s giving me goosebumps! tee hee

  43. Apple Tart or Chocolate Decadence.

  44. Licorice Pudding is LOVELY!!!! and delicious looking!

  45. Apple tart is my favorite, as I am a sucker for green =D

  46. Oh wow! Love the French Gooseberry!

  47. My wife loves the YELLOW Buttercream

  48. yellow buttercream!!

  49. Its a toss up between French Gooseberry and Red velvet!

  50. Love the Licorice Pudding!

  51. I like the Licorice Pudding best.

  52. Licorice pudding….very classic and chic.

  53. I love them all! But I would have to pick Juniper Berry as my favorite! I would LOVE to win this!

  54. Red Velvet

  55. The southern girl in me (and the vamp just itching to get out) says Red Velvet! But Coconut in wintry whites would be equally appealing to my roots and aesthetic.

    *shakes dice* come on, momma hasn’t had a new purse in six years!..

  56. Chocolate Decadence!!

  57. I think the chocolate is yummy.

  58. I love the French Gooseberry!

  59. Licorice pudding! Oh, how I want to get that bag in my clutches!

  60. Buttercream! Love it!

  61. i am drawn to the richness of red velvet buuuut would have to say that yellow buttercream is a more practical choice :)

  62. chocolate decadance!

  63. I love the buttercream! I could also see myself carrying something bright orange like a tropical smoothie!

  64. The buttercream has such an elegant feel to it, but then again, so do they all!

  65. Ooooh, I love all thing Butter Cream, including this bag! My second favorite is Red Velvet.

  66. Red velvet…..though they are all fabulous.!

  67. I love the juniper berry colored bag! These names make the purses all the more tasty looking. :) Thanks for the entry!

  68. I have to say that even with other options included, the Buttercream is still my favorite!!!

  69. apple tart is fabulous- what about a creamy pistachio or key-lime pie?

  70. Just like choosing my favorite cupcake flavor this is challenging and really depends on the day but today I feel like….Pina Colada Paradise, or Strawberry Supreme, or Mocha Dream…issues…ummm French Gosseberry….


  72. Chocolate Decadence, although I love them all!

  73. I love the buttercream! I will say the French Gooseberry is fun to say and would look good while carrying my soon to be baby boy!

  74. The yellow buttercream is divine…although I do like the French Gooseberry.

  75. Buttercream for sure!! I’m on a big yellow kick right now! All the colors are so vibrant and pretty.

  76. LOVE the juniper berry! I think funfetti would be a great flavor/color as well :)

  77. I thought I liked the Licorice Pudding but now I can’t wait to try Juniper Berry!

  78. Oh Boy!!! Apple tart!! No wait I cant pick just one!! I love them all!!!!

  79. Choc decadence is gorg!

  80. Love the buttercream color. :)

  81. Love the red velvet!

  82. i LOVE the red velvet one!!!!

  83. Definately the Licorice Pudding…You can never go wrong with black

  84. Juniper Berry! Beautiful.

  85. those all look yummmyyyyy but I love the buttercream and the french gooseberry! gorgeous!

  86. Ooh, I think there needs to be an Orange Creamsicle! That said, my favorite is the French Gooseberry. Gorgeous.

  87. I would love to win! I just got a new job and I need a new buttercream bag! You are the best Bakerella!

  88. Buttercream or French Gooseberry! So pretty!!

  89. OMG! I just love the Licorice Pudding!!!

  90. Buttercream for sure – gorgeous!

  91. I ove the Buttercream!! I am really liking pink and yellows together. It has been fun creating with them :)

  92. Licorice pudding is my fav! Beautiful contrast.

  93. Ooh this is a hard decision. I think I’m in love with the French Gooseberry. The blue color is gorgeous!

  94. Oh wow. Tough call between Juniper Berry and French Gooseberry!!! Right now, though, I’m into subtler shades, so I’ll say Juniper Berry.

    And, of course…the Buttercream is outstanding! *fingers crossed*

  95. I love the French Gooseberry color!

  96. Who doesn’t like chocolate – my winner is chocolate decadence

  97. How can anyone just choose one? Just lovely. I think I’ll go with the Chocolate Decadence, though. Would go with more of my wardrobe.

