Many of you may have seen the cover of the Betty Crocker magazine I posted several days ago. You know… the one with these Pumpkin Cake Pops on the front cover. Yeah, pretty crazy stuff. I was so overwhelmed when I first saw it. Completely overwhelmed. I knew they were going to feature some of my recipes, but I never expected they would really pick one to be on the cover. It was all very exciting and it still is. Anyway, I thought I would share with you how it came about.
Several months ago, I was asked by the nice folks at General Mills if I would be interested in submitting some recipes for one of their baking magazines. My first response was internal laughter. Are you sure? Me? I’m not anybody.
But it turns out they didn’t think so.
So I submitted several fall baking recipes for consideration and they liked them. Liked em enough to print them. Months later I found myself on a flight to Minnesota to visit the Betty Crocker Taste Kitchens. It was a short but, jam-packed trip.
I arrived in Minnesota and headed straight for the test kitchens where I was greeted with goodies and smiles. I arrived just in time to take part in their daily taste panel. Every day, several people get together and taste recipes and give their feedback.
Kristen takes notes on everything. Every comment anyone says, good or bad, and then they go back and re-evaluate if necessary.
And they do this every day. Every. Day.
Luckily the day I was there was filled with sweets. Cupcakes and cookies and cakes. I know. It was tough. Really tough.
Look familiar?
I can’t tell you enough how nice everyone was. I didn’t want to leave.
After we finished the tasting panel, Diane (above me) took me down to the photography studio to check in on things because the next day I was going to hang out there and decorate cake pops.
When I walked in, everyone was working hard making my recipes look pretty for the photos. Food stylists rock.
It was so amazing to see this all come together. From the kitchen to the camera. Amazing.
Look. Cake balls ready and waiting for me.
Their computer setup is incredible. The recipe cards for the magazine are already laid out and when they take a photo, it is immediately displayed with the recipe. The photographer can position the photo right on the spot… or take another one and know instantly if it will work with the layout or if they want to change something.
Then, they have a huge monitor on the wall that allows them to view the entire book at one time.
This makes it very easy to see the flow of the book while it is still in progress.
Here’s a page with photo placeholders from my website. Part of the reason I came to the headquarters was to have pictures taken for the featurette. They are replaced in the actual magazine with images shot from the trip.
All super efficient.
So, after saying hi to everyone, several of us went out to dinner.
Grace, Michelle, Andi, Diane, Naomi, Chris, Me, Cherryl and Sue. I had a great time.
And after dinner, I went to my hotel room and crashed. Hard.
The next morning I was greeted by these two.
Tara and Joe. I loved them both immediately. So much fun. Tara did my hair and makeup for the photos and Joe photographed me making cake pops for the day. It was a real treat.
Hey Joe – I really like this one.
This is what I saw all day. I would rather be where he’s standing.
And these are some of the pics he took. I asked him to take most of the pics as action shots … close up… so I wouldn’t be in the photo :)
And more tapping…
and styrofoaming. That’s a new word. You can have it.
Here you can see how they can test photos for the cover right on the fly.
Cute … But these pumpkins definitely need faces.
Luckily I brought my handy dandy edible ink pen.
Yes, faces for sure.
Faces = fun!
After adding the appropriate amount of spooky sweet expression, I played food stylist for a few minutes and arranged the pops for the photo.
Then I chomped on one and Carol came in with the big guns and performed minor surgery to make it perfect.
Here’s Chuck. He was the photographer for the all the magazine food photos that day.
Chuck is great. Super cool.
He took the photo and then I practically ran out the door to make my flight home. It was a whirlwind.
When I went out the front of the building, I actually had to stop the tears. I’m kind of a sap and cry easily.
Everyone was so nice. Like nicer than nice. I really hated leaving. The trip was way too short, but full of fun, excitement, emotions and memories I will cherish. Thank you everyone at General Mills that made is so special. Oh… and thanks for putting my pops on the cover. Way cool.
P.S. Have no idea what I’m talking about? Here’s the final cover if you want to look for it through September.
And… for those of you who have emailed wanting to find it, you can also buy one online.
I never hesitate to comment on your excellent work. You’re putting in a lot of effort.
I never hesitate to comment on your excellent work. You’re putting in a lot of effort.
Your cake pops look great!! I have trouble with using my edible markers on them. How come yours turned out so great? Help!
