

A while back I gave away the cutest little clutch. Anyone remember? It was from the Petunia Pickle Bottom Line called Cake. The color was called Red Velvet. Too cute. The Cake line of purses are actually diaper bag styles disguised as super fashionable handbags. But don’t let that keep you from falling in love with them. You can totally use this as a regular purse. It’s made of Italian cut velvet and coordinating wool tweed. It has lots of pockets, cute Cake zipper pulls and comes in fun “flavors.”

Anyway, last time I bought the clutch to give away because I loved the look of it and of course the name… Red Velvet Cake clutch… hard to resist.

But recently Petunia Pickle Bottom contacted me and offered one of their full-size Cosmopolitan Carryall bags for a giveaway. A big one. Yay for you guys!

This time the color is Buttercream… and it’s gorgeous.

Take a look…


Buttercream Cake Handbag Details

Check out this Red Velvet Clutch post for some close up shots of the purse detailing.


WANT IT? Enter for a chance to win this YELLOW Buttercream Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Purse.

  • Now, even though the prize purse is buttercream, I thought it would be fun to find out your favorite fabric flavor. (Say that fast three times.)
  • To enter, just pick your favorite from one of the flavors below or suggest one that you think would be fun. Personally, I’m waiting for Strawberry Cake to be an option. Please Petunia? Pink?
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, November 2 at 6 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner Announced Below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.


Good Luck! And if you stumbled on this post looking for buttercream frosting, here’s a recipe for the one I use most of the time.

Okay. Okay. It’s time to announce the winner. Lots of people love this purse… including me. Sorry that there’s only one to give away. And that winner is comment #3638 – Sally!  Yay Sally. You’ll be super sassy when you carry it. Congrats!


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10,437 comments on “Buttercream”

  1. I think the strawberry you suggested would be wonderful! I love pink and have a baby girl! :0)

  2. oh – i just love the juniper berry. they are all so lovely

  3. I love the buttercream, such a beautiful shade of yellow!

  4. oooh that is tough, they are all so cute! i like the apple tart though – very fun!

  5. Do I have to choose just one???? I love the french gooseberry and the red velvet!!!

  6. I have way too many purses that are either brown or black, so I think the French Gooseberry would be perfect! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  7. buttercream :)

  8. LOVE the Chocolate Decadance!

  9. The Chocolate Decadence looks delicious!

  10. I’m Having a hard time picking between 4 of them….but if I have to pick…it.. would be….Apple Tart! I love Green :D

  11. I heart Licorice Pudding!!

  12. I love buttercream!!!

  13. I’m torn between Red Velvet and Apple Tart – but I think they’re desperately in need of Carrot Cake!

  14. I love the richness of the buttercream, but my idea for another fun color (or colors) would be “Funfetti.” A white/off-white purse with multi-colored dots all over!

  15. I totally want to enter.

    My bff Jill makes Mt. Dew cupcakes. She takes lemon cake mix and puts nothing in it but a can of Mt. Dew. They turn out bright green, and she puts yellow frosting on them. I’d love to see one of those purses in “Jill’s Mt. Dew Cupcake” color. :D

  16. Ooh…cool! French Gooseberry is SO pretty!

  17. hard decision! I’d say red velvet or licorice! Love them all.

  18. I’m loving the Chocolate Decadence….but I’d love to see a Sweet Sprinkles one….with multi-colors.

  19. French Gooseberry and Juniper berry are both delicious, but I love the Buttercream!

  20. I’d go for the always classic look of the Licorice Pudding. However, all of the colors bring out something different in this design.

  21. It has always been apple tart for me. They are all simply stunning!

  22. oh my I love them all, i think apple tart is my favorite!

  23. I love the Chocolate Decadence purse. Lovely!

  24. So hard to choose …well… chocolate decadance. My favorite flavor too.

  25. Oh my goodness, it’s so hard to choose a favorite because they are all fabulous! The Juniper Berry is kind of calling to me! I love blue and brown together.

  26. Since I can never seem to get enough chocolate, I guess I’d say the Chocolate Decadence is my favorite.

  27. Definitely Red Velvet! Lovely!

  28. I work in a chocolate shoppe… so I would DEFINITELY chose chocolate decadence one! Looks Yummy! :)

  29. I’d have to go with the classic look of the Licorice Pudding. Though all of the colors bring out different looks that I really like.

  30. I just fell in love with the french gooseberry cause I just love the turqoise color.

  31. The apple tart is beautiful!

  32. I really do like the Buttercream one the best! So bright and cheerful!

  33. Very sophisticated purses! I like Juniper Berry!

  34. mmmm…they are all lovely but the yellow buttercream has my heart right now.

