

A while back I gave away the cutest little clutch. Anyone remember? It was from the Petunia Pickle Bottom Line called Cake. The color was called Red Velvet. Too cute. The Cake line of purses are actually diaper bag styles disguised as super fashionable handbags. But don’t let that keep you from falling in love with them. You can totally use this as a regular purse. It’s made of Italian cut velvet and coordinating wool tweed. It has lots of pockets, cute Cake zipper pulls and comes in fun “flavors.”

Anyway, last time I bought the clutch to give away because I loved the look of it and of course the name… Red Velvet Cake clutch… hard to resist.

But recently Petunia Pickle Bottom contacted me and offered one of their full-size Cosmopolitan Carryall bags for a giveaway. A big one. Yay for you guys!

This time the color is Buttercream… and it’s gorgeous.

Take a look…


Buttercream Cake Handbag Details

Check out this Red Velvet Clutch post for some close up shots of the purse detailing.


WANT IT? Enter for a chance to win this YELLOW Buttercream Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Purse.

  • Now, even though the prize purse is buttercream, I thought it would be fun to find out your favorite fabric flavor. (Say that fast three times.)
  • To enter, just pick your favorite from one of the flavors below or suggest one that you think would be fun. Personally, I’m waiting for Strawberry Cake to be an option. Please Petunia? Pink?
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, November 2 at 6 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced Below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.


Good Luck! And if you stumbled on this post looking for buttercream frosting, here’s a recipe for the one I use most of the time.

Okay. Okay. It’s time to announce the winner. Lots of people love this purse… including me. Sorry that there’s only one to give away. And that winner is comment #3638 – Sally!  Yay Sally. You’ll be super sassy when you carry it. Congrats!


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10,437 comments on “Buttercream”

  1. I think I will stick with the Red Velvet. I just love it! But all the others are “deliciously” tempting too!

  2. Chocolate Decadence is my favorite!

  3. Who can resist buttercream?! Not me!

  4. Nothing beats the yellow butter cream in my opinion!

  5. Chocolate Decadence. Hands down.

  6. Super love the black and white!!! That is alllllll the bags I have and would love to add that to my collection! :)

  7. I personally love the buttercream … it’s perfect. However, I also would love a pink one. I love all things pink so it would be even more perfect than the buttercream!

  8. The licorice pudding one!

  9. L-O-V-E French gooseberry!! :D

  10. i think the yellow buttercream is kinda awesome… but the french gooseberry is kinda purdy too. kristinmik at gmail dot com

  11. Licorice pudding is very elegant.

  12. They are ALL wonderderful but French Gooseberry needs to come live with me.

  13. I’m a chocolate decadence girl, all the way!

  14. I have been lusting over PPB bags since I had my first child. I really love their Chocolate Decadence. With a name like that, who wouldn’t?

  15. I love Licorice Pudding !

  16. Buttercream is delicious but Strawberry cake makes me crazy!!! YUMMY . THANK YOU BAKERELLA FOR MAKING LIFE SO SWEET :D

  17. yellow buttercream!!!!

  18. I LOVE the apple tart. They are all wonderful though!

  19. Wow, that fabric is gorgeous! I love the Licorice Pudding and French Gooseberry. I think a new flavor that was a pale rusty orange color would be nice too – Pumpkin Cheesecake flavor?

  20. The licorice one is my fav!

  21. LOVE chocolate decadence! :D

  22. Mmm… chocolate decadance! Perfect in every way!

  23. The Chocolate Decadence bag is gorgeous!!

  24. Who could pass up Chocolate Decadence?

  25. wow! beautiful!

    i think i like the apple one best, but the chocolate one would be most tasty!


  26. Love the Red Velvet!! I do love the Buttercream too!

  27. LOVE the Apple Tart!! I love this bag, a lot. And seeing as how I am expecting my second kiddo in April, the timing could not be more perfect for a new bag :)

  28. Loving the Chocolate Decandence!! It looks so yummy!!

  29. The buttercream is elegant and gorgeous but I love the red velvet! It would be a tough decision that I’d love to have to make:)

  30. tough choice. 1) chocolate decadence 2) yellow buttercream 3) apple tart

    …this is making me hungry….

  31. I love the buttercream one, it would look great with any outfit and it is gorgeous!

  32. I love the Juniper Berry! I think a Pumpkin pie one would be cute in honor of the fall season :)

  33. The red velvet is so pretty. I love pink too so maybe a Rose Petal Macaroon flavor?

  34. I love love the Apple tart or Buttercream!

  35. Licorice Pudding – I can’t resist the classic black and white combination – it is so beautiful!

  36. I’m into the French Gooseberry. Though I have no idea what it would taste like.

  37. oooh… apple tart. how fun!