What an awesome opportunity! It is beyond amazing when you see your own work published somewhere! Such a great feeling. You’ve earned it :)
I am dying to know which edible ink pen you use!!!!! I try to use the wilton edible ink pen, but I never have any luck!!!!! They dont work very well with writing on chocolate i assume? Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can find a good, working, edible ink pen?? Thank you so much!!!
your the best cooker
I’ve got to say, I bought that on the magazine stand for the cover and have been following your blog and baking your goodies ever since! So thrilled to have found you!
love it—yummy!!! can you please share what kind of melted candy you use for the cake pops? THANK YOU!!!
you know what is funnie 2 years ago my aunt opened a bakery and when some of our cakes were flops we made balls out of them every one loved them but the bakery closed no more cake balls we didnt decorate them like you do we just drizzled fondant over them but they were really good happy for you that it worked out better for you have fun, first time i have ever been on this site it was great good luck!!
I was wondering if the wilton’s edible ink pens work well on the candy melts as well as the american gourmet ones?
Congratulations! I admire your work – I purchased your book and just love it. I’m retiring at the end of this month after 30 years and am looking forward to baking. I gonna get through your whole book. Thanks.
Hello! These are gorgeous!!
I was wondering what you used for the green stem.
I’m not kidding…when I saw the cover I (screamed) said in a louder than normal voice…”OH MY GOSH!!!! BAKERELLA’S CAKE POPS ARE ON THE COVER!!! OH MY GOSH I AM SO PROUD OF HER!”….then my hubby said, “Do you know her?” and I said, “Of course! I read her blog…”…He looked at me like a child who had just waved at Cinderella at Disney World…”Sweet sweet girl….you don’t really KNOW her…” – that’s what his eyes said and I said, “Well…I FEEL like I know her!”
Then I bought the cookbook and smugly knew in my heart that we are “BFFs”…..right? :)
I love Belle from Beauty and the Beast! She’s the princess in the story, everyone has to love the princess! My one year old will come to love her as I did all Disney movies!
I have to say I just love, love, love all your stories! I have made the cake pops and they are just fabulous! I’m going to try making the pumpkin face ones, I just got the stuff to make them! I love cooking and making all kinds of stuff! I have to add that your pictures are fantastic! Thanks for helping me get through baking! :)
I have tried two to cover my cake balls but the Wilton’s chocolate wafers are setting up hard. I tried the microwave and then a new package of wafers in the double boiler. Both became hard and I could dip. Help!!!! I’m frustrated. I did add veg. oil like you said but it didn’t help.
I baked in the Betty Crocker kitchens a couple months ago, we had a blast!! And I will have to agree, everyone there is SUPER!!
Thanks for sharing the pictures, they brought back great memories!
I made the pumpkin pops this week, and I guess my orange candy melts weren’t thin enough. They didn’t come out very smooth, so I had “textured” pumpkins. Then my edible ink pen doesn’t work — I’ve tried 2 different ones, and they just won’t work on the hardened candy melts. So – I picked up a pkg of Halloween black candy melts, melted them, and piped on the faces. It worked fine! I wish the pens would work, tho! Any ideas from anyone??? Oh, and I didn’t use a tic tac for the stem part. I got some Life Savers Jelly Rings, and saved out the green ones. I cut them into little tiny wedges and rolled them in sugar, so the cut sides weren’t sticky. They look great! They’re for my 3 yr old Granddaughter’s Pre-School party!
Hey I love these pumpkin guys! Currently my cake and icing is “chillin” in the fridge. Saw these a few weeks ago and thought maybe I could make cannonballs for my boys birthday party this weekend:) It’s my first time doing this and just realized I haven’t a clue how to make those green pumpkin tops! Was going to do it white as the fuse for the ball! Is there any chance someone could help me out? Plmk:) & TIA in PA
I just stumbled across your blog and just read this post….I work right across the Highway from General Mills, never been in there so I had no clue they had their test kitchens there….I should be having lunch there everyday! And seeing the test kitchen really makes me want to work there instead!
Congrats on all the media attention for great works!!
Wow! Awesome trip and well deserved. :)
I live RIGHT by General Mills! Looks like a beautiful building. I drive by it all the time. Lucky you to get to experience it! And everyone was so nice because we have Minnesota Nice here! Ever heard of that? We’re known to be a “nice” state! Glad you enjoyed your stay here! And Congrats! Your creations are awesome!
