

A while back I gave away the cutest little clutch. Anyone remember? It was from the Petunia Pickle Bottom Line called Cake. The color was called Red Velvet. Too cute. The Cake line of purses are actually diaper bag styles disguised as super fashionable handbags. But don’t let that keep you from falling in love with them. You can totally use this as a regular purse. It’s made of Italian cut velvet and coordinating wool tweed. It has lots of pockets, cute Cake zipper pulls and comes in fun “flavors.”

Anyway, last time I bought the clutch to give away because I loved the look of it and of course the name… Red Velvet Cake clutch… hard to resist.

But recently Petunia Pickle Bottom contacted me and offered one of their full-size Cosmopolitan Carryall bags for a giveaway. A big one. Yay for you guys!

This time the color is Buttercream… and it’s gorgeous.

Take a look…


Buttercream Cake Handbag Details

Check out this Red Velvet Clutch post for some close up shots of the purse detailing.


WANT IT? Enter for a chance to win this YELLOW Buttercream Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Purse.

  • Now, even though the prize purse is buttercream, I thought it would be fun to find out your favorite fabric flavor. (Say that fast three times.)
  • To enter, just pick your favorite from one of the flavors below or suggest one that you think would be fun. Personally, I’m waiting for Strawberry Cake to be an option. Please Petunia? Pink?
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, November 2 at 6 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced Below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.


Good Luck! And if you stumbled on this post looking for buttercream frosting, here’s a recipe for the one I use most of the time.

Okay. Okay. It’s time to announce the winner. Lots of people love this purse… including me. Sorry that there’s only one to give away. And that winner is comment #3638 – Sally!  Yay Sally. You’ll be super sassy when you carry it. Congrats!


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10,437 comments on “Buttercream”

  1. I love the French Gooseberry. So vibrant!

  2. How pretty! My favorite is the buttercream, but if I had to suggest one, I would call it plum pudding and have it be pretty purple!

  3. Oooo…I love the chocolate one, but the buttercream is equally lovely!

  4. yummmmm
    chocolate decadence

  5. OMG, they’re all so gorgeous! If I absolutely had to pick *one* to buy, it would probably be Juniper Berry. Oh, please pick me to win!!

  6. Love, love the red velvet.

  7. buttercream or apple tart!

  8. I would love the red velvet, but your offering the buttercream I would still love it! They are all really gorgeous!

  9. Red Velvet — just the words make my mouth water

  10. Love the Apple Tart, that is just the perfect flavor of green for a purse =)

  11. Ooooh, chocolate decadence,…. Like an even more sophisticated Mary Poppins bag. I need it!

  12. The Juniper Berry is so cute! (:

  13. French Gooseberry.! It’s gorgeous.! I agree with you though, strawberry cake sounds great! lol it’s like the purse is yummy.

  14. I am completely in love with the buttercream. What an interesting color!

  15. I love them all! But my favorite would have to be licorice pudding!!

  16. The Licorice Pudding is beautiful!

  17. Love the Red Velvet bag! All that’s missing is the cream cheese frosting! :)

  18. Love them all, but have to go with Chocolate decadence!

  19. Yellow Buttercream!

  20. They all look Gorgeous, it´s really hard to choose but Licorise Pudding or Apple tart look really nice :)

  21. Sweet Apple Tart. It looks like a granny smith apple – my favorite!

  22. I actually like the Yellow Petunia best!

  23. My new cake fabric flavor would be Black Forest (I’m thinking brown and red) or Orange Creamsicle (not truly cake but I think the bag would look stunning in orange and cream).

  24. ooh! Chocolate Decadence is lovely and a chocolate lovers dream! (that would be me…. he he) Although… I love a good apple tart too!

  25. I’m loving the red velvet

  26. I love Red Velvet! But I would add a pumpkin spice cake for fall!

  27. Definitely Juniper Berry. And the little girl in the picture is adorable!

  28. Licorice Pudding! So elegant! I’m having a girl in 8 weeks- would LOVE this!!!

  29. Mmmm…. delicious — I believe that I would love a Mackinac Island Fudge — nice deep chocolate brown color from Michigan!

  30. I love the classiness of the Licorice Pudding print. But the Buttercream one is lovely as well, obviously. Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. Chocolate decadence is lovely.

  32. Licorice Pudding! Licorice Pudding! Licorice Pudding! i love Licorice Pudding!

  33. I love the licorice pudding, but they are all so cute!

  34. Love them all, don’t we all… ;) I have to say my fav is the buttercream, especially since Fall is here! Thanks for the opp!

  35. LOVE LOVE LOVE the Red Velvet!! :)

  36. Wow, that’s kind of like trying to narrow it down to just one favorite ice cream… But, light blue is “my color”, so I will say Juniper Berry.

