
Brownie Sundae Bon Bons

Brownie Sundae Bon Bons

It’s been soooo hot the last few days. Like historically hot with record-breaking temperatures in Georgia. Throw in our humidity and it’s a recipe for staying inside and enjoying the cool breeze of the air conditioner. I’ve lived without one when I was younger, but in the south, the a/c is definitely appreciated. So instead of turning on the oven, I played around with candy molds and ice cream. Thank goodness for ice cream on hot days. I thought I’d divvy it up a little though and enjoy the simple luxury of having ice cream I can hold in my hands. Bite-size bon bons ready to eat at any given moment. Plus this way I can stretch out the ice cream instead of eating it by the bowlful… which I would do.

Medium Candy Cup Mold

I used these medium size candy cup molds (mold # 90-5607) to form the bon bons. If you wanted to make a bunch, several molds would be handy. But you can always repeat and reuse.


Pour some melted chocolate candy coating in each cavity.

Chocolate Mold

And tilt the mold in multiple directions to let the chocolate coat the shape.

Chocolate Mold

You can place it in the freezer for a couple of minutes to set quickly.

Ice Cream

Then just fill it with ice cream just below the edge of the mold.

And for brownie bon bons, fill it about halfway to leave room for brownie.

Brownie Bon Bons

It helps if the ice cream is a little soft to fill the cavity. After it’s filled, place it back in the freezer for the ice cream to firm up again.

Then pour a tiny bit of chocolate syrup on top and cover with brownie.

I had made these recently and decided to use a few of the brownies I had not eaten for this tiny treat. You can pinch off a little bit and press it flat. Then lay it on top of the syrup and cover with more melted chocolate.

Brownie Sundae Bon Bon


And now I have the luxury of grabbing a bite of ice cream at any given moment. At least until they are gone – which won’t be much longer.

Brownie Sundae Bon Bons

I had some blank ice cream cups that I thought would be fun to put the bon bons in. But they needed to be dressed up a little for pictures so I made these cute labels.

They’d would be so cute at a party if you could keep them cold.

Ice cream cups

If you want the label, here’s a pdf of the artwork I created.

And here’s a place you can order the plain bowls.

Ice cream bon bons

The molds make it easier to layer the brownie bon bons. The mold (#90-5604) on the left is smaller and just right for one bite satisfaction. One flavor and all good. You can see the difference compared to the medium candy cup mold.

Candy mold

Here’s another mold (#90-5113) that’s pretty neat. There are tons to choose from, but these were a few I already own. You could also use ice cube trays for bigger bites.

Brownie Bon Bons

Chocolate candy coating
Ice cream
Chocolate Syrup
Candy molds (#90-5607)

  • Melt coating and fill mold cavities. Rotate mold and allow the coating to work it’s way around the surface of the cavity. Wipe off any excess that may pour over the opening and then place in the freezer for a couple of minutes to set.
  • Place ice cream on top of chocolate. I used a flat teaspoon and it was pretty handy. If it’s softened a bit, you can spread it around or pat it flat. Then refreeze the ice cream.
  • When frozen, pour a tiny amount of chocolate syrup on top.
  • Take a few fudgy brownies and press a small piece flat to layer on top of thw syrup.
  • Seal top with more candy coating and freeze. When set, drizzle more chocolate on top and add sprinkles. Then store covered in the freezer until you walk by the next time and need to grab a bite.
  • Try other shaped molds or even ice cube trays for bigger brownie bon bons.

Brownie Sundae Bon Bons

Summer’s here. Stay cool and have fun.

This post is sponsored by Häagen-Dazs® ice cream, encouraging life’s little luxuries.

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106 comments on “Brownie Sundae Bon Bons”

  1. Thank you for this wonderful idea! My wife and I made these yesterday, and it all went splendidly until we tried to get the bon bons out of the candy mold. I know it’s been a while since you made these, but do you remember having a similar issue? If so, how did you solve it?

    We wiped off the extra chocolate around the outside of each mold, but when they were done and we turned it over, they wouldn’t come out. We banged it on the counter and tried to push and wiggle them out. They finally came out, but most of them were cracked and broken. Any hints?

    Thanks in advance! We love your blog!

  2. those look SO good.

  3. It so CUTE !!!!… AND DELICIOUS !!

    I LOVE IT !!

  4. brilliant….kids will gonna love it..

  5. mmmmm! delicious, your cakepops book is increible congratulations!

  6. These are so cute. I can’t wait to try these. Picking up the molds from Michael’s today so I can make these tonight. They look delicious.

  7. I kind of wish I hadn’t just seen these as I may now spend my entire lazy Sunday rushing around rustling these up! They look delicious!!!!