  35. i love the licorice pudding and the chocolate decadence

  36. Pick just one…hmm Apple tart is really pretty!

  37. I’m in love with the buttercream! It is so adorable!

  38. I love the Chocolate Decadence!!! My choice for a new ‘flavour’ would be Creamy Caramel….mmmmmm!!

  39. I actually love the buttercream :)

  40. I love the Red Velvet but I’d be thrilled with the yellow Buttercream too! :)

  41. I love the buttercream! I wear a lot of black and brown, and this would go perfectly with both color. :-)

  42. I love the Licorice Pudding and the French Gooseberry. The Buttercream is also very pretty!

  43. The Juniper Berry is adorable.

  44. Yellow Buttercream all the way!

  45. Oooh, I LOVE French Gooseberry!

  46. Can I “taste” them all? If I had to pick one it would be the Apple Tart!

  47. They are all really cute, but I think Chocolate Decadence or Licorice Pudding would go better with clothing I have.

  48. Licorice pudding is classic. Really nice.

  49. I was so excited to see this giveaway. I’m due on Valentine’s Day with my little girl, and I’ve been lusting after the Red Velvet one for my Valentine’s Day girl!

  50. Wow I love them all but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be the French Gooseberry. Thanks for the chance to win!

  51. It’s a toss up between Buttercream and Juniper Berry. Both are lovely!!

  52. I love the Buttercream and the Juniper berry, both would look divine with the outfit I am wearing today!

  53. I love the red velvet!

  54. Definitely Strawberry Cake would be my choice!! But of the beautiful “flavors” shown: Chocolate Decadence. YUM!

  55. definitely apple tart. it’s so me!

  56. Tough choice, either Juniper Berry or Licorice Pudding, that Buttercream is awfully cute too though…

  57. What a gorgeous purse! I love the French Gooseberry fabric flavor!

  58. Buttercream is my favorite! They are all beautiful :)

  59. The buttercream is soooooo nice; I fancy the licorice pudding myself. Is there really licorice pudding?

  60. I love the buttercream. I love them all, really. A Spice Cake might be a nice addition too.

  61. LOVE, Love, love the buttercream but my second choice is the apple tart!

  62. Ohhh Red Velvet!

  63. ooooh, I love them all! But if forced to pick a fave, I believe it would be chocolate decadence. Buttercream would be second, though!

  64. The butter cream and the apple tart are wonderful :)

  65. Love the red velvet (and the buttercream!)

  66. Oh, these are adorable! I love the Apple Tart!

  67. I’m in love with Red Velvet!

  68. Sweet Mary! How do you choose??? I love them all but the Licorice one *maybe* my favorite.

  69. I love the buttercream! It is just beautiful!

  70. I love the Red Velvet and the Butter Cream and if I were to choose a new ‘flavour’ would love to see a deep purple BLUEBERRY MUFFIN:)

  71. Chocolate decadence sounds and looks so scrumptious, but it’s also a versatile colour that’ll work with almost any outfit.
    and it’s my mum’s fav colour!
    But pastels are in and are so fresh… so juniper berry gets a close second.

  72. I love the red velvet!

  73. I looove the yellow buttercream! Yellow is the best. So happy.

  74. I love the French Gooseberry!!!!!

  75. I love the chocolate decadence. I would use it as a purse. It’s gorgeous!

  76. Love the red velvet…. it looks good enough to eat..

  77. I love, love, love the French Gooseberry!

  78. Pick me – Pick me – oh please pick me!!!!!

  79. Red velvet or Licorice pudding. Definitely.

    Or maybe Apple Tart.

    But Chocolate Decadence is nice, too.

    Oh, but…

  80. Junpier Berry is my favourite…maybe a flavour/colour could be dulce de leche…a nice caramel brown

  81. I’m all about the Chocolate Decadence!

  82. reminds me so much of my grandmother’s bags . . . . chocolate please . . .