  37. Um, I’m pretty certain that the original Buttercream has been missing from my life for far too long!

    C’mon random number generator, pick me, pick me!

  38. the southern belle in me says “red velvet”… but the buttercream is divine!

  39. looooovin the chocolate decadence and the apple tart along with the buttercream! on a hunt for a new bag too hee hee! =)

  40. I love the French Gooseberry!

  41. Cherry Chip! I also love the apple tart…and the red velvet…oh my they are all beautiful!

  42. I love them all but think it would be so fun to find an outfit to match the apple tart green purse!

  43. Love the Apple Tart or Chocolate Decadence. They ARE my favorite colors. =D

  44. Awsome bags. I would pick Licorace.
    1. I love the candy,it’s my favorite candy
    2. Most of my clothes are balck, white, grey, etc.

    Thank you for offering this purse.
    Miss Lila in Atlanta

  45. Buttercream, oh buttercream!!!

  46. that is a hard tie———- i love the buttercream and the apple tart.
    oh forget that, i like them all…….. :)

  47. Red valvet wow they look sooooo nice

  48. I love the licorice color but love the apple name. marble cake might be a great name for a new bag.

  49. IN love with the buttercream !!!! I want to eat it and wear it all at the same time! Beautiful

  50. Licoric pudding all the way! Its too cute and would match everything I have. Cherry Bordeaux would be an awesome new color :)

  51. I love, love, love Apple Tart and would be over the moon if I won it! Fingers crossed!!!!

  52. I love the Chocolate Decadence!

  53. Love the Buttercream color! The Apple Tart is really fun too. Hard to choose!

  54. Apple tart is lovely :)

  55. Wow, they are all SO beautiful!!! I would choose Apple Tart!

  56. I LOVE this! If I had money, it would now belong to Petunia Pickle Bottom. My favorite is either the buttercream or red velvet. Both are adorable!

  57. Who can resist chocolate???

  58. LOVE LOVE LOVE French Gooseberry!

  59. They are all gorgeous but i am going to have to go with Juniper Berry as my fav.

  60. I think I like the Buttercream the best! How fun!

  61. i love chocolate decadence!!! almost as much as I love chocolate!

  62. I actually like the buttercream out of all of them!!! I am a purse freak! Pick me…Pick me!!!

  63. Apple Tart – so cute! I’m also currently in love with all things purple too. Such a fun idea.

  64. I love the licorise pudding bag! Sooooo cute!

  65. I like the Chocolate Decadence or all of them.

  66. the licorice pudding one is GORGEOUS

  67. Ohhh….licorice pudding for sure! I could use that bag with ANYTHING!!! :)

  68. Wow how gorgeous these purses are. I think i want one of each! But i will settle for the free YELLOW Buttercream Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Purse. Just to get me started :)

  69. Ahh! How cute are those? I can’t decided between the Buttercream and Juniper Berry. I hope I win! Thanks for the giveaway.

  70. LICORICE PUDDING is by far my fav! :)

  71. I Like The Juniper Berry!

  72. I think I would have to go with the Red Velvet but the Buttercream is definitely a great spring color!. How about a Plum color…Plum Pudding maybe?

  73. It is a tie between apple tart and red velvet. I am having a baby girl in December and her name is Scarlett and either of these colors would go perfect with our “Miss Scarlett”. (Can you hear my bad southern accent?)

  74. I love them all, but would probably use the Licorice Pudding the most!

  75. I like the Buttercream. I think there should be an Orange Cream.

  76. I love the buttercream!

  77. Wow,Licorice Pudding is AMAZING!!I love French Gooseberry,too!

  78. i like juniper berry & chocolate decadence! they are all pretty so it would be pretty hard to choose just one.

  79. Ooohh…I love the French Gooseberry!

  80. i love the licorice puding

  81. I love the licorice pudding. I always revert to black, its classic.

  82. I love the licorice pudding, it’s gorgeous!

  83. Red Velvet if you please! Nothing like a pretty accent piece, and that gorgeous red and cream will do it!

  84. Chocolate Decadence. That is awesome!

  85. Licorice Pudding for me!

  86. They’re all gorgeous…but I love the French Gooseberry!

  87. I would say the Licorice Pudding….but I do agree a Strawberry Short Cake in pink would be the best!!!

  88. buttercream is lovely but if it were up to me, i’d go for the french gooseberry!

  89. I love the juniper berry one!

  90. I love the yellow buttercream…but I also love the licorice pudding and apple tart! They are all cute:)

  91. Oooh! I can’t pick. I love them all!

  92. Oh my goodness, I LOVE all of these bags!!! Teal is my favorite color, so I like the French Gooseberry the best!!! It’s my birthday this month… Momma needs a new purse! :) Thanks for the give-a-way!

