Cake… Yes, cake.
The truffles…
The box…all cake!
Don’t believe me? Well keep reading and I’ll show you how to make this little Sweet Heart Cake.
- First, you’ll need to grease and flour at least one heart-shaped cake pan. I used one that’s about 8″ wide and used a round cake pan for the rest of the batter.
- Now, mix your ingredients and pour in the pans. (The Red Velvet Cake recipe I used made a cake that was really too greasy, so I’m not going to post it. But you can just as easily use any cake recipe or cake mix for this.)
- Bake the cakes and let cool.
- When cool, take a pencil and trace the shape of your cake onto wax paper.
- After you’ve outlined your cake, draw a second outline about .25 inch around the outside of the first heart shape. You can eyeball it.
- Go back to your cake or cakes and level them by cutting off the tops with a long serrated knife.
- Keep the excess. You can use it later.
- Okay, now you’ll need some red fondant. You can tint fondant red yourself or take the easy way and buy it already colored. (It’s a real pain to tint fondant red and get the color you want, so I’m buying this stuff anytime I can help it.)
- Work on a clean dry surface and sprinkle a little cornstarch before you begin working with the fondant. If you don’t, it will start to stick to the surface. Work with just the amount you need and keep all the rest wrapped up tightly with plastic wrap. It dries out quickly.
- Now use a rolling pin or fondant roller
and roll it flat. You’ll need to roll it larger than your heart shape template.
- With scissors, cut the wax paper along the outer edge of your heart shape to make the template. Then, gently hold the template in place on your fondant and use a toothpick to trace the heart shape.
- Remove the wax paper and carefully cut out the shape with a knife. Use the toothpick marks as your guide.
- This piece of fondant is going to be the bottom of your cake box. Lay it on a plate, cake board or cake stand. I used a round cake board and a few doilies to place the fondant on. Now use a little of your frosting to coat a layer on the inner section of your fondant heart shape.
- Place the cake on the fondant and center it. The frosting helps hold it in place.
- Now, frost the top and smooth it out.
- Go back to your wax paper template and cut out the inside heart shape. Use this new template for the top of the cake box. Roll and cut out another piece of fondant to use to cut out the heart for the top of the cake the same way you did for the bottom.
- Place the fondant heart shape on top of the cake so that it’s centered with the bottom layer of fondant. Frost the sides carefully. Make it as smooth as possible. Use a paper towel and gently remove any excess frosting that may get on the bottom edge or the top of the cake.
- Now roll out a long strip of fondant.
- Using a straight edge, cut the sides off so you have a long even piece of fondant. You’ll want the width of this piece be at least .25″ wider than the height of your cake so that it forms the sides of the box to hold the truffles.
- Carefully, wrap the sides of the cake with this strip of fondant. Again, the frosting will help hold the fondant in place. The smoother your frosting is, the smoother the sides of your box will be.
And, voila… Sweet Heart Candy Cake Box!
Now, you just need to fill it with truffles.
You can use the other cake and excess trimmings to crumble and make red velvet cake balls.
Read the original how-to for the Red Velvet Cake Balls.
(Keep in mind that this recipe used the entire cake for cake balls, so you will want to cut down on the amount of frosting you use to make them work. Start small and add more as you need it until the consistency is moist enough to mold and still hold it’s shape. )
I just decorated these different ways with candy writers, heart sprinkles
, nuts and drizzled candy melts. You can take this a step further by really making it an assorted box of chocolate. Go all out and make the cake balls with different cake flavors.
Here’s a pic of the inside just in case you still weren’t convinced.
Things you”ll need for this Sweet Heart Cake:
Red Velvet Cake
Cream Cheese Frosting (recipe I used here)
Heart-shape cake pan
and one other cake pan
Wax paper
Pencil or pen
serrated knife
White fondant and red icing color
or red fondant
Fondant Roller or rolling pin
Small knife
Mini brown candy cup liners
Candy melts
Candy writers, heart sprinkles
, nuts’re brilliant!
Ivy – you can use any flavor you like.
hi, i want to know what frosting can i use except cream cheese? thanks…
This is the BEST site I have come across in a longgggg time….I love that you have so many red velvet cake ideas…it’s my favorite!!! I can’t wait for Valentine’s day to make this!!
o my god sow cute I have to make it and great job and thank a lot
Micki – I hand shaped them.
how did you come up with the box idea?!