I’ve only just found your blog online a little while ago, but i’m a huge fan. I just think everything you make is crazy awesome. I bought the whoopie pies book and can’t wait to pick up Cake Pops. Anyway I just wanted to say that i went on a mission and found your edition of Betty Crocker with your adorable pumpkin cake pops on the cover. Looks amazing!!!! Also real quick question, what is the best edible pen to use for treats and where could i find one? (i mean like the one you used for the faces on the cake pops–just to be clear)
Just bought my copy! I love it! Great recipes.
Hi there
We were wondering what you use to color your chocolate, if you color it. Unfortunately we live in Sweden and don’t have access to colored chocolate and are yet to receive your book on cake pops wich seems to be delayed due to it being out of stock. But we are patiently waiting for it and we have great hopes about it. Last but not least we are sorry if we have a bad English.
XOXO Linn and Carolin in Sweden
I totally had to buy this when I saw you were featured!!! AND I made the Chocolate Zucchini Ganache Filled Cupcakes…OH MY GOODNESS!!! Chocolate yummy goodness!!! I made the for a Ward party in my Church…i had signed up to make a dessert with Zucchini in it…I was going to make pumpkin zucchini cookies….THIS was a much BETTER choice!!! THANK you Bakerella!!! YOU are the BOMB!!!!
Ok. So after reading this blog at work (ssshhhhh) I had to run to the store at lunch time and get this cookbook! I immediately started to plan my son’s dessert table for the weekend. Then a co-worker came in and wanted to see where I got that little cookbook. Needless to say, you now have a whole new bunch of fans from my workplace :)
Love them!! and it looks like you had a TON of fun! I cant wait to try some pumpkin pops!
Can anyone tell me until when the Betty Crocker magazine will be in store? I would like someone to bring it for me to Europe (I can’t seem to order it anywhere?!) but she will come over in october..
amazing! i bought the book just because you’re in it :)
Congratulations! So cool!
Congrats on the cover!! Just got your new book, Angie… you rock!!! Can’t believe I saw how your blog evolved, I am so happy for you!
you look like u’re having so much fuun envy! congrats again for the cover!
I saw your cake pops in the bety crocker book and decided right away that I had to try and make them. So I did like you say and started with the cake balls. I am a little disapointed in how they turned out. They were too soft and the chocolate didn’t look good it was lumpy. I am not sure what I did wrong. Do you have any suggestions? I am going to try these again sometime and would love any help.
I saw this magazine at the grocery store last night. I was like hey that’s Bakerella! I know her! Well sort of. In spirit. Congrats by the way!
You are so cute! What a wonderful, fun, and informative post. First, a great opportunity with Betty Crocker, and second – look what you have managed to create… an EMPIRE! My kids are grown, and my cake pop days long gone… meaning, I am not interested in making this kind of thing until I get grandkids… then… her I come, baby! But, what a fantastic story – and thank you for sharing it. I learned of you through a local blogger who has a good friend who made some cake pops. They all have little kids and are making different ones all of the time. You really found a niche and went for it. I love that. And your spunk and sparkle has really made it work. I am glad to have found you, but must admit – I usually never leave any comments when someone has this many – it was over 165… because I write to be read, as you do. But, I get the feeling that as you have written here, you will read all of your comments.
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! So exciting for you! And so awesome that you’ve made the top 10 in books! Congratulations Bakerella! You’re very inspiring :)
Just three words: YOU DESERVE IT!!! Congrats!!!
yay for you!!!! this is super awesome! congratulations and thanks for showing us all the behind the scenes stuff! very cool!
I’m so happy for you! This looks like so much fun. Thanks for all the inspiration!
just bought the mag and cant wait to get busy.
I finally found a copy of this magazine at a local Walmart and it looks great!! Congrats again :)))
congratulations!!!!!!!!! It´s a dream come true and a vision of hope for the rest of us who have the same dream,you are the proof it can happen.Thanks for sharing it with us and all the best to keep going on.
I love your humble spirit! You deserve every bit of recognition that you have & will continue to receive! Take it all in, you will have a lot more awesome opportunities like these in the future! God bless all your endeavors:)
Congratulations! Your pictures are bringing back memories. Going to the test kitchens was one of the best blogging trips I’ve been on.
Thank you for sharing! It is neat to see all the behind-the-scenes stuff.