  98. I love the Red Velvet. I love red! It’s so gorgeous!

  99. Orange Creamsicle would be delicious and tres chic!

  100. i love the apple tart, i would like to see a swirled lollipop plavor bag though :3

  101. Love Chocolate Decadence!

  102. My favorite has to be the Chocolate Decadence :o)

  103. My favorite colors are the French Gooseberry followed by the Licorice Pudding and the Red Velvet. They are all glorious though!

  104. The Licorice Pudding is so classic looking!

  105. can’t get over licorice pudding! But yellow buttercream is a dream too!

  106. Oooo…. I love the apple color! It totally pops!

  107. I like BUTTERCREAM the best with licorice pudding a pretty close 2nd!!

  108. licorice pudding

  109. the licorice pudding looks yummy!

  110. I’m waiting for Key Lime, personally =D

  111. Oh, I love the Apple Tart–but they are ALL gorgeous!

  112. I love the licorice pudding one. So fab!

  113. My favorite would have to be the licorice pudding. It seems very classic looking.

  114. juniper berry is awesome

  115. Love the yellow buttercream and the French Gooseberry! Would love to have either of them!

  116. Who doesn’t love chocolate…and it comes in the form of a beautiful hand bag! Love it – I’ll take one of any color please!

  117. I’m loving the red velvet and the licorice pudding…but to be honest, I really like them all.

  118. Apple Tart and Yellow Buttercream are my favorites!

  119. do I have to pick one?? ok definitely apple tart… or maybe French gooseberry…. oh I know! Licorice pudding… hmmm that’s tricky they are all so elegant

  120. Red Velvet!!!

  121. Red Velvet! MMMMM!

  122. Buttercream! :)

  123. Red velvet looks delicious ;)

  124. Love the Licorice Pudding…who could resist??

  125. Oooo, so hard to decide! But I think I will go with Juniper Berry.

  126. I’m torn between the Red Velvet and French Gooseberry! They are all gorgeous though!

  127. the Licorice Pudding is so beautiful!

  128. Super cute! I must have one!

  129. I’m in love with the Juniper Berry!

  130. I love the french gooseberry! What a cute bag!!

  131. Licorice Pudding could pass as Cookies n Cream. It by far tastes much better than black licorice…but who cares about the name…Its GorgEOUS!

  132. I think I’ll go for classic black…Licorice Pudding.

  133. Ohhhhhh my gosh! That purse is so cute! I want the green one! Desperately!

  134. I think they need to add a purple sugar plum it would go nice with the buttercream color.

  135. A girl can’t ever go wrong with Chocolate Decadence…or that pretty brown! ;-)

  136. licorice pudding please!

  137. The french gooseberry, its soo pretty!

  138. French Gooseberry!

  139. I love love love the Red Velvet! It’s so cute!

  140. I love the Chocolate Decadence, but the French Gooseberry is so nice too

  141. I _love_ the chocolate decadence, but the yellow buttercream is pretty fab too!

  142. I LOVE Apple Tart and Chocolate Decadence; but Apple Tart would definitely go with more of my wardrobe!

  143. I like red velvet and gooseberry. Mmmm cake and pie yumm

  144. Ooooh, that’s a really hard decision…but French Gooseberry really jumps out at me. :)

  145. I love the butter cream and juniper berry would be a close second

  146. Red velvet all the way!

  147. I really like this bag…could fit the big camera and perhaps even an extra lens! My fav….Juniper Berry!
    Thanks for the contest….

  148. I have to choose buttercream because it is my all time favorite frosting. If you are ever in Minneapolis/St. Paul again you should check out the butter cream at Wuollet’s Bakery. You can’t beat it.

  149. Green is my fave….so I would have to say Apple Tart!!!

  150. I love the Red Velvet and French Gooseberry! But it would be fun to see a Perfectly Plum Purple colored bag!

  151. I love the juniper berry, so cute!

  152. I think I like the French Gooseberry the best, but the Buttercream is divine. This would be a lot classier to carry around than the Winnie-the-Pooh diaper bag I currently lug!