  38. Oh my goodness, I love them all! However, I think I’d have to go with either the French Gooseberry or the Apple Tart. My roomies and I absolutely love blue and green, as is apparent by the fact that our entire dorm room is made up of those colors. I love these baking related items you always find. Thanks!

  39. I LOVE the yellow! Oh my goodness, that is the cutest purse!! Pick me, pick me! ;-)

  40. I like the boldness of the Red Velvet, but the Buttercream is divine too!

  41. It’s a tie – licorice pudding and red velvet!

  42. I love the buttercream one! I think it would match most of the clothing items that I have. Thanks for the opportunity to respond and maybe win a beautiful purse!

  43. I love everything green, so my favorite of the available colors is Apple Tart. If I had to suggest a color it would be navy – maybe Blueberry Pie?!

  44. I like Key Lime as a fabric flavor, so the apple tart is perfect.

  45. LOVE the Licorice Pudding

  46. I’ve never been good at making decisions. The Apple Tart and French Gooseberry are both super yummy! :)

  47. I love the buttercream!

  48. French Gooseberry is my favorite :) but I absolutely think banana beige could be adorable

  49. wow, it’s just decadent! I’d choose the French Gooseberry, since it’s my favourite colour, and I’ve never tried a gooseberry before.

  50. The yellow buttercream is my favorite!!

  51. I like the Chocolate Decadence or the French Gooseberry

  52. I’d definitely go for the Chocolate Decadence…I’m a sucker for chocolate…chocolate goes with EVERYTHING!

  53. I love the buttercream, yummy

  54. Licorice Pudding

  55. I love the Apple Tart!! These are just beautiful!!!

  56. I like the buttercream one the best!!


  58. Gorgeous! It’s hard to decide, but I think I like the yellow buttercream the very best. Pick me. ;)

  59. buttercream or chocolate are both beautiful. French vanilla? simple and classic!

  60. Hello Apple Tart, I love you!

  61. Apple Tart is my favorite for sure!

  62. I love the Licorice Pudding AND the yellow buttercream!

  63. Red Velvet! It adds a splash of color to any outfit!!

  64. 1st Licorice Pudding & 2nd French Gooseberry
    Sorry for the double post

  65. I LOOOOOVVE the red velvet!! and my favorite flavor!! :)

  66. Buttercream sounds fantastic!

  67. I’m loving the Licorice Pudding–so cute!

  68. These are absolutely adorable! I would love the Licorice Pudding or Buttercream, I can’t decide!

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  69. Licorice Pudding! Very fun and sophisticated! ;)

  70. There is no possible way i could actually decide on one of those lovely flavors! So, I think the best way to handle this situation is to have them all…just like when multiple dessert choices are given—a little bit of everyone!

  71. buttercream is the best! but licorice pudding is a close second!

  72. 1st Licorice Pudding & 2nd French Gooseberry

  73. Buttercream!!!!

  74. Loving the Licorice Pudding black one….but I’m more into purples can’t I get a grape jello colored one :)

  75. Buttercream – so adorable!

  76. apple tart is soooo cute!! (and sounds so fallishly yummy) :)

  77. Chocolate Decadence!!

  78. Love the French Gooseberry!!!

  79. Definitely the French Gooseberry. Ooh la la!

  80. Oh this is really hard! But I am really struck by the beauty of licorice pudding !

  81. French Gooseberry!

  82. I love the Apple Tart!

  83. The licorice pudding is my favorite. How chic!

  84. Ooh, I just love the French Gooseberry!!!

  85. my favorite is the yellow buttercream! although the french gooseberry and apple tart are not far behind.

  86. hmm, i like the buttercream one best actually, but really i love them all!

  87. I have viewed your site now for almost a year. I’m addicted! I love to bake and I have already hosted and taught a Cake Pop class. You are so inspirational to me. Thanks for the happiest blog on earth, (in my opinion). I love the buttercream bag, for a even greater pop of color, maybe for spring I would pick a bright yellow and call it “Sweet Lemon Tart”. My pick of the six colors is Juniper Berry, love the sublte soft color, it’s oh so classic and sophisticated.

