
Baked Banana French Toast


Who doesn’t like french toast? I never really eat it, but when I do, I always think why has it been so long. And then another three years go by before I have it again. Such a shame because it’s so good and gives me a reason to eat syrup.

I have been craving it for several weeks now, so I thought I would make baked french toast.

These were so fun and easy. I love how cute they came out served in individual dishes.

You can have them whipped up in a snap and save them for later to serve.


Cut 1/2 to 3/4-inch slices of French Bread.


Mine were somewhere in between so that I could fit three pieces into these cute little dishes I had.

And I’m so sorry. I have absolutely no idea where I bought them.

Marshall’s and TJ Maxx always have cute little dishes on sale though. Maybe it was there.


Eggs. Milk. Cream. Off to a good start.


Sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon. Even better.

Whisk it all together until blended.


And then dip your bread slices in the mixture and soak up all that goodness.


Place three slices of coated bread in each dish.


And stuff a couple of bananas in between each slice.

But first coat the bananas in the same mixture and then dip them in brown sugar.

Oh yeah!


Stuffed. Next time, I’ll stuff two on each side instead of one.

Let the dishes chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour.


When your ready to bake, mix a little brown sugar and butter and sprinkle on top.


When they are done, you’ll end up with these baked banana bread beauties.


Just sprinkle some powdered sugar on. Some sugar? … or a lot.

I lean towards a lot.


Pour maple syrup on top and you are good to go.

Yum! Yum!

Baked Banana French Toast
Yield: six servings

Baked Banana French Toast

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Additional Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 55 minutes


  • 1 small loaf french bread
  • 4 eggs
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 large banana
  • 6 tablespoons light brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • Powdered sugar
  • Maple syrup


  1. Coat six 4 oz. ramekins with non-stick spray.
  2. Cut french bread into 18 slices. Cut them about 1/2 - 3/4 inch thick to allow three slices to fit in each dish easily.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, cream, milk, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla until blended. Place sliced bread in bowl to coat. Place three slices of bread into each dish.
  4. Cut banana into 12 or more slices. Coat slices with mixture and then dip coated bananas in 2 tablespoons of the brown sugar and stuff in between bread.
  5. Transfer dishes to a baking sheet. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour or overnight.
  6. When you are ready to bake, mix together remaining 4 tablespoons brown sugar and 1 tablespoon butter and sprinkle over bread.
  7. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 30-35 minutes. Enjoy warm with powdered sugar and maple syrup.


And just curious, which way do you lean with your syrup?

Waffles? Pancakes? or French Toast?

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188 comments on “Baked Banana French Toast”

  1. This great. . and I’m not even a fan of bananas in anything! I have a question. . I have round ramekins, do you suppose I could slice the bread a bit thinner and stack the slices up (like a tower) instead of horizontally?

  2. Finally banana recpie with french toast..mouth watering

  3. I don’t like syrup but I have it on waffles

  4. Amazing blog! I really like the detail you put into the instructions and the photos; especially the photos. Presentation is half the point, and your presentation on these are great. Keep up the good work and keep on baking!

  5. I think the dishes are from TJMaxx.

  6. Hey!

    I just found that recipe a week ago – now I own small ramekins and made the recipe twice – once with banana and once with a red berry mix. Definately love it!

  7. Absolutely delicious. I don’t usually like syrup on French toast, but I drizzled maple syrup on this and it was amazing. On your suggestion I added extra banana slices. Next time I will try it with homemade cinnamon syrup. Thanks for the delicious recipe. I’m so glad I found your site.

  8. I wonder if you can use a different kind of fruit instead of bananas…

  9. ummm……YUUUM!!!! going to try these sometime in the near future! thank you for the recipe. (:

  10. sounds fabulous!

  11. I love baked bananas and I love toast. So this is my favorite combination.

  12. These look awesome! Can I make them in a muffin pan? Could they sit overnight in the fridge and cook them in the morning? (maybe waiting to put the bananas in so they don’t turn brown)

  13. I want to eat that picture SO bad! lol.

  14. We did them with sourdough bread – big mistake, the crust was too hard :( We’ll make them again with better bread.
    I used french onion soup bowls and they were perfect, I only had 4 so I did a couple in tiny loaf pans and then popped them out onto my son’s plate – he loved them.
    And for everyone that wants those exact cups you used – I saw them at Harris Teeter!! They were around $5 each.

