
Cake Pops: An adventure

Today almost snuck up on me. I realized it just in time to reminisce and celebrate with you guys.

Oh and this is a pretty long post, but I had a hard time making it any shorter.

Four years ago today, on February 1, I posted something that changed my life and maybe even some of yours.

Cupcake Pops

I posted these cupcake pops. I posted them the day after I posted these pink cake pops. And I had no idea then the impact they would have. Seriously, read the old posts. Pretty amusing.

While the pink cake pops were super cute and definitely different since they were cake on a stick, it was the cupcake pops that became crazy popular thanks to so many of you.  If it hadn’t been for your enthusiasm, I don’t know if I would have kept experimenting and creating craziness like the muppets cake pops for instance. It could have just ended right here with the cupcake pops. And, that would have been okay, too. They are still my and my mom’s favorite. I guess I have an attachment to them.

A little background history…  when I first made the pink cake pops, I was so excited by how they turned out. I wanted others to see them too because I thought they were so cute and I just knew they would make people smile. I was following the blog Cupcakes Takes the Cake (CTTC) at the time and I thought that if I could just make them look like a cupcake, they might feature them on their blog. So after I made the pink cake pop, I figured out a way to shape the cake balls with a cutter and dip them twice to make them look like a cupcake. Success! I couldn’t believe it. So I added my photos to the CTTC flickr group and crossed my fingers that they would pick them to feature on their site. And they did.

For me that was it. I wasn’t looking for anything more. Just to keep baking and making cute treats. And hopefully bring smiles to anyone that wanted to look at them.

But then, something crazy happened. A month or so after I posted the photos, I was invited to show Martha Stewart how I make them … on her show… like standing next to her. I thought I was being punked. I mean I had only been blogging for about four months when I received the invitation. And I hadn’t been baking much longer before that. Let’s just say I was petrified. But I did it anyway. You can watch the video here on her site. The link is on the sidebar. If you haven’t seen it before I think you’ll get a chuckle at what she calls them. Of course it wasn’t funny at the time. I think I managed to mask my shock pretty well. I know I told them we shouldn’t use chocolate cake on TV. Good times.

Lots of other fun things have happened since then, too.

  • I started experimenting with designs and creating all kinds of cake pop themes.
  • I visited the Pioneer Woman and we had a cake pop demo at the lodge. So fun. Love you Ree.
  • I proposed to Melissa for Rich with cake pops. Miss you guys.
  • Betty Crocker invited me to make cake pops for the cover of one of their magazines.
  • I wrote a little book. You may have heard of it.
  • I made cupcake pops with Blake Lively. Ummm… what is going on?
  • You guys became Pop Stars.
  • I made some cake pops for Disney’s website.
  • I made a little kit and some cards, too.
  • My cake pops were featured in magazines like People, Entertainment Weekly, Taste of Home, Family Circle, O, and more.
  • I went on the Today Show. Kathie Lee shook the pop a bit too hard and got candy coating on her eyelashes. My stomach sunk. Mortified.
  • The book has been printed in several languages throughout the world. Craziness.
  • And there’s a couple more fun things coming that I can’t say just yet.


But that’s not all that’s happened because of these tiny treats on a stick. So many other things have popped on the scene because you all fell in love with the cake pops I made. Your excitement and enthusiasm for cake pops are probably the biggest reason for their success and why they are now so popular. For example…

  • Cake pops are sold in a certain world dominating coffee shop.
  • Bakeries and cupcake shops now sell them in their lineup.
  • Businesses have packaged sprinkles and such to market for them.
  • Commercials and other kits appeared. Some even use my designs. Flattering, I guess one could say.
  • Machines are now on the market to make them … albeit they don’t let you mix the frosting in or custom shape them.
  • Other books have surfaced on the topic, too, which just reinforces how popular cake pops have become.


But it’s not all that stuff that makes me shake my head in amazement. You guys have done so much with them on a personal level and have continued to inspire me along the way.

  • So many of you have started home businesses selling cake pops.
  • Or websites devoted to cake pops
  • Or created rollers or stands or just about anything else you can think of to make or use with cake pops.
  • I know many of you that make them just for fun. And make lots of them.
  • Your emails and stories brighten my day every time I read them. There have been so many sweet ones too. Emails from all over the world. From places I’ve never even heard of. Some that made me cry and some that made me laugh. But all that made me feel so special to have played a little part in bringing smiles to your lives.
  • Big hugs and congratulations to all of you, too!


I think cake pops have definitely made their mark in the baking world, making life a little bit sweeter.

Actually, I think we need a National Cake Pop Day. Or an International Cake Pop Day. And today seems like a great choice to me. That’s it I’m proclaiming February 1, the Official Unofficial Cake Pop Day. Who’s with me?

I’d love for you to tell me if cake pops have meant anything special to you.

  • Do you sell them? What’s your site?
  • Have you made them on your blog? I’d love to see.
  • Do you have a picture of yours on your facebook? Share a link.
  • Do you follow my facebook page for cake pop inspiration?
  • Do you have the book? Do you have a favorite design?
  • Are you a Pop Star? Do you want to be?
  • Have you started a business to help people make them?
  • Maybe you’ve just eaten them before. Or have seen them at a bakery or wedding or party.
  • Maybe someone has given them to you as a gift.
  • And maybe you have no idea what I’m talking about? That’s okay, too.

Leave a comment or a link and let’s share.

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510 comments on “Cake Pops: An adventure”

  1. I am new to your blog…I have already made 2 cookie recipes and asked my husband for your book for Valentine’s Day. Baking is my passion-I feel at peace in my kitchen with an apron on. Joy fills my heart to give homemade goods to those who do not bake. Angie-thanks for the inspiration to make it through a hard day at work so I can come home and bake:)

  2. I made your Oreo truffle footballs last year for our Super Bowl party and they were a huge hit! They’re now a “tradition” so are on my to-do list for this weekend before the big game (might have to re-stock the Oreos by then…darn, I knew I shouldn’t buy them three days early!) ;)
    Congrats, and keep up the great work! Especially love your photography in the directions.

  3. I, too, am simply amazed at how the cake pop scene has exploded. And I’m so excited that I’ve been following you almost since their inception. I have to giggle at the immitators – the cake ball pan infomercials (that totally leave out the frosting – what’s the point) and I’ve even had some that were just raw cake batter (ick!). So kudos! How wonderful it must feel to know something so small that you created has had such a big impact on the WHOLE WORLD! Thank you!

  4. You are such an inspiration!
    I had heard of cake pops when my friend Jazmin made them as roses and sold them as valentines (yellow = friends, pink = crush, red = love) and i instantly loved them. I also had them at Starbucks once! I hadn’t really thought about them until this year during the HUGE power outage, i found your website and since then have been constantly reading recipes and looking at your amazing ideas! my cousin bought my a cake pop pan (which is TOTALLy not as cool as making them by hand…) and i can’t wait to use it!
    like i said, you are an AMAZING inspiration to me and i hope you continue to do what you do best!
    be AMAZING

    Alina :D

  5. I am four-years behind…didn’t even know there was such a thing as a cake pop…I don’t remember if I saw it online or it was the kit that I saw at Barnes and Noble. What I do remember is that I instantly fell in love and I could not stop thinking about getting the kit and start cake popping :)

    I could go on and on, but I want to thank you for creating such delicious sweets and for sharing it with us…even after four years your cake pops are going STRONG! I wish you lots of health, happiness, and much more success!

  6. I’ve made your Red Velvet Cake Pops and then after having made those, created a few flavor variations. I’ve made a lemon flavor with white chocolate coating and yellow sprinkles, espresso flavored with dark chocolate coating, and a pumpkin flavor with white chocolate coating and orange chocolate drizzle. I’ve also packaged them in Christmas boxes and gave them as parting gifts to my dinner guests. They are always a huge hit. I even got my brother making them :)

  7. I have made cake pops thrice before and they are so yummy and cute. The first time, I made your ice cream cone cake pops. The second time, I made eyeballs and monsters. The third time I made reindeer with my new Bella brand cake pop maker that you just put cake mix in and in about 6 minutes, they are done. They were a whole lot faster and easier than yours Bakerella, but were only half as yummy.

  8. You are the Cake Pop Queen!! Many chocolate hats off to you! Can’t wait till you visit this way again with another book…
    You inspire me in Cake pops and in Life… thanks for posting your courageous journey with your kidney (health scares.)
    My Dad is on a long list waiting for a donor and it may be a long while since he’s much older (than you and I) and I hear they give them to the younger (more life on their tires!) You are tireless and still looking beautiful behind your pops! :-)
    I look to you for more than cake pop inspiration but Life’s inspiration…thanks for being real and keeping it real for all of us…
    (not to sound too deep)…but keep it sweet Cake Pop Queen! :-)

  9. Hi Bakerella!

    Last summer, my best friend gave me your book for my birthday. I had been making cakes here and there, and she said she just knew I would love cake pops. Fast forward a year later and I am just building my cake pop business. It’s called Once a Pop a Time :) The website is under construction (should be finished Feb. 7), but my Facebook page is set up already –

    You are such an inspiration! I love seeing your pops, but I love reading your stories – triumphs and struggles – even more!