& so many congrats to you for your continuing success! You are the real deal, girl!
I’m so proud of you and your success! I saw the little magazine in the checkout line this week. Congratulations!
I loved seeing the behind-the-scenes photos. How fun.
This was so interesting! It’s pretty amazing the technology they have to see the photo immediately on the recipe card layout. How fun for you!
Congratulations! I can’t wait to pick up the magazine! I have been saying for a while now that working in a test kitchen would be a dream job! I’m not that great at creating my own recipes, but I love trying other peoples’ and add on to them. Edible experimenting is the best kind!
Love the behind the scenes photos! So…about the cake pops…I just made them for the second time tonight…however, the consistency of my melted candy does not look half as thin as yours…what’s the secret to getting it so thin? How many times do you zap it at 30 seconds in the micro?
After seeing your latest post I had to go by the grocery store before work this morning. I walked in and became a little panicked when I didn’t see it in the magazine section. Then I turned the corner and there it was…sitting on the stand near the register. I am soooo excited to begin my fall baking!
I’m just SO happy that this is all happening to you! Because you’re awesome and you deserve ALL of this! Good luck!
Oh Bakerella!
I wish I could make stuff like that!!
*sly smile* You’re very discouraging, you know.
Okay, let’s just start with what’s important. You look great in purple! What a fabulous experience you had and how fun to see how it all comes together. Thank you for sharing with us!
I’m soooo excited to make my cakepops. I have both, your book and the Betty Crocker Mag. I reserved my book online (I could not wait til the the 18th to come) and when I went to buy it they had no hold for me or books. I was so disappointed but, they were able to find it at another store and I haven’t put it down. Congratulations!!!
Blessings to you on your new adventures!!!
So cool! I saw this and bought a copy to show some support – your blog is wonderful and inspiring. It’s also so great that I can actually do what you post. Thanks and much deserved!!!
Such an amazing job, congrats!
Got my copy and already made some of the recipes out of it – all of them are hits! Waiting to get closer to Halloween until I made the pumpkin cake pops!
This looked like tons of fun. The cover looks awesome! Congrats and hope to see you soon
So neat. What a cool behind the scenes look.
I saw it and I just knew they were yours!!!! Now I’m going to go get it!
Thanks for sharing such a great moment in your life and allowing us to follow the journey that took you there. You are an inspiration to anyone who bakes. I would imagine there will be many gift baskets that include your ideas during the holidays. Best Wishes for continued success.
I bought this at the grocery and was all “I know this lady!” This is sooo cool :)
I am really sad you didnt stay longer in MN. I would have loved to meet you. I also wish you were stopping here on your book tour! Think about it, we are a SUPER fun state.
I think this would pretty much be my dream day!
This is so awesome! I seen the book the other day at Walmart and almost bought it. I think I will buy a copy the next time I see it. Congrats!
This looks so cool! So fancy – you are like a celebrity! Love all the pictures you got! And an edible pen – wow!!
What timing of your blog. I just purchased the recipe book and wow! I didn’t realize how many recipes they had posted from you! What an amazing thing you have going for you! Congrats.
How wonderful! Congratulations. I’m so proud of you, and I don’t even know you. Great work, keep it up and YOU ARE AWESOME!
I want that purple top you are wearing! Looks great on you. Where can I get one?
Congratulations – I am so happy for you! I bought the magazine as soon as I saw it!
You are one of the most creative people I have ever encountered.
Now I just have to pick up your book!
Cool beans…fun and educational as well..what a great trip that must have been. One I’m sure you won’t ever ,ever forget !
wow! amazing job Bakerella!!! You are an amazing inspiration for me!!! xoxo from SoCal!
those nice minnesotans..always so nice!
This looks like an amazing experience!!! You’re so fabulous and everyone knows it!
I actually found out about these through that magazine while standing in line at the grocery store. I saw it and thought I should make those for my son’s birthday in October. Did a practice run this week and I am ready to make them for his class!
This is very exciting! I am so happy for you! I teach cake decorating and have told many of my students about your website – we have so much fun with cake pops and everyone loves them. I have even made them without the sticks to send to my aunt – they travel well!
Great article! I love all of the photos, and your storytelling. sounds like a lot of fun! Congrats on the cover!!!
Congrats!! I LOVE behind the scenes posts!!
