
Super Bowl Sweets


The Super Bowl will be on in a few hours so I thought I would go ahead and share some sweet treats worth cheering for. That is if you are a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. My friend Cupcake Julie and her husband are. Big fans. Me? Not so much a football fanatic or watcher for that matter. But I am a fan of fun and cute treats, so when Julie asked me to help with her Steelers Sweets Dessert Table I was all in. But how could I not be. Remember her Christmas table? Enough said.


I made some Steelers cake pops and chocolate whoopie pies for the table.


But these football jersey sugar cookie pops that Julie made were the star attraction. They were placed on custom bleachers measured, made and painted by Mr. Cupcake Julie. Teamwork is awesome.

On one end of the table is the offense…


…With the defense on the other end.


Complete with the names for each. Love the look of these cookies. They were made from a onesie cookie cutter and turned into jerseys by just cutting off the bottoms.

Polamalu … He was named the NFL’s Defensive Player of the Year. I didn’t know that before yesterday or that this is the third Super Bowl for the Steelers in five years…  or that they are trying for their 7th Super Bowl win. I could go on … and on with what I didn’t know about the Steelers before yesterday.


…Like what a terrible towel is…  but if you are part of the Steeler Nation, I think you’ll appreciate these cute little labeled candy bars with a bit of licorice on each side to color coordinate.


There was even a football trophy made of chocolate. Julie had a metal cake pan she used for the mold.


Of course, we need something to wash it all down. Coke bottles won so we could add our own labels and use these cute yellow striped paper straws for a fun look.


The cake pops were dipped in white candy coating. The stars were made by cutting the shapes out of tinted fondant and attaching them to the pops with some of the extra melted candy.


And the tags were made using a 1 1/2 inch paper punch to cut circles from card stock paper and a teardrop shape hole punch for the holes. You can size your own artwork to fit whatever size paper punch you have and print it out to use.


Check out these cupcakes with cute football wrappers and these awesome Steelers helmets.


We made striped boxes in black and white for popcorn. Simple stripes, but a very strong graphic element and really pulled the look of the table together.


Julie happened to have a bunch of those paper pom poms being the super fan that she is, so she cut them in half and wired them in bunches to make them smaller and fuller. They added great texture to the background.

We both had so much fun pulling this all together. I’ve really got to be careful though, this kind of thing could be very addictive. I have visions of dessert tables swirling in my head.


Are you watching the Super Bowl?

Who are you rooting for?

Me? It looks like I’m a Steelers fan after all that work.

At least for today.

At least until Glee comes on.

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257 comments on “Super Bowl Sweets”

  1. This is amazing! Love it!

  2. Oh wow it looks like you went all out!
    everything looks amazing!!

  3. I just recently discovered your website- and I am addicted! This is wonderful! I made the oreo/cream cheese footballs for Sunday dessert. Since there were just three of us, I disbursed them out to friends- and reveled in the oooh’sand aaah’s! Thanks so much!

  4. What a super cute spread! I’m not into football either but I totally could pretend to be if it meant I got a table like that!

  5. This dessert table is sensational..You and your friend should go into business creating these for events!! Just Awesome..I am not a big football fan either but Wowza…..By the way Bakerella…Love your cakepop book…

  6. I meant to say how you can not be a fan, not a “dan”…

  7. You have outdone yourself. I too don’t watch football, but how can you not be a dan after all the love and attention you gave to this project. Kudos to Cupcake Julie too!

  8. Just too cute! =)

  9. This was an amazing display of creativity and out of control talent. Puts Martha Stewart and her billions to utter shame. The best motivation? just to make people smile. I love that you care for others. And yes, the Steelers were eaten!

  10. We bleed Black and Gold here at my house—have had Steeler season tickets for years—My hubby will die wihen I show him this blog entry–I LOVE it and can see myself CASE-ing it all. So awesome !!!!! The Steelers rock and so does Bakerella !!!!

  11. you are so talented!