Its sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute.
Bakerella —
I just made this!! My boyfriend is coming back from a vacation in a couple days and im going to surprise him with it! :]
It was my first time to make a cake, and I had to tint the fondant myself (complete pain), and it is CERTAINLY not perfect, but i am soo proud and i love love love it.:]
Bakerella —
I just made this!! My boyfriend is coming back from a vacation in a couple days and im going to surprise him with it! :]
It was my first time to make a cake, and I had to tint the fondant myself (complete pain), and it is CERTAINLY not perfect, but i am soo proud and i love love love it.:]
Love it!
Toast – Okay… good luck!
Since the instant I saw this I’ve been in awe over it and, well, since I’ve been drooling over this for such a long time, I figure it’s about time I go ahead and try it.
I’m a bit worried since I have to make it gluten free (and gluten free things have a tendency to misbehave…), but I’m hoping that everything will turn out alright.
I’ll be getting the ingredients tomorrow. Wish me luck! ;)
Kellie – I don’t know what you are talking about. Your V-Day Bites look awesome.
I’ve made your cupcake pops multiple times and got the itch to make some heart bites for february. I was feeling so proud of my creation posted here until I saw your delicious treats you made for V-day. Yours look AMAZING of course and was such a better idea! I am going to try that next year. Thanks for always posting such fun ideas.
Michele – glad you liked em.
I made the Red Velvet balls this week. They turned out a little big, and my dipping technique left a lot to be desired. They were delicious. I had to pass on the recipe. Thank you.
Blogger Kristin – thanks
Adam & Lisa – where's mine?
Sonia D. – Hi fan. Glad you took the plunge. Fondant seems much less scary now.
Carol – look on amazon. They might have it. Sprinkles cupcakes also sells a red velvet cupcake mix
Mindy Volkert – no molds on these. Just shaped by hand
Anonymous – It should go for big bucks
my church has a bake sale every Valantines day, next year i am trying this for the big event! every one will be amazed and what a genious you are!!!
okay – i need to know how you got your cake balls to actually look like candy chocolates for this cake? are you using a candy mold? i’m very intrigued to find out and am anxious to try it out myself.
I made these with chocolate cake and they were gone in the blink of an eye! Where can I fine red velvet cake mix?
i know i know. everyone is all "look at mine!"
but i am too!
thanks so much for the directions!
i was terrified when i decided i was going to make it bc everyone said that fondant is super difficult to work with, but come to my surprise it was so much fun and it turned out…well nearly perfect! again thanks so much my boyfriend and family loved it! they said it was delicious.
i did change a bit since i couldn't find a large tub of red fondant, i used 2 little packs of red and white for the bottom of the "box"(under the chocolates), and it worked out great. i also used yellow cake and chocolate icing for the "glue". again. thank so much!!!
consider me a fan!<3
You are so amazing!!! I decided to attempt this, and it was actually pretty good! Also, I wanted to share that I used a melted Hershey’s Cookies and Cream candy bar to dip a couple of my chocolates–way yummy!
You are so talented! I have enjoyed looking at your beautiful creations. I recently had cake balls for the first time and was floored at how yummy they are! Then I discovered your site and see that they really are quite the phenomenon! I made some Peanut Butter Dipped Chocolate Cake Balls (my creation) for this Valentine’s Day with chocolate cake mix, but I made my own cream cheese frosting using 2 8oz. blocks beat with 1 cup powdered sugar (I find the canned frosting has too much “filler” in it), but then, I dipped them into melted Reeses’s chips (I also added a few milk chocolate chips and Crisco to make it more runny). They turned out very well! I thought you’d be interested in the combo after seeing some of your other recipes.
Shari – great job on the cake
Beth – glad you had fun with it.
Thanks so much for this fabulous idea! I had so much fun making these with my family. They turned out so well and everyone loved them!
Here is a picture of the cake I did for my husband's birthday/Valentine's. I have never used fondant and made marshmallow fondant so it tasted better. The cake is 12×2.¤t=DSCF1800.jpg
Izzybee, Labrys, Anonymous, Kirsteen, Robin, Alice Enevoldsen, cj, Libby, Lorena – Wow. I am so impressed that you all tried this. I never would have if I had not played with fondant before. You guys rock. Congrats on the cakes.
Thank you so much for the inspiration. My cake balls weren’t nearly as pretty as yours, but they sure were good. Thank you for the great ideas.