  10. Happy Anniversary Angie!!! May you continue to dazzle us with your skills, and inspire us to set the bar higher.

    I was a proud recipient of one of your giveaways, and am proud to say that my 3 girls and I have a blast looking at all your book, cards, kit, and trying to make our own.

    Keep up the good work!

  11. I’ve never made a cakepop — and am probably not likely to. :) I’m a lazy baker! I started reading your blog years ago & at first I read it because i loved the photos and was totally amazed at how talented you were! But, after this many years, it’s become a blog I read because your personality really shines through — and after a hard day at school & work, it’s nice to come home to a voice, a person out there in the wilderness that reminds me that there are incredible people in it — making incredible things, with incredible imaginations. Strange to say, though I’ve never met you, but you’re a bit of a hero to me after all you have accomplished and done — and the things you’ve been through! And, really, i’ve been so, so utterly lucky to have stumbled upon your blog that many years ago. Thanks for everything, Bakerella!

  12. My sister and I fell in love with cake pops! We make them for so many different occasions and just because everyone loves them. We even made a little money making them for baby shower, bridal showers and B-Day parties.
    But my happiest moment with these little beauties is when I make them for my grandbabies baseball teams all season long. The kids coming running up asking if Grammies made cake pops! I make hundreds of them to raise money for their baseball league. What a joy! Thanks for so much for bringing them to us!

  13. Hi Bakerella,
    It’s Kim from @KCbakes – we sent you a stand that I’ve been ecstatic to see ‘pop’ up in some of your pictures on your blog.

    Our site is and my blog is :)

    I started making cake pops 2 years ago, here is my Flickr album: I haven’t been a Pop Star yet, but would LOVE to be :)

    I have been a long follower of yours on FB & have your book proudly in my kitchen. It’s quite hard to choose a favorite tho!

    Congratulations on 4 years of success! Happy Cake Pop Day!!!

  14. I love your blog! I’ve been a long time reader, but I don’t think I’ve ever said as much. I’ve been making cake balls every Valentine’s Day for friends and coworkers for the last few years– not cake pops, but same thing, right?

    My friends look forward to them every year. They’ve fought over them. Shared with one of their friends who promptly told me they wanted to be my best friend just to have some delivered to them next year. Out of state friends have begged me to mail them to them. One of my best friends asked me to make some for her upcoming wedding this summer.

    Best of all, they persuaded a very shy guy into visiting me at work to eat some for himself, and we started officially dating not long after. He’s pretty thrilled that I’ll be making them again in a few weeks. ;)

  15. Congrats! You are such an inspiration! I started following the blog after you made the Mickey & Minnie Pops. Everyone I have made cake pops for absolutely loves them and a few months ago I started my cake pop business.

    Thank you for sharing your creativity with all of us, your designs are so amazing! My favorite from the blog are the garfield pops. =)

  16. I have your book and it got me hook. I sell them and give them out as gifts. I’m still finding ways to perfect the technique. It is very relaxing when I get in the kitchen and start creating a batch.

  17. Oh how I wish I had the time and words to express my gratitude. It was November of 2010 and I was deep in a depression following the news of my brain tumor recurrence. I was looking at starting radiation and then chemo. I was sick and scared to death. My family told me that I needed to find something to occupy my thoughts and time…I was up one night late on the computer looking for something fun to make with my daughter for Thanksgiving and happened upon your site/blog. I was mesmerized. The next day we went out and bought a cake mix and cream cheese frosting and almond bark. It was a start. We laughed. I felt better. My interest and love for baking and sweet grew and grew….I started blogging myself ( and I was even able to send you a little get well package (not sure if you ever got it really) by way of Amanda at I am baker when you were sick. I was the one who sent the tea cup (I hope it didn’t break!) I too dreamed of getting a feature on Cupcakes Take the Cake……and I have….like 5 or 6 times. You inspired me. It was your cute website, your fun posts, your wonderful book (my favorite design are the babies and classic cupcake on a stick you have as your first photo). I have done those about a dozen times. While, in my opinion I suck at making cake pops ( I often call mine cake blops) I do make the effort on a regular basis b/c it reminds me of my start and I ALWAYS get a good laugh and makes me happy. I am so profoundly happy you are healthy now, I prayed for you during your transplant times and wish you so many good things. I have given your book to just about everyone with a pulse. Thank you for what you have done for so many women. Inspiring.

    With Admiration and Respect,

    Trish S

  18. Congrats! Those cake pops are adorable!

  19. Happy Cake Pop day! Love your site!

  20. Thanks so much for all of your inspiration!

  21. Love those cakepops!

  22. Hi Bakerella :) I love your site, and think that cake pop day is an excellent idea.
    I have not once, but twice attempted to replicate the cake pops recipe, but alas, both times I was met with disaster. Tasty, messy, disaster.
    Both times, I somehow managed to ruin the chocolate, first time milk chocolate, second time white. It blobbed, it chunked, it got heavy and didn’t cover the pop, and then took the ball to a chocolatey grave. Each time I ended up glooping the chocolate over the balls and sticking a stick in the top…. I didn’t put them in my blog, but I should have to show what not to do haha.
    I do thoroughly enjoy them at the before mentioned coffee shop though ;) Keep up the amazing work please.

  23. Congrats! You are amazing and inspiring. I first stubled upon your blog over a year ago, after I’d been decorating cakes for about 2 years. Once I saw the cake pops, I decided I needed to try making them, and wow! Thanks to you I now sell cake pops, and people in my town know me as the “cake pop lady.” Cake pops have become a given at events at my kids’ schools and synagogue. Anyway, thanks for being such an inspiration! And if you feel inclined to check my blog, you can do so at

  24. I’ve been so happy to stumble across your site. I am not a baker by any means, but these little pops were the first “dish” I’ve ever brought to pass at Christmas, and the first thing I’d ever made for a rehearsal dinner. They were a HUGE hit (of course)!

    Here’s my small album on Fb.

  25. I love the idea, should be a celebration for all things sweet!!!! I’ve been your follower for a very long time now, way before your book and magazines articles. I was automatically drawn by your creativity, sense of humor and humbleness. I’ve admired everything you do (treats that is) but most of all your strength. I followed every post about your health and your wonderful mother who donated her organ to you. I have to say, you have the most amazing mother in the world!!!
    I have a small business and as soon as I got the whole technique of pop making down, thanks to you! I started offering it on my website, my facebook page and my blog. I’m still very small, I was actually wondering ways to be more noticed on the web so thank you for the hint on how you did it!
    Anyway, among all this comments here, which only show a little on how you impacted all of us. I wanted to thank you and cheer you on, for your talent and for your life! I hope one day you can make it to Phoenix, I would love to meet you in person! Hope you actually get to read this.
    My website (which needs to be updated) is:
    Facebook (updated!lol):
    And finally my blog:

  26. Love ya girl!! You are AMAZING and so are the cake pops! I think today should definitely be National Cake Pop Day!

    I had a cake pop making party just a few weeks ago and we had a blast!

  27. I 100% support Feb.1 as national cake pop day, I think it is only appropriate since it isn’t b-day today! Love you Bakerella and youare an inspiration to those of us who love to cook and bake. There may be other spin offs that all started from your inspiration but there isonly one Bakerella!

  28. You inspire me! I started a cake pop business from home 1 year ago Feb 4th…all because of you (and a little push from my friends and family)! Here’s to making life a little sweeter! Happy Cake Pop Day!

  29. I LOVE that it’s Cake Pop Day!!!!! I’ve made a bunch of cake pops and everyone who has received them, enjoyed them so much. I was at your book signing in Costa Mesa and we even chatted at BlogHer Food in Atlanta, it was nice meeting you. You are so creative! I look forward to see what you’ll be coming up with next.

  30. I just can say thank you for sharing all this wonderful sweets. I love your page and I check almost everyday for new posts. I have many some cake pops for my family and they loved it.
    Thank you again for all the “sweet inspiration and fun baking ideas”!/media/set/?set=a.209985605698796.56050.152368421460515&type=1

  31. Bakerella,

    I think that it is because of your true love of the treat that these itty bitty bites have become a smashing success.
    Without your zeal and care, this would not have been as successful. I remember the first day time I saw that at the so-called world dominating coffee shop. It is true testament to the idea that doing what you love will bring you great success. And Bakerella, I really, truly hope that it has! I have been following your blog immensely since 2008, and eating your little goodies with my eyes has been nothing but a true treat. I know it has lifted my spirits in times that were not so happy.
    Never stop. Keep on going.
    Thank you for your love in baking, and for sharing that with all of us.