  15. Our family loves doing breakfast for dinner and these would be perfect! Now I don’t have any reason not to pick up any and all cute little baking dishes.

  16. I have those white dishes too and never thought about making french toast in them!! Gorgeous!

  17. F.T. fa sho.

  18. I made these for my family for a Valentine’s breakfast. I baked them in 4″ tart pans, which was cute, but I love your little rectangles and plan to head to Bed, Bath, & Beyond as soon as I have some fun money.

    These were the best baked French toast I’ve ever made, and I plan on making them often. But I especially want to thank you because my son is a challenge to feed. He’s the kind of kid the pediatrician tells me to give more milk shakes and protein powder, and he’s been losing weight lately no matter what we do. It took him until 3 PM to finish his Valentine’s breakfast, but he kept coming back to it every time he was a little hungry, and he ate every bite of his individual serving. So thank you for giving me a recipe option that I know will tempt him.

  19. Pancakes and french toast with real maple syrup… Waffles with honey… and that’s how I like it.

  20. These look SO good! Will definitely have to make this! Now to find those cute dishes you used….

  21. When I read the title I thought it said Banana’s Foster french toast. I am a Southern girl and I don’t think I could have it any other way… I’m going to add a little splach of rum to mine ;] Yum!!

  22. Looks delicious – great for a company breakfast. The cute dishes looked very similar to ones I purchased at Macy’s. They were red on the outside. Now I have another reason to use the dishes!

  23. Love this!! I will be eating @ the Kona cafe in WDW next week! This is very similar to one of their most popular dishes!

  24. This was pretty good! just made this for my boyfriend this valentines and he loved it! This is so quick, easy and healthy I will be making this one again.

  25. These look really good cant wait to try them

  26. This looks so good! And you make it look so nice and pretty in the little dishes. I wish I’d made this this weekend. :)

  27. These sound really like the write up of a dish at Snooze San Diego that I didn’t get to try in 3 days of breakfasts (I kept being seduced by pancakes), so I am so going to give it a go!

  28. OMG! Love it. Thank you so much for all of your inspiration.

  29. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wow these look soooooooooooooooo yummy……. a must try !!!!!

  30. Beautiful! I’m inspired to try and make a vegan version of these.

  31. Looks delicious as usual!!! Love ya! xx

  32. do you know that I grew up having tomato sauce of french toast. Its called Eggy bread! I seriously did not know that you eat it any other way till I made it for someone and they were aghast.. and were all like.. what!?!? anyway I learnt from my dad and he is english…. now I like it both ways!

  33. yum!!! i LOVE french toast especially with powdered sugar and syrup!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna bake this right now!!!!

  34. you have been such an inspiration to me Im only 9 but i love your blog and I want to be a baker just like you could you give me some tips on how you shoot your photos and your backgrounds. I want my site to be as perfect as yours.
    please reply

  35. How adorable! I love bananas with french toast. I bet these would be even more wonderful with some Nutella slathered on top…

  36. I’m…I’m sorry. I can’t even answer the question. I put pmsyrup on everything. Like bacon and waffles and even things that aren’t breakfast foods but should be.

  37. These look amazing! I’ve never actually eaten french toast, but I think now’s the time to change that :)
    It’s pancake day on the 21st Feb here in England (don’t know if you have pancake day in the U.S??) and the tradition is having lemon juice and sugar, but I love them in syrup too!

  38. They look so good! I can’t wait to make them!

  39. Waffles with fresh sliced bananas and syrup is usually my favorite, but anything with baked bananas is even better!

  40. Sounds delicious!!! My husband has made stuffed french toast with bananas and pineapple. He used sourdough bread and only cut the bread slice halfway down. it was more like a pocket that he actually stuffed in the bananas and pineapple. It is delicious. However, I love the idea of baking it. Never have baked it before. We will try it that way now. The pineapple and bananas are delicious together.

  41. gawd I LOVE these. I am making these as a breakfast treat for my fiance this weekend. A Valentine weekend thing (since i won’t be with him on Valentine day)

  42. I saw the dishes that you used at Marshalls. They had them in light blue for $4.99. So cute!

  43. This recipe is just perfect for me, as it is not too complicated but looks very impressive and tasty! Perfect for a brunch! I like a lot of syrup! On everything!

  44. I stumbled across some very cute dishes very similar to the ones you use here today. They’re by Riviera Maison and I had to get some.