  12. Oh my goodness, I can’t tell you how impressed I am! These are absolutely amazing! I wouldn’t know where to start!

  13. That is AMAZING. because of your hard work, they totally should have won.
    ps- in PA those whoopie pies are called gobs- what a perfectly authentic desert to add to the table. :)

  14. Wow! That is seriously awesome! Nice job ladies!

  15. I’m a huge Packers fan but I love this dessert table!

  16. Ok – I don’t know if you even read the comments anymore after you post, but thank you. I am planning a New York Yankee/ Dallas Cowboy birthday party for my almost 5 year old at the end of the month. My job (elementary teacher) has been so overwhelming and I had lost my motivation. This helps me get excited again. I wish my husband could make those stands – they would be a huge help. Sadly, I know I won’t have enough time to do all I want to do – but I will come back to this when I need a boost. Thanks!

  17. I am not a football fan either, but I am like you, when it comes to sweets and entertaining I am up for anything!! Great ensemble!

  18. Would have been nice to see a little Packer sweets to represent both sides. Even as they did win. GO PACKERS!

  19. This is amazing! I was rooting for them. Sad. I had the Philadelphia Eagles helmets as part of my wedding favors. =D

  20. I think you definitely win dessert. I thought I was being clever making a cookie ball bar terrible towel until I opened your post. I’m so very impressed by all the details. You must have awesome hand-eye coordination.

  21. I LOVE the PACKERS!! I was born and raised a cheesehead and plan to die one. My guy friends are always impressed with my football knowledge. I’m a teacher and like to tell my students that Aaron Rodgers is my boyfriend. A girl can dream can’t she?? :0)

  22. Soooooo cute and I mean cute, but this gal goes for the COWBOYS, but since we didn’t make it this year I was rooting for the PACKERS!!! Congratulations PACKERS !!! Hey COWBOYS we’ll see y’all next year at the Super Bowl!!!

  23. You are amazing!!!

  24. Awesome dessert table!

    I saw a shout out to you from Blake Lively in my new People magazine. Congrats!

  25. CUTE!! But wouldn’t the paper straws just get soggy in the soda?

  26. Wow!! That all looks wonderful!

  27. wow!! I’m really impressed! I moved to Pittsburgh over 2 years ago (when they won Super Bowl 2 seasons ago), so this pics. really caught my eyes, although i’ll never be a steeler’s fan, but living here in Steeler’s nation expose me to Black & Gold Every day! LOL! I’m glad Green bay won last night but if i was invited to this party, i would’ve gone, not to enjoy the game but to enjoy your creations!! Absolutely Grrrreat!! My most fav. is the Jersey with names & numbers!! wow, wow, wow!!! :-)

  28. The only thing that could have made that more adorable was if it had been done for the Packers.

  29. AWESOME. I’d love to see what you could have done for the Packers…


  31. Did you ever find out where she got her cute strawberry/cake ornaments? Everything she does is amazing, but I really loved those!

  32. curious! What was the metal pan Julie used for that large chocolate football trophy?! So fun!

  33. Wow that display is amazing! I was rooting for the Pack (mostly because I’m still mad at the Steelers for beating the Cardinals 2 years ago) but your setup takes Steeler fandom to a whole new level.

  34. Your creativity could run wild with the “Cheesehead Pack”!!

  35. I’m from Wisconsin — what can I say – but GREEN BAY PACKERS are the BEST!!!! Although the display was beautiful!

  36. My husband and inlaws are all big Steelers fans. Of course, I was rooting for the other team (go Packers!).

    When the Pats lost in the playoffs, my FIL sent a kind of rude email, so when the Steelers lost I decided to turn the other cheek and not rub it in.

  37. Steelers are still the BEST team-even though that is hard to believe after the defeat yeasterday…….

    Love, love, love those sweet treats! Once again bakerella has proved that you make ANYTHING-including football look super cute!

  38. That table is beyond cute. And what planning and love went into it! Please tell Cupcake Julie that I am also in mourning over the Steeler loss. I really really hate the Packers so we’ve been pro-Steelers around here.

  39. I only watched the half time show but now you make me wish I had watched the whole thing, and had a party! Love it all. :)

  40. You are so incredibly talented! Your site is one of my favorites, and that dessert table is to die for! WOW!!!

  41. Love those sugar cookie pops! Do you think you could do a how-to post on them? I’d love to try those for some events coming up!

  42. That is truly impressive! You guys really go all out for every party. Sorry that your team didn’t win. Hope that you all got to enjoy Glee at least. :)

  43. omgosh this is incredible! i’m a steelers fan too. disappointing game but i bet you guys had tons of fun anyway with such a beautiful dessert table!