  88. The Apple tart looks delish!!!

  89. Apple Tart Red Velvet chocolate decadence!!!
    All Beautiful!

  90. Apple Tart for me…although, I may have called it Pistachio Candy! (Pistachio Cake or Pistachio Dream)

  91. There is nothing better than buttercream and purses!

  92. My favorites are red velvet and yellow buttercream. LOVE these bags – they are so gorgeous!!!

  93. My favorite is the yellow buttercream, but the Chocolate Decadence is a close 2nd!

  94. I love the French Gooseberry ;)

  95. LOVE the buttercream but a second choice would be licorice pudding. Very cute purse!

  96. I like the French Gooseberry. It would be a perfect knitting bag for me, :)

  97. Apple Tart is fav!

  98. I’m a sucker for Red Velvet

  99. all are cute, but I like licorice pudding the best!

  100. Adorable! Apple Tart is my favorite shown. But who wouldn’t love a blueberry!

  101. I love all the colors, but would love the licorice pudding bag the best.

  102. I lurve Juniper Berry, but Buttercream is lovely as well.

    I’d like to see a pistachio!

  103. RED Velvet is cute!

  104. I am loving the Apple Tart!

  105. wow I love them all!!! But I would have to choose licorice pudding as my favorite! thanks for the chance bakerella!!

  106. They’re all so gorgeous, but the Apple Tart really called out to me.

  107. I would have to say that Buttercream is by far my favorite! :)

  108. I love that French Gooseberry one, but also the Buttercream is fabulous, too.

  109. I love Buttercream for spring and summer, but I think Licorice Pudding would be great for the fall and winter!

  110. I’ll take the Licorice, thanks!!

  111. Have to go with chocolate ….but how about a berry pomegrante in like a burgundy color:)

  112. They are all beautiful but I love the chocolate.

  113. I think I like buttercream and french gooseberry the best. :) It’s always so hard to pick favorites!

  114. The French Gooseberry is definitely my favorite. I see I’m not the only one who likes it.

  115. lemon cream! i think it would be so vibrant and fun :)

  116. The apple tart looks has to be my favorite from the ones listed! I’m thinking a pretty fabric flavor could have something to do with Marionberry

  117. yummmm, chocolate decandance

  118. Red Velvet!!!

  119. I love the chocolate decadence…and I have some really cute shoes to go with it! I love the buttercream too!

  120. Love the Chocolate Decadence! I mean, it is CHOCOLATE after all! :)

  121. Gotta be Chocolate!!

  122. I think they are all great and I would love to have any of them but I like the LICORICE PUDDING the most!

  123. I am upset that I need to choose just one!
    I have fallen in love with each!!
    Licorice, chocolate, apple… velvet! Would gladly take the the butter creme!

  124. Ooooooh! Buttercream for SURE! The yellow looks cheery & decadent. (PLUS…it would look GREAT w/ my redheaded coloring.) ;-)

  125. i love love love the Licorice Pudding!!! black and cream are oh so classic! How about an orange creamsickle look?

  126. I would have to go with the chocolate decadence and buttercream. But would love to see a chocoalte rasberry (dark chocolate, light chocolate and pink)!

  127. Ooooo, I’m having a hard time between the Buttercream, Chocolate Decadence or French Gooseberry. I think I’d have to say the Buttercream wins.

  128. Too cute! I love the names of the designs, and I’d love to own one of the bags!

  129. I’ve gotta go with the yellow buttercream! I just love yellow!

  130. The French Gooseberry looks awesome! But I think the Buttercream looks much more everyday and I would be happy to wear it constantly!

  131. Buttercream is awesome but I think mocha would be nice.

  132. omg … i love the licorice pudding !!!!!!!!! but chocolate lovers would be great =)

  133. The yellow buttercream is gorgeous, but oh wow that Red Velvet would have to be my favorite!!

  134. Chocolate Decadence..yum!

  135. Chocolate Decadence…very striking.

  136. i love love love butter cream and the juniper berry. and although licorice pudding doesn’t sound too appetizing, it makes a beautiful bag!!

  137. I love, love, love Juniper Berry!

  138. I like the licorice pudding – super cute, but they are all cute!

  139. definitely Chocolate Decadence…..death by chocolate cake is my favorite cake to bake!

  140. I love the buttercream color, but a brown and aqua color would be fantastic!

  141. I love APPLE TART and the JUNIPER BERRY!

  142. I want the apple tart one

  143. Love me some Chocolate Decadence….hmmmmm chocolate…

  144. I love the Juniper Berry!

  145. yellow is my absolute favorite color so i’d have to go with buttercream. but they all are beautiful!