  45. My banana-bread lovin’ husband will be thrilled! Thank you for all the wonderful ideas you share!

  46. They look fabulous! Anything in little individual servings is so much cuter and more fun to try! I have some little ones like these too.

  47. m..m..M! looks YUMmy! Well my mom makes the most delicous homemade syrup, which leans towards pancakes! Mmm… :)

  48. Is this heaven? Oh my stars does that look wonderful!

  49. Oh what a simple.. look nice.. yummy.. i like all from you..

  50. These look really yummy. I’m a french toast junkie. I’m definately ganno try these out.

  51. Ooohh!! I’ll have to go with putting syrup on pancakes! though I love it with my french toast, I can’t go without it on my pancakes!

  52. OMG!!!!! I AM DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLING!!! I dont have french bread but I will try it with the bread I have. I wish my printer could print flavors so I could print a picture and lick it! LOL

  53. These look amazing – might treat my hubby to these on Sunday morning.

    They are screaming out for some peanut butter though (maybe spread on the bread before dipping?) and chocolate (I’d stuff a couple of shards of dark chocolate up against those banana pieces – cosy!) Ok I think I must be pre menstrual!…or pregnant? nah! hmm.

  54. Oh, Bakerella! I cannot believe I’m going to say this … but no way, no how! I just cannot do bananas. (OMgosh, I sound like Pioneer Woman, don’t I?) But as much as I love a good green banana, the very thought of baking one gives me the heebie-jeebies! And banana bread or muffins … yuk. Now, I need to take a deep breath. Okay, maybe I’ll stop back by in a few days to make sure you’ve gotten beyond this banana thing and are back to something chocolate …

  55. When I saw these ‘cute little dishes’ in Bed Bath & Beyond, I thought they were too small for anything but dips & sauces. You managed to stuff in bread, banana & syrup & bake such a delicious toast in it! :-)

  56. Wow, this looks amazing!

    I’m not really a fan of maple syrup; I much prefer huckleberry syrup on pancakes. But for waffles and french toast, I only use brown sugar sprinkled on top. It’s yummy, and adds a bit of texture to each bite. :D

  57. Yum! I have completely changed my eating habits, but I am always looking for something yummy for my 1 cheat meal a week.

    As for the syrup, on waffles with peanut butter and mini choc chips, then pour the heated syrup on to melt the choc, and stack as many as you want! So Good!

  58. anything. I love maple syrup! (Cracker Barrel specifically!) One of my favorite was to use it is all over my breakfast. Smothering my pancakes, waffles, or french toast, my eggs, and whatever breakfast meat for the day; bacon, sausage, or ham. I love it! My new favorite is chicken and waffles.. delicous!

  59. i definitely lean towards a lot too! thanks for the tutorial bakerella! i have never seen such fancy french toast! :)

  60. Or?? I like my syrup on all the above. I especially like to have bacon with the above. Bacon and syrup is a pair that must not be divided. I will be trying this baked french toast for sure…with bacon of course. Need to pack some extra time onto my morning workout after that meal. Thanks for your awesomeness.

  61. Those look so good! I might have to make them for dinner tonight… I only like syrup on French toast (not so much pancakes or waffles), but I LOVE putting maple syrup and salt on scrambled eggs. SO good!

  62. These look amazing! I can’t say that I am a huge fan of french toast (prefer pancakes) but I think I may just try these. Who knows? Maybe I’ll become a french toast fan instead.

  63. Spoon. Definitely syrup off a spoon. Which is why we don’t buy it. I actually usually have my french toast unsweetened with some Marmite (does that exist in America?) Just beat a couple eggs, add some salt and pepper and away we go! If I don’t feel like I’ve had enough cholesterol lately then I’ll take two slices and make them into a grilled cheese sandwich. Nom. Yes, British people are weird (I may be one of the weirdest)

  64. wow!

  65. You even make French Toast cute! :)

    I’m a powdered sugar girl, although, I DO put a little syrup on French Toast…never on pancakes. Is that weird?

  66. Looks like a twist on Tonga Toast that is served at Disney’s Kona Cafe. The Disney version is battered, fried and then rolled in cinnamon and sugar and served with syrup and strawberry compote! YUM-MAY!