  44. cute ideas……… But they still LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. Beyond words, beyond talented, beyond amazing. Your creations just keep getting better and better. Wow! Props to you and Juile. And Mr. Cupcake Julie rocks too! ;)

  46. Lovely! Great work and I’m not even a fan.

  47. AMAZING!! My family are huge steelers fans and this just made my day. Even though I’m drowning my sorrows in coffee this morning, you have made me smile! And given me great ideas for next year :)

  48. awesome!!!!! Even though the beat my JETS. Boyfriend was a little upset at the end of it all

  49. Hi ya’ll superbowl was sooo much fun this year! I can’t wait to share my superbowl cake too!
    Here’s my February GIVEAWAY!!!!! Don’t forget to enter & win!

  50. I am by no means a football fan, nor do i plan to watch this game or any other for that matter, but i will say this, You have outdone yourself, this is truly beautiful. I know this took a long time to put together, i speak from experience. To go through all that work, you are truly dedicated to this craft. I congratulate you on all your efforts and success. Keep it coming, ’cause i love it. :-)

  51. OMG! That is all I have to say! I will keep these in mind for next year’s super bowl!

  52. Did you make the Football Cupcake Wrappers? Too cute!!!

  53. Amazing display….I saw those nasty “natural” sprinkles in a discount store and thought of your blog post, lol!

  54. I love glee !!
    beautifull things you cooked!!

  55. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic work to you three! I hope you weren’t too disappointed after the game, most likely you were on a sugar high if anything :-)

  56. WOW! This is so gorge! I am impressed by the thought that went into each and every detail. This is awesome!!! I <3 it!

  57. Love Everything! Did you order the terrible towel candybar wrappers? If so from website?

  58. Wonderful job! I tried to make cookie pops yesterday and they were a disaster. Is there a good recipe/ secret you can share?

  59. You are seriously the best!!! This is AMAZING!

  60. Amazing……..kudos!

  61. I looove it, my husband probably more than me, as we’re more soccer here in France, except him because he plays football.
    I so fan of the pom poms and the little T-shirt cookies, great job Bakerella, as usual :-)

  62. living in Australia not many people know what the superbowl is but I can’t wait till the Glee episode is on! Could you please do a Glee themed sweet treat please? :) that would make my day :)

  63. OMG! This looks absolutely fabulous!!! I’m not a football fan because American foorball is not popular here in Manila Philippines however with a spread like this to look forward to, I can learn to love football :D

  64. As a huge Steelers fan, I have to say, I LOVE THESE!!! Incredible!

  65. Very creative! I’m not into football, but the display looks amazing!

  66. How much did all of this cost to put together? ballpark figure?

  67. See, I have no clue how football works. Apparently there are these passes the players have to make… Just kidding.
    Though I’m not into football, I love watching it for 3 reasons. 1) It gives me an excuse to eat junk. 2) It gives me another occasion to bake. 3) I love watching the commercials!

  68. i’m not a fan of super bowl..
    but i would LOVE to come over
    and eat some of those cookies! (:
    those jerseys look amazing :D

  69. Beautiful job! Now, how about some Green Bay Packer celebration pops? ;)

  70. Hi Bakerella,

    That Super Bowl table is AMAZING! I absolutely LOVE your Steelers cake pops, but I have to correct you on something. Those “stars” are actually called “hypocycloids”! I’m a Pittsburgh girl – born & raised and I never knew what they were called until last week when my 11 year old 6th grade told me. Apparently there are ways to work football into curriculum! :-)

  71. Haha, if I loved you and your creations before, it’s triple love now!

  72. OMG that is ridiculously cute! I am so jealous that I didn’t do anything for super bowl. I can’t wait for next year now!

  73. I have to admit, I couldn’t care less about the Superbowl or either team in it…. but I am so amazed by you and Cupcake Julie! Almost makes me root for the Steelers haha

  74. That looks fab!!! Some great ideast there to do pretty much with any theme. Love the setup! I am not a football fan at all. I am also just waiting for Glee to come on!