  32. Hi Angie,

    Wow! I can’t believe how time flies! I started following your blog a little over 3 years ago and I’ve been hooked ever since. I don’t have an official business but my facebook page is and I have tons of pictures on there inspired by you and all of the wonderful creators on your facebook page.

    My friend and family ask me all the time to make pops for them and I’m always happy to. I love to see everyone’s smiles on their faces when they bite into a pop! :) Especially if they haven’t had one before. I do have to giggle as I have held some cake pop classes for some friends of mine and most of them gave up half way through. People do not realize how much work goes into these delicious little bites! I think that is why can can appreciate so many that show their talent off on your facebook page.

    I have been a Pop Star once so far on your site for my 4th of July pops. I add my pictures to your flickr page in hopes you will pick one of my cake pops again. :)

    You truly have been an inspiration to me as a woman and a business woman. If it weren’t for you, I would have never known I am actually creative enough to make these!

    By the way, if your mom was not a match, I’m sure you would have had a line of fans waiting to get tested to see if they were a match. I would have been one in line.

    Please keep up the wonderful job so I can keep being inspired by such a wonderful, amazing, creative, and talented woman!

    Thank you Angie, thank you….

  33. Wow – what an amazing journey cake pops have taken you on! You have been a true inspiration to me! A friend at work showed me your book one day and we decided to try to make cake pops. Well I fell in love with making them and as you say t’he possibilities are endless’! That was a little over a year ago – since then I have started my own cake pop business in Markham, Ontario, Canada (just outside of Toronto) – 2Sweeties

    I love the fact that you showcase others as ‘Pop Stars’ who are inspired by you – it would be such a thrill to be added to this group!

    I continue to watch with anticipation what will be next in your journey! Happy Cake pop Day!


  34. You are such an inspiration! I have only tried cake pops a few times (I usually do a regular cake) but I have used them for sculpting!!/photo.php?fbid=10150260083853003&set=a.26385883002.36511.698653002&type=3&theater
    I also made them as christmas gifts – everyone loved them!
    Thanks for your wonderful instructions & inspiration!! Keep it up – I look forward to your blog :)

  35. THANK YOU!! First of all for sharing your experience with us!!! I read your blog almost every day, looking for the new one and reading some past blogs.
    I’ve made them and my family, specially my son LOVE THEM!! and actually that’s what I’m making for Valentine’s this year, so COGRATS!!!

  36. Angie,
    You are such a blessing to many people, especially me. My first cake pops were Mr. Potato Head and Ham for my nephews birthday…and this was a year ago on February 6th 2011. I still feel like such a newbie, but I enjoy this as a stress reliever and a way to give back to special people in my life. I follow you on your blog and on facebook, and love to see your ideas. I have made them to sell at church for a woman’s retreat fundraiser, for orders that friends have asked for, and for birthday parties/baby showers. I have many “fans” that enjoy them often. :) A BIG thank you for allowing us as cake poppers to unite and share ideas. In my thoughts and prayers ….God Bless!
    – Lorena Zambrano

  37. Happy Cake Pop Day! :-) I’ve never made cake pops, but I follow you on FB and Twitter. Your work is awesome. You are so creative!!

  38. I gave my sister the Dutch version of the book and she made cakepops for the Christmas family gathering :)

  39. I have been following you for about 3 years, and have made many, many cake pops. The only ones I’ve sold were for a bake sale, and they sold out! I have your book & check in on your blog several times a week. You’re so creative & special. Thank you for your blog!

  40. I love, love eating cakepops. They are my daughters favorite treat of all time. I actually requested and received your book for Christmas.

    Though we have never met you are a part of my life and my kids lives. I will tell your story, about how you did something you loved, were great at it and changed the world, all with a mini cupcake on a stick. :)

  41. I don’t sell them, but I have made them. I’ve posted them on my blog a few times, including the regular cake balls & halloween cake pops

    ice cream cone cake balls

    I’ve also posted about your Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie, which has been declared the new MUST HAVE Holiday tradition dessert in my family

    and about your Puffins!

    I’m a big fan of you (cause you are just fun and adorable) and of your site!

    Thanks, Angie!


  42. Congratulations! You’re too cute in the clip too! I’ve made cake pops a few times and my family always loves them.

  43. I look up to you more than you ever know!!! Thank you!

  44. Kitty Cake Pops were my first entry on my baking blog over a year ago. My grandma loved making them with us and we even managed to drag my brother out of his room to help. My mother was so impressed with your book and even more impressed that I was able to meet you in Toronto during your book signing in 2010.

    Here’s the link. The pictures aren’t the best, but we had a blast!

  45. Such a cool story and I think that underneath it all is that you love what you do and it shows in the treats that you make. It seems tather than copying others you were just making stuff you thought was fun. I love to make pops, as well as other treats as well and have a blog which is a journey of my baking as well as a book – A lot of what I do is inspired by my 3 kids and what they enjoy.


  47. You are a true inspiration! Not only with your creative ability but what you have accomplished with it. Cake Pops have made it possible for me to be a stay at home mom and having a thriving business as well. I only hope to some day make it as BIG as you have. I would love to be the first contestant on ” Cake Ball Challenge” if only they had it. LOL Please visit my facebook page as I would LOVE to hear you feed back. Thanks for you Sweetness!

  48. I do love your cakepops. You have inspired me to take the plunge and make some really cute….some not so cute, but totally delicious pops. My family requests that I make them for every occasion! We even made them for Christmas gifts in 2010…shaped them like presents and trees. You know, they make me happy because they are nummy, super adorable and fun to make. Thank you for taking the time to inspire us all to make these treats!

  49. I started with the Oreo truffles and made snowmen and trees with the reindeer cake balls in Dec 2008. Then I made the Valentine’s box of red velvet cake “chocolates” that sold at a charity cake auction for over $85.

    You were the springboard that had me branch out further than frosted cookies.

    You are an incredible inspiration and I am so proud of you and your success!

  50. Hey Bakerella,

    Congratulations on your success, you come across as such a wonderfully bubbly, happy person and deserve all your success.

    I recently made Cake Pops for my SILs engagement party. Everyone just loved them! I topped them with little candied hearts.xx

  51. Happy Bakerella Cake Pop day! Love to follow your site, admire all the pop stars, watch my own daughters awesome pops and my husband and I love to make (and eat them) too!

  52. Your success story is one of my favorites! I admit I have not yet tried making any cake pops… but I can see the design ideas are endless! Congratulations!!

  53. Happy Anniversary Bakerella and 1st Happy International Cake Pops Day! My first try at Cake Pops was your darling cake pop cupcakes for my granddaughter’s 3rd birthday party. Based on my success with those, I made (with my darling soon to be daughter-in-law’s help) just over 200 cake pop favors for their wedding. They were a huge hit! I’m now a cake pop fanatic and love, love, love your book and the cute Cake Pop Kit! Keep on cake poppin’ and thanks for all the fun!

  54. We love them so much at my office we created a cake pop/any yummy treat stand that we now sell with our already existing product blumebox. Check it out,

  55. Hello Wonderful Bakerella!!
    I don’t have a business, nothing even remotely like that. But, I have a best friend who LOVES to bake – and I introduced her to pops — and now WE love making them together.
    We make about 100 of them each year as the dessert for our Relay for Life fundraiser – and people LOVE them. All thanks to you!! :) And your book now sits at her house, and my house :)
    Keep the pops going :)

  56. Happy Cake pop day! I posted Cake Pops to my blog today in honor of it.

    And as long as I’m commenting… I just want to say that I love all of your recipes! Your Dark Chocolate Comfort Cookies are the BEST!


  57. HI? from Japan!
    I ‘m IN for your idea that make Feb.1 for national cakepopps day!! Because I happent to post my first pops photo on my blog.
    I just love your site, Bakerella
    I finally steped into the world of pops you created

  58. you are definitely the reason I started food blogging. I sell brownie pops which were adapted from YOUR cake pops. I also did a blog post on cookie pops. You can find the link here

  59. I’m with you! Your creativity have traveled overseas all the way to Sweden. I havn’t made that many just yet, but I’m about to and your blog is such an inspiration to me. I have put up the very first cake pops ever made by me in my blog. Hapyy International Cake Pop Day!

  60. I don’t normally comment on your blog, but I thought this was a special post that deserved it! After first reading your blog over a year ago, I’ve fallen in love with cake pops. I anxiously awaited, and preordered, your book, and continue to bake them constantly! I’m in high school and my peers and friends also immediately fell in love with cake pops, and now expect me to make them for birthdays, parties, etc. Whenever I come to school with a box of baked goods, they expect cake pops! I’ve made many from your books, and have attempted to make up my own creations, but your’s are just so cute! And with that, I’m off to make some baby cake pops – I was hired to make them for a baby shower this weekend!
    Thanks Bakerella!