So you inspired me to give fondant a try. It’s certainly not perfect, but I’m so happy with the results. Thank you for the brilliant idea and sharing your instructions with us. (Details of my attempts on my blog, Knit Tidbits)
thanks for all your helpful directions!
my girlfriend loved it.
it was my first time baking. ever.
picture of the cake i made
I made one – and I had to modify a lot since we're very allergic to chocolate, milk, eggs, and butter. My version (not as pretty as yours, but if you applied your skill I'm sure it would be) is allergy safe for nut-, peanut-, milk-, egg-, soy-, bean-, and coconut-allergic people. The only major allergen in it is wheat (and if you're diabetic it has a LOT of sugar in it).
My cake:
And yes – I'll bet Cake Wrecks would have a field day with it, but I'm still quite proud of my first experimentation with rolled fondant.
I made this as my first attempt at cake decorating. I made it for my mom who has Celiacs disease so I had to make it gluten-free. Overall it was a success. I had to make my own fondant, the pre-made kind doesn’t list allergens, which I had never done before… nor had I ever used fondant before so I did’t really know what consistancy it should have. But she absolutely loved it! So thank you for helping make her day truly special.
I had a go: I’m quite pleased with how it came out. Nowhere near as good as yours, but not bad for a first go ;-)
Thanks so much for your blog, it always inspires me to have a go. :-)
You are amazing. Made two of these for my married kids for V-day. First time to use fondant. My don’t look as good as yours but I was quite pleased.
At the last minute on Friday, I decided to attempt this. I have never used fondant before and my local craft store had only a tiny package of red fondant. So I used white for the most of it and accented with red. I used my chocolate crazy cake recipe. Instead of making cake balls at 1:00 a.m. (as the universe swung into the Age of Aquarius, btw!) I rolled up dark chocolate truffles to fill the candy cups. The man is thrilled!!
Bakerella, you’re awesome! My 7 year old daughter and I made one of these last night as a special Valentine’s activity, and while it doesn’t exactly look like your picture because I’ve never decorated a cake in my life and my assistant is 7, it was huge fun to make and my daughter is so proud of making a cake that has turned out “looking like a grown up made it”.
Eboni – top left.
Boss Of Everything – haha
Heather, Shari and Christina – send a pic so I can see.
I love your web page!!! I can not wait to see your newest creation. Today my sister in law and myself made your Valentine Day Cake. It did not look as fabulous as yours but it was a fun experience. It was our 1st cake decorating. Thanks
I made the Valentine’s Day gift box for my husband. His birthday is Feb. 14th. It turned out so good, not as good as yours of course. But it looks great. THANK YOU for the idea!
I just made this and while it didn’t turn out NEARLY as gorgeous as yours, it was still pretty impressive for a first-time cake decorator. I got lots of compliments on the cake balls, both on the looks and the taste. :) Thanks for posting the step-by-step instructions! Where do you find red fondant by the way? I could only find white or a package with a variety of colors. Thanks again, and happy Valentine’s Day!
Yes, I will be your girlfriend.
Boss O xxxx
That is one of the most beautiful and well crafted cakes I have ever seen! I am totally going to follow this blog if I can find the follow button. Regardless, I will return.
xoxo michelle – thanks
Tracy P. – Glad you like the V-Day spin on the cake balls.
I was thinking I could count on you for an adorable Valentine cake ball. You don’t disappoint!
this is sooooo fantastic!
you are quite the creative mind!
this is the kind of stuff i love.
good work!! favouriting this :)
Amylouwho – that’s right. You can do it. Take a bite.
Gem – have fun
Lisa S. Luckey – you’re welcome
Parson’s Daughter – thanks
g. – WOW!!!!! I am super impressed. It looks perfect.
rhiannon – thanks for the tips.
DivineDiva – I think it has a something to do with the Kroger brand candy coating. I have the best results with it.
This is a way cute idea. I tried making the cake balls (first time)but i used a strawberry cake and Cherry frosting. The store bought frosting is a little to sweet for me. I also tried the heart shape rather than just the balls. How do you get your chocolate to coat so smoothly especially on the shapes. Mine don’t look anywhere near as smooth as yours. I enjoy your blog very much.
I tried my hand at this cake over the past two days. My cake doesn’t look as polished as yours, but I’m okay with it.