  75. Oh Bakerella…you’re my she-ro! Did you even sleep last night? Beautiful, adorable and yummy looking, all at once! :)

  76. I love it! The Polamalu cookie is so sweet! Everything looks perfect.

  77. This is awesome! If only it was for the patriots…there is always next year! :). Can you tell us where you got the football cupcake liners???

  78. Wow, that looks amazing! I thought my table for my Valentine’s crafternoon looked good but you guys put me to shame. Here’s what mine looked like:


  79. Go Steelers! We’re fans around here! AMAZING display! I love it! Thanks for the inspiration! Kelly

  80. wow that is so amazing u should see wat i did with inspiration from u. its nothing as grand just some truffles that look like footballs lol

  81. I’m watching for the commercials because I’m not a Steelers or Packers fan, but Jerryworld looks really nice!

  82. Wow you 3 did a fantastic job putting this together!!! What’s better is I know it all probably tastes as good as it looks. I am not a Super Bowl watcher. Up until about 2 years ago I would meet up with my friends and watch but I decided it was a waste of my time since I could care less about it. :) I am at home watching Kung Fu Panda and loving it!!! xo

  83. Simply amazing. I am in awe every time a new photo is posted. My mind spins when I think of the creative process, planning, baking, decorating time..etc.

  84. I’m a Packers fan, born in Green Bay itself. I made some Packers coasters as a hostess gift for a friend of mine having a party, they are on my blog if anyone wants to see them. Since I made something to represent the Pack I guess I will forgive you all the Steelers stuff and call it even…

  85. Does Cupcake Julie have her own blog? If so – what’s the link?! I want to see all the amazing things she does. And if there is no blog, tell her that she needs to start one!

  86. Being a Bears fan and a Ravens fan, I can say I’m rooting for the commercials! Cute tablescape! Love it!

  87. I LOVE IT!!! And the all the black accents could easily be switched to green to match the gold ;) I live in Green Bay, so although I don’t actively watch football, my allegiance is not really an option, lol! :)

  88. Love the deep yellow in your whoopie pies…what kind of food colouring do you use?

  89. Go Steelers! Polamalu graduated from Douglas High School, Winsotn, OR (where I live now.) We have to root for the Steelers! :)

    LOVE the table set up! My Steelers fan friends wold love it too! Great job Bakerella and Cupcake Julie!

  90. STEELERS ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!

  91. OH, is the Super Bowl today? Yeah, not a football watcher either. This table, however.. incredible. I need me some whoopie pies. NOW.

  92. Okay, so I am NOT a football fan, but I SO love this and could become a fan just seeing the neat ideas! I found your site last week after my sister gave me the Cake Pops book for my Birthday, and I am hooked! I absolutely loved the Christmas pictures (and Sweet Soldiers!) and am again amazed by these. Thank you so much Bakerella, for inspiring me to be creative!

  93. This is awesome!!!!!! Let’s go Steelers!

  94. Awesome Table! GO STEELERS!!!! You guys are simply talented!!

  95. Go STEELERS!!!!
    Even though I’m a Pats fan, I’m going for the Steelers in this Superbowl.

    Great work with the cake pops, cookie pops, cakes, and the whole visual appeal =)

  96. Awesome table! Love the jersey sugar cookie pops. They remind me of the Rice Krispy Jersey’s I made for my husband’s birthday last year!

  97. Oh no, I thought you were perfect…I’m talking myself into believing that you just got your colors confused this time…I’ll have to send you a pic of my CHEESEcake…GO PACKERS!!!

  98. This is absolutely fabulous! Hoping to do something like this for next years super bowl….lets hope in silver and blue!!

  99. over the top fantastic! I bet even the boys appreciated it ;o)

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!

  100. There have been many times that I’ve looked at your blog and thought to myself, “Only an insane genius would put that much work into something somebody is gonna eat.” Today, I think you’ve outdone yourself!

    This I vow: should the Detroit Tigers ever make it to the World Series again, I will send you photos of the crazy baked goods I make. :D

  101. when I saw this pictures it came to my mind…. bakerella meets amy atlas! the best mixture ever!

  102. You are amazing!!! I love it!

  103. And a homerun again! (Okay that doesn’t fit for football…Iknow that… but I don’t even know what it would be called in this case, I’m THAT much into sports!). Like you, I’m into sweets though, and this table is to die for.
    I love love love the ‘stands’ and the adorable cookies ‘sitting’ in them and I could really go for one of those cake pops right now.