  61. Ohhh Bakerella.

    You are SO inspiring – and have provided so many of us stay-at-home-Moms with a fun, tasty, creative outlet!

    Yes, I make and sometimes even sell cake pops. Thank you!!

    Yes, I have been a Pop Star – Thank you!!

    Yes, I have lots of cake pop pictures on Facebook!

    Yes, I follow your facebook page!

    No, I do not have a book – yet! When are you coming to Florida so I can get a signed copy???

    You are awesome, lady! Thank you for inspiring so many of us to join in the fun!!

  62. I LOVE your site and I LOVE making pops! I live in a Tasmania that is in Australia and not many people had heard of pops until I started making them and now I have people asking for them all the time! Thanks for sharing your wonderful pops and keeping us updated with all the wonderful things you do!

  63. what an awesome journey! i was so glad to meet you in Phoenix! Love me a good cake pop I make them all the time, and I’m the “desigated maker” for my husband’s office parties, all the birthdays and more!!

  64. Bakerella,
    Happy Cake Pop Day!
    You`re so creative! Cake pops are the best thing I’ve ever eaten!!!! I’d love to be Pop Star someday! I’m your biggest fan!!!

  65. YOU are an inspiration to all of us cakepoppers, or should I say “Pop Stars”! I was honored when I found my Cake Pops featured in your pop star section, it seriously made my day! And to answer your questions, YES to pretty much all of them. Your Facebook page has become THE cake pop forum! And one of my favorite designs has to be either the chicks or the penguins, or the ….geez, I’m not good at making decisions…

    Miss CandiQuik blog featuring plenty of cake pops:

    On Facebook:

    On Pinterest:

    Thanks and most of all, Congratulations to your success!

    Sarah @ Miss CandiQuik

  66. I just like to look at your site-it’s so cute and perky :D

  67. Oh Bakerella, where do I even begin. You gave me the courage and push I needed to start this wonderful Cake Pop journey of mine. You are amazing! Congratulations on all your success! Can’t wait to see what you have in the works!

  68. Happy Anniversary! I found your blog two years ago and was so inspired by your creative ideas. I made your Snowman Pops first, and then I was hooked! Now, I’m back into baking and decorating cakes, cupcakes, and Cake Pops – even selling them at Farmer’s markets! Thank you for sharing with us. Hope to meet you someday.

  69. Hi! i got your book as a college graduation present because i love to bake and had been follwoing your blog for awhile. Needless to say i check EVRY DAY to see if you have posted anything new. I love your site and the creative things you have been able to come up with. I was sad when you werent able to come to MIami for the book signings but im hoping you will do some more in the future. I have made many many many cakepops and they are very popular with every one i make them for. I even spiked some of them with kahlua and rum. the rum ones are a favorite amongst all of my friends. I volunteered at a homeless shelters school for a while and i made them cake pops and cupcakes from your blog. they loved them. THANK YOU for sharing your creativity with us :)


    My 8 year old’s daughter’s name is Ella, so my mom bought her your book. Now she has HER OWN business selling to friends, family, and friends of friends. TODAY, Feb. 1, she cut a deal with a small local grocery store to sell her pops there! It truly is national cake pop day!

  71. Funny timing… I just made cake pops for the first time this past weekend and blogged about it. You… of course… were featured in the post! :) Enjoy!

  72. I fully support and second that February 1st shall forever be known as International Cake Pop Day. Congratulations on the success that you very well deserve.

  73. I truly love that you shared your cake pops with us. I love that cake pops are such a hit. I know my family, friends and church members love them too.

    I’ve made the graduation cake pops, valentine cake pops and very simple plain round cake pops too. I’m about to make some more valentine cake pops in the next few days.

    Again, thank you for this creative outlet! :-)

  74. Happy Birthday Cake Pops!

    I have never made them, but I admire and eat them. There is just something so incredibly appealing about cute little cakes on a lollipop stick. Thank you for introducing us to them.

    One of my clients made Mr. Potato Head cake pops for her sons Toy Story themed third birthday party. Here is a shot I took of them:

  75. Happy cupcake pop day! I have made them a few times and will definitely make them again.

  76. I’ve made cake pops multiple times and even made them for our clients at work (I used an edible ink pen to draw their company logos!). I’ve had a former manager hire me to make some for her daughter’s first birthday. And I finally blogged about the cupcake cake pops here:

    Thanks for inspiring all of us!

  77. You are so inspiring! Thank you for sharing! For one of my first posts on my page I made the always delicious pops…with a twist :)

  78. Hey bakerella! That is amazing congrats! I REALLY want to try them, I just don’t have the materials. All I need are the sticks and the melts… So pretty much everything. I have eaten them before they are SO good. I had a rocky road one yum! Once I make them (which will probably be within the next few weeks) you can check out my blog to see the results!
    Btw I love your blog!!!!!!!!!

  79. I have so much admiration for you, Angie. Your cake pops success story and more importantly, your life story are just two reasons why you are AWESOME. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    I finally had the guts to attempt making cake pops for the first time as Christmas gifts last year. Tears of frustration might have been shed but after several tries, I felt like I got the hang of it. Again, thank you! I didn’t post a step-by-step (plenty of other pros out there already!) but here’s a picture of several of my finished pops:

    I’m looking forward to many more years of reading Bakerella! Much love from Florida.

  80. Where to begin? You are such an inspiration. I breathe through inspiration, and you really *lit my fire* (in a fun, creative way… lol!)

    I came across your blog one day and have been hooked since. I practiced and practiced (which lead to eating and eating…. !) and finally became really comfortable with them – cake BITES more than pops, but the same none-the-less. Eventually, my new talents took off and I began selling them and doing dessert tables at events and such (I’ve even won an award for them!). I even expanded my horizens from cake bites and pops to other things on a stick. Treats-on-a-stick are so “in” thanks to YOU! =]

    Since life has gotten in the way, I’ve fallen back on sharing my passion and inspiration from you through my blog. I try to take every opportunity to share with others and find inspiration in your work, and now my fellow baking friends. Following your blog has turned into following your Facebook which I love to check on almost daily! It’s amazing how many lives you’ve touched and how you have created a new community of cake popping people to share and grow with.

    Today is a perfect day to celebrate the “Official Unofficial Cake Pop Day,” although most of us celebrate and are thankful for having you in our lives and being an inspiration on a DAILY basis. Whether or not you know this, you’ve made a footprint on this earth and will be loved and remembered for years to come! =] You ROCK, Angie!!!!


  81. You are such an inspiration. I’m so happy that i got to meet with you in person when you came for a signing. who knew one little idea because such a huge thing! i’m also so amazed as how humble you are while you created this whole trend for people to follow :)

  82. i discovered your site when i stumbled upon the fathers day burgers and fries.. clicked over to the red velvet cake balls, and the rest was history – i have been commissioned by friends and family to make cake balls and cake pops for wedding showers, birthday parties, baby gender reveal parties, graduation parties (those earned me the honor of becoming a pop star!) and so much more

    i can’t thank you enough for your creative inspiration!!

  83. You’ve gone a long way, Angie! I thank you for the inspiration in creating pretty delicious cake pops & other goodies. Thank you for sharing your talent with your readers. I wish you well, Bakerella.

  84. Every time I read your blog I think I am reading a letter from a best friend. Your book changed my life. Fall of 2010 I purchased your book and read it in one afternoon. I found such joy creating cakepops that I decided to make them as holiday gifts. A few weeks later I needed to either sharpen up my resume or go into a cakepop business. It has been about one year since I started customcakebites llc I have had a wonderful year. I can only see growth at this point which is an incredible feeling. Thank you Bakerella, you truly changed the course of my career and I could not be more grateful. Thank you! Mercedes

  85. Soon after seeing you do the demo for Pioneer Woman, I catered a baby shower using cake pop cupcakes as one of the desserts. They were a HUGE hit!
    Good luck with all your endeavors, congratulations and thanks for the inspiration!

  86. First off… you are definitely the queen of cake pops! I am always amazed by your work and you definitely deserve every bit of credit! We make a lot of different kinds of pops on our site, but these Touchdown Football Pops are the first “cake pops” that we have ever made…
    You are so inspiring and bring so much joy to everyone that sees your flawless work!
    Happy Cake Pops Day!