  67. Looks soooooo good. I will try this next week.

  68. Stuffed French toast!! I absolutely love French toast anyway, but stuffed with a variety of berries is THE BEST!!!

  69. Your experience with french toast sounds the same as mine! Why is that?!?! I love it but hardly ever make it. These look sooooo delcious though, I just might have to try making them this weekend. I put syrup on waffles mostly. I recently started using the maple flavored agave which is really good, and better for you. You don’t need much! It’s very sweet.

  70. Waffles with pure male syrup, although I won’t turn down french toast or pancakes!

  71. Oh Bakerella….You just made my day! This is what I will be making for my 30th Birthday Breakfast!

  72. Oh, yum! That looks amazing. I like syrup, but mostly just Mrs. Butterworth’s, since it’s what I grew up with. The more expensive, actual, maple syrup just tastes weird to me. I think I’d pick french toast. I like it best made with sour dough bread. I like my pancakes dense and chewy and my waffles full of chocolate chips and topped with whipped cream. Mmm, now I’m hungry.

  73. These are too cute Angie and I just know they are to die for! Yum! Hope to see you soon! xoxo

  74. I just came over for a visit from Nana’s blog. I’m so grateful for the introduction to you and your deliciously beautiful blog!! I wish you the best! After reading your 2011 post and realizing that you were a patient at Emory, I must mention that my delightful niece attended medical school there–the best attending the best!

    I can’t find a way to follow you. Suggestions?


  75. I know what I’m making this Sunday morning!!!!

  76. OH YUM!

    Minus the bananas of course ;-)

    I will make them ASAP….but using cream cheese in mine…and bananas in my boys’

  77. this looks soooo yummy!

  78. I made these for breakfast today (managed to resist putting them in the oven last night for supper) and they were fantastic! A freezing cold Scottish morning made so much cosier with warm french toast, maple syrup and icing sugar. I think I will make these every week of winter! I am now enjoying your congo bars with a cup of tea in the not-much-warmer Scottish afternoon… heaven. x

  79. Syrup on everything ! Sugar free too. These look yummy … going to ask my hubby to make us some….You are amazing !

  80. I am slightly obsessed with french toast so this will be a nice change : ) great work – thank you!

  81. mmmmm! this looks good! I think it would make a fantastic dinner :)

  82. In France, we use stale bread for French toasts. It is named “pain perdu” which means “lost bread”. It’s a great way not to waste our bread.
    In my family, we soak the bread in milk until the milk reach the center, then slightly coat them in eggs. It makes a lighter dish. We ate them for dinner, when we were out of ideas or just for the pleasure of it, simply covered with jam or caster sugar or honey.

    We didn’t much use sirup around here when I was a kid. Now, we can find foreign stapple food in our supermarket or online. We buy mapple sirup that ends on pancakes, in my oatmeal, or in a warm glass of milk on cold winter evenings.

  83. All it needs is a crispy bit of bacon!!! mmmmmmmmm

  84. Hhhhmmm…I’d have to say all 3!! In this order, pancakes, french toast, then waffles. But since I have been trying to seriously cut back on sugar, etc. for nor, it depends on whichever strikes my fancy.

    I also have a recipe for “drop pancakes” which are sort of a cross between a pancake and a funnel cake and we serve them with syrup and peanut butter syrup (a mixture of syrup and pb). My husband likes a different syrup than I do so we serve 2 different ones with all of the above.

  85. Belgium waffles! although this recipe makes me want french toast!

  86. Oatmeal Waffles topped with peaches and maple syrup! Yum-O! ;)

  87. Looks yummy! I like a LOT of syrup. And since the toast is baked it should be considered a health food, right?

  88. mmmmmmmmm! These look lovely! They’d be pretty for valentine’s day with strawberries :)

    Click my name to see my newest post on red velvet cupcakes (georgetown cupcake style) :)

  89. Oh, definitely Waffles! Hey my friend! Except – I don’t really like syrup- instead I lather on the creamy nutty PEANUT BUTTER! Woo Hoo!

  90. I absolutely love baked french toast. I usually do it in one big pan so that it’s easier cleanup, and it’s so easy! Prep the night before, stick it in the fridge, and in the morning, 30 minutes later, you have amazing french toast.

  91. These look spectacular!

  92. Ohhh, Bakerella. As always, looks simply adorable and totally delicious! I wouldn’t say no to pancakes, waffles, or French toast, but growing up, I’d say pancakes were my most frequent syrup vehicle. :) And real maple all the way…no Aunt Jemima’s please!

