

A while back I gave away the cutest little clutch. Anyone remember? It was from the Petunia Pickle Bottom Line called Cake. The color was called Red Velvet. Too cute. The Cake line of purses are actually diaper bag styles disguised as super fashionable handbags. But don’t let that keep you from falling in love with them. You can totally use this as a regular purse. It’s made of Italian cut velvet and coordinating wool tweed. It has lots of pockets, cute Cake zipper pulls and comes in fun “flavors.”

Anyway, last time I bought the clutch to give away because I loved the look of it and of course the name… Red Velvet Cake clutch… hard to resist.

But recently Petunia Pickle Bottom contacted me and offered one of their full-size Cosmopolitan Carryall bags for a giveaway. A big one. Yay for you guys!

This time the color is Buttercream… and it’s gorgeous.

Take a look…


Buttercream Cake Handbag Details

Check out this Red Velvet Clutch post for some close up shots of the purse detailing.


WANT IT? Enter for a chance to win this YELLOW Buttercream Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Purse.

  • Now, even though the prize purse is buttercream, I thought it would be fun to find out your favorite fabric flavor. (Say that fast three times.)
  • To enter, just pick your favorite from one of the flavors below or suggest one that you think would be fun. Personally, I’m waiting for Strawberry Cake to be an option. Please Petunia? Pink?
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, November 2 at 6 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced Below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.


Good Luck! And if you stumbled on this post looking for buttercream frosting, here’s a recipe for the one I use most of the time.

Okay. Okay. It’s time to announce the winner. Lots of people love this purse… including me. Sorry that there’s only one to give away. And that winner is comment #3638 – Sally!  Yay Sally. You’ll be super sassy when you carry it. Congrats!


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10,437 comments on “Buttercream”

  1. Definitely buttercream with chocolate decadance a close 2nd!!!

  2. But chocolate of course….

  3. I absolutely love the Red Velvet!!! The colors look yummy and beautiful!

  4. Would have to choose the sunny buttercream…looks wonderful!!

  5. I have to say I LOVE the Red Velvet! Something about the pattern in the red and chocolate shades really makes the pattern pop. What a gorgeous bag!

  6. I would luv luv LUVVVV the French Gooseberry :) I especially like its name

  7. Pick? Only one? Chocolate is always good.

    How about a carrot cake purse? I could see a dark rusty-orangey almost brown color that would be FABULOUS!

  8. Anything chocolate is divine! Love the chocolate decadence!!

  9. I love anything chocolate!!! Chocolate Decadence for sure!!!

  10. I love the red velvet… but since my favorite color is pink I would have to agree that there should definitely be a strawberry cake one!

  11. I LOVE the bright blue of the French Gooseberry, but I think there should totally be one that is plum or eggplant decoration with the cream background. Would be delicious for fall and winter!

  12. The butter cream one

  13. Chocolate Decadence for sure – what a neat giveaway, thank you!

  14. Love it!!!!

  15. going to go with red velvet

  16. i love the chocolate one! yum-o!

  17. I like the licorice pudding. But I think they should make something with a “Lavender” in it……like lavender ice cream, I don’t know…I’m bad with making up names ;)

  18. I LOVE the Chocolate Cake Bag….It is so classy…and I LOVE anything chocolate! :O)

  19. Love the apple tart!

  20. I”m going to have to go with Red Velvet! Delicious.

  21. love love love the buttercream and chocolate decadence…yom!!!

  22. I love them all but my favourtie is the Yellow Buttercream

  23. liquorice Pudding!! I love the black and creme.. delightful!

  24. i choose french gooseberry – remind me of blueberry icre-cream cake top with vanilla ice-cream and chocolate syrup. oooohhh…wish could have it for lunch time today :)

  25. French Gooseberry! It’s quite lovely!

  26. I can’t help but still love the Red Velvet, since that is my favorite flavor of cake AND I love the color so much! That, and Apple Tart just makes me think of a wonderful home-made pastry… :)

  27. Ooh, red velvet, absolutely. I’m an NC State wolfpack girl so red’s a shoe-in. The chocolate decadence and apple tart are quite pretty, too!

  28. Juniper Berry is adorable, but not half as much as that little girl in the Buttercream ad! What a doll.

  29. I am torn…I love the red velvet and the chocolate decadence. I guess I’d go for the chocolate, since chocolate goes with everything!

  30. Chocolate Decadance sounds devine. But, I have to go with Apple Tart … sweet and perfect for my fall menu (and wardrobe!).