Thanks for sharing all the details. Congrats on the cover!
can i just say, you are living a dream! congrats, what a happy time for you. go girl!!! :) shine on!
What a fabulous opportunity – thank you so much for sharing it with us!
I’ve got to try the cute pumpkins. Must go and get the book. Thanks Bakerella. Paulette
you must have felt like a rock star!!
wow……sounds like you had a fantastic time…………………… so deserve it…………and you aren’t a no-body….you have so many fans…….all over the world………congrats
i’m not sure if we have the betty mag here in australia………i’m always up for signed copies *wink wink*
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are truly a success and a big inspiration to me. I can’t wait to buy this magazine :))
Great story! It seems the harder you work, the luckier you get, Bakerella. In other words, all the wonderful-ness and star treatment you’re receiving is absolutely well deserved. And its so much fun for me to experience it vicariously via your terrific blog. Thanks for all the insider details; your behing-the-scenes stories are fascinating. Your book, the magazine spread, the Emmies and all the recent buzz makes me even more proud to be a Bakerella Pop Star!
you have started a nation of upcoming cake pop=sters!!
what a great experience for you & all your bakerella fans!
I can totally understand the tears. I would have too!
BUT….let me say this. Don’t be so hard on yourself in photos. You are gorgeous, your smile is fabulous…and you can tell that you are doing what you LOVE…..let them take YOU in the photo…after all…this is your journet…and you are on the ride of your life! Let it be documented, girl!!!!
Can’t wait to get my hands on that book!
Oh my! You must have been on cloud 9! How fun! What a kitchen! I don’t think I’d want to leave!
Again, amazing things are happening for you, and I’m so excited for you….congratulations!
Wow this was breath taking.I really did enjoy reading the whole post.Thanks for sharing congs.
SO happy to see you get the raves you deserve. That purple outfit is gorgeous! The photos of you were beautiful. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling with Betty Crocker AND the New York Times Bestseller List – WOWSERS! SO cool and exciting! I bet your cute little kitchen helper is proud to show off her celebrity auntie at school!
Thank you so much for sharing this! It’s exactely what I need today – while wondering if I have to cancel my (next week) graphic design exams. Having a whiplash now and so many other things going on for Pink Ribbon fundraising I doubt if I really want to and have to do the exams… ít’s just for myself – don’t need it for work or so.
This morning I asked for an answer – opened your mail and look at this! It’s all about graphic design and the programs I’m coping with. Amazing! This gave me the boost I needed : )
Thank you so much!
And are not all creative people the nicest on earth?!
Enjoy the feeling of fame! You deserve it because you brighten up everyones life!
groetjes from Holland,
OK seriously….I want to be just like you when I grow up. I LOVE EVERYTHING in the book…the blog…everything! How the pictures are presented, how YOU present pictures in the blog. It’s a feast for the eyes!!! LOVE the pink spiral bound thingy. I URGE YOU TO WRITE ANOTHER BOOK!!!! I WILL PRE-ORDER FOR SURE….I DON’T EVEN CARE WHAT TYPE OF DESSERT IT’S ON. ALSO PLEASE USE THE SAME FORMAT AND PUBLISHER. LOOOOOOOVVVVEEE IT!!! Congrats on all your success. You are such a sweet person (I think :) and You deserve it! Yay!!!
this is so cool! i’d definitely want to be in General Mills…and congratulations, bakerella for the front cover. the pumpkin pops are just right for the fall season.
I bought it! So sweet….Congratulations!!!
What a cool experience! And I totally want to work there : )
Thanks for sharing the behind the scenes look at a food photoshoot. SO interesting!!
You are the Diva of Cupcakes. this proves it.
Thanks for sharing. This was really fun to see. Congratulations! You are a super star!! :) xoxo
Congrats…I saw the book tonight at the store and I faintly said “I know her”. No I don’t, I had to remind myself; I just think I do. :)
I saw this in the store a couple of weeks ago and was jumping up and down! I am so excited for you!
My mom just had the book in the car today and I told her I have been looking at your blog for awhile. Can’t wait to try some of the recipes. I even bough buttermilk today. You are great. Thanks for sharing the photos.
Wow! Congratulations on the cover’re a star! ! :)
I loved reading this! I agree with Jennifer in comment #93. May you experience much continued success!
Lucky girl! It looks like you had a blast. I’m so happy for you.