  146. Gotta be the Juniper Berry. How about if they come up with Grapelicious or something fun in purple?

  147. I think buttercream is the best colour! It’ll go so well with so many summer outfits!

  148. I love the Chocolate Decadence :)

  149. Gooseberry! Beautiful!

  150. I love the yellow buttercream but maybe they’ll add boysenberry pie?!?! Deep purple would be gorgeous!!!

  151. I LOVE the Buttercream!!!! It’s so yummy!!!

  152. Chocolate Decadence would have to be my favorite. I wish there was one with both the chocolate brown and blue from the French Gooseberry. I love blue and brown together. hmmmm, maybe Chocolate Covered….Blueberries?

  153. I would have to suggest *Plum Pudding*. My 2 year old is a HUGE fan of Strawberry Shortcake, and her favorite one is Plum Pudding and it’s also MY favorite color =) Win Win

  154. I am torn between Chocolate Decadence and French Gooseberry. If I have to take one, I guess french gooseberry…ooo or maybe….

  155. Chocolate Decadence is my favorite

  156. I love the Apple Tart. I am a sucker for green.

  157. I like the licorice pudding

  158. Juniper Berry looks really classy.
    Mint Chocolate might also be nice………

  159. Wow, so many beautiful colors! It’s hard to choose, but I think my favorite would be the Red Velvet… I just love the shading and the dramatic (yet soft) effect of the red :)

  160. I love the French Gooseberry! these handbags are wonderful! :))))

  161. Oh my goodness! I am in love with these purses. My favorite color is the buttercream. I could just spread it out and eat it up. Yum!

  162. The buttercream is such a happy color :-) they’re all beautiful though!

  163. it’s a tie between buttercream and french gooseberry

  164. I love Red Velvet and Buttercream :)

  165. I like the Chocolate Decadence

  166. love the buttercream and the apple tart! would def. go for anything pink though!!!!

  167. Buttercream is definitely my favorite!

  168. I truly love the buttercream so beautiful with the charcoal dress on the model!

  169. Super cute! I love the Juniper Berry!

  170. I love them ALL, but the Red Velvet is probably my favorite! I, too would love to see a pink one. Cotton Candy or Pink Lemonade…

  171. Licorice Pudding is beautiful and very classic looking! Goes with anything and stays stylish forever!

  172. Buttercream is my favourite. So pretty and feminine.

  173. You’re right! The buttecream all the way!!

  174. I love yellow! So i’ll have to go with Buttercream. <3

  175. licorice pudding is so sophisticated!

  176. the juniper berry looks so dainty but the buttercream is so nice for the fall!

  177. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the French Gooseberry!!

  178. Buttercream is definately my fav!

  179. I like the Chocolate decadance!

  180. I think I like Licorice Pudding – the black one! Love it!

  181. I LOVE the apple tart and French gooseberry ones. Not often you can say, “Boy, that bag sure looks delicious!”

  182. Love the Buttercream, but would love to see a grey one…Earl Grey, or perhaps Armadillo for those who love Steel Magnolias.

  183. I love the chocolate!!! Beautiful.

  184. I love them all! Today I think I would pick the blue gooseberry

  185. Is it even possible to pick one? Buttercream, Licorice Pudding, Chocolate Decadence, and French Goosberry. Yes, one of each would make me one happy lady.

  186. Apple Tart is by far my favourite. It evokes a feeling of spring and the promise of summer, which is especially attractive as our first real snow still sits on the ground

  187. Chocolate Decadence is for me! (Although, I’d love to see a champagne with raspberry filling on there!)

  188. LOVE the chocolate decadence!

  189. Buttercream is the cutest!! How chic and fun and delicious!

  190. I’m loving French Gooseberry!

  191. I think I would love any purse. My favorite color is light teal. wouldn’t one look pretty in that color.

  192. the juniper berry looks so dainty but the buttercream is so in for the fall!

  193. Chocolate of course, because it’s chocolate, ’nuff said!
    It would be neat to have a “Pumpkin Bread” flavor/color. Orange is happy!

  194. Gosh, those are gorgeous!!!! I like the Juniper Berry!

  195. Chocolate Decadence looks sooo yummy!

  196. The apple tart is my favorite! I love baking with juciy, tart apples. They make the best apple pie! Yummy!

  197. It’s a tie between Licorice Pudding and Red Velvet.

  198. I love Chocolate Decadence

  199. I’m thinking the chocolate decadence is more my style, but would love to add some color with the apple tart too!

  200. Licorice Pudding! What a beautiful purse for anytime, day or late night holiday parties!

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