I discovered a couple of things… first, if you’re going to use chocolate chips, use Ghirardelli. It melted really liquidy and smooth. Nestle, for instance, was just way too thick.
Also, since the melted chocolate was so liquid, I used my egg separator to dip the chocolate. Just picture the excess chocolate as egg white, it pours right off.
Here is my attempt:
oh Bakerella! I am newly addicted to your website. I saw your Valentine box of chocolates and I just had to give it a try. It was my first try with fondant (I made the marshmallow kind and tinted it pink, my arms got too tired to go all the way to red!) And this was my first try at making the cake balls that you are famous for. yum! Both gave me a chance to flex my novice cake decorating skills. And surprisingly the project was pretty forgiving. Thank you so much for the inspiration. I am just pleased as punch with they way it came out! Happy Valentines. (P.S. if you want to check out my work, pictures are on my blog!!)
Absolutely lovely! Excellent photography, too.
Wow, very nice. I think I’ll try it this week for my husband.
Thank you for this tutorial.
I like the way your mind works. I’m making this cake as a surprise for my family this Valentine. Great job!
Are you kidding me!!? That is gorgeous! I think the only problem is that it’s so beautiful I wouldn’t want to ruin it by eating it.
OH, what’s that? It’s red velvet cake? Oh, maybe I’ll have a little piece.
Chinouk – you can be my tastetester – thanks
I LOVE your blog and your baking ideas. I added a link to your site on my recent post on Valentine’s day ideas.
Thanks so much for posting your fabulous idea! I’ll be reading all your blog posts from now on.
I would make it if I thought I could. But you can also send some yummie stuff to me. :) I’m happy to eat it…
Liv – sure.
cakes_are_fun – yay
Heather – awesome … congrats
Some_Area_Gal – glad you like.
Brandi – thanks
Ashley – I did it by hand.
Kara – I did see, but thanks for the heads up. – I was pretty happy with this one.
Stephanie – just make it for yourself.
*You Lite Up My Life* – if air gets to them, they can dry out.
Anonymous – Glad you enjoy it.
Audrey and Josh – Happy Bday to your mom!
I’m so in love with this cake. So much that I’m going to attempt making it for my mother’s birthday on Monday. Being born 2 days after Valentine’s day she loves chocolates and even more she loves cake so now I’ve found the perfect gift. Thank you!
Absolutely fabulous! Thanks so much for sharing your creative genius. I get so much inspiration from your work. Thank you!
Hi Bakerella, I store them either in a plastic container or cake box. Will storage affect the texture of the cupcake?
Thanks :)
i love this so much! it’s a brilliant idea and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :)
Now if only I had a boyfriend to make this for…:P
Wow, this is such a cool idea! I can’t believe how realistic it looks… you’re so creative!
Wasn’t sure if you had seen it, but this was featured on…my second favorite website next to Bakerella!
BEAUTIFUL!! But I do have one question…how did you shape the cake balls so perfectly into squares and hearts?
that rocks!
that is the coolest thing I have ever seen!!! You rock!!
Thanks for this great idea! I made this yesterday and it turned out so cute! It was my first time to make cake balls, so they aren’t as gorgeous as yours, but still cute anyways. Thanks again!
THIS IS AWESOME! And I am SO gonna make it!
Wow!! That is spectacular!! I wish I could bake/cook/decorate/all of the above!
If I ever come to the US, and happen to stop by the state of Georgia, would you teach me?? :P
Anonymous – glad you think so
The Witch – that’s cool.
ami – thanks
joanne wardle – better than be a wreck for sure.
skinner studio – thanks
The Boob Nazi – thank you
kawaii.nekochan – thanks
CottageGirl – glad you like it!!!!!
Debsg – Yay
Leslie Jackson – thanks
Erin – awesome!
DoodleBunz/DB Impressions – man… the pressure.
Flo – Thanks and HVD!
Lisa – good luck, I think they’ll like them
Kim – True. Not terrible, but no one’s gonna want to eat a plate of it by itself for sure.
Sarah – Great!
MiniKat – Just trying to learn.
thereddeer – you can do it.
Wow that looks fantastic – you really have outdone yourself this time. I think I would be far to lazy to attempt something of that magnitude.
That has got to be the coolest cake I’ve seem in a while! You do beautiful work.
Thanks for giving me a new project! Now that I’ve made cake pops in every conceivable flavor and color I need something new to obsess about!