  83. That’s too hard to choose! Either Chocolate Decadence or French Gooseberry. Honestly, they are all beautiful!

  84. Chocolate Decadence is delicious :)

  85. Definitely the French Gooseberry!

  86. Such pretty bags! I love the “French Gooseberry Cake” blue…beautiful!

  87. Cholate Decadence

  88. Juniper berry…I just love the colors.

  89. It is a hard decision but my favorite is the French Gooseberry.

  90. I think the Chocolate Decadence is nice since I wear lots of brown/black and it would go nicely with it. The Buttercream color is very pretty also

  91. Apple tart

  92. French Gooseberry, but I wish there was a deep purple (Mulberry Patch maybe)

  93. I have to pick one? I love them all. If you twisted my arm I’d say Apple Tart, maybe.

  94. It’s gotta be the yellow buttercream!! Love, love love it!!

  95. Apple tart- so springy and cute!

  96. I love the Chocolate Decadence. It is gorgeous.

  97. Red Velvet would have to be it. It is just so sassy!

  98. I can’t choose between the Apple Tart and the Chocolate Decadence!

  99. Ooh, love your idea for Strawberry Shortcake! My favorite from the current offerings would have to be Chocolate Decadence. Thanks for the chance to win.

  100. Red Velvet or Buttercream.

  101. They are all so beautiful, but my husband and I are both green people, so I think the apple tart is my favorite, but I am loving the yellow as well!!!

    thanks for the opportunity!

  102. I’m in love with the buttercream, but I’m with you on the pink. I think Strawberry Shortcake would be fun!

  103. I LOVE the liquorice carryall!!!!

  104. Red Velvet is beautifull and sounds tasty, but any of this purses will look good besides me :-)
    It’s my birthday today and winning this purse will be an awesome gift!!!
    Pick me random generator and Bakerella :-)
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  105. I immediately thought Key Lime, but that Apple Tart shade is absolutely gorgeous. Obviously I’m a huge fan of the Buttercream, too :)

  106. I could never pass up Chocolate Decadence.

  107. Oooh, apple tart but they’re all adorable.

  108. apple tart! i love green!

  109. Wow I love the licorice pudding! So beautiful!

  110. I love the buttercream! But Juniper berry is so pretty, too.

  111. Red velvet gets my vote.

  112. They are all so elegant! My cakes never look this perfect, but i’d choose the chocolate decadence any day!

    ps. this is making me very hungry :)

  113. Those are all so cute! I love the Buttercream the best but the French Decadence is a close second!

  114. Chocolate decadence seems really nice…
    i’m just about to have a baby so it seems perfect…

  115. Wow! All of those are amazing but I love the Chocolate Decadence!

  116. All the “flavors” sound delicious! I love the color chocolate, so a good name for me would be chocolate fudge! :)

  117. Definitely the apple tart! It would be so beautiful with all the browns that are so popular for this fall!

  118. My favorite one is Apple Tart. Though I like them all!

  119. French Gooseberry!

  120. They’re all gorgeous, but I LOVE buttercream the best!

  121. Cream Cheese please?! Yum and beautiful at the same time :)

  122. The colors are gorgeous! If I had to pick one for practicality purposes, it would have to be Licorice Pudding. (But Red Velvet is my favorite)

  123. I like the French Gooseberry !

  124. Love the Buttercream, who wouldnt !!!

  125. I love the Red Velvet one…but the Buttercream one is perfect for all seasons! I would love to have it! I think the Red Velvet one could also be called Apple Cranberry Vanilla Parfait. :)

  126. love them all! Such a beautiful bag, but I am a purple girl, so maybe a Plum Pudding??

  127. This is tough as I love them all. But, I’m leaning towards the Licorice Pudding right now. It may change in a few minutes!!!

  128. Oh my gosh, I can’t decide between the fun Juniper Berry and the versitule Chocolate Decadence (let’s not mention the fact that I’m a total chocoholic)!!

    As a suggestion, Orange Cream? Pumpkin Spice? Yum!

  129. Chocolate decadence. :)

  130. AH! I am so in LOVE with the Buttercream one!!! Yellow is one of my FAVORITE COLORS!

  131. I love the juniper berry one. Would be even better if they had two color bags as well!

  132. Licorice Pudding! How awesome! Not sure how that would taste, but the bag is gorgeous! Waiting for the ‘Bakerella Cake Pops’ special edition in sparkle pink!!

  133. Juniper Berry is my favorite although I wouldn’t kick the others out of my kitchen…………..awesome.

  134. Red Velvet is to die for!!!

  135. Buttercream or French Gooseberry! :)

  136. licorice pudding or apple tart!!! for sure!

  137. I Love all of the bags, but would have to say the Red Velvet & the Apple Tart are my favorites!

  138. The French gooseberry is my favorite! It’s so bright and fun, I must have it!

  139. Buttercream !!

  140. Chocolate Decadence is my favorite, but they are all GORGEOUS!

  141. Chocolate Decadence. You can never go wrong with Chocolate!

  142. You had me at Chocolate Decadence…but how about one called Chocolate Coconut. Yum!!

  143. They are all so beautiful! I adore the Apple Tart, even though chocolate is the only flavor for me.

  144. French Gooseberry looks divine!!

  145. loving the Licorice Pudding..or maybe the Chocolate Decadence…THEY ARE ALL SO GORGEOUS…Too hard to decide!!