Good things come to good people. Love your blog. Love your cakepops. Love your energy. Congratulations!!
Sounds like it was an amazing experience. I bought the magazine a few days ago. It’s one of the few that I actually want to bake pretty much everything in it. I keep looking through trying to decide what to make first. Maybe it should be the cake pops!!!!!
Congratulations. Oh, I told my hubby I want your cookbook for my b-day….
What an amazing experience! Great post!
I’ve only just stumbled across your site (God knows why I hadn’t found it sooner) but it’s fantastic!!!! I love the Halloween cake pops. Such a great idea!! Also, congratulations on making the cover!
Congratulations on the cover, Bakerella! The honor was ours to be able to finally meet you and see firsthand how to make the adorable cake pops. I can’t wait to see what’s up your sleeve next!
Oh my god! That is too cool! Ok, I think I know what my dream job is now. I’ll start at Betty Crocker next week, as a new tasting panel member.
Congrats on being part of something so fantastic and just plain exciting!
I honed in on my copy at the check out of our local Independent Grocer. I was so excited. I think the cashier thought I was nuts as I explained why the little magazine was sooooo exciting. I convinced her that she had to get a copy…and she did :-)
Your Canadian Fan, Lori
Hurray again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Im jealous! not only did you have such an exciting experience, but your hair looks great through it all!!
how exciting!
I think I saw it in the store before I even knew about you being featured. Bought it of course. Lady, you’re mad talented. And you’re getting everything you deserve.
How much fun! Makes me want to start a food blog but that might scare people. :) I saw the magazine at Publix the other day and HAD to buy it. I love it.
Way to go!!!!
Wow, what a wonderful experience! Thank you very much for sharing!
You are so blessed and the best part is you truely seem to realize and appreciate it. Congradulations on your success. May it continue to come to you through your hard work and gratitude.
P.S. love the pen idea. I would have been cutting black licorice ribbons for hours (only to watch everyone pick it off!)
Congratulations! You look so pretty in the photos :)
I, too, loved the combination of purple and orange!! Wicked, wicked, Wicked. Livin’ the dream, girl! Awesome!
So much behind the scene work for those perfect photos. They all look really nice too, it must be all that sugar making them so sweet.
You deserve it Bakerella….absolutely amazing…and you seem too sweet of a person too….giving credit to everyone who deserves it.Thank you so much for sharing these pics.Its really nice to see what actually goes behind the scenes to put that one cover together.
thank you and all the best on your new book.
I saw that cover in the grocery store and LOVED it! That is so awesome they featured you on the cover! I smiled big when I saw you there! It didn’t surprise me at all though because we all know you’re someone!! Loved all that behind the scenes stuff! Thanks for sharing!
I think it’s so awesome that you share your ideas and recipes so freely!! In your book you even tell people how to ship them. It’s like we’re all your little Bakerella franchisee’s LOL! My friend and I are hooked here in Cincinnati and are making them for our children’s bake sales and birthdays…thanks so much for sharing so “sweetly!” xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
That looks so fun! Looks like you had a great time. Too bad we can’t buy that in the UK
What a great story! You must be having the time of your life!
I can hardly wait to pick up your book in Canada!
You and your cake pops are adorable! Thanks for sharing your story. I’ve avoided making cake pops until now (they’ve always looked way too intimidating for me to try). My goal is to try these for Halloween. So fun and super cute!
Thanks for the behind the scenes look! Wow, what a great place and what fun! :D I’m so happy for you and your little cake pops! :)
I think it’s great that you are so humble about your experiences and your talents. :) I definitely think you are MORE than just somebody! ;) LOVE those sweet little cake pops and your dear “sweet” blog! :D Love every one of your posts! :D
~Miss Rachel~
Thank you so much Angie for letting us go “behind the scenes” with you!!!! I loved reading it and seeing all of the pictures! And you and your pumpkin faces looked great!
I actually bought this about a week ago at Albertson’s….I remembered you mentioning you would be in it, and then while in line I saw Pumpkin Cake Pops staring back at me!! I had to buy it!! It looked great and I can’t wait to try some recipes from it!!
wow – so proud for you!
That looks like an amazing trip! Congrats on the cover!
It seems like it would be an awesome vacation to go and work as a taster in the panel. Is it people that come in from outside, or people specifically hired to taste daily? Yum!