  8. I had already found a few variations I was going to use for my August 2nd theme post (it’s National Ice Cream Sandwich Day!), but now I think these are first in the running. Can’t wait to try them out in a day or two–thanks so much for sharing!

  9. i want to taste…. :) looks very yummy

  10. Wow! these looks so cute. It inspires me to think outside of the box when I saw your sweets. I am definitely sure that they taste as good as they look.

    breakfast for one

  11. I love love this idea. I could eat the whole batch

  12. just as Peggy explained I’m shocked that a student can make $6532 in a few weeks on the computer. have you seen this site (Click on menu Home more information)

  13. Just when i thought i´ve seen it all, you surprise again!!! you are amazing!!!! such an inspiration!!!

  14. Love ’em! Can’t wait to make these. :)

  15. Fantastic presentation. Looks yummy too!

  16. Instead of ice cream, is it possible to just fill it with brownies? Maybe put vanilla cake inside? I’m just not sure how it’ll be if it’s in the freezer so the chocolate sets. I would like to make these for a party, but I don’t want ice cream inside. It’ll be a cute brownie/cake truffle idea. Let me know please!!!!

  17. Those are super cute! I love everything you do! I was just wondering, I know you make your own labels, but where do you make them?

  18. Wow!! These are adorable…love the idea!!

  19. I would love to buy that mould, but I can’t order it :(
    Cause I live in Norway, Europe and they don’t ship there :( :(

  20. Love this!!! ….just so you know I am hosting a “TrueBlood” party Sunday and I’m going to make these happen!!! you’re awesome!! Love everything you do!! :)

  21. You are brilliant! I love your blog, it is so inspiring. Thank you

  22. These are soo cute!! Perfect for a slumber party!!!

  23. These look AMAZING! And i think chari is right, sub some cookie dough in for the brownie and oh… Its midnight but i just might have to get up and go make these!

  24. Very Cute! a good birthday party treat! so making these for my sister’s 6th Birthday!!!! again, very cute!

  25. Had a chance to meet you in Chicago earlier this year , you are doing a great job thank you. I am also glad that you are doing great thank again god bless. princeza

  26. Oh my, I’m a lurker but had to comment. These look positively delish! Such a great treat on a hot day as they have been for awhile now. Thanks so much!

  27. Omg you are a genious!!!! I’d like to try one right now! :-)

  28. not only do they look easy and fun, but they look great. can’t wait to try this.

  29. What a cute and sweet idea-perfect for a bbq :D

  30. What program do you use to make your labels? They are always so cute!

  31. Wow. Better try this at home. My folks would love this!

  32. These are super cute and they look delicious!

  33. Oh these looks so tasty and fun!
    How I wish I could reach into the screen and grab one, or maybe two, or maybe three…hehehee…

    Hope you have a happy 4th of July Angie.


  34. These look delicious! In fact, just looking at them against that frosty blue background gave me shivers. Yum!

  35. see this is why I love chocolate molds, they can make some really great things!

  36. My God, they’re lovely! Look tasty :))

  37. You’re so creative
    They look amazing and I’m sure that they taste as good as they look. It’s not summer down under in Australia but still warmish days. Certainly not what you’re experiencing.

  38. GENIUS!!!! So simple and cute1

    Definitely have to make these with my sister’s kids. They’d LOVE them!

  39. Yummy! On time for this hot weather.

  40. Girl, I am sweating along with you in Georgia, Suwanee to be exact. These, along with everything else you make, are absolutely perfect, timely, and expertly styled! You can count on me to eat like 15 bon bons in 30 seconds. . .if it takes me that long.

  41. These are so cute!!

  42. oh. my. GOSH. I must make these sometime SOON!!!

  43. Everything you do is so freakin cute! Love these!

  44. oh my dear… could these be ANY cuter?! hope you are doing well. xoxo

  45. Super cute! Perfect for the temp in North Carolina!

  46. These look just as delicious as they are adorable! My sister and I LOVE anything ice cream, brownie and chocolate. I have to make these for us some time. Thank you Bakerella for all of your sweet ideas!

  47. It´s very delicate.

  48. i think these would be smashing using that egg-less cookie dough you posted earlier as well. so many good ideas. thank you!

  49. Thanks guys. I really appreciate all the nice words.

    Ashley P – It was 106 in GA Saturday – all time record.

    Annabella & Crystal V – I used Adobe Illustrator to make the artwork and template.

    Nick Beard – cause it was so hot.

    Shelan – Try the caramel cone – my favorite right now

    Mommbsta – yeah – thought of that when I was finished but also then it wouldn’t have the layered look.

