A while back I gave away the cutest little clutch. Anyone remember? It was from the Petunia Pickle Bottom Line called Cake. The color was called Red Velvet. Too cute. The Cake line of purses are actually diaper bag styles disguised as super fashionable handbags. But don’t let that keep you from falling in love with them. You can totally use this as a regular purse. It’s made of Italian cut velvet and coordinating wool tweed. It has lots of pockets, cute Cake zipper pulls and comes in fun “flavors.”
Anyway, last time I bought the clutch to give away because I loved the look of it and of course the name… Red Velvet Cake clutch… hard to resist.
But recently Petunia Pickle Bottom contacted me and offered one of their full-size Cosmopolitan Carryall bags for a giveaway. A big one. Yay for you guys!
This time the color is Buttercream… and it’s gorgeous.
Take a look…
Buttercream Cake Handbag Details
Check out this Red Velvet Clutch post for some close up shots of the purse detailing.
WANT IT? Enter for a chance to win this YELLOW Buttercream Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Purse.
- Now, even though the prize purse is buttercream, I thought it would be fun to find out your favorite fabric flavor. (Say that fast three times.)
- To enter, just pick your favorite from one of the flavors below or suggest one that you think would be fun. Personally, I’m waiting for Strawberry Cake to be an option. Please Petunia? Pink?
- Deadline to enter is Tuesday, November 2 at 6 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced Below.
- One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.
Good Luck! And if you stumbled on this post looking for buttercream frosting, here’s a recipe for the one I use most of the time.
Okay. Okay. It’s time to announce the winner. Lots of people love this purse… including me. Sorry that there’s only one to give away. And that winner is comment #3638 – Sally! Yay Sally. You’ll be super sassy when you carry it. Congrats!
Love the red velvet
I love love love the chocolate one. So yummy!
Beautiful purses ! My favorite is French Gooseberry. Thanks for chance to win one.
Oh I love them ALL so much! But my very favorite would have to be the apple tart, I’m in love with green right now!
My favorite cake is Red Velvet but, Apple Tart has stolen my heart!
HOW is it possible to pick a favorite?!?! They are all amazing!!! If I *had* to pick, it would probably be Buttercream, then Chocolate Decadence. Love the bright colors too! I MUST HAVE THIS!!!! :)
Buttercream!!! And now I have a craving for cake…
One of each flavor please! okay, okay I’ll choose one… french gooseberry, yum!
Definitely the Red Velvet.
I like the apple tart, but the yellow buttercream is definitely my favorite. Love it!
I love the licorice pudding!!
I LOVE Licorice Pudding!
French Gooseberry. The name is fun to say and the color is divine!
Definitely buttercream! … but I think I could be tempted by the Chocolate Decadence ;-)
I like French Gooseberry and Chocolate Decadance. Would also like to see an eggplant (deep purple) color.
Who could resist the YELLOW Buttercream Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Purse?? Smooth, yummy looking, and oh so fantastic!
French Gooseberry is luscious.
Hmmmm. . . I love all, but my favorite is Juniper Berry
I have been loving browns lately and the Chocolate Decadence is to die for.
LOVE it!
totally loving the licorice pudding…beautiful! :-)
It’s such a tough call between apple tart and red velvet… I mean, if you’re gonna wear a bag like that – be Bold!
Ooh, I like the look of Licorice Pudding as much as I like the name.
Mmm…buttercream, but I would FLIP for Strawberry Pink!!!
chocolate decadence!
I love the yellow buttercream the best. Good thing it’s the one up for grabs!
I can’t deicde if I love the Buttercream or the Red velvet more! both are beautiful!
oh my goodness how to choose, i love the french gooseberry and juniper berry, but i also love the buttercream….can i just get them all please?? {oh and i totally hear ya that they so need a pink, i would love a pink!}
I think I like the Chocolate Decadence the best… the name may have swayed my vote a bit… it sounds so yummy!
I love the licorice colored one. So elegant!
I love the Juniper Berry.
I just can’t choose! The buttercream is perfect for Fall but I love the Gooseberry and Red Velvet…can’t I have them all? I vote for pink too…it would be so delicate with that print!