Angie, You must feel like you’re living a dream:) It couldn’t happen to a nicer person!
I’ve got my copy. Thanks for the behind the scenes tour. Loved it.
That whirlwind trip looks like it was so exciting!! I saw the little cook book in the grocery store a few days ago and picked it up. I can’t wait to make some of the cake pops!
What an amazing experience! Thanks for sharing the behind the scenes of how the magazine became to be, it looks wonderful!
Congratulations! You rock by the way.. Loved the book… My 3yr old wants everything…He religiously reads it before bedtime,not sure if he expects the pops to pop out of the book.. Good luck in all your endeavours.
Oh my goodness, I can’t imagine being in your shoes. This trip would have been the trip of a lifetime. The pictures were awesome and so exciting! I saw the book with your pops on the cover and I was so excited for you! I can’t imagine what you’re feeling now and you deserve every bit of fame :)
Congratulations! That looks like such a wonderful opportunity and exciting experience!!!
Wow! Such fun!!! I used to work for Kraft Foods… the test kitchens were always the best place to be invited to. <]:-)
I want to make these cuties. I love them!
Baking exciting new recipes and then tasting them daily? I’m am currently looking at my new dream job.
That’s really incredible that you got to experience all that, what a wonderful time! :)
I saw you in my grocery store the other day! So cool! I loved seeing the behind the scenes…thanks for sharing!
What an awesome little adventure! I love how you kept saying Nice throughout. I am from MN and we tend to say we are Minnesota Nice! :)
That trip is very cool. I love seeing the sneak peeks into the industry that you’ve been sharing!
I have my copy and am so excited to try a few recipes for the tailgating this weekend ;-)
Wow, that’s awesome! I’m new to your site and I’m so glad that I have found it especially now that I’m looking for baking inspirations. I plan on baking cupcakes and a small cake for my son’s first birthday party next month!
You go girl! I’m incredibly happy for you!! :]
That is so awesome and it’s so fun to see behind the scenes and learn their “secrets.” Thanks for sharing!!
i cannot tell you how happy it makes me when ppl’s dreams come true. you took somrthing that you love and made it your own. everything looks heavenly. even tho i don’t know you, i am so proud of your accomplishments and you inspire us (me) to keep dreaming.
btw…i’m so making those and eating every last one cuz that’s how i roll.
sue :)
Oh I think that you definitely are “somebody” …. after that amazing trip surely you must feel like “I’ve arrived!”
HOW EXCITING for you!!!! Congratulations! And you are absolutely the master of your craft! You are fabulous!
I pick up the magazine and spent most of last weekend baking. Great article and I loved all of yoru submissions. I was really happy to see teh cowgirl cookies there! (now I don’t need to haul my laptop into the kitchen everytime I want to make them!)
I love reading your stories. You really are the Cinderella of the blogging/baking world! Congrats for your success …looking forward to reading more as the chapters of your story unfold!
…You are so modest and I love that about you… :o) You’re a “supah – star”! And rightfully so my dear. :o)
…I’m so happy to see you hitting the big time! Go with it, enjoy and have fun – you deserve it!
…Many blessings… :o)
I am fully aware of the fact that I am definitely not the only one saying this but after having followed your site for almost 4months now I just had to thank you for all the inspiring and fantastic work youre doing. I am sure its not a surprise for you that your recipes have made it all the way to Germany….thanks to the creators of internet… ;) everything I have tried from your site has been a rocking success, so thanks again :)
When I seen the magazine I screamed for my mom (we was in krogers) to look. We LOVE your ideas & cake pops. We have made a few for the holidays and the hello kitty for my friends little girls 1st birthday (which everyone LOVED!!)
Congrats :)
Thank you for posting all of that. It was so interesting to see the whole process. Congrats again!
so awesome! i love the behind the scene look. thanks for sharing!
thanks for sharing! i’ll have to get a copy of that magazine!
I just bought it last night! I am super excited to introduce my friends and family to your cake pops!! It looks like you had a wonderful time!!
That is so cool. Great job!