    Monica – Merkens makes a dark chocolate candy coating.

  50. These are really cute! I’m new to this and wondering if it’s possible to use dark chocolate in place of the candy coating? It is so hot lately and I’ve definitely got ice cream on my mind as well! Thank you!

  51. Adorable! I am curious-what computer program do you use to make your artwork?

  52. Yummy!!!
    Thank you for the idea, Bakarella.

  53. Wow, your ideas are so unbelievably!!!!

    thanks Bakerelle

  54. wow so cute!!!
    I am a girl from sweden who loves your blog thank u!!

  55. Ahhh! I think I’m going to make these for July 4th! Thanks, Bakerella, for the great idea!

  56. It was in the upper 80s on Friday when I baked my gluten free (and dairy free) version of your “Just a Cake” chocolate cake. Mine wasn’t quite as pretty as yours, but awfully tasty. I might have wanted to make these instead!

  57. Super cute! I love Cake Art (I think I saw you go there)! They have the best molds (and anything else I have been dreaming of)! I have been making something similar to this for a while and they are great! It’s cute to use the different color candy coatings for different flavors of ice cream!

  58. So cute! I think I will have to make these for our next summer bash! Too bad you didn’t post this on Saturday…We could have celebrated Canada Day with these done with white chocolate, strawberry icecream and blondies!

  59. These are fabulous! I simply have to find these moulds in the UK!! What an amazing idea and they look so yummy!

  60. I love these! You always inspire me to think outside the box! Thanks Bakerella :o)

  61. How cool! You have some of the most creative & interesting dessert ideas!!

  62. a delicious idea, thank you Bakerella. to make filling molds easier, i guess you could combine all ingredients together, pipe it in, then add the melted chocolate on top.

  63. Wow! Sounds cool! I love the cute little bowls and the labels! But now you make me have a craving for Haagen Dazs… :)

  64. These look fantastic and the perfect size. I adore your presentation too.

  65. Whoaaa this sounds so tasty!! Love it!

  66. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!!!! I want some!!!

  67. So cute!!! Can’t wait to try these, hot in Colorado too…been looking for no bake treats. I love the cups, adorable!

  68. These look DE-LISH! Thanks for sharing!

  69. How did you get the idea for ice cream?

  70. Holy cuteness! These look fantastic :)

  71. It’s only 8 am here but I’d love one of those right about now! Another impressive treat, thanks Angie!

  72. COOL IDEA!

  73. My little ones would love the finger food.

  74. Cute! I want to try them! Mmmm :)

  75. They look delicious!!!!! Definitely what we need in this hotlanta heat!

  76. Those are seriously the cutest things ever! On my just try list!

  77. What a fun project.

  78. Whoa, those look sooo yummy!

    Jeline of The Damsel in a Dress

  79. Can’t wait to make these..They look delicious! The way you packaged them is amazing..Thanks for sharing your labels! Have a happy 4th! Stay cool! It is 98 degrees here in NYC! Just way too hot for me…

  80. This idea is awesome! And it’s look so delicious.
    Thanks for the recipe and see you.

  81. OMG! Looks super duper yummmmmmmmmy!!

  82. These look so cute, and delicious :)

  83. These look like the perfect gift for a small get-together. I love the little shapes and designs.

  84. So cute! I wouldn’t even feel guilty about eating 1 (or 10!) :D

  85. These are so cute!

  86. Oh wow! You come up with the most fabulous ideas Angie! I just love all of them! These would be so much fun to make, and the ice cream cups are so cute!!! They really would be a lot of fun for a party. I want to make them sometime!

  87. Super cute !! cant wait to make . Another fan from new Zealand so will wait for some nicer weather it’s just a little cold !

  88. This is definitely one of the cutest ideas ever :D
    Can bonbons get any more delicious?


  89. So supper cute !! Another fan in new Zealand !

  90. Hooray for summer!! Thank you for the recipe, sweet Bakerella! Could you tell me what program you use for all your printed artwork?

  91. Those wrappers are too darn cute. Thanks for the download.

  92. Oh! How adorable!!! I’m in love with them; can’t wait to try my hand at this awesome idea!

  93. These are the cutest little Bon~Bons!
    Everything you make is CUTE!
    Just like you!

  94. Mmm!! Thank you Bakerella for the recipe. I love what you do!

  95. These look really good. Thanks for the recipe! It has been over 100 degrees the past 5 days in St. Louis too, so no baking for me either.

  96. Wow! These look so good, it’s winter here but that won’t be stopping me from making these :)

  97. Super Cute!
    i’ll have to make some. But not at the moment. It’s freezing in New Zealand!

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