I like chocolate decadence myself!
The apple tart shade looks so crisp and happy!
Chocalate Decadence!!
Licorice pudding…the color combination is always classy!
Juniper Berry. It’s a must have!
Such a beautiful bag! I don’t know how I’d pick, but forced…chocolate decadence.
i love the french gooseberry!
I love that Red Velvet one! But, to be clear, I’d not throw any of those bags out of my bedroom!
I’m loving the Red Velvet. Looks yummy.
That Apple Tart just looks delicious and crisp and awesome.
While I usually love all things green, Buttercream is actually my favorite. So cute AND classic!
Red Velvet all the way!!
Licorice pudding. Classy and cute!
French Goosberry is just lovely and Licorice Pudding is so classy and elegant — love them all!!
licorice pudding… for sure!
I think the buttercream is actually my fav!!…but they are all amazing!
i LOVE the French Gooseberry….it would really stand out with whatever outfit worn!
I absolutely love licorice pudding!
The Juniper Berry is so pretty, although I LOVE them all.
I’m loving the chocolate decadence… or maybe apple tart. No, french gooseberry. Ah! I can’t decide!
I would love one called Orange Cream… in Orange of course!!!!
I don’t know, I gotta say… I love the buttercream! WOW it’s gorgeous!
oooh most definitely red velvet!!
I’m going to go traditional – I really like it in Licorice Pudding! :)
I loooooooove the chocolate decadence!!
French Gooseberry!
I’ve totally been on a green kick lately so I have to say Apple Tart :)
Licorace pudding…I love the classic look of the black with the cream!
Licorice Pudding is great!!
licorice pudding, for sure
Love the Gooseberry!
I love butter cream -the bag is luxurious!! Thanks for sharing!
Licorice Pudding is my vote! Time to online shop…hopefully it will be sturdy enough to carry a laptop,kids snacks/drinks, some clips/hair ties and some lip gloss! Thanks sharing …
Chocolate Decadence–can’t resist chocolate!
I love both the chocolate decadence and the licorice pudding but would probably pick the licorice pudding in the end :)
Chocolate Decadence—-too lovely!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the buttercream! I have just the outfit for that bag!
I really like the Buttercream and Licorice Pudding! They look fabulous!
Chocolate Decadence for me! Yummy.
I think a great flavor/color would be mint chocolate chip – a mint green and brown combo
Wow! I love them all! But have to go with the Licorice Pudding one!
I think I like Chocolate Decadance. Love chocolate, and brown goes with lots of stuff. :)
LOVE LOVE LOVE them all, but if I had to choose I would go with French Gooseberry!
Besides the Buttercream….it’s a tie for Apple Tart and French Gooseberry. I absolutely love them all!
Definitely the Chocolate Decadence!! The color is awesome & the bag is pretty darn nice too :o) I love the mint chocolate chip idea from above. A brown & green bag would be delightful!! Or strawberry & chocolate….
I love the yellow buttercream but the licorice pudding is a close second for everyday at work.
Oh I just LoVe the Licorice Pudding! But honestly, any one of them sound DELISH… including the buttercream – absolutely stunning!
Thanks Bakerella!
I think that red velvet has got to be my fav….but I would definately eat the buttercream one too!
Bakerella Rules!
French Gooseberry looks delish!
Favorite, oh my, I like 4 all the same, Red Velvet (cute), Apple Tart (oooh), Chocolate Decadence (getting hungry) and the cute little French Gooseberry uh, I’m sorry those are all my favorites.
Juniper Berry is calling my name…
It was super hard to just pick ONE, but since I HAVE to choose just one, then it would be Chocolate Decadence!!! So rich in color!!! Absolutely beautiful!!!
I like the french gooseberry flavor fabric. But I LOVE strawberry cake :9
all of the colors are really cute! if i had to suggest a new one, i think i’d go with a dark orange and call it pumpkin cheesecake… that would be a lovely fall color! :D
Oh my golly!!! Love these!!! Petunia has outdone herself! I love them all so much its hard to pick a favorite!!! I love the apple tart, the French gooseberry and the chocolate decadence… And the buttercream is absolutely devine!