This cake is awesome and I can’t wait to try it this week. You’ve made my month!
I was told that fondant didn’t taste good… true or false?
I love this cake. Just amazing. Thanks for the how-to.
You are simply amazing!!!
I just found your blog and I adore all of your edible art!!
I’m having a couple’s V-day dinner this weekend (with chocolate dipped desserts) and am just going to have to add those “truffles” to the dessert menu–my eyes are always bigger than my abilities, but I’m hoping for the best!
Then I’m going to attempt some red v-day cake pops for my boys to take to preschool.
Thanks for including step-by-steps and pictures–so fun and yummy!
Your Valentine Day box is amazing.
Oh my gosh!!!! I love this!!! LOVE THIS!
WONDERFUL job! I can’t wait to see what you come up with next! Subscribing!
I’m making them now!!! Thanks :)
I so wish i had seen this before my wedding (8 years ago)! I would have HAD to have this! OMG! I love it!
Wow! Wow! Wow!
All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, this is amazing!
This is amazing!
Wow – Its amazing! What a wonderful treat to give or receive. Thank you for sharing your secrets! WOnderful tutorial – your pictures are great.
lol, how does it feel to be featured on Cake Wrecks? but in a good way of course!
this is simply divine!!!!
I need to thank you sooo much, I made this cake for my friends at school and they LOVED it! Now I have to teach them all how to make it >.< I think I'll just send them here to your blog.
you've helped me look like a culinary genious, thanks.
Kaila – good luck
Vera – everywhere
*You Lite Up My Life* – How do you store them?
fabcakelady – welcome!
Erin – naaah
leslierose – glad you like it
sugarlens – I thought you’d need proof.
fortsmithmomma – ha ha
Queen B. – please… you can do this too!
Leslie – thank you
Junie – how bout yourself
The Turner Family – if someone fed them to me
Katie – DO IT!
mona – thanks
Train Wreck – have fun
VelezDelights – hope to hear from you again
Tammy – thanks
Anonymous – see if you have any cake supply stores in your area. If not, you’ll have to buy white and tint it red. Youc an also do pink.
Kaci – Read the comments in the Red Velvet Cake post from December 07. There should be some tips.
Anonymous – Hobby Lobby and Michael’s have white candy melts. Kroger has white candy coating or bark.
Toni – Fantastic job and the kids look like they had soooo much fun!
So, I stumbled on your blog through a friends post just in time for my hubby’s b-day. I made my own version of this cake and it was a hit. You are amazing, congrats on an amazing creation.
Does anyone know where I can find white chocolate bark for the cake balls? The nearest store to me is walmart, but when I checked their online site, they don’t seem to have any. And for the cream cheese frosting, am I suppose to use the entire can? I’m planning to use the Betty Crocker one.
Can you give some advice to a novice as to how to get the truffles so smooth? I’ve tried the cake balls before, using white chocolate bark but they just do not turn out as pretty as yours do!
Any ideas where to look for red fondant? I am trying to make this Tuesday and thought i could find it at hobby lobby or even walmart. I dont have time to order it online.. any suggestions?
OMGoodness that is absolute adorable! Thanks!
HOW CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this =)
P.S. You're definitely going on my blogroll <3
WOW. I just found your blog.THat is awesome. I will have to attempt this little treat! Thanks
Gorgeous! Looks SO damn good!!
You are absolutely amazing, and such a giving person. I’m not a baker at all, but am inspired by you and your creativity; With your beautiful pictures and awesome instructions, I’m preparing to venture into your Bakerella world, and be an “ella”. A thousands thanks to you!
what could be better than chocolates and an eatable box! Your Amazing!
This is exquisite…but I’m not sure I love anyone that much! :P What a great imagination to come up with this, and then to have the talent to execute it — wow!
Amazing! Brilliant! Beautiful!
well, I for sure have ZERO self esteem left. You are
A M A Z I N G !!!!!!!!!
OMG- I think I may have to ask you to marry me. Don’t know how my hubby will feel about that. This is so “sweet”, I just adore it.
Happy V-day to U!
hehe, I was not convinced until I saw the last pic! You are awesome.
Wow! I just found your blog and this is the first thing I see. It is absolutely adorable, and creative! I can’t wait to read the rest of your blog!
You are freaking amazing!!!
I discovered your site through Flickr about a month ago and turned instantly into a fan. Your photography is superb and very creative. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us!
