

A while back I gave away the cutest little clutch. Anyone remember? It was from the Petunia Pickle Bottom Line called Cake. The color was called Red Velvet. Too cute. The Cake line of purses are actually diaper bag styles disguised as super fashionable handbags. But don’t let that keep you from falling in love with them. You can totally use this as a regular purse. It’s made of Italian cut velvet and coordinating wool tweed. It has lots of pockets, cute Cake zipper pulls and comes in fun “flavors.”

Anyway, last time I bought the clutch to give away because I loved the look of it and of course the name… Red Velvet Cake clutch… hard to resist.

But recently Petunia Pickle Bottom contacted me and offered one of their full-size Cosmopolitan Carryall bags for a giveaway. A big one. Yay for you guys!

This time the color is Buttercream… and it’s gorgeous.

Take a look…


Buttercream Cake Handbag Details

Check out this Red Velvet Clutch post for some close up shots of the purse detailing.


WANT IT? Enter for a chance to win this YELLOW Buttercream Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Purse.

  • Now, even though the prize purse is buttercream, I thought it would be fun to find out your favorite fabric flavor. (Say that fast three times.)
  • To enter, just pick your favorite from one of the flavors below or suggest one that you think would be fun. Personally, I’m waiting for Strawberry Cake to be an option. Please Petunia? Pink?
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, November 2 at 6 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced Below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.


Good Luck! And if you stumbled on this post looking for buttercream frosting, here’s a recipe for the one I use most of the time.

Okay. Okay. It’s time to announce the winner. Lots of people love this purse… including me. Sorry that there’s only one to give away. And that winner is comment #3638 – Sally!  Yay Sally. You’ll be super sassy when you carry it. Congrats!


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10,437 comments on “Buttercream”

  1. the French Gooseberry is incredible but I’d love a purple one, say Grape Jelly?

  2. Red Velvet, for sure!

  3. Oh, they are all beautiful, but I think I like Licorice Pudding the best!

  4. Favorite fabric flavor is Chocolate Decadence!

    What a beautiful bag!

  5. I love chocolate decadence. My suggestion for another flavor Would be Angel Food. Could be a pretty pearly white or khaki color.

  6. I must say Licorice Pudding is my favourite. It’s classy and would match with almost everything!

  7. Love the buttercream! From the list below – chocolate decadence. :)

  8. I looove the Apple tart, so fresh!

  9. the licorice pudding is very sleek looking

  10. My Favorite is the Apple Tart! Yum!

  11. I LOVE the French Gooseberry! I love teal… But the Buttercream is a close second!

  12. I LOVE the Apple Tart!!! I love green and anything that has apples in it.Go GREEN !

  13. I love love love the Juniper Berry. The shade is amazing.

  14. I love the buttercream and the chocolate decadence.

  15. ooh I can’t decide what i like better; the names or the colours! That said I think Juniper Berry is the one that really steal away my heart. I may just have to hope Santa feels I was really good this year *grins

  16. Apple Tart. Green is so fun. ^_^

  17. Oh my, they are all gorgeous. Love the French Gooseberry and the Juniper Berry, but the Licorice Pudding would go with so many outfits.

  18. I love the butter cream and juniper berry!

  19. Um. . . French Gooseberry is devine!!

  20. I want them all!! But if I must choose I’ll go with Chocolate Decadence.

  21. French Gooseberry is soooo beautiful! And I love the buttercream. Yellow is quickly becoming my favorite color. That’s the color I want for my bridesmaids’ dresses!

  22. I LOVE them ALL!!! My Favorite is the Chocolate Decadence!

  23. Licorice Pudding, Red Velvet, and Buttercream are all TIED in my book… I think I need all three. :)

  24. French gooseberry! Those bags are adorable!

  25. LOVE the chocolate and the red velvet but theyre all so pretty!!

  26. I LOVE the licorice pudding one, and the juniper berry!!

  27. I like the buttercream, but with a 10-month old, it’s probably not very practical. Practical schmactical, I’d still love it! But if I was thinking practically, I’d probably go with the chocolate decadence.

  28. LOVE the Buttercream and the Apple Tart!!!!

  29. Definitely Licorice Pudding!

  30. Licorice pudding looks DIVINE! :) These bags are all gorgeous and the names are making my mouth water!

  31. CHOCOLATE DECADENCE is my pick!!! I can’t pass up ANYTHING called chocolate!!!! =o)

  32. Chocolate Decadence all the way YUMMY!

  33. If I had to choose between Juniper Berry, Licorice Pudding, Red Velvet, Apple Tart, Chocolate Decadence, or French Gooseberry…I’d pick Juniper Berry, Licorice Pudding, Red Velvet, Apple Tart, Chocolate Decadence, or French Gooseberry! Sorry, it’s too hard to pick one. Lucky for me, if I do win, you already have the color picked out! Phew!