Apple and Chocolate Decadence. I love these bags !
Love them all!!! Would be to hard to choose which is my fave, but a big fan of black, so I guess Licorice Pudding.
Other ideas: Cream/White for Coconut Creme; Hot Pink for Sparkling Strawberry :)
Beautiful Bags!
my favorite is the Buttercream but red velvet comes in a very close second.
OOOH – french gooseberry and chocolate decadence!!!! An orange sorbet would be amazing too!!!
Just lovin the red velvet and buttercream!
I love the French Gooseberry! And the Buttercream and the Juniper Berry! I love love this bag! I think a pink lemonafe would be precious too!
Oooh! I like the yellow and the red and EVERYTHING! I am having my 5th child and I REALLY need/want one of those. I have been loving those bags since my 3rd child but NEVER had the dough!
I definitely would love to see a Carrot Cake variety!
I love the Chocolate Decadence!!
Buttercream & Apple Tart!! I died when I saw these :) Adorable!
Seriously, they all look amazing, but if I HAD to choose one it would be French Gooseberry.
Juniper berry is soooo lovely. But I really, really like the buttercream one too!
i always gravitate towards brown and darker colors, so i’m going to splurge with the French Gooseberry! Thanx for the opportunity!
I would sooooo love to have the licorice pudding.
I LOVE the buttercream but the red velvet is beautiful also.
I am a RED VELVET girl all the way!
i can’t pick!! I love the french gooseberry! wait!!! i love them all!
Ohhh… I LOVE the buttercream and the juniper berry.
I love the Chocolate Decadence—what wonderful descriptive names they have provided.
I am kind of in love with Apple Tart. But I like all of them.
Definitely licorice pudding. But red velvet is amazing looking too. They’re all gorgeous, it’s too hard to just choose one.
Apple Tart, Buttercream, French Gooseberry….OH MY! One of each please!!!!
So sweet! Loving the yellow buttercream!
So hard to choose… ok, French Gooseberry.
The French Gooeberry is beautiful but I would have to go with the Licorice Pudding since my wardrobe is 85% Black.
oooh, such fun! Red Velvet and Apple Tart are both super-yummy!
The french gooseberry is my favorite today…tomorrow it would probably be something else, I’m an indecisive sort
Love love LOVE the Buttercream and Red Velvet! Think they should have a Pumpkin Pie! :)
It’s REALLY hard to choose a fav…but I’m going with Chocolate Decadence. :) Crossing my fingers!
Buttercream is beautiful!
I’m also a fan of Red Velvet, Juniper Beery, and Licorice Pudding.
buttah cahreeem. yes.
I love the red velvet, and the chocolate looks good enough to eat. I would love to see a strawberry like you suggested, though!
I love the apple tart, buttercream, and red velvet! This are SO cute!
Hands down Chocolate decadance…..yummo :)
chocolate decadence. looks (and sounds) so yummy!
licorice pudding :)
Red Velvet is my choice! Thanks for asking.
That purse is fantastic! I neeeeeeeed it! :)
I love the buttercream! Beautiful!
I love me some Licorice, especially the blank kind. :)
Definitely the French Gooseberry. That blue and cream are my favorite colors! :)
Apple Tart would have to be my favorite! Great for spring.
SOO cute!! I love the Juniper Berry!
Juniper Berry
Cant decide between the french gooseberry and apple tart!!! They are all so pretty!!!
i think buttercream is my favorite! i love it!
i’m team apple tart, all the way! who doesn’t need that splash of vibrant love in their life? :)
French Gooseberry is beautiful!
Definitely the French Gooseberry…it matches my Thunderbird! Then again, who can resist chocolate decadence?
yellows and oranges are my colors! I love the buttercream, but it’d be nice to have an orange purse named Mimosa
Juniper Berry is my favorite, although my 5 yo daughter said I should have chosen the brighter blue one!