Way to go Bakerella!! Hope you can make it back to the great state of Minnesota again soon!! Love the Pumpkin Pops!! :)
That’s so exciting
This is such an awesome post! How exciting and you definitely deserved to be featured!
truly enjoyed reading this,..;-)
I can’t remember how I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago. But I’m glad I did. You are by far the most humble blogger I have ever read!!! Such an inspiration and such awesome recipes! I bought the Betty Crocker Fall cookbook at Target and have read it several times over! What a fun experience you had, thank you for sharing it with us! :) With me. :)
I saw the booklet in the grocery store and was like, ” No way! That’s Bakerella!!!” Boyfriend was confused for a minute, but when I mentioned you were the cakepop lady, he got equally as excited. So glad this happened for you!
I saw it in the line at the grocery store yesterday. So exciting!
Awesome !!
I plan on making these, but here in Canada, those little green tic tac’s are NOWHERE. I am sure I have seen them before, I must have..
such a cool post! I love to see how things things go behind the scenes. congratulations! I admit i am a little intimidated by the amount of work that goes into cake pops but you are wearing me down… i’m gonna have to try making them soon!
So excited for you! What a fun experience. You look lovely as do your cake pops! Taste testing at the Betty Crocker test kitchen sounds like a great sugar rush.
How fun! Thanks for the behind scenes look at the shoot. I can’t wait to pick up my copy of your book!
That is SO fun! I love seeing the behind the scense, you are such an inspiration!!!
You are my baking idol!
That is awesome! Good things are definitely happening for you and you deserve it!
I’m just so happy for you and all your success!
Bought your book and the magazine…happy day :) Congratulations on your much earned success!! My granddaughters can’t wait for our date to make “punkin’ pops” .
Lucky You!! You’ve been an inspiration for me in many ways!! Keep up the awesome work!! I always eagerly look forward to your posts!!
How wonderful that you took us with you on this ride, because I really feel like I was with you everystep of the was . Congrats on being on the cover. Quite an honor in my book since I love BC! lol! I’m off to look for my copy!
Wow, how exciting! Congratulations! I remember when my toddler picked up the Betty Crocker book at the grocery store and I was like “hey, those are Bakerella’s cake pops!” … probably a little too loud.
This is so awesome. When I saw this book at Sam’s Club I almost felt as if one of my good friends was famous! LOL! Crazy how the internet can bring people together. I had a question for you too. What is the best tasting candy melts you have come across. I tried to make cake pops a few months ago and they were SO sweet. I was wondering if some candy melts taste better than others. The ones I got from Hobby Lobby tasted like crap!
What a nice whirlwind! I love the cover. Congratulations, you deserve all this credit for your creativity.
Awesome write up! Love it :-)
Congratulations again. I’m sure you are on cloud 9 these days!
Great story – thanks for sharing.
Congratulations Bakerella. This is my first post here & 4 days ago I didn’t even know what a cake pop was. Since finding your site, I’m so obsessed & can’t wait to try & make some on the weekend. I even got my penpal from the States to post me a copy of your Halloween magazine (I’m in Australia).
I love your work & your site is mind blowing!
You rock!!!
I just have to say CONGRATULATIONS. I love seeing the attention that you and is getting… you definitely deserve it and you inspire us all! You are adorable!!
Wow, what an awesome experience! Congrats–<3 your cake pops!
Awesome!! I’ve got your book, both of them actually! My boys love the pops and want to make all of the ones in the Cake Pops book!! :) I just ordered the edible marker pens, so I can’t wait to make the jack-o-lanters for Halloween!! You are amazing! Congrats on all the success!! :) You rock!!
Those halloween-inspired cake pops worth the attention. And you.. looking really nice in purple. Love your smile too! <3
i am in love with your recipes on the betty crocker mag i just got! it’s great to see your pretty, smiling face on the cover too :)
What a great experience! I think it’s so cool that you got on the cover – congrats :D
Thanks for the story! Love the photos!! You are beautiful – don’t worry about the camera! Embrace it! Congrats on all your success it’s amazing. I’m actually purchasing cake pops for my sister in law for Christmas (I will probably throw a copy of it in for myself as well)
What an awesome experience – Congrats on the cover!
How do I become one of the tasters? Haha
This is so cool! I bought the book in the checkout line and so did my mom – she has always loved them and passed that long to me!
Oh wow! It looks like a great time & such a well run machine there :) I wish my kitchen were like that, LOL!
My kids also saw the Betty Crocker edition & they want to make the pumpkin cake pops “Like, SOOOOO Badly!!” (exact quote). Now to see see if I can organize an under 7 crowd :)
And congrats on all your success with the book, I saw the other post! How wonderful :)