  87. I love cake pops & you have definitely inspired me over the past 4 years with your imagination.
    I have come to making “cake balls” for family, friends & work. I’m also mid-process of having a home business based on the concept – which I will hopefully introduingn in the summer months via our local Farmer’s Markets.
    I’ve made several varieties of flavors, even ventured into different shapes…I made an R2D@ & a Storm Trooper cake Pop for a co-worker that was moving on from our company & he was over joyed with them. I was pretty i,pressed with myself on them- being my serious first attempt at a “character” cake pop.
    I’ve also got imagination, inspiration galor of putting “fillings” in my cake balls – I have my faithfull hubby & all my co-workers inline each month as my ever present guinea pigs…Thank you so much for bringing even more baking fun into my life :)

  88. I went to your cake pop class when you were at the Oregon Coast in October 2010. Since then I have made cake pops several times and now my friends call me to come over whenever they make them…since I learned some neat tricks from you as to how to per-fect them! :)
    My friend and I made trial ones for her daughters 1st b-day, the theme is Breakfast at Tiffanys!
    You are amazing- Thank you for sharing your life with us!

  89. Cake Pops have changed MY life….and I have YOU to thank for that! Finding your site really made me think that I could do THIS…you are SO generous and your inspiration connects all of us that have been bitten by the Cake Pop BUG ;)
    Making Cake Pops eventually led to me being able to leave my full time job to stay home with my kiddos and bake….no GIFT has been greater!
    I have THE book (signed)…I sell pops, have posted tutorials, give them as gifts, and have posts on FB devoted to Cake Pops…you name it!
    Here is a post I put up to share MY Cake Pop journey with YOU…words really can’t express what you have given me…but I’ll still say THANK YOU and hope my message is clear ;)

  90. Oh, and happy Cake Pops day!!!!!! :D

  91. Miss Bakerella,
    You deserve all of the attention you’ve gotten! And you’ve stayed so sweet and humble throughout it all.
    Thank you so much for sharing!
    I’ve started a (very) small business selling cake pops from my home, and it is going to be my “full time” job once my baby is born in August!
    I’m not sure how else I would have been able to be a stay-at-home mom, if it weren’t for you sharing your amazing talent and inspiring me to try something that I never would have thought of on my own.
    I owe a lot to you; thanks again for all of your sweet inspiration!!!!!!!! :)

  92. Today is my birthday, and then finding out that today has been recognized as the “Official Unofficial Cake Pop Day” is one of the best birthday presents ever. I started following your blog last year, and have been having fun making (and eating) Cake Pops ever since. Thank you for the hours of delight and deliciousness!

  93. I got you book for my 12th birthday because I love to bake. I went on your blog and have followed it ever since. Your the reason that I decided to make my own blog for baking. I made a blog and each week I make a new treat. Your blog inspired me a lot. I publish all the recipes on my blog. Please check it out!
    Happy Cake Pops Day!

  94. I started following you not too long after you started blogging, though I don’t think I realized it at the time. I’ve made cake balls (and eaten ones from the aforementioned coffee chain… their texture is a little off, though still tasty), and should remember that cake balls are the perfect thing to make when your cake doesn’t properly coming out of the pan.

  95. Thank you, SO MUCH for the inspiration. I made my first cake pop last spring, to play around with, and for my niece’s birthday party. Then a friend asked for some for her daughter’s birthday…then my niece’s softball team…then Halloween…then a holiday party…Thanksgiving…Christmas…I was making them all the time!

    I got so many compliments and encouragement, that I recently began selling them. My free time was going dull, so I’m so glad to have found something so crafty and fun! Thanks again!!! <3

    P.S. I would love to be a Pop Star & this is my FB page:

  96. You guys are so sweet. You’re making me cry.

  97. Happy cake pop day!

    Cake pops indeed change my life, they’re the easiest thing to do and people think the price is very affordable. I saw them on tumblr and wonder what the heck were those weird things. Then my sister gave me the book and now everyone ask for different flavors and designs in large quantities for special ocassions.

    My very first cake pops were these:

    As a graphic design student i don’t need to buy boxes or stands or pay expensive publicity, I made it myself, so I really save a lot of money!

  98. I don’t sell cake pops. but I do run a wedding cake business. I have met many cake celebrities, but meeting and talking with you at Food Blog Forum ATL was one of my career highlights. I can’t wait to see what 2012 holds in store for us Bakerella fans! February 1st should definitely be “Cake Pop Day”!!

  99. You were not the first person to come up with cake balls. They’ve been around for quite awhile; in fact the recipe for them on dates back to 2006. You may have been one of the pioneers in putting a stick in them but the original cake ball has been around much longer than this blog.

  100. You totally rock!! I remember seeing this post 4 years ago and fell in love. I knew instantly this would be something great. I was so excited when you started on your book and I pre-ordered and screamed with delight when I finally had it in my hands. I wish you nothing but continued success and Im excited to know what else is in store…Keep being blessed…

  101. Congratulations to you! I’ve been following you since those very first pink pops and have enjoyed your posts the entire time. This is the only blog I keep up with that I always find enjoyable; I never get bored with what you’re posting.

    I attempted plain cake balls just before Christmas. They came out looking more like cake bombs, but they tasted great!! Thanks for the inspiration! :)


  102. Your story is so very amazing. I saw you on Martha that day and it wasn’t until months later I tried to make cake pops on my own. My first attempt was EPIC FAIL. Which only pushed me to try them again and again until I got it right. It was those darn cute cupcake pops that got my little home based biz started too. I made those cupcake pops and sent a pic to my friend who said I needed to get serious and sell them. So I must thank you for the inspiration and also thank my friend for pushing me off of the clif I would of never had the guts to start out on this cake popin adventure if it wasn’t for her support. It definetly has changed my life!! I have a cake pop fan page with over 1,000 fans that I LOVE and adore. Thank you and have a Happy National Cake Pop Day!!!

  103. OMG Bakerella, you are the QUEEN of cake pops!

    Yes I following your facebook pages, and have posted many of my work on there. Yours are always absolutely perfect! You have paved the way for many of us, who have opened a business just selling cake pops. I’m from Whitby, Ontario (just outside of Toronto) in Canada, and cake pops are only now creeping into Canada. A lot of people still never heard of them, and they go crazy for them! I’ve made character ones, celebrities (Justin Beiber, Nicki Minaj, Snooki), and recently been getting orders for ‘adult’ ones….the options never run out.

    Here’s my facebook:

    I would love to be a pop star! My journey has started just over a year ago when I made my first cake pop. Six months after I was featured in the local newspaper, and just last month was on a local TV show, doing a mini demo! It truly is a passion and I’m so glad you’ve been there to inspire me.

    Thank you again to you for inspiring me with your beautiful work, and ‘allowing’ other cake pop artists to post pictures to your facebook page. I know you’ve had to go through some things the past year or so, and please believe me when I say we all think & pray for you & you have sooooo many people out here who love you!!

    Thanks again & keep on poppin’!!

    Lori Igwe
    Sweet Tooth Cake Pops

  104. I am making this Cake Pop Day for sure! I cried when I read your post because cakepops have changed my life as well! I stumbled on to your blog about three years ago and fell in love with something that I never heard of but knew instantly was brilliant. I debuted cupcake pops to my town at a friends birthday party knowing that it would start a sensation. I have a cakepop business in my home now and love making them because they make me and the people I make them for so happy! I shared with my family wen you went through your surgery this year and they all prayed for you because I told them how much you meant to me! I know you won’t think that’s weird because I know that you are a kindred spirit! May the Lord continue to bless you as you are such a blessing to others! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  105. Wow, how time flies. I didn’t realize how long it had been, but once I got to thinking about, I remembered it was almost three years ago that I first saw your cake pops, made them, and put them on my little family blog! Here’s the link, if you’re interested: I haven’t made them since, despite my best intentions, so we might have to celebrate Cake Pop Day and make a batch! My husband went to The Fancy Food Show in San Francisco last year and watched Ace of Cakes Duff Goldman from Food Network demonstrate making cake pops. He even got to try one. And to think, it all started with you! Thanks for sharing your vision.

  106. Happy Cake Pop Day! I stumbled upon your website a few years ago, and ever since then I look forward to waking up Monday mornings to read your latest post (typically that’s when you post them I’ve realized) I’ve always been obsessed with baking, but after seeing your website and trying them out I’ve been hooked on making them. I’ve started a little baking side business, and cake pops seem to be everyone’s favorite! Congratulations on everything you’ve accomplished and how far you’ve come with all of this! xo Cali

  107. Bakerella-I declare, you could say “HI” on your sight and have a 100 people send their regards. I am a Totally Disabled Chef; I have Titanium Knees and Migraines so I am home all day/every day. I do Cake Pops, Decorated Cookies and other “treats’ and just give them away. Making Cake Pops is really quite therapeutic. I do not have a blog-maybe some day. This past Monday, I made Cake Pops for my Niece’s niece who is 12 and just diagnosed with a fast-growing Liver Cancer. Amy is doing a Benefit this Saturday to help with the cost. I am not YET a POPSTAR, but someday! My sister, Deb, and I met for coffee & conversation at a Target and your POPS sat proudly there. I did buy your POP Book, but ended up giving it to one of our Grand Daughters,but I plan to buy one for myself soon. YOU ARE ONE WONDERFUL, CREATIVE STAR, BAKERELLA. I would like to learn how to mae it look so easy. I’m behind you~100% on a National Day~or Let’s have a CP Parade!!!