  34. I would not only like to eat a french gooseberry, but carry one as well!

  35. I love the Licorice Pudding!!!

  36. I think I’m in love with Licorice Pudding! But I agree… a strawberry flavor would be fab!

  37. Mmm… Buttercream.

  38. Yummy Yummy in my tummy…. hehehe… I love Butter cream!
    Oh it would be great to win that bag!

  39. The Buttercream is my very favorite! Muah! I could kiss it!

  40. oh my those are gorgeous bags! While I can’t stand the taste of it, I’ll gladly wear Licorice Pudding.

    Red Velvet would make me happy too.

  41. I love Juniper Berry! So lovely!

  42. I love the chocolate decadence. So pretty.

  43. Who wouldn’t want to hang chocolate from their shoulder everytime they go out? I do.

  44. My favourites by far are licorice pudding and yellow buttercream. LOVE THEM! Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  45. Oh My Goodness! I am going to be a mommy in May (1st time) and have been OBSESSED with these bags. I love the French Gooseberry escpecially, but seriously? They are all so stunning.

  46. ooooh, I’m getting hungry. I like the LICORICE Pudding bag! Such a creative line…

  47. I’m digging that gooseberry!!

  48. I love the Licorie…no the apple tart…wait not he French Gooseberry. Ahh I want them all…

    I think i need to lay down.

  49. I love them all but I would also like to see a strawberry shortcake!! We need a pink one!!!

  50. French Gooseberry is just my color…

  51. I love the Juniper Berry! So understated. I absolutely love the Buttercream too!

  52. I’d say Cajeta! yumm

  53. Chocolate Decadence! Wow those are some gorgeous purses!!!

  54. The gooseberry is amazing. Look how the blue pops… How about a blackberry cobbler (purple) color?

  55. I love them all but I think the black licorice is my favorite.

  56. I love the yellow buttercream flavor!

  57. I would totally rock an apple tart.

  58. Ahhh I love em all! But I’d have to say my fave is probably the French Gooseberry, followed closely by the Buttercream. :)

  59. Apple Tart is gorgeous! And sounds delicious too!

  60. Fashion bags on a sweet treat website! Who knew?!? Chocolate Decadence all the way…with a name like that, it’s a natural for the win!

  61. I’m thinking Grape Vine flavored. That would be gorgeous!

  62. I love the red velvet. it think its beautiful :)

  63. What girl doesn’t like chocolate?!?! The chocolate decadence purse is too FABULOUS!

  64. French Gooseberry is just beautiful. That shade of blue is my favorite color, but the buttercream isn’t bad to look at either. ;)

  65. Upside-down pineapple cake!

  66. I have to go with the buttercream…it makes me want to whip up a batch of sugar cookies and then eat the dough :)

  67. I LOVE the French Gooseberry! But I like the Buttercream too!

  68. Mmmmm…Chocolate Decadence!!!

  69. I love the apple tart! Pick me!

  70. LICORICE! Hate the flavor, love the purse.

  71. Ohhh…I love LOVE the red velvet!

  72. I LOVE Licorice Pudding but I would also suggest Blood Orange, Orange Creamsicle or Green Tea!!!

  73. Love the Red velvet! However think something in pink would be fabulous ;)

  74. I’m totally loving the licorice!

  75. I love the licorice pudding bag! I am due in May and it would be perfect!

  76. Im a juniper berry girl…. but I would be more than happy to be a buttercream girl as well. Yum.

  77. I really like the buttercream or the juniper berry =]

  78. I LOVE the French Gooseberry. The buttercream is a close second though.

  79. they’re all so amazing!!!
    I’m torn between the red velvet and the chocolate decadence… hmmm…. how about both?;P

  80. I am in love with the Apple Tart! So cute!

  81. If I could make one up… carrot cake – orange with a vintage cream cheese frosting background.


  82. Licorice Pudding…What great titles.

  83. I love the Chocolate Cecadance and the Red Velvet… to bad they can’t mix them together!

  84. I love the Juniper Berry!
    And why not a Peanut Butter to match the camel fashion trend of this winter!!!

  85. I would have to pick Licorice Pudding! So fun!

  86. I LOOOOVE the Licorice Pudding. It is fancy, classic, and gorgeous! Could be used as diaper bag OR a classy accessory for a night out :)

  87. I LOVE the French Gooseberry! Love it!

  88. I love the Apple Tart! What a great bag for fall :0)

  89. Ooh – Chocolate Decadence – definitely! Because of the color…not necessarily…but because who can’t like chocolate?

  90. buttercream! any fashionable, yummy anything is what i need with these two kiddos!