  146. I am torn between all the colors! They are all so beautiful…if you twisted my arm right this minute it would be the French Gooseberry!

  147. Love the buttercream, and for a second choice, Apple Tart is right up my alley!

  148. Licorice Pudding is Delish!!!

  149. Apple Tart is my favorite!!!

  150. Apple Tart and the Yellow Buttercream are amazing :o)

  151. I just love the Licorice pudding. It’s so Victorian & timeless.

  152. Buttercream is my favorite! I love it!

  153. French Gooseberry!!! Yummy!

  154. Chocolate Decadence NO question.

  155. The apple tart is my favorite!

  156. Apple Tart is awesome!

  157. They are all fabulous! And though black is a classic and goes with everything I would have to choose the French Gooseberry! Gorgeous!!!!!! Gives me an idea to start having a Truffle Flavor & Color of the month!! Pumpkin Spice for November!!

  158. I like the buttercream, and I agree pink would be awesome!

  159. I love to stick with the classics! Red Velvet, sweet and seductive! It’s just so pretty!

  160. I love the French Gooseberry!! But the yellow buttercream is pretty darn cute, too!!!!!!!!

  161. Oh, my! They all look delicious! Who can pick just one? I say it is between the buttercream, juniper berry, and chocolate. That said, I don’t think there is a single one that I wouldn’t enjoy.

  162. I’m not a fan of licorice as a flavor, but as a purse I’m in love!

  163. I love the Chocolate decadence, both the fabric and the flavor!

  164. Juniper berry is my favorite!

  165. I love the buttercream color!!!! maybe a blueberry pie color (dark blue with a hint of purple!)

  166. Chocolate decadence. Yum yum:)

  167. Uhh, Chocolate Decadence, of course!!

  168. Licorice pudding is my favorite.

  169. I love the Juniper Berry, its so relaxing to look at, i feel like i should carry around old books–which are also my favorite!

  170. Me encanta Juniper Berry!!!!!!

  171. I like Juniper Berry!!

  172. French Gooseberry is gorgeous! Fingers crossed…..

  173. I like so many. Probably the Chocolate and Apple Tart best.

  174. Oh me, oh my! Pocketbooks and cakes…what could be better. I think french gooseberry is my favorite.

  175. CUTE! Buttercream is gorgeous! Definitely a fave…but if I have to choose…I guess I’ll take all of them.

  176. chocolate decadence is calling my name!!

  177. Chocolate Decadence!

  178. Love it! The colors are amazing!

  179. I like butter cream but how about a raspberry? Cute fun colors.

  180. I love blue. French Gooseberry all the way.

  181. I just colored my hair red and I get a lot of compliments when I wear green so, I would say apple tart! I’m so glad you featured these bags! They are amazing.

  182. I think CHOCOLATE wins!! These bags are heavenly. This would be a diaper bag like nothing I could ever dream of :)

  183. I have to go with the Apple Tart, though I love several of them. When will they come up with a Carrot Cake one? I know LOTS of girls who like orange….

  184. I love the buttercream satchel! It is truly like the icing on the cupcake! Pink Champagne would be a great new addition, too!

  185. What would life be like without red velvet….. i don’t even want to know!!!

  186. Licorice pudding is so awesome! (Matches my curtains) :)

  187. yellow buttercream is perfection – such a beautiful bag!

  188. French Gooseberry is my favorite!

  189. I love the apple tart one!!! very cute!

  190. Juniper Berry is gorgeous!! But, I would love to see something in a Pumpkin flavor. :)

  191. licorice pudding!! gourgeus :)

  192. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Chocolate Decadence! So excited! :)

  193. I vote for Peach Cobbler. A pretty light orange bag with tan trim would be so nice! It’s actually making me think about lunch right now :)

  194. *GASP* That bag is STUNNING!! It would look awesome on this Southern Gals shoulder!! :)


  196. Yellow Buttercream, hands-on. I love yellow purses – they go with practically everything I wear!

    But how about an Orange – Pumpkin Cheesecake? Orange Creamsicle?

  197. Of course chocolate is at the top of the list, but my all-time favorite is lemon. I think the buttercream could easily pass for lemon. ;) So cute!

  198. Licorice pudding would not be my first choice to eat, but the bag is divine!

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