  108. Happy Cake Pop Day!!! I am so glad to be a reader and a fan of you, Bakerella! You have inspired so many of us. I make cake pops & everyone I know loves them. I started out making them for fun and sharing them with people, soon after you shared your technique on here, and that turned into making them by the dozen and selling them. Last October I had a big order for a wedding (250 pops!), and I designed a stand to make for the display (it looked like a cake). They are great, and I must say your technique is the best all around. The machines/molds that make them are just not the same as the real deal.
    It seems almost every week I have someone placing an order for a dozen or more. It’s such a pleasure making them and being able to share their awesomeness with others.
    Thanks so much for being such an inspiration!

  109. I came across your blog about 18 months ago. I was looking for a fun back-to-school treat to make my kids and found your apples. I was instantly challenged by and hooked on cake pops!

    Your experiment has changed my life. I have gone from a stay at home mother of three to owning my own business, selling my cake pops all over Chicagoland and out of a bakery store front in town. This turn of events has taken all of us by surprise, but I’m embracing all of it and seeing where it takes me. It is so exciting!

    I am forever thankful for your blog, creativity, inspiration and guidance! Happy Anniversary, Bakerella!!!

  110. I have been following you for a little while now. I came across your site awhile back and fell in love with it. I love to tune in every week to see the new posts and look at your recipes for other desserts. I have made the hello kitty pops for my goddaughter’s birthday last year. I actually had a conversation about you and your website to my male coworker. I was telling him about your cake pops and the post you made last week. I told him also that maybe I might start making a little blog one day.

  111. You have been such an inspiration for me! The first time I made cake pops, they failed miserably. I tried again, and success! I got so good at them that I made 800 pops for a charity event. It was a lot of work, but I had so much fun doing it.

  112. Happy 4th anniversary!

    You inspired me to make cake pops for my daughters 3rd birthday last February and have since set up my own cake pop bakery business here in the UK! So thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Love the idea of an international cake pop day!

    Here’s my website and my facebook page

    Looking forward to seeing your exciting new plans!

  113. I’ve been following your blog since before that fateful day in 2008–and it just thrills me to death to see your cookbook on the shelves! I will be making cakepops tonight to celebrate the 4 year anniversary of your cleverness :)

  114. I bought your book for several months ago and it was very difficult for me to find candy melts here in Belgium until last week :o). Some shops have begun to sell it. Thank God! Happy Cake Pop Day everybody and thank you Bakerella for all your ideas. You have an amazing talent!!

  115. Happy National Cake Pop Day!! :-)
    I’ve made them for fun before and took them to a party once. Everyone loved them!!

  116. I have been following you for about three years, trying all kinds of different pops and other baked goods. I have made pops to sell at an auction for disadvantaged kids, I have made them as a fundraiser for the spouses association here and I have made them for my kids as favors on their birthday (and a million times in between). I have your book and I love how detailed your instructions are, you make me feel like I can brighten someone’s day even if I’m not the greatest baker or crafter out there. Thank you!

  117. I forgot to add. The day is almost over in Spain but next year (if depite Mayas there is still a world) I promise to do my best to celebrate the CTTC day in Spain. :-)

  118. Your Cake Pops were definitely an inspiration! They are one of my favorite things to make & are my family/friends favorite things to eat! Everyone loves them & I owe it all to you & your genius idea! I’ve posted them on my blog once, but I make them constantly! LOVE you, your book, and your ideas :)

  119. Hi again from Spain !!!

    You gave me a new reason and a new way to create sweet things. We even invented a new word for cake balls in Spain “bizcobolas”. It is not a pretty word but it is funny and that’s all I wanted from it.

    It was a privilege to meet you via internet. You are so creative, so sweet, so generous, so… Well, I thin you have a very very very big heart. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing a piece of them with us and for starting this cake pops crazines over the world. :-) <3

  120. Woot! For National Cake Pop Day :D Congrats sweetheart! All of your joy shines through, which has lead you to much deserved success :D {{hugs}}

  121. I loved reading this! And I think we SHOULD declare today, “Cake Pop Day.’ National, International, whatever, just declare today THE DAY! I made beach ball cakepops last week for my daughters 1st birthday… And have made tons of varieties before then. I always love seeing what new fun themes you’ll come up with next!

  122. Hard to believe it all started just 4 years ago! Cake pops certainly have made a mark on the baking world. Thanks for sharing your inspirational story.

  123. Happy Pops-aversary!!! cake pops have changed my cake-loving life! I only make them for myself, my family and friends, and share them on the blog sometimes. They are my favorite things ever and they’re so easy and fun to decorate!

    Here’s the link to the last pops I made as practice for my son’s upcoming first birthday!!

  124. Congratulations! You should be very proud of your accomplishments, and to know what a great impact, and how many lives you have touched because of you (and your creations)!
    I am marking February 1st on my calendar, so that I can join you next year for Cake Pop Day!

  125. Congrats on the anniversary! The first time I visited your blog was after seeing a tweet you sent to someone I was following (same way I found Pioneer Woman) – lucky day for me! I haven’t made any cake pops yet but after telling my daughter about you (way back when I found your site) she made them, took them to work and they were an instant hit. She gets requests for them all the time. Good luck to you on your future endeavors!

  126. Hi Bakerella! It’s my first post here :)
    It’s funny to run into this post now since I’m making your Hello Kitty pops today. I’ve got the strawberry cake in the oven right now. Not sure they’ll turn out perfect since it’s only my third or fourth time making cake pops, but it’ll be fun anyway!

    I’d like to thank you for making such an awesome and inspirational blog, and congrats on the anniversary!

  127. I’ve made many many cupcake bites. The cake pops didn’t work out so well for my family. We loved them but really loved the cupcake bites. I have 4 daughters and they have all requested cupcake bites for their birthday parties – at least 2 years running. We’ve given them to school teachers and to church groups. They’ve been passed out for soccer and swim treats. I’ve referred many people to your site so they can make their own. Yay for Bakerella!

  128. I’ve made dozens of different kinds of cake pops and posted many of them on my blog. The most popular ones by far are the football cake pops I’ve made:
    but my personal favorites are the ones I made and used as place cards at my wedding:
    Thanks for all the inspiration!

  129. Oh thanks Bakerella for this post. Yes, I did them for my kids and they were so happy, I saw stars in their eyes while they were saying “Waou Mum, it’s so beautiful!”. They are on my blog hereâteaux%20pour%20enfants
    Many french blogs did them too. Today, in a birthday, they become an “obligation”.
    Thanks for charing with us your ideas…and I wish you the best.

  130. Yes you have definitely changed the world with Cake Pops…I do it for fun and creativity…my kids love them and people I make them for. :)

    Thanks again..

  131. I am a stay at home Mom who started my own cake business 3 years ago. I call myself “The Cake Baker’s Daughter”, as my Mom has been making cakes for 45 years. I found your recipe for cake pops last Summer and have made them several times. I haven’t tried any of the cute designs you have in your book (I received it as a gift for my birthday), but everyone loves the taste! Kudos! Your idea is the “true” cake pop. I don’t think these pop machines are the same thing. Mixing the cake with icing…that’s the BEST part! :) Happy Cake Pop Day!

  132. My goodness, how quickly four years can go and how much can happen in that time!! Once in a while someone is touched with true inspiration….a real Einstein moment. There is a danger (with most instances I guess) that the moment passes and nothing comes of it, but you took the inspiration and ran with it. What an amazing journey it’s been, and I am sure there is still a long, long way to go! Congratulations on your continued success and long may it continue.

  133. Congrats on four successful and fun years of cake pops! You have created a revolution in sweets and started this new trend! Thanks so much for sharing your inspirations and creations in your blog.

    Wishing you a healthy and happy 5th year of cake pops, and looking forward to the fun things that are coming up!

  134. January 3, 2009 I married my high school sweetheart. At one of the parties beforehand, my mother-in-law’s cousin served these delicious things called cake balls. We were hooked! I searched for how to make them and found you and your wonderful site! We started going pop crazy! I have the book now and I’ve made cats, monkeys, cupcakes, ice cream cones, and owls (which are my favorite). I’ve played with flavors and coatings, and I find continual inspiration from your work! I’ll never be a cake pop queen but I do enjoy spreading the cake pop love! I’ve done a couple of kid’s parties and one wedding as a gift. I’ve even ventured into the birthday cake world! So thanks for the inspiration, the art, and of course the satisfied sweet tooth!