  91. red velvet!

  92. I love the French Gooseberry!

  93. Chocolate please!!! :)

    Seriously, I’d want it now AND for when I start having kids… can’t wait!!

  94. I like french gooseberry and ofcourse I love the Chocolate Devotion… i mean who wouldn’t, but I think it would be lovely to have a navy blue colored bag called Berry Shortcake… or somethign along those lines :)

  95. I love the buttercream and the Red velvet cake! They are gorgeous

  96. I’m all up for blackberry! Nice dark purple^^

  97. Love the yellow buttercream… a great pop of unexpected color!

  98. I actually love the buttercream!

  99. How can you even pick just one!! They are all so gorgeous!! I do love the Buttercream though.

  100. Love the Apple Tart!

  101. French Gooseberry! I love it!

  102. Gosh, the chocolate decadence and the buttercream are both so pretty but I think the French Gooseberry is actually my favorite!!

  103. love, love, love Licorice Pudding, but what about Pink Parfait for a new one?!? Sounds scrumdillyochus!

  104. Ohh! That Chocolate Decadence is to die for!!

  105. The yellow buttercream is beautiful and I LOVE buttercream icing!!! Just bathe me in buttercream – heaven!! And if a girl were lucky enough to own two bags I would have to have Chocolate Decadence!!

  106. Love, Love the Chocolate Decadence.

    The cake flavor named purse that goes with everything just like the little black dress.

  107. Love the Red Velvet!!!

  108. Love the French Gooseberry – and I love love love your blog!

  109. LOVE the Apple Tart!!!

  110. Apple Tart is HOT! Love it!

  111. White Wedding Cake PUrse!!!

  112. love that French Gooseberry! And the Apple Tart is wonderful too!

  113. I like the gooseberry color, but ditto on the pink option!

  114. I love the licorice pudding one, it would go with any outfit…LOVE IT!

  115. Yellow Buttercream is precious <3.

  116. I am such a fan of red so immediately I was drawn to Red Velvet, but I like the Apple Tart too…..I think I need one of each.

  117. i love them all!!! especially the butter cream and red velvet

  118. Definitely Apple Tart! Green is my favourite colour, so most of my things are green :D

  119. Juniper berry is lovely! But actually, my favorite is the Lemon buttercream.

  120. apple tart would be my favorite! I love love love green. :) Thanks for the giveaway…the purse is ADORABLE!

  121. I love the Apple Tort!

  122. Chocolate decadence looks jummy

  123. apple tart!

  124. They’re gorgeous! I’d say Juniper Berry would be my favorite. Buttercream is pretty nearly tied though!

  125. Licorice Pudding and Juniper Pudding are my favorite- though the Apple Tart is cute too!

  126. How about pumpkin spice in a pretty orange color?

  127. Red Velvet is really in fashion this season!

    Hugs from Italy

  128. Buttercream cake! It looks like an old couch and I love it!

  129. Apple Tart is delicious!!

  130. Love the Red Velvet.

  131. Buttercream…yes please!! Looks scrumptious!!

  132. Red Velevt – Makes me think of Christmas. what a nice gift that would be. I love red

  133. I like Red Velvet!!

  134. I love all of them…ALL OF THEM!!

  135. Chocolate Decadance!

  136. I LOVE the yellow buttercream! So pretty!!!

  137. Theres no death by chocolate? I would love a death by chocolate (brown on brown) bag :)

  138. I love the Red Velvet :)

  139. It’s a toss up between Chocolate Decadence and Yellow
    Buttercream. All of them are too cute!!

  140. I love the chocolate bag, although the buttercream is fabulous as well. Actually, I think I like them all!

  141. I’m loving turquoise these days, so the French Gooseberry is my choice…love it!

  142. Tough call… velvet or chocolate decadence??? Hmmmm….it’s close… velvet by a nose…..

  143. I love the Licorice Pudding or Apple Tart! So beautiful!

  144. I love the Chocolate Decadence one. So pretty! But I agree a nice pink one would be perfection!

  145. They are all so yummy looking, wouldn’t be able to choose just one.

  146. I’m having a hard time deciding between the Apple Tart and the Juniper Berry. The Apple Tart is so FUN looking (and delicious sounding) but the Juniper Berry looks perfect for winter, to me.