    Oh.. remembered…. TOUCH DOWN!

    Thanks again for an excellent post!

  104. Adorable table although I am not a fan of football either, just yummy desserts.

  105. We’ll be waving our Terrible Towels in less than an hour :) Beautiful job! I had hoped to make some stellar sugar cookies for our Super Bowl party this past week but my little kids got pink eye so we had to cancel. I’ll store some of these great ideas for next year!

  106. GREAT display! GO STEELERS!

    What a wonderful job you both did…there’s still time to become a football fan – especially a Steelers fan ;)

  107. Born and raised a Packer fan, and that will never change. GO PACK GO!

  108. This is amazing! I am flabbergasted even if i won’t watch the game ! ;) (you sweets worth 1 000 Super Bowl games!)

  109. I love it! but, GO PACKERS! I’m about to make your Reindeer Chow for the kiddies at the party. Made your cookie/brownie things last night. They’re already gone! um… it was me… :/

  110. AMAZING!!! I don’t even watch the game……but I’d come over for THAT party! lol

  111. SOOOOOO jealous!! I have black and gold in my blood, so this is absolutely perfect! Go Steelers :)

  112. What an amazing Steelers dessert table, this is definitely the Super Bowl party to be at this year! You all did a fabulous job with all the details and variety of sweets! Love the jersey cookies in the custom bleachers!

  113. OMGoodness!!! I would have been totally ALL IN on this project too! I LOVE themed gatherings!!! I just finished up some pops for a friend to take to a super bowl party. They are so cute…especially the footballs!!! Next time you want to go all out on a dessert table…call me….I love this stuff!!! Thanks for sharing! Keep them coming!!!!

  114. Wow. I am totally not a football fan but I am making all kinds of mental notes because I would love to make a snack bar that looks like this for a hockey watching party!

  115. This. Is. Too. Much. I. Have. Failed.
    My Superbowl-ness pales incomparison to these delightful treats.

  116. Love your super bowl dessert table. So many goodies!!!

  117. Wow! That dessert table looks amazing. I wish I had your advice about the steelers pops before today!

    Anyhow…..I am definitely rooting for the steelers!!

  118. how cute! that is awesome. I am trying to make my son, who will be 8 tomorrow, who, is a Steelers fan, some of the steelers football pops. How do you make the footballs, look like footballs??? help asap!! I’m not sure how to form them.

  119. Oh my gosh… That looks like a party I’d love to be a part of! I made steeler jersey cookies, but this is just amazing!! I wouldve done more, but at 39weeks n 4 days, I’m afraid the baby will be here any minute! Lol

    Thanks for sharing!! Maybe next time I’ll do all this!!

  120. Seriously, if I was invited to a party with this cute of food, I might actually be able to tolerate football :)

  121. i just found out yesterday that today was superbowl. my hubby asked who i wanted to win and i told him i did not know who was playing. i am rooting for half time when all the cute commercials come on! go superbowl commercials :P

  122. Great job woman! Amy atlas would even be proud!

  123. seriously, I “heart” Bakerella!

  124. As a Steelers fan and cake pop fan, this is quite possibly the best table of desserts ever!

  125. I too would love to see a blog but maybe you should should just skip it and publish a book. These pics are coffee table worthy!

  126. I thought I was the only one around that didn’t follow football! I’m watching netflix! Your table is adorable :-)

  127. Those are freakin’ adorable!!

    Just a question–how do you get your candy coating so thin for such smooth coverage? No matter how thoroughly I melt mine, it’s always thick and doesn’t get nearly the same even coating.

    Do you add anything to the candy melts to make it thinner? What brand do you use?

  128. Any man would love this dessert table! Fabulous!!

  129. what an adorable set-up! i’m going for the packers…but the steelers would be proud of this one :)

  130. LOVE IT!!!!

  131. The only thing that could have made this display better is if you had shared it yesterday, so I could borrow some ideas for today!! Perfect!! GO STEELERS!

  132. AMAZING!!!

  133. Love, Love, Love these!!! If I show my husband these pictures, he will want me to do these for him every year!!! Go Steelers!!!