  93. Oh man….when it comes to syrup i definitely lean towards French toast!!!! Yay, French toast Internet high five!!!!!!

  94. These look fantastic. . and I’m not even a fan of bananas in anything! I have a question. . I have round ramekins, do you suppose I could slice the bread a bit thinner and stack the slices up (like a tower) instead of horizontally?

  95. Holy cow! This may be new favorite way to eat French toast! Would I be able to freeze it in individual portions after it was baked? If I didn’t eat it all before then?


    I do love pancakes and waffles, but I always burn pancakes, so I get them when I eat breakfast out, and I don’t have a waffle iron, so I get frozen waffles on occasion, but French toast is my favorite breakfast (and growing up, it was heaven to make it with Portuguese sweet bread, the kind that came in the big round and golden brown loaf…).

    As for syrup, we grew up with corn syrup as our syrup, but my adult tastes have decided that maple is definitely the way to go. But, on occasion, I’ll heat up some jam or jelly and pour that on instead… and if I have any whipped cream handy, all the better!

    And now, I think I’m making French toast for dinner. The shepherd’s pie can wait until tomorrow…

  96. Yum! That looks so good! I’m definitely a french toast kind of girl. No waffles or pancakes here. :)

  97. So yummy! Love it love it love it!

  98. I love pancakes! But these look so delicious too :)

  99. Wow! Looks good though I don’t like bananas… But that’s fine it looks just as good!!! Umm… I like waffles, homemade not ego, BLAH! Also depends what kind of syrup, I like maple!

  100. French toast is in very regular rotation here. So are pancakes ( make a big batch of mix and have it on hand at all times). For that matter, so are Waffles if Insane Greatness (actual name of recipe). I guess we love diner food in this house. And, yes, plenty of butter and syrup.

  101. I love them all and usually leave a big puddle of syrup on my plate so I can dip each bite into it to make sure it has enough! I also LOVE to eat bacon with syrup!!

  102. My motto: You can never have enough syrup with your pancakes, waffles & french toast. I sometimes put it on my scrambled eggs. Delish.

  103. My stomach is growling! I love just the right amount of syrup – not too much & definitely not too little!

  104. These look amazing…I may put a little peanut butter in with the bananas too for some extra ymminess!!

    I like syrup on waffles, pancakes & french toast – especially if it runs into the bacon on the pate with it also :)

  105. True comfort is crumpets toasted over the embers of a fire topped with butter and golden syrup. The perfect nostalgic return to childhood.

  106. Bananas IN BETWEEN the bread?! I might never make french toast another way. Love it.

  107. wow! very impressed and those dishes are so cute! Well i guess baked banana french toast is on my breakfast menu tomorrow!

  108. With that brown sugar crumble on top, I doubt you’d need the syrup, but who really would say no?? My picky eater daughter would LOVE these! I’ll be making them this weekend. Wish I had the recipe this past Saturday morning.

  109. Looks delish!! I LOVE french toast!

  110. Oh my goodness…these look delicious! This looks so much easier than fryin ’em up! And your recipe sounds delicious! I will have try it soon!

  111. Wow, I really need to make some french toast! I love it too, but hardly ever make it! These are so cute and look so delicious! With maple syrup, for me! :)

  112. That presentation is gorrrrgeous! My word! And for mass production, I’m guessing you could use muffin tins … yes?

  113. These look fantastic! What a great idea. This way all the good flavors get baked in!

  114. After the Super Bowl last night, this recipe looks soooo good this morning. Yum!

  115. These look amazing! I must say the individual dishes really make this over the top perfect :)

  116. Yum! Mix some of the brown sugar/butter combo into cream cheese and stuff in with the bananas…and don’t forget the side of bacon!

  117. YUM! I love French toast too, but like you, never get around to making it much…..don’t know why. I’ve never tried baked. I will have to try that next time I crave it, too.

  118. I absolutely LOVE french toast. It is my favorite meal. If I were dying, that’d be my last request! I just posted one on Sunday on my blog with apples and craisins, but this one looks AMAZING too!! I am going to try it!!

  119. That looks more than divine!

    I love french toast for something quick but I love a good pancake. Not much of a waffle girl. You slather some IHOP butter pecan syrup or Michelle’s Butter Pecan syrup on top and I’m good to go baby!