  31. The Red Velvet is perfect!

  32. I am in love with that Licorice Pudding purse. I swear I could eat it!

  33. I love the French Gooseberry, but man, that Buttercream sure is nice.

  34. Buttercream. Hands down…adorable.

  35. They are all decadently delightful. I think the apple tart is my favorite! But oooh if any of them ended up in my hands this would be one happy mama!!!

    And I agree. Petunia needs to do a Strawberry Shortcake (pink) flavor!

  36. I love the buttercream. Yellow is my favorite color!

  37. I love Licorice Pudding!
    I think that an orange color would be lovely. Gotta love orange. :)

  38. I love them all, but Apple Tart is extra-fabulous!

  39. I loooveee the Chocolate Decadence…

  40. LOVE the French Gooseberry but the Chocolate Decadence would work best with my wardrobe

  41. the french gooseberry is amazing!

  42. as far as flavor, choclate decadence…

    based on color, licorice pudding, red velvet, or french gooseberry…

    great now i’m hungry… LOL

  43. I think it just awesome to carry around a bag that is named after food. I think I would be the coolest girl in the foodcourt to carry around a bag that is called Chocolate. YUM! Sign me up for the chocolate one please, or really any other color…I mean flavor :) thanks!


  44. licorice pudding or chocolate decadence. how could you decide

  45. Licorice pudding or chocolate decadance!!!

  46. I actually really love the Buttercream! But, I think a purple one would be totally amazing….

  47. ok first i like the French Gooseberry…but if we are making one up i think i would like to see a orange chiffon cake color!!!

  48. i think orange creamsicle would be a nice add-on to these wonderful bags! orange is such an underused color :)

  49. I like them all, but buttercream is my favorite.

  50. wow.. this is hard to just pick one favorite.. I love ALL the colors, but I guess french gooseberry would be my favorite.. I do love the’s different.. that’s what I love about it.. everyone has red, black and brown bags.. I like something that stands out..

  51. I really like the Chocolate Decadence but Im trying to break out of my same ole same ole routine so it would be red velvet all the way for me!

  52. My favorite would have to be the juniper berry, but man they are all really beautiful! What a great opportunity! Thanks!

  53. I love them all!! Love the Licorice pudding the best!

  54. Buttercream is fab, maybe a mandrin orange cheescake? Could totally see me with an apple tart too! so many choices, so little time!

  55. LOVE LOVE LOVE the Licorice Pudding!! I was JUST looking at these online today b/c I’m in the market for a diaper bag! Perfect timing!

  56. I’d like to see something Tangerine or Melon.

    P.S. I just saw you’re coming to Nashville! It’s an hour away from where I’m stationed, so I just have to come. Eeee! I’m so happy you decided to go “on tour”. You’re a rock star!!!

  57. Definitely the Juniper Berry. Blue, especially light blue, is my favorite color.

  58. Oh, these are just perfect. Truly arm-candy! I love the Apple Tart!

  59. French Gooseberry… just looking at it gives me fresh, summery shivers!

  60. The Apple Tart is gorgeous! I love it.

  61. Chocolate Decadence

  62. Turquoise is my signature color, so I love the gooseberry one. But I love them all! With my son turning 3 months old this week and my daughter almost two and a half, I could use a better diaper bag. I hope I win!

  63. I LOVE the Yellow Buttercream…looks yummy :)


  65. licorice pudding

  66. I love ALL the bags…but I would love to see one called Italian Creme Cake!

  67. I gotta say the red velvet has got just that something to make you smile when you see it. Eye catching enough so that other women will be jealous, and savvy enough to take anywhere!

  68. I have been coveting this bag since it came out!! I love it and will one day have it…. winning it would be even more fabulous!!! I will take it in any flavour (colour) but my fav today is Licorice Pudding!

  69. Chocolate Decadence says it all!

  70. Oh!!! The Juniper Berry and Red Velvet are delicious!!! I love them all, really! Thanks for a chance to win!

  71. Oh my … apple tart is wonderful, but each one is just too cute!

  72. Oh, licorice, hands down.

  73. Buttercream! For sure.
    …or perhaps a funfetti one :)

  74. They are all gorgeous! It’s so hard to pick a favorite– probably the Juniper Berry.

  75. Licorice pudding is my fav out of the entire collection…very chic!

    But I would also like to propose the color Angel Food Cream


  76. love the chocolate decadence

  77. Licorice Pudding! elegant… =)

  78. my girlfriend told me that apple tart is her favorite

  79. Oh I am in love! WOW!!
    French Gooseberry…totally!

  80. Buttercream is the best! I’m partial to yellow!

  81. Being a true southern gal………I will have to go with the Red Velvet! Now for another flavor idea, how about Key Lime! Mmmmm good!