  93. I love love love the Juniper Berry. I would wear it all the time and want to eat it most of the time.

  94. They are all so cute! I have to say though I love the Juniper Berry.

  95. I LOVE the apple tart :-) everyone who knows me would call it “Maralee-green”. yummy!

  96. LOVE the chocolate decadence!

  97. Licorice Pudding! *drools*

  98. I just can’t pick one! Give me ALL of them!

  99. Black or Yellow!

  100. oooo French gooseberry! Love it!

  101. I like licorice pudding!

  102. Licorice Pudding please…

  103. i love the juniper berry and the yellow buttercream!!

  104. Yellow buttercream all the way… yummy and fashionable!

  105. Licorice Pudding looks the most elegant as a bag. Though I would not actually want to eat that flavor. ;p

  106. oh my goodness…well at this moment I have a 1:6,000 chance of winning the gorgeous red velvet bag… I feel lucky :)

    Not that you will ever see this ;) But I am crazy about your blog and cake pops and yummy goodies:)

    Happy Autumn!

  107. Gotta love the chocolate decadence!

  108. I would just love the butter cream bag. Yum, yum. Reminds me of blissful hours in my mother’s kitchen. Such a good choice for another motherly duty.

  109. i do love yellow buttercream… it is divine!! thank you for the chance to win. :)

  110. i love them all!!! but my all time favorite would be the apple tart. Kinda different, and that why i love it! But i LOVE the buttercream as well!

  111. I LOVE the Buttercream! If I were to create a new flavor, I think it might have to be pumpkin spice.

  112. That purse is really pretty! oh…I would love to have that green one “Apple Tart” since green is my favorite color :)

  113. Juniper Berry or Apple Tart most definitely! I love to give a good punch of green or yellow to my outfits and the Apple Tart and Buttercream do just that! :)

  114. Wow!! How beautiful! Juniper Berry is my favorite.

  115. I love them all. Love the Red Velvet, but I am DYING for a plum cake (purple). It has to be happening sometime soon.

  116. I LOVE red velvet! How about chocolate coverd cherry? :) black and red? I think it would be beautiful!

  117. I really love the buttercream, but I’m a sucker for pink, too, so I could totally get behind a strawberry cake!

  118. Love the licorice pudding or apple tart!

  119. They are all great but I love the chocolate decadence and apple tart.

  120. Licorice Pudding!! So classic.

  121. Anything with the word “buttercream” has to be a winner, so Yellow Buttercream it is!

  122. love at first sight with Buttercream!!!

  123. Love the juniper berry!

  124. Would LOVE to see some purple, maybe Plum Pudding??

  125. I love the red velvet (maybe I’m biased since I own it?!)

    Bakerella… FYI there was an old Cake print in pink called Strawberry Lace. It was a pale pink and absolutely gorgeous!!

  126. i love the french gooseberry!

  127. The Red Velvet would have to be my favorite!!

  128. I LOVE all of them but my ultimate favorite bag is the licorice pudding! I just think it’s classy. I would just die to have one to use with our first baby in June!

  129. Licorice for sure. It’s my favorite flavor, but I’ve never tried Licorice Pudding. Is there such a thing? I’m game.

  130. French Gooseberry is sooo pretty, but I would definitely get more use from the Buttercream one. They are all gorgeous though!!!

  131. chocolate decadence yum

  132. I love licorice pudding! But they are all beautiful bags!

  133. The buttercream is amazing! I wear lots of gray so this bag would be the perfect compliment!!!

  134. I LOVE the buttercream! The Licorice Pudding is sooo cute too!!

  135. I think orange cream would be a fun one too.

  136. I adore that apple tart color. Amazing!

  137. I can’t decide! I love the Licorice Pudding, Red Velvet, Apple Tart, and Chocolate Decadence. Buttercream is great though!

  138. She might also like the French Gooseberry

  139. I love the apple tart :) green is my favorite color and so are granny smith apples…mmmm, I’m going to have to bake an apple pie now-haha!

  140. Beautiful!

    I LOVE the Buttercream, Juniper Berry, and Red Velvet but they’re all gorgeous!

  141. OH MY HOLY MOLY!!! Look at all the comments. I love love love your website and this purse is aaaadorable!!! Boy all of the colors are beautiful. If I had to choose I would pick apple tart, however if I were summering in Paris I would need the French Gooseberry( one can dream can’t one?!) Of course I can just picture saying “please hand me my buttercream purse, thank you :-)!!!”