    Ha, probably not a decision I’ll have to worry about making – so I’ll call it a tie!

  147. Apple Tart! I love green. I also think a Dreamsicle orange and white would be snappy.

  148. Gorgeous!!

  149. Juniper berry is my fav! I also made cake balls today for a fundraiser at school and everyone loved them :)

  150. Apple Tart takes the “Cake”. Anything that completely clashes with my wardrobe is an A+ in my book.

  151. Licorice Pudding…the only person I might over the licorice is my dad so no worries of anyone stealing my adorable purse!!

  152. The Buttercream is absolutely perfect! Seconded by the Juniper Berry.

  153. It’s a toss up between buttercream and apple tart for me!

  154. Would anyone like a “Quince Crumble”?

  155. The Buttercream is my fav!

  156. I love, LOVE these!! French Gooseberry looks very posh! ….but, Chocolate decadence would match more of my outfits…since when did your purse have to match!! Love them!

  157. I heart apple tart!!!

  158. REALLY!? We can only choose ONE color!?!
    Ok, chocolate decadence!
    Or red velvet! Or licorice pudding!

  159. If you look at the chocolate decadance bag really closely, you’ll see it has my name on it! I’d faint if I won, but thats ok, I’d get up again! :)

  160. Ooooh, their ALL wonderful, favorite…Juniper Berry! :o)

  161. Definitely licorice…although in the Netherlands they would call this drop….

  162. Pumpkin spice would be so festive!

  163. I really love the french gooseberry!! the Butter cream might go with more though.

  164. If I had them all, I would certainly be indulging way too much. So the first choice would be licorace!

  165. juniper berry is adorable

  166. Even though I LOVE buttercream frosting, I just adore the licorice pudding color! How about a pink champagne color??

  167. French gooseberry. What a lovely bag!

  168. I love the Chocolate decadence!!!!!

  169. I’m torn between Red Velvet and Chocolate Decadence. Their are so pretty really.

  170. I love the Chocolate Decadence!

  171. Apple Tart is terrific! Love it! Thanks for the opportunity!

  172. While yellow buttercream sounds delish, i’m more of a chocolate decadence girl byself…that is stunning!

  173. Honestly, I love the yellow buttercream one. I love Yellow Purses, and it also makes me think of my favorite, yellow cake.

  174. Juniper berry! That would be so cool to tell people…

  175. yup, the french Gooseberry is amazing! I love it =]

  176. I’m expecting a little girl in March and this is exactly what I’ve been looking for! I LOVE the buttercream color…so pretty!

  177. I LOVE the red velvet, thanks!!!

  178. These bags are just delish! And, if I must choose just one, it would have to be Chocolate Decadence because chocolate is EVERYTHING!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win. Love your site too, I visit every day.

  179. I can’t decide between the Juniper Berry and Apple Tart. May need both!

  180. Yes please, to any of them! But the yellow is pretty fabulous.

  181. Love your blog and all the cute finds you clue us into!

  182. I love the buttercream! I’m currently carrying a yellow purse and it matches everything! : )

  183. I love them all…but French Gooseberry is unique and adorable! Thanks Bakerella!

  184. Red Velvet…Love it!

  185. I love the buttercream but the soft classic look of the Juniper Berry is wonderful too!

  186. Be still my heart….I’m in love with the licorice pudding.

  187. I LOVE the buttercream….But really love the licorice pudding as well. Oh I hope I win!!!

  188. I love the Chocolate Decadence

  189. Apple Tart. Green is always my favorite always always.

    Although I’ve recently been thinking of something like French Goosberry for living room curtains. Blue might make a comeback in my house.

  190. I still love the Red Velvet :)

  191. French Gooseberry! I love them!

  192. Love the buttercream!

  193. Goodness, so hard to choose! I really do love the Buttercream, though! :)

  194. I love, love, the Apple Tart!

  195. Do I have to choose? They are all so pretty. It’s between French Gooseberry or Licorice Pudding.

  196. Brilliant giveaway!!

    I’d pick the chocolate decadence, because who am I kidding, I can’t resist anything chocolate!! : ) These are so fun!

  197. Love the Juniper berry, but the Black Liquorice is beautiful too!!! Maybe a Crushed Grape would be a fabulous color :)

  198. I am a chocolate lover!

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