Wow, you are definately very creative & genius… I love it! Fantastic work Bakerella!!!
Btw, can you help me? I always have problem keeping my cupcakes to the next day, it will get very hard, do you know why?? Can you teach me? Thanks in advance :)
Where are all these ideas coming from? Brilliant! :)
You are amazing!! I just discovered your blog & cake balls and I fell in love. There are sooo many things that I want to make off of your site, so much for losing weight :P. I am going to try my hand at the cupcake balls this weekend. I hope that they turn out half as cute as yours. Thanks for the wonderful ideas, and for sharing your talent!!!
Carolina – glad to help
alyssa – you can do it.
suzinoz – it was a little painful
Tina – definitely
jc – or let them help you
Anonymous – thanks very much
Laura – Sure. the cake balls. See the link in this post.
claudia – you’re welcome
erin – yes and they are yummy
Sandy – thanks
apaintergirl – Wow him!
Amanda – me too
Stephanie – I would if I could, but someone amended the template for me.
Lynds – believe it
Legi – you’re welcome
Ilena – That’s why I had to cut it open.
kristenly – glad you like them
Jaina – yummy in my tummy
Josephine Milkweed – You can be my valentine.
Puglyfeet – and you are sweet
You are brilliant!
That is so (Curse word of choice) cute. I can’t believe the box is cake. I really wish I was your neighbor. Or better…your valentine!
Those look absolutely delicious!
wow. this is quite impressive. you are so creative! thank you for sharing all of your wonderful ideas.
that is one incredible box of chocolates! I really couldn’t believe it was a cake until I saw the very last photo. beautifully delicious!
These look so beautiful!
I’m going to make some of them for my boyfriend for Valentines Day, thank you for the inspiration!!
Those are absolutely wicked!!! I can’t believe they are cake!
Those chocolate truffle cake balls are fantastic! I’m not big on V-Day, but I’ll definitely have to try those. (I really need to try cake balls, period.)
By the way, Bakerella, I don’t suppose you’d share your secret for getting the pink background on your comments???
i love that. red velvet makes my whole mouth fill up with saliva. what a delicious gift!
i love this!!! i may even get industrious and make it for the hubster!
thank you!!!
Your creativity astounds me! Bravo!
i looove your blog. i am going to to make a couple different kinds of cake balls and the oreo truffles for valentines day. the cake box may be too ambitious for me…
i was wondering have you ever done a cake ball with chocolate frosting? i’ve been looking through the archives and it seems to you stick with cream cheese… does it turn out best for these?
my mouth is watering thinking of all the yummy combos i could try!
what a cute present for Valentine’s Day1
thank you so much!
hii! i love your blog but i have a question. my boyfriend and i are doing long distance and i would love to mail him something in time for valentines day. do you have any suggestions for baked goods that are cute/can be mailed without falling apart?
I’m new to your blog and I’m just floored by every post. Just amazing and so creative.
You’re too much! Can’t allow my granddaughters to see this until I practice . . . . thanks so much
That is BEAUTIFUL!! I am having a girlfriends Valentine’s dinner, and I think I’m going to have to make this! It would totally blow them away! LOVE IT!
Astounding. Wow. I love it, but don’t think I have the patience to make it myself. I can’t believe you cut it in half. That must’ve killed you!
OMG! i absolutely LOVE your work! i had plans to make valentine's day pops & bites for my mom and her friends so i thought i'd drop by your blog to see if you had any new ideas up. i'm determined to recreate this masterpiece! if only i were as creative as you.
This is One of the most original things I have seen to date!!!! I went on a Vacation to the Dominican republic and had these great truffles that sound pretty much like the ones you are describing here! I’ve been looking all over for a great recipe. Thank You!!!!!
doreent88 – Wow… you’re fast. Great job.
Nikki – thanks
Hannah – it won’t bite
Karen Cupcake – don’t knock yourself
Tanya – thanks
La Table De Nana – glad you like it
Janelle Anderson – maybe I’m just crazy
Jen – you can send one to me
Abby – I found it and THANKS
Cakespy – You can have some anytime
Britt- Sparkled Vintage Charm – thanks, you too!
Talita – thanks
Michelle- glad to help
veron – thanks
Michelle s- you’re welcome
alice – thank you
Lilo – mean in a sweet way
Meg – all the truffles are cake balls. I hand-shaped all of them
ccolopy – thanks
Wow, that is awesome!