  142. My wife likes the chocolate decadence.

  143. Love them all, but Butter cream is my favorite!

  144. I want one called Fudgesicle Pie. But I wouldn’t turn down a classic Buttercream.

  145. Apple tart!!

  146. I love the red velvet but they are all beautiful

  147. French Goose pie anyone? Absolutely gorgeous!

  148. How about a Pumpkin Spice color for fall??

  149. I am very much loving the Apple Tort. I love green, so how ’bout a key lime pie bag?

  150. I love the Red Velvet & the Chocolate Decadence! :)

  151. I love red velvet !!!!

  152. I love the apple tart! Makes we want to get the ice cream out and make it ala mode!!

  153. Love the Yellow Buttercream

  154. my favorite is apple tart! but buttercream is awesome too!

  155. ooooh, I love the red velvet. Though they are ALL gorgeous.

  156. juniper berry is lovely :)

  157. Licorice Pudding looks so vintage-y!

  158. I LOVE the Juniper Berry, the colour combo is glorious :)
    Agree with Bakerella, pink combo please! Pink Candy Floss maybe? ^____^ xx

  159. Licorice pudding is nice and neutral but the Buttercream yellow is gorgeous!

  160. Since I have to choose just 1 (that’s really not fair cause I love them all) – it has to be the French Gooseberry

  161. Buttercream is actually my fave! If I had to coose another it would be French Gooseberry

  162. I have loved this line for so long! I think my favorite is the juniper berry but I LOVE the red and I also really, really like the buttercream. They are all so lovely, every size and every color. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  163. I love the Red Velvet one. I think a Strawberry Shortcake would be fun as well.

  164. Love the Apple Tart!

  165. Chocolate, anything chocolate! How about Dripping in Chocolate? :)

  166. The French Gooseberry is really pretty.

  167. Red Velvet!

  168. The apple tart is amazing not only a great colour but the name makes me laugh as well :-P (also its just the season for a good warming apple tart!)

  169. I love the apple tart, but how yummy would mint chocolate be with a mix of brown and green?

  170. I have to say I love love love the red velvet one!! NExt would be the chocolate decadence.. Pink would be absolutely my favorite when they come out with that one!!


  172. Strawberry is not a bad idea! They better get on that. :) I think the Licorice is divine.

  173. I LOVE licorice pudding. So classy!

  174. i can’t decide, they’re all so delicious! i think i’d have to go with the apple tart if i were forced to choose ;)

  175. Juniper berry please! Love it!

  176. What about a Blueberry Buckle?!

  177. I like the juniper breeze color. I think a carrot cake colored purse would be awesome…..brown with orange hilites.

  178. The Chocolate Decadence and Apple Tart are absolutely stunning!

  179. It’s a toss up between Buttercream & Chocolate Decadence!

  180. I would love to see one in a deep dark purple called Sugarplum.. Its so hard to find purple things for my little girl!

  181. Decisions…..decisions…..decisions…..why I am craving something sweet…..h-m-m-m-m? I think the Apple Tart would have to be my favorite!

  182. I love the yellow buttercream! But the apple tart is a close second! Would be perfect for our little fig arriving in April :)

  183. I fancy both buttercream cake and french goosberry. yummy!

  184. I really like Licorice Pudding. I’m a sucker for simplicity.

    But if they were to make another one…I think it would be…Lavender Cookie! A light purple.

  185. I have to say red velvet is my favorite, as an obligation to red.
    apple tart is a close second.

  186. The buttercream is super cute!

  187. Chocolate Decadence, of course! The Red Velvet is gorgeous too!

  188. The Chocolate Decadence is absolutely incredible. LOVELOVELOVE it!

  189. I am going to surprise myself and go with the French Gooseberry. It is absolutely gorgeous!
    If I were to suggest one to be added…. Hmmm…. Maybe an orange one….Pumpkin Pie? No, a purple one… Blueberry Tart?

  190. red velvet all the way!!! those bags are GORGEOUS!!! I might just have to order on in every colour…

  191. Red Velvet is my favorite!!!!!

  192. chocolate decadence is my fave!

  193. Oh my… Oh my… Oh my… The ideas are flowing… how about a beautiful bouquet of Licorice Pudding Cake Pops!!! Find me a stencil and some spray color!!! TOO MUCH FUN!!!

  194. I love the Red Velvet! It’s beautiful!

  195. I LOVE the buttercream, but everything looks better with Chocolate Decadence.

  196. I love Licorice Pudding – I’m such a sucker for black and white!

  197. Apple Tart! How about Carrot Cake?

  198. I actually LOVE the Buttercream Cake bag & have been eyeing it for quite some time now. I would Love to win it!!!

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