  120. This looks amazing!! My kids always want me to make something new for breakfast, I think they will love this! As far as syrup goes, I’m definitely all about the french toast. I like fruit syrups with mine, like boysenberry or wild blackberry. Yummy. Thanks for the recipes!

  121. Those look great-not a banana fan, but I love a good french toast-with lots of syrup :D

  122. Bakerella-

    these look amazing!!!! One major problem. I hate bananas. do you think i could leave it out or sub another fruit in.


  123. I will have to try for sure ! They look yummy! Thanks for sharing Bakerella! Xo

  124. These look adorable; love the dishes; love bananas; love baked french toast. This is awesome.

  125. YUMMY!!! These look absolutely amazing! Banana, cinnamon, syrup, brown sugar how can one go wrong? Syrup with pancakes, waffles, French toast AND crepes….. Yes please!

  126. Why stop at waffles, french toast and pancakes!?!?!
    I’m crazy like that and like my maple syrup on my eggs (unintentional/indirect from run-age) and on my chicken apple sausage (intentional).
    I also like my maple syrup hardened into candy, like my Christmas must-have, Coombs Family Farms 100% Maple Syrup candy…so, so good!

  127. I’ve literally been sitting here for the last 10 minutes, trying to figure out with item in the mighty Breakfast Carb Trifecta I enjoy the most. Toughest question I’ve pondered in a long, long time.

  128. Syrup on all three – pancakes, waffles and french toast! YUM!

  129. Will definitely have to try these this weekend. I love bananas integrated into breakfast. Have to go with 100% pure maple syrup…from Vermont preferably :)

  130. Love these! And now I have an excuse to go buy individual little pots to make these in.

  131. YUMMY!!! I like mine on chocolate chip banana whole wheat waffles!

  132. That looks AMAZING. I know what my little fam is getting for V-Day breakfast! I LOVE French toast, and waffles are a close second! The kids generally prefer pancakes, but the boys will eat their weight and then some of whatever is in front of them.

  133. I try to make baked french toast on special occasions but it never comes out to my liking. This recipe looks like something I can do and delicious!!!!! I try to avoid syrup but I do like it on my sourdough french toast. Yummy!

  134. Perfect for a special occasion or to impress the mother-in-law. :)

  135. Waffles..but i may have to change that! These look like some awesome comfort food!

  136. French Toast is my absolute favorite!

  137. I’m a French toast girl and these are right up my alley! Reminds me of bananas Foster a little bit, too!

  138. have you tried the peanut butter french toast at Highland Bakery? DO IT!

  139. All of the above lol. I love syryp on everything, as long as it’s Lyle’s Golden Syrup. It has to be rich and thick. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe ~ will be trying them out for Sunday brunch!

  140. OMG they are gorgeous. That is such a clever idea, a cross between bread & butter pudding and french toast. Will have to give it a go.

  141. I must try this for my grandsons, looks so good.
    Do you have a friendly print button? Just a small pic and the recipe, i cannot print the whole picture series, way to much ink

  142. My syrup? On all of the above. Breakfast is by far my favorite meal of the day and these cute french toast cups look delish! So simple. Can’t wait to try them!

  143. WOW!! That looks amazing!

  144. Peanut butter and syrup on waffles. Yum!

  145. Those look divine! Can’t wait to try them! I am a crazy girl, I like maple syrup on my sausage!! :)

  146. darn it all, too many yummy things and so little time!

  147. Wow these look so cute and amazing. I love good maple syrup and use a touch of it when roasting root vegetables. I don’t eat FT, waffles or pancakes much…gluten intolerant…but I would make these for in a second for an impressive brunch dish…thanks!

  148. BTW, I am Canadian…syrup with everything!

  149. I amassing these to my brunch recipes…may added walnuts or pecans for some crunch too! Thanks Bakerella, u r amazing!!!!,

  150. Looks yummy! I’d call this more of a “bread and butter pudding” (without the butter lol) than french toast?

    My syrup leanings? Can never have too much!

  151. Not only are these adorable individual servings, but this french toast sounds fabulous!

  152. Oh my! I am trying to get back to healthier eating, so I will have to alter this to make it more nutritious (or at least less fattening). It’s too bad, because barring the syrup and powdered sugar it looks completely delicious!