Did you use a heart shape cookie cutter to mold the heart “truffles” and are they still the cake balls?
ohh you are mean, I want a cake like that, is soooo adorable!!!
so cute =) wow.
Wow. That is simply gorgeous. I am so in awe of your talent. Thanks for sharing and inspiring me.
Oh my god, this the most amazing thing I have seen. You are so creative!
The advice you gave for how to dip the balls was fantastic. I made your football truffles and they werent so smooth but after reading your advice here, I found brilliant success! I plan on making lots of these for Valentines day packages. Thank you for being so hands on with your readers. That makes our lives a lot easier!
Gorgeous!! This looks so delicious and beautiful!
sooo wonderful!!! thanks for sharing!! I hope you have a fabulous day!! hugs!! Britt :-)
I think you know I’d take these any day over a box of Russell Stover! In fact, I’d even take these over Godiva. :-) Wonderful as usual!
I’m going to leave a comment even though I know you’ll never find it waaaay down here: AMAZING.
Your creativity leaves me green with envy! I love it – I think I just got an awesome gift to send for valentines day, if that’s okay with you?!
Your patience is mind boggling! Beautiful work!!!
This is just gorgeous..Inside out!
ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I am always so excited to see a new post. Lovely work!
Aaaagh! Now I want to make the box!
And if you saw our thanksgiving turkey cake balls you would know that this would be a huge mistake on my part! hahahah!
So gorgeous! You are so clever!
wow! that’s really cute, i like how you make using fondant look really easy. i’m still too scared to try it out!
Wow what an excellent idea! Thanks bakerella!
Thanks for such a original idea! I made mine tonight, check out at
Where do you find your inspirations? Thanks for inspiring me.
Everyone … thanks so much again for your comments. I won’t be able to fit my head through the door.
jenn – Sure you can do it
Anonymous – Estilo Script from
Jen – funny
MAYBELLINE – funnier
Yummy in my tummy – red can be hard to color. But it will give your arms a good workout.
Colleen – My mom actually thought up this one.
Pam – I’m glad you appreciate it.
Pam – That could be fun
Jenny – I bet the boys were impressed
Ski – welcome to the blog
Lien – I think I’m going to
Susan (fivegreatkiddos) – that is so sweet of you
racheld – begin top center. wrap around left side all the way until it meets back at top center. I just used my hands to smooth.
Bakerella is a cake genius :P
Perfectly lovely!!
Where do you begin/end the wrap of the long strip—top center or bottom point? Any tips for smoothing after?
This is just amazing. Of course.
Hi there, your ideas always make me want to see more! Beautiful, beautiful work… I posted on it in my new blog:
Keep up the great work,
Jenny (CreatureOfCraft)
Wow! You have totally outdone yourself. I am just in awe of the fact that a) you thought of this, b) you actually did it and c) pulled it off exquisitely.
So, stinkin’ cool. You are amazing.
Ace Of Cakes has got nothin’ on you girl.
I absolutely love your blog, but can I say that everytime I see all these amazing things you do I feel like I don’t have an ounce of talent because I could never do what you do.
Yes, we are all blessed in different ways and we all have our special talents, but God has been particularly good to you.
Hats off to you Miss Angie.
This is so awesome! I wanna try it out once I get a chance. Have you thought of entering this for the Ace of Cakes contest? It would be wonderful if you could show this off. Thanks again for the great ideas! :3
OMG! You are amazing! I’m a new viewer of Bakerella and every time I come here I am speechless. The box is incredible. Now if someone at my house would just do it! :)
You are so talented!
this is just fantastic, I especially love t he broken heart!
And as always, you are briliant!
this is the most incredible cake I’ve ever seen. Oh my god…
WOW!!! That’s it, just WOW!!!
Un saludo desde España, desde aquí ¡también te visitamos!
Seguiré estudiando inglés para poder leerte mejor…
you are amazing!
Move over Chef Duff!
Wow. That’s all I can say. I’m in awe. Wow!
genious or what?? You should have your own TV show by now:-)
Love it:-)
I can’t even tell you how beautiful this is! You are such an inspiration!
By the way…I made your little footballs from the oreo truffle recipe…and they were such a hit! Everyone raved about them and they were gone in no time! What a fantastic idea…and so easy!
Wow, this is absolutely adorable!
I have never been so in the mood for Valentine’s Day.