  153. French Gooseberry! All The Way!

  154. I love the Juniper Berry!

  155. Ooh! Chocolate Decadence!

  156. Red velvet but if I made up my own “flavor” it would be orangesicle – a nice burnt orange color.

  157. I’m in love with french gooseberry <3

  158. Licorice Pudding is so glam. Love it!

  159. Chocolate Decadence looks VERY tasty!

  160. love them all! but maybe juniper berry wins by a smidge.

  161. Chocolate Decadence not only does it sound great but it looks great too!

  162. Ohh love the French Gooseberry!

  163. I love the yellow! Buttercream Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Purse. But my 2nd fave would be the licorice pudding! They are so presh! :) I need to get my hands on one of these! Maybe…..a Christmas gift for myself? ;) ;) ;)

  164. I am absolutely loving the Apple Tart!!! Ohhh and Chocolate Decadence! So pretty!

  165. I LOVE the yellow buttercream! So cute and looks like just the perfect sized-purse!

  166. Love the licorice.

  167. They are all wonderful, but my favorite is the Apple Tart. I’d love to see something in raspberry!

  168. I love all of them! But, my favorite would have to be Chocolate Decadence. I have 5 little boys and this bag would be HEAVEN for me.

  169. Love the Buttercream one! The Licorice Pudding is beautiful too. I’m due in 5 weeks, so I would really use it as a diaper bag…at least at first! :)

  170. I have to say i really love the yellow buttercream one..

  171. Apple Tart all the way! So spunky and green!

  172. Apple Tart! Green is my signature color.

  173. Hi there
    I LOVE the yellow buttercream :) It matches my car LOL

  174. That red velvet is amazing! But isn’t anything red velvet amazing?

  175. The licorice pudding and chocolate decadence both look really nice, but I wonder if the company will have a lighter shade of brown and white like s’mores!

  176. I’m in love with licorice pudding!

  177. me please!:) the yellow buttercream is ADORABLE!:) thank you! you are wonderful!:)

  178. It’s almost impossible to choose but for the sake of “it goes with everything”, I’d pick the Licorice Pudding. What a great giveaway, thanks Bakerella!!!

  179. French Gooseberry is so beautiful!

  180. Love the Apple Tart!

  181. My first thoughts are always chocolate… however, the French Gooseberry sounds tempting! I’ll take a sample serving of both, please!

  182. Love, love, LOVE the yellow buttercream… I’m also a fan of the color orange, so maybe a pumpkin spice??

  183. I’m a red velvet kinda gal. For sure.

  184. Pumpkin Spice would be a FANTASTIC colour! But this Buttercream is gorgeous too! My little baby would have the most fashionable diaper bag :)

  185. French gooseberry! But carrot cake would rock

  186. The buttercream is definitely my fave…but what I wouldn’t give fir rasberry souflet or rainbow chip?!

  187. My wife would love one of these, chocolate decadence would be my pick.

  188. Although the Red Velvet is divine I think I would go with Apple Tart, it’s such a fun color. Love me some good old classic Buttercream though. :)

  189. i love the licorice but i’d like to see a purple option – plum or boysenberry, perhaps? YUMMY!!!

  190. Love the Juniper Berry and the Yellow Buttercream!

  191. Yummy Licorice Pudding!!

  192. I love them all! However, the apple tart is my favorite..

  193. Juniper berry is so cute!

  194. defiitely apple tart! cute!

  195. Love Chocolate!

  196. I am loving the Red Velvet!! I agree that the strawberry cream would be a fantastic and fun new flavor/fabric!

  197. i love licorice pudding! just the purse tho- hate licorice!

  198. I have to choose Juniper Berry because my daughter’s name is Juniper!

  199. Dolce de Leche would be fun!
    Loving French Decadence!

  200. Apple Tart, Red Velvet, Chocolate Decadence….all are gorgeous! (And sound delicious!) Buttercream is adorable as well….I’d love to win!

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