  82. OH MY GOODNESS, I LOVE the chocolate decadence, it is BEAUtiful!!

  83. Love, love, love the Chocolate Decadence!!!

  84. I love them all! The yellow buttercream would be a nice classy day bag, and the black licorice a fun evening bag… love love love. I think the favitiest fave is the chocolate, and I’m usually such a vanilla person!

  85. Definitely Apple Tart!!

  86. I like the Chocolate but its pumpkin season!
    so there should be a pumpkin souffle.

  87. I have to go with French Gooseberry – gotta love the blues!

  88. Ooh….tough choice. I love the chocolate and the red velvet. But I think if I HAD to pick one, it would be chocolate!

  89. hard to pick from! My favorites are apple tart, Chocolate decadence, and french gooseberry….But I do agree with you strawberry shortcake!!!

  90. Love the Apple Tart ’cause I’m a lime green sort of girl!

  91. How about Carrot Cake flavor? :) Cute bag!

  92. apple tart, please!

  93. i think the licorice pudding would match the best with my stuff…but i LOVE the red velvet :)

  94. I’m a chocolate kind of girl, so I’d go for the Chocolate Decadence. :)

  95. juniper berry is such a pretty shade of blue!! love it

  96. I love love love the buttercream! My other favorite is the Red Velvet bag. A grape glory wouldn’t be that shabby either ;)

  97. The buttercream would go with so much of my stuff!

  98. With baby #2 due in March, I’ve been craaaving Red Velvet or Buttercream! This coundn’t be any more exciting! :)

  99. I love the Red Velvet, best, but all of them are gorgeous…

  100. French Gooseberry is divine!

  101. Red Velvet and a gorgeous purse. What other indulgences could a girl ask for?

  102. Love love love the apple tart.

  103. Juniper Berry or Licorice Pudding!!!

  104. Definitely chocolate decadence . . . that way if I were on a diet, this would make it much easier. . . don’t have to eat it, but it would still make me happy!

  105. Love love love the Apple Tart!

  106. oooh, or the purple one could be Lavender Buttercream :)

  107. Licorice pudding …..gorgeous!

  108. I absolutely love the Juniper Berry color, but the yellow buttercream purse is to die for! My fingers are seriously crossed for this giveaway!!! :)

  109. Love all of them but could not resist Apple Tart!

  110. Licorice Pudding is very classic but how about a shade similar to Pumpkin Pie? Or a toffee color like Creme Brulee?

  111. LOVE the apple tart bag – what a gorgeous color!

  112. Well I really love the Yellow Buttercream, but the Juniper Berry is real nice too!!!

  113. i love the french gooseberry! this will be the only time i want to get goosed! hehehe!

  114. ooo the buttercream is just lovely!

  115. The french gooseberry is adorable, the color and pattern look so nice together! Honestly though they’re all gorgeous!

  116. little apple tart, you are divine!

  117. I’m loving the buttercream…but the chocolate decadence and french gooseberry are very close seconds (and thirds?).

  118. Oh my!!! These bags are beautiful! I love the Buttercream, Apple Tart, French Gooseberry, and Chocolate Decadence (not in any particular order.) Very talented work!

  119. how about rasberry ripple????? mmmmm

  120. I like the Licorice Pudding, but would like to see a PURPLE one, maybe called Plum Pudding :)

  121. Yay! Buttercream is my favourite!

  122. i would love to see pink! but the black is great….oh, the brown……hahahaha. pink!

  123. licorice pudding…oh but red velvet just calls my name!

  124. Apple Tart or Red Velvet or Buttercream are all so beautiful!1

  125. I am in love with them all!!! but If i had to choose one, it would be apple tart!! I love green!! If I don’t win, I am going to start saving for one right away!!

  126. I am in love with them all!!! but If i had to choose one, it would be apple tart!! I love green!! If I don’t win, I am going to start saving for one right away!!

  127. French Gooseberry! I think I like it best because it is fun to say. ;) And, might I add, WOW, you have a lot of comments… you may need to hire someone to help you read thru all of them!!

  128. I love the RED Velvet, but the Apple tart is so nice and bright.

  129. Licorice Pudding…very cute. Love love love. But I also like the buttercream a WHOLE lot.

  130. ALWAYS chocolate !!!!!

  131. I really love the French Gooseberry and the Licorice Pudding.

  132. Licorice Pudding is very classic but how about a shade similar to Pumpkin Pie? Or a toffee color like Creme Brulle?

  133. Ooh… I love them all!! I’d probably go for the red velvet or chocolate decadence. But buttercream is pretty gorgeous too!