Now to find a valentine…
oh my goodness! that looks so difficult, but the result is amazing! absolutely well done.
How about teaching some classes! Come to Newnan!!!!
You INSPIRE me!!! I tried the cake pops this weekend – I posted them on my blog. It was great fun. I need a little more practice, but my friends loved them. Thank you so much for your generosity – not too many people would share their secrets the way you do!
Gorgeous! How do you come up with these fantastic ideas?!
What a great idea! I will now have to add a heart cake pan to my collection! I am going to add red coloring to my fondant. I hope it turns out nice and red as yours, but I suppose it would look just as cute if it were pink. Thanks for instructions=)
Please tell me what it would take for you to come live with me and provide me these goodies on a daily basis. Include with your details how I would apply to be a contestant on the Biggest Loser. My Lord! Back to my unsatisfying Diet Pepsi.
Soooooo Cute :) !!!
This is one of the most amazing cakes I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much for sharing how you made it.
Congratulations, it seems wonderful.
You rule.
You are simply amazing! You should have your own show on TV!
You are simply the best! My idol!
Gonna get some more courage and time soon to try your recipe:-)!
Best regards/ Maria
I’m just speechless…temporarily.
This site is so much fun. I’m actually awake at night thinking of cake pops. I’ve not even tried them, yet, but create things out of them in my head.
Please move to Augusta and be my best friend!
What a wonderfully creative idea.
Can you share what font you used for the words on the graphic where it says ‘Sweet Heart?’
Thank you!
Oh WOW! Wow, wow, wow! I am so impressed. You are a true artist!
Wow this is such a good idea!! You are one amazing baker!
OMG, you’re just AMAZING!!!!!!
I have to agree and second every comment left so far! Bakerella I am envious of your talent and creativity. I just cannot seem to get my recreations of your bakings as clean as yours, and that makes all the difference!
I have to do this for V-Day. You are amazing.
Absolutely beautiful!!!
that is so fabulous. i’ve never worked with fondant but after reading this post, i have the crazy idea that even i could do this! at least it’s inspired me enough to give it a try. if i mess it all up? the kids will enjoy helping me get rid of the yummy evidence. :O)
Wow, so many comments. I don’t know how I can keep up.
You guys always say the nicest things. I am so happy you liked this post. I had a huge smile when I was putting it together, so I’m glad you like it as much as I do.
Sweetlibertinecakes – Sure, I’ll be your judge.
Heidi – I have the best results with Kroger brand melts for the chocolate. But read the thread for the red velvet cake balls. I think I answered your questions in those comments.
Chrissy – I have thought about it. Actually, the Cook’s Warehouse invited me to teach a class last year, but I’m a little shy.
Ricki – It was difficult, but I thought you guys might want to see the inside.
Susie – Sre you can.
Renee – I don’t, but you can get a box of white fondant for about $7 and a big tub like in the pics for about $14.
kim – I wish!
Anonymous – By accident I guess. I was inspired by a cake decorating class.
bethasd – thanks for the heads up. I think I will.
Lindsey Poulos – Thanks Lindsey
Cheryl – yes
Anonymous – slowly.
Mike Steph Brooklyn and Carter – See the red velvet cake ball post comments. I believe there’s some answers in there.
Jennywenny – the brand in the photo is satin ice. But, I also use wilton.
Anonymous – well, how much would you pay :)
Nancy Jacobs Basketmaster – Thanks Nancy
Sara D. – You should turn the cake upside down, so the side that was cut is face down. That way, the bottom and sides will be a smooth surface to frost your crumb coat.
Do a thin layer first that covers the cake. It can have some crumbs in it. Put it in the fridge for a few minutes for the frosting to harden. Then go back over it with your decorative frosting. It will be easier.
greetingarts – thanks thanks thanks
Pink Sock Monkey – Bakerella thanks Pink Sock Monkey
PINK POPPY – the juices are always flowing. It’s the day job that gets in the way.
The Other Tiger – Dang… I could have made chocolate cups though. Maybe next time.
Julia – The cake balls will definitely last. You won’t even have to refrigerate them. I haven’t done too much testing with shelf life of fondant covered cakes, but I think it will be fine. If your worried, place it in the fridge.
Carla Queen – Awesome!
so so so awesome! beautiful dahling!
That is amazing!
You inspire me! What an amazing mind you have! Kudos!
WOW is all I can say!