  153. Oh my, these look like they’d taste heavenly! Gorgeous photography and delicious idea, Angie! Pancakes for me, btw.

  154. Oh my God!. This looks soooooo yummy.
    Thanks for sharing this recipe, I love anything which goes with canelle, bread, creams, whatever.
    Love from Spain

  155. Looks great! Will be testing this recipe soon! :)

  156. I’ve never tried baking french toast before. Wonderful idea. I might give it a try this weekend. It’s always great to find ways where I don’t have to cook with too much butter! Thanks :)

  157. Looks just fantastic! :-)

  158. Very nice idea ! … Even if it is a curious way to eat french bread for french people … We prefer it more crusty with butter and jam …

  159. Belgian style waffles and it has to be real maple syrup!

  160. yuummo! =) thanks for sharing mother (cakepops)! I love lots of syrups on my pancake but havent tried syrup on french toast this could be my first one! =) thanks heaps!

  161. I must have syrup on my pancakes and french toast but NEVER on my waffles. That is due to a very unfortunate incident involving a hotel breakfast, a plane ride over the Grand Canyon and some British tourists….LONG STORY! Never on the waffles.

  162. I’m always slapping together some good old French Toast becuse it’s just so easy and yummy to make. However, mine have never been quite this fancy. What a great idea for making them look as good as they taste!
    Another trick I’ve seen for using bananas in French Toast is to mash it up first, add some nuts of your choice, and then spoon some between two large batter soaked slices of bread before frying them in a pan with butter. Leave a little space around the edges of the bread so the banana mixture won’t come out. This is a good idea for anyone who doesn’t have fancy little dishes like those. Either way, it’s bound to be fantastic.
    Lots of love to you, Bakerella <3

  163. Died and gone to heaven. Delicious!

  164. Oooohh looks so yummy! I love french toast and bananas, too. I will definitely try that very soon. I have those same cute dishes from SUR LA TABLE, they’re always 40% off (basic white ramekins) so you can get one for less than $3! Thanks for sharing an easy breakfast recipe!

  165. These look so yummy !! My son would love these… now how to get them to his base in the air force!!

  166. Wow! Anything baked and anything banana is always a winner with me. This looks fantastic!

    Maria xx

  167. Yum! Anything is good with syrup…I think I would add some crispy bacon pieces in with the bananas after they bake – I love bacon with syrup.

  168. oh my, oh my how wonderful!! can not wait to make this for my family , or when we have guest visiting. you always amaze me and i LOVE every thing you do!! you inspire the closet backer in me!!

  169. Yum!! Those are so cute. I have a couple of the same square wavy dishes! I got mine at The Great Indoors but I googled “bia cordon bleu wavy ramekin with handles” (that’s the brand that mine are) and a bunch of places came up to buy them from. Here are a couple different sizes available at Bed, Bath & Beyond if anyone is trying to find them:

  170. I am so going to make these!!! thank you for sharing!! :)

  171. French toast is my favorite breakfast food! These look absolutely delicious!

  172. These look so yummy !
    I like everything with syrup, especially pancakes ! ^^

  173. Oh my wow! I requested French toast for my birthday (which is today! Yay! lol) because the hubs makes the best! But now, I may have to show him this and have him make this!

  174. Oh my! You’ve outdone yourself yet again, Bakerella.
    I have the urge to make these for breakfast tomorrow morning, but it’ll have to wait until I get back from school though; now I’ll have something to look forward to while I’m falling asleep in class.
    I’m not much of a syrup person, but there are just some days where I just can’t resist drenching my buttermilk pancakes with some sweet maple-y goodness!!!

  175. Sounds amazing! Winning combination, to be sure.

  176. Wow! These look absolutely amazing! :D I can’t wait to make them.

  177. Yummy…will try this recipe soon. I always sprinkle white sugar on French toast. Syrup on pancakes & waffles. My hubby liked syrup on all three. To each his own.

  178. Um, fantastic! Definitely a french toast lover here – I don’t mess around with waffles and pancakes if I can avoid it.

    These really look amazing!!

  179. OMGoodness, I’m SO making these!!

  180. This looks so good! I actually love french toast with just powdered sugar, not too big on syrup. :)

  181. These look so amazing! When I do have syrup, not often, I love it on homemade french toast. I like to add fresh ground nutmeg and also like to make it “stuffed” with cream cheese.

  182. Wow these look decadent! I actually don’t like syrup – I’d eat these without it

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