  134. Apple Tart… Delicious!!

  135. Love the red velvet, but they are all beautiful!

  136. I LOVE Licorice Pudding but would love even more to see a boysenberry pie. PPB bags are so gorgeous! Hard picking a favorite.


  138. Chocolate decadence-I’m definitely a fan! The Buttercream is beautiful!

  139. Oooh, I love PPB, especially the cake bags. I think Licorice Pudding would go with any outfit!!

  140. I love the French Gooseberry!

  141. French gooseberry is pretty, but a “Plum Pudding” with a rich purple would be sweet. ;)

  142. What a beautiful purse, LOVE IT <3. Buttercream is my favorite and chocolate decadence is a close runner up!

  143. Going to have to go with Chocolate….

  144. Apple Tart…I love anything green!

  145. I love the Juniper Berry! What gorgeous bags!

  146. red velvet looks divine

  147. apple tart!

  148. Chocolate Decadence !!!

  149. They are all soo pretty!

  150. Woo Hoo for Chocolate Decadence!!

  151. WOW! That is so cute! Would love to have it in yellow. The grey/yellow combo they have it pictured with is actually my favoite color combination.

  152. I have always loved chocolate now I can carry it and eat too!

  153. The apple tart is gorgeous!

  154. Apple Tart. I am a green girl.

  155. red velvet…..sassy!!

  156. licorice pudding

  157. I would love the chocolate decadence one. It’s absolutely gorgeous, but the buttercream is pretty too.

    I would love to see like a french vanilla color. ?

  158. I love them all!

  159. Apple tart is gorgeous, Buttercream is a close second. I love greens, yellows and blues!

  160. Apple Tart for sure!

  161. Ahh…this is a hard choice. They all looks so cute!
    I would have to say, either the red velvet or the Licorice Pudding. They’re both oh so classy! But the Petunia Pickle Bottom is a beautiful bright sunny color! For a casual walk in the day, I’d go with that!

  162. Licorice Pudding is my fav!

  163. The French Gooseberry is calling my name! So pretty!

  164. So beautiful! I’m going to say apple tart!

  165. I am in LOVE with the buttercream! I actually saw this bag in Licorice Pudding in Southern Lady magazine and immediately fell in love. Beautiful!

  166. How could you pick just one favorite…they all look so tasty!

  167. Chocolate is what I live for so it has to be the Chocolate Decadence for me!

  168. I like the Juniper Berry.

  169. Hard to pick, but I’d have to go with French Gooseberry!

  170. chocolate decadenceeeeeeeeeeee

  171. Chocolate Decadance is a MUST!! Two of God’s greatest things….Chocolate and Purses!!

  172. Apple tart is my favorite, love the pop of color!

  173. Red Velvet is really cute!

  174. chocolate decadence is my choice!

  175. They are beautiful! I really like the Licorice and Red Velvet! thanks for sharing!

  176. Where is the purple? I vote for Lavender Parfait.

  177. I like the Apple Tart!

  178. oooo!
    i want licorice. i love the classic white and black!
    so cute!

  179. Red Velvet is awesome.

  180. Love the apple tart, the green cut velvet jumps out!

  181. I love the buttercream one!

  182. Wow I like them all!

    I’d love to see a caramel color? That would be great for the fall.

  183. French Gooseberry here… although I’d love to see a purple shade!

  184. French Gooseberry!

  185. chocolate decadence…yum! love these bags! awesome christmas present!

  186. Chocolate is the way to go!

  187. Red Velvet & French Gooseberry. Love ’em.

  188. I simply love the red velvet! Even though the chocolate is calling me, and apple tart is to die for as well. Oh who could decide they all look so delicious! :)

  189. Red Velvet for sure. But the yellow buttercream also looks beautiful!

    LOVE the bags, they look amazing!

  190. ohhhh… I LOVE that Chocolate Decadence!

  191. I love the licorice pudding!!

  192. i’m all over that chocolate, but could sure go for a GRAPE purple!

  193. I’m LOVING that French Gooseberry!!!!!!

  194. French Gooseberry!! I love all of them though!

  195. The only one that would be better than Chocolate Decadence (reminds me of Boston Cream Pie) is Creamsicle! mmm…best flavor ever. <3 I just love the details on that purse!

  196. Chocolate Decadence!

  197. Love the black licorice bag! Thanks for sharing these!

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