  135. Absolutely incredible! Love it ALL!!!!!!!!

  136. Oh gosh, Bakerella, you changed my world like crazy! The best kind of crazy possible! I owned a cake pops business for nearly three years before it got too busy for me to manage. But one sweet little reminder I’ve kept is this custom necklace I had made. Cake Pop Necklace by Metal Sugar. I mean, what’s not to love about the sugary world of cake pops?! Thank you, sweet lady!

  137. Thank you Bakerella for inspiring me to start my own cake pop business! I love your creativity and strength. Keep up the good work!

  138. I made them for my triplets’ birthdays twice. The first time was Sesame Street:
    and for their fourth birthday, I did robots:
    I may not be great or neat at making them, but the kids all LOVED them!

  139. I can’t remember how I found cakepops but from the first time I made them they were an instant hit. Whenever a party is coming up there’s always someone who asks me if I’m bringing cakepops. While sometimes I’d love to experiment and make something totally new, I listen to what the people want. I’ve tried different flavors and colors. They just make everyone so happy. I love having the book for instructions but also ideas for flavor combos. Your site, not just cake pops, has given me such inspiration to find new and exciting treats to indulge my passion for baking.

  140. I think you got a view into how cake pops changed my life from the Popstruck post you commented on (I’m still screaming) — that inspired me to start baking (baby steps, with cupcakes) and I now have an official date next week when my friend and I are attempting our first cake pops!!!! We’re calling it Epic Baking Day. It will require some alcohol to get through it, primarily because of my poor baking skills. Wish us luck, and thanks for sharing your gift with us!

  141. I have been a secret stalker for over a year. I made my first cake pop one year ago and fell in love! Friends and family all love the cake pops that I have made and designed. making them is purely therapeutic and I feel like I am in withdrawals if I can’t bake and create on a regular basis. I have tons of pictures posted on Facebook Thanks for all of your hard work and inspiration!

  142. I love your cakepop designs! They are so fantastic! My sons 1st birthday party theme was Red & White with a hint of “Laubster” (Our last name is Laub and our family nickname is Laubster) i wanted to incorporate cakepops somehow but wasn’t sure how…so I made Lobster cakepops! They turned out so great! I molded a lobster shape out of the crumbled cake, added a candy heart to the back end to show a tail then dipped it all in red chocolate. I added 2 more candy hearts to the front from claws, red licorice rope to the head for antenna and candy eyes for eyes (duh) they turned out SO great – everyone loved them! Thanks for the inspiration Bakerella!

  143. Happy Anniversary!! Has it really been that long??? Thanks so much for your creativity! It certainly makes baking a lot more fun!

  144. HAPPY CAKE POP DAY!!!!!! I make them for fun wiht my nieces and nephews, WE LOVE UR SITE!!!!!!!! :D

  145. I have made them for a few years since I found them on your site. I adore them. I have your book too of course. Hubby bought it for me last year for Valentines…so sweet. I did blog about you and them on my blog here…

  146. I made snowman cake pops on my blog!

    These aren’t the first cake pops I’ve made, but I think they’re the cutest. As I say in my post, I started making cake pops because I was inspired by you! This year for Christmas I actually gave my mom & brother an inaugural membership to my “Cake Pop Club” where I send them different pops each month :)

    Thanks for the ongoing inspiration, Bakerella!

  147. Oops..i was so excited to comment on this post i forgot to say Congratulations & Happy Cake Pop Day!!

  148. Happy anniversary!
    I love the way you came up with a brilliant idea and ran with it – very, very impressive. Just love what you do with them.
    I must admit I was late to the cake pop party but I finally got around to making them and showing them on my blog. Huge success and one of my most popular posts… I didn’t get over ambitious, kept them simple, but colorful. You are way out of my league, but I love, love, love seeing what you come up with next :)
    Here’s the blog post (in norwegian….yes, cake pops have arrived in Norway! )

  149. Hi!
    Yesterday I posted my version of your cute cupcake pops. I even purchased your book, it took a while to be delivered here in Bulgaria, but it worth waiting :)

    I wish you all the best!

    You can check my cupcake pops here:
    Unfortunately, I don’t have an english version of my blog yet…

  150. Cake Pop Day! Bring it on!! I have made cake pops but no one in my family liked the texture of the insides, so instead I make truffles (chocolate, peanut butter, peppermint, you name it) and decorate them as if they were cake pops.

  151. Cake pops have helped change my life too! I’ve been able to be a stay at home mom for the last few years and make extra $ on the side too. Way better than one of those “stuff envelopes at home” or “secret shopper” gigs!

    I’ve been grateful to have been featured in the local newspapers and magazine, and also been selected for being a PopStar twice.

    The potential designs and flavor combinations of cake pops are endless. I’ve formed relationships with people all over the country due to cake pops. Its been a good ride.

    Thank you for the inspiration!

  152. Your blog has meant a lot to me! I had NO idea what cake pops were about 1 1/2 years ago, when my brother-in-law asked me to make them for his wedding. I did a google search for “cake pops” and found your website. I know that when I started searching through your site, my eyes were HUGE! I couldn’t believe the possibilities! Since then, I’ve made TONS of pops for people. I make them to give to friends and family that have babies (it’s my special treat to them)! I sell them to people who want them (in fact, I was completely booked for the holiday season, and am for the whole month of February!). I am a stay-at-home mom of two young boys, so it’s not a full-time venture for me…yet. I LOVE making them, and seeing the excitement on people’s faces when they receive them! I have had the opportunity to make some for auctions, to help raise money for families. I love it! Thank you for all of your inspiration!! Here is my facebook page:
    You have certainly inspired so much creativity all over the world!!!

  153. I’m a little embarrassed to admit this, but I don’t bake – ever (I know my limitations). But you were the very first blogger I started following primarily because of your amazing photos. Happy Anniversary and thanks for inspiring me to start blogging!

  154. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!

    I sent you an email two years ago about being a college professor and not able to do anything creative. I found your Elmo cakepops for my two-year old’s birthday and I was hooked. After a few trials, I finally got them right. You allowed me to be able to do something that my little one was so proud of. You wrote me back and I was thrilled. I have it today in my cake pop book! I have bought numerous books for all my family and friends.

    In two years since I found your website, I went from having a crate of baking supplies, to seven, making cake pops for every occasion or for fun. I make them for every holiday, birthday or event. My favorites: the basic cupcake pops, the pumpkin and halloween ones. I am in the process of making footballs for the Superbowl.

    Thank you for inspiring me…I owe you big time!

  155. I make them and we eat them. You are truly an inspiration, and not just because of cake pops. Because of you.

    Thank you.

  156. You have come a long way, and we are all following. You have touched our hearts along your journey, sweet times and difficult times. For me it started when my daughter gave me your 1st book. What started out as a hobby has not bloomed into my small home business Cakepops101. Not only do I make and sell cakepops and cakepop stands but also host instructional cakepop classes. Although I’m small it has been a great outlet for me to create and share what i love with others. Thank you for your inspiration and sharing your loving spirit with us all.

  157. Bakerella you have been such an inspiration. Whether its from a baking side of thigs or just about life and struggles. I have attached my facebook page photos link so that I can share with everyone what You have helped me accomplish.
    As you will see i love simple design and have come up with some of my own creations through my sons imagination (the bones and blood ones are my favorite from halloween).
    Thank you for you continuous inspiration and all your blogs and books to help beginners like my self get going!

  158. you are such a talented and sweet lady, I would love to be able to fly to the US to meet you at one of your signings one day or just see you in a cupcake cafe and say hey Angie, thank you for giving me the confidence to set up my own business, you’ve changed my life! (and please don’t run) :D x x

  159. I can’t believe you have done all this in four years!!! That is amazing!!! Thank you for sharing these great treats with us. I am a college student who sells cupcake bites in the Houston area, and I’m always looking for new ideas.

    My business is called Sweet Crumbles and here is my site.

    Thanks for being a great inspiration and looking forward to the many years ahead.

  160. You are such and inspiration to me. I bought your book in a kind of rough patch in my life and it helped pull me out! Now I am officially addicted and so are my friends and family! Thank you for all the inspiration and all your awesomeness!

    Here is one of my favs to make

  161. You know another great thing that happened ? We all met YOU !!! I enjoy your blog, your projects, your thoughts, your recipes. I worried about you when you didn’t blog for so long .. then I worried more when I found out why. I was thrilled when you were getting better. You are a virtual friend and I am delighted to check up on you every week. Thanks my Cake Pop Pal !!! xo

  162. great post , as always. you inspired me to start making cake pops, which in turn led me to start selling my cake pops on etsy. thanks for your inspiration!

  163. You are so genuine and generous in your blog and sharing of info, and you deserve all the success in the world! I love coming here and seeing your creativity and designs. I made my first cake pops last November (candy corn style) and then I made more for my kids’ winter school party — they were a huge hit. I’m excited to see your recipe in Home Baked Comfort; I preordered the book and am getting it next week :)

    candy corn cake pops:

    Thanks for being such an inspiration!