I love the red velvet one!
chocolate decadence
omg i love the licorice pudding!!
the buttercream is pretty freaking awesome though! :)
Love the buttercream! And the Red Velvet! And would love to see the Strawberry Cake, I’m a sucker for pink!
Red Velvet all the way! They are all gorgeous though.
So many fun choices! Red Velvet, Buttercream, and Licorice Pudding would be my top three.
Love ’em. The Juniper Berry is pretty!!
The Red Velvet is amazing, but the Licorice Pudding looks yummy, too!
buttercream for sure! it’s beautiful!
I like French Gooseberry and Juniper Berry! I would love to see a bright Lemon Dream : )
I love the juniper berry!
The buttercream is fabulous!
What woman doesn’t love chocolate! I love these bags they are so cute.
I love the apple tart!
Buttercream is actually my favorite! It would look beautiful with so many different outfits!
french gooseberry for sure although the black licorice looks classy…
Oh la la! I’m feeling the French Gooseberry
i love that licorice pudding! would love to see something like cinnamon roll too!
Love the Licorice Pudding!!!!
Apple tort is very fun!!!
Chocolate Decadence – I could eat it up!
French Gooseberry
Mmm…. licorice pudding…
I don’t think it would taste very good, but the fabric sure is lovely.
I fell in love with the Apple Tart!
I love the them all, but the Red Velvet is gorgeous!!
Apple Tart! I love, love, love green!
Really?! Choosing just one is much too difficult….!!!
Loooove red velvet and Buttercream. Hopefully one day they can make a rich mauve and lilac combo and call it Berry Juicy!
Love the Juniper Berry purse! Cute and yummy!
I think Licorice Pudding is very beautiful, but so are all the other flavors”!
Oh my, the yellow buttercream definately. I LOVE that bag!
chocolate decadence! such beautiful bags, I want one! Please pick me! :)
Oh my goodness, I LOVE the Juniper Berry! It looks so luxurious… Reminds me of a RoCoCo fabric.
The buttercream is adorbs!
i actually love the yellow buttercream!! how sweet of you to give it away! love you and your site!
Red Velvet or Licorice Pudding! SO SO cute!!
Love the butter cream but Chocolate decadence is a close second.
Lovin’ the liquorice pudding…
Or, mmmm yellow and white for summer… Lemon Coconut!
I’m torn between Apple Tart and Chocolate Decadence.
Chocolate Decandence! but the all look yummy :D
LOVE licorish pudding! They all look yummy!
Love these bags! All gorgeous. Any “flavor” would be perfect, but I the Buttercream would be my favorite!
I second the strawberry cake flavor / color. A pink combination would be awesome!!
I’m loving the licorice on here! But, I would also suggest a Creamy Caramel.
Ohhh, licorice pudding please!!
well darn…loved them all…stuck between Chocolate Decadence and Licorice Pudding…but love licorice so much that’s it…how about red licorice?????
I love the Red Velvet and the Yellow Buttercream, both are my 2 favorite cake flavors! But they are all beautiful!
Love, Love the Buttercream I almost want to eat it
Love, Love, Love the red velvet!!! Looks good with anything!
love,love,love the red velvet!
I absolutely love the licorice pudding! Adorable :)
French Gooseberry is too pretty!
i would make a coconut cream bag
I love the red velvet and juniper berry! But they’re all fantastic… And make me want to BAKE!
I love the licorice pudding!
AHH! so hard to choose… i’m between the apple tart & licorice pudding … (drum roll?) I think the apple tart is to die for! <3
Licorice Pudding! I love the dark and light, it is so pretty!
I think a beige caramel pie bag would be lovely to have! :D
They are all beautiful but I think the buttercream is beautiful for fall.
But then again so is licorice pudding, apple tart, red velvet….
Yellow isn’t usually my favorite color, but I love ‘Buttercream’! I also love ‘French Gooseberry’! So cute!
I am a chocolate-kind of girl. But I must say, that it is difficult to pick a favorite. Thank you for this amazing cake-site from af danish fan :-D
ooh chocolate decadence.
I LOVE the licorice pudding :O)