  164. How funny that I just did my very first “google search” for cake pops and today is unofficial cake pop day. I plan on making my first ever batch tomorrow for my daughter’s birthday treat for school. I’m sure they will be a hit! Thank you!

  165. You are seriously my cake pop idol. I found your site and was hooked from day one. I hope one day to make my cake pops as amazing as yours. Congratulations on all of your success!

  166. Congrats on your story! I’ve been following for many years and am really happy with your success! I make cake pops just for fun!! My wish for you is that you keep up the good work, have a healthy and happy life… here’s to many pops in your (our) life!!!

  167. I can’t think of someone more deserving of your success. You’re a fun, kind, creative soul and you earned every last bullet point on that list. Bravo, Miss Bakerella.

    My blog has been on an 8 month hiatus (waiting for my creative side to get its groove back) but prior to the break, I did manage to churn out 2 film-related cakeballs/pops.

    Angry Swan –

    127 Hours –

    See what you’ve done? I bow down to you. For real.

  168. I own your book and follow your facebook for inspiration. I love making cake pops! here’s a link to a photo of my last batch (inspired by you of course!)

  169. I’ve definitely eaten some. Red velvet, OH MY. Crazy to think this all started 4 years ago! Maybe I’ll make some for V-Day!

  170. I saw that epsiode of Martha and I printed off the recipe and I made them that weekend! Then I made a birthday cake, then I made a wedding cake! Then I started my own shortlived cake making business! I made those cupcake pops for all my brides and their bridesmaids as a free treat! I don’t make wedding cakes anymore as we move too much, but I do now have my own blog and it all started when I saw YOUR cupcake pops on Martha! So thank you! I am amazed that I am here writting to you! I still have that recipe in my cookbook!
    You are amazing and I am so happy that these sweet little treats brought you so much sucess!!

  171. Hey Bakerella! I love cake pop and I actually do sell them! They are to die for! Vist my blog and see the cake pops I made! I do follow ur twitter Facebook ! Love your inspiration I bought your book when it first came out I was super excited! I’m 14 years old with a cupcake/cake pop/cake/ business! Hope you reply Bakerella! Xo

  172. Thank you so much for introducing me to cake pops. I love your blog and read every single update you provide. I made several cake pops for myself, friends and colleagues, but still have to learn a lot. Your ideas are amazing and I’m very much looking up to you! Thank you and happy cake pop day!!

  173. Bakerella, Thank you so much for this little internet treat you have given the world. Because of your page I have found my true love for all things baking, especially cake pops and cupcakes! I’ve made them with my family (who love them) and I’m always looking for new ways to improve them. Happy Cake Pop Day!

  174. You changed my life – it sounds huge eh? But it is!
    I made them first in April 2011 – now I am selling them and it gets bigger and bigger.

    Been blogging about it on my website:

    Heres a huge list on flickr:

    And for German people I started my website: – so they can order from there.
    If there wouldnt be no Bakerella… I would have never had SO much fun baking and blogging. I bet!

    Thanks for being there and to inspire me and allll the other gazilliooon people on this planet :-)

    Many blessings,
    nina from Germany

  175. Congrats on all of your success!! :) I’m Andrea and I found your website and got in love with your cake pops and went and bought your book btw it’s a really good book really helpfull. Then we tried to make them and turned out really good except that the chocolate wasn’t so soft and we added the shortening but it kept being hard if you could help me with that it would help alot. But they tasted delicious and looked pretty good. Umm I’m planning on selling them and making a blog too :) anyways keep bloging and making cake pops God Bless You -Andrea

  176. Bakerella! You have inspired me to start a business, and am actually looking to open up a cake pop shop this year!! I’ve been fortunate enough to have been a pop star 5 or 6 times in your amazing Pop Stars Section, and live, work, and dream about cake pops 24/7!! My facebook page is and I guess when you click my name you see my website too
    I have your book, follow this blog, and am an avid contributor to your facebook page. You’re so poppin’ inspiring!! Hooray for Cake Pop Day!! xoxo <3 <3

  177. Inspired by your cake pops, I actually made Cocoa Krispie Pops! So delicious!

  178. I can’t wait to comment on this post!!! They have changed my life!! I (very much accidentally) stumbled upon your blog (didn’t even know what a blog was) in December ’09. The cake pop blew me away. So i tried the cupcake pop. My family (mostly my sister & daughter) went nuts for them! This was so awesome for me as I’ve always loved cute treats but held back from making them because i didn’t think i could do a good job of it. The cupcake pops were the catalyst! I made several of your cake pops too! My sister really went nuts when i made the “Frosty” cake pops for her birthday last year! She kept telling me to start my own blog…WHAT??? so…back on 10.31.2011..with inspiration from YOU and urging from her..I did! And i LOVE it :o) So a HUGE thank you to you Bakerella! I am still praying for you and your Mom. Very sincerely, Karen Dunn

  179. I make cake pops(balls) for work all the time and coworkers have come to expect them!

  180. I seriously love making cake pops! I think I’m addicted. While I haven’t ventured out into anything too exciting yet, like certain animals or other shapes, I enjoy making these tasty treats and I love making them for people. I’ve made tons for friends and family for special occasions. I mean, you can not look at a cake pop or cupcake pop and not smile! I am totally with you on declaring Feb 1 National Cake Pop Day!! I love it! Thanks so much for sharing your ideas and being such an inspiration!

  181. What an amazing journey! I remember stumbling across your blog after searching for Elmo Lollipops in 2009, which of course led me to the cake pops you posted. I was just amazed at your talent, and I have been visiting the site every since!

    I love making cake pops for fun, and anytime I take them anywhere people go crazy over them. I always end up writing down your web address and tell them they have to check it out!

    Thanks for all the baking inspiration! You should be so proud of your success!

  182. love all your ideas and creativity! cake pops are very popular in my daughters high school. I have a homebased cake business and my daughter is always volunteering me to make stuff for school bake sales. I have been making 100’s of cake pops for the kids fundraisers. They usually order 100 at a time and sell out. They are SO popular and I love making them! Thanks for all you do!

  183. You have inspired me so much and thanks to you I know make cake pops and I even made some for Anjelah Johnson (comedian) it has been so much fun. Thank you for sharing your ideas with the world. My Facebook page is :Cake Pops by Iliana”.

  184. You’re probably the sweetest blogger out there! I follow your blog and FB and bringing some chocolate fudge and bacon cake pops to a party got me talking to a guy that became my best friend. Seriously, I wouldn’t have one of my best friends in the world if it wasn’t for your cake pops. I make them for everything, kids parties, holidays, bake sales, and they’re always a huge hit… One thing I just have to say though, when I see the “kits” other people sell (especially the one that stole your design) I just get so heated!! It’s YOUR design, YOUR genius and it sucks that other people steal the designs and profit off it…. ok end rant! <3 you so much!

  185. I’ve started a little cake pop business- that keeps getting busier and busier! YOU commented on my penguin pops that my hubby posted on your FB page and I felt like I was walking on the moon! And… I’ve come to realize that I think we went to college together! Ha- small world huh?
    Thanks for starting this craze- you have certainly changed and enriched my life for the better!

  186. I started following your blog just about the time you first made these. I tried them and have made lots of different kinds ever since althought not anything as cute as yours. You are so very talented. My daughter-in-law was one of the guests at Pioneer Woman’s house that day of the cake pop demo. I was supposed to be there with her but I couldn’t get off work so her mother went with her. Thanks for coming up with these, so cute and so good. Oh and yes of course I have the book.

  187. You brought tears to my eyes! I Love your cake pops and have done simple ones but would love to be “Bakerella” when I grow up! Your story shows exactly why you are such a success, you have a beautiful soul! Thanks for making life a little bit sweeter for all of us.

  188. I think they are super cute – made them once so far and probably will again. Really I’m all about cute birthday party ideas for my kids, and these definitely fit the bill! I only have one pic of them on my FB:

  189. Congratulations on your success! What a great product you’ve created for the world to share and love!

  190. I made them as a SUPER present for my brother in law in one of the most difficult birthdays in his life :) He was amazed and happy. I was happy :) my husband was happy :) Cookie monster cakepops made our day!

  191. I’m with you! Happy (Inter)National Cake Pop Day! :)

  192. You’re such an inspiration!! Thank you from The Bahamas!

  193. superb! you, your cake pops, the whole gig!

  194. Thank you for introducing the world to these amazing cupcake pops! you really deserve all that!

  195. I love cake pops and I have you book and my daughter just loves when i make them from your booK.
    I made these Cake pops for Diwali a Indian festival for lights and this was my first cake pops i made from you book red pops with hearts

  196. I love your story Bakerella! So humble and so sweet, but you said it….making life a little bit sweeter. Congrats to you!

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