  134. I personally watch for the commercials… ;) LOVE the table and all the fun ideas!

  135. Everything looks amazing, even if for the wrong team. ;)

  136. Your desserts look amazing Julie!! Have fun enjoying them as our Steelers shred the Packers!! GO STEELERS!!!!!!!

  137. Well, since I now live in Steeler Nation (a wee bit north of Pittsburgh), I’m rooting for the Steelers!! :) These treats are AWESOME!! I just finished decorated some football shaped cookies with black and gold buttercream, and earlier this weekend I made a giant foot-ball shaped cocoa krispie treat. ;)

    Go Steelers!

  138. Even though I’m rooting for the Packers.. That is quite the table. The work you and your friend put into that table shows though.

  139. You are amazing! Oh, and I can’t wait for the new Glee!!!

  140. Holy Cow! I’m not a football fan, but I want to go to that party!

    Btw, what’s a terrible towel?!

  141. How AWESOME! I still dream about her Christmas Party Table, now this awesome table?!? WOW! I wish I could learn how to set us my yum Yuma like that!!!!

    I love football! I will be watching! I’ll be going cheer for the Pack, even though Brett Favre isn’t on the team anymore.

  142. Next year Detroit is going all the way, baby!

  143. Here we go, Steelers!!! Coming from a Pittsburgh gal… this is AMAZING! I wish all Steelers parties had dessert tables like this one! (Love that there’s a Keisel cookie!!! Fear the beard!)

  144. As a Steelers fan myself–I LOVE these–but darn it’s all too cute to eat!! What a lot of work y’all put into these—and they look so great! That’s artistic IMO.

  145. agh! Loveeeee it!! And those cheerleader pom poms are so cute too!!

  146. Dessert Tables are so addicting! Have you heard of candy clay? It is pretty much the greatest thing ever invented. It would work perfectly instead of fondant on the cake pops. Plus it tastes just like the candy coating.

  147. Can you be any cuter!?!? I want to come to your place for the Super Bowl!

  148. If I didn’t already ADORE you this would have clinched it! You ROCK! My hubby is a HUGE Steelers fan, and I cannot wait to show him this!

  149. I could care less about the game, but I do love all the fun treats! those jerseys are amazing!
    I’m going to a chili cook-off…and probably not watching a second of the game. LOL

  150. I am like you…just putting up with the football thing until Glee comes on… :)

  151. not a steeler’s fan, but this is incredible!

  152. WOW! You two rocked it!! I am not much for either team or football for that matter. We are doing the unthinkable, going out to dinner then grocery shopping. LOL Hope that isn’t too un-american, LOL!

  153. boooo squealers. nice spread, though. :)

  154. Awesome design! I love my Steelers! This is just perfect!

  155. I’m not even really a football fan…..but I AM a party fan! Love it all!! How did you make the black and white striped boxes?

  156. Amazing!! Can I come to your party?! Wow.

  157. Wow. That is amazing. How did I miss the Christmas pictures? I’m kind of glad I didn’t see that at Christmas time…

    I usually don’t watch the Super Bowl unless my team is playing. I do love the commercials though. Have you seen the Volkswagen Star Wars commercial? Love it.

  158. Now that is dedication.

  159. Ahh! This is amazing! Every time I look at your cute little things, I think about how time consuming it must be to have everything so perfect. Awesome job!!

  160. Ummm… WOW! This is incredible…. like too cute eat incredible. It all looks great, but the cookies sent me over the edge! Great job ladies!

  161. “I’m from the town with the great football team, ba ba bum bum, we are the Pittsburgh Steelers!” Like a little girl in a Pittsburgh candy store…this is the most fun I have had since designing Christmas! Your photo’s are fab, and the story divine! You are amazing!!! I was giddy opening up your post! Thank you for ALL your design effort & baking such delicious treats…I am the luckiest girl in the world… sharing such special events with you, makes them so much fore fun! xoxo

  162. You are absolutely insane! This is crazy amazing!

  163. Simply amazing!! I could never put that much effort into a tablescape/decorating desserts..

    But also.. GO PACKERSSSSSSSSS!!!

  164. OMG…WOW

  165. holy crap that’s amazing! great job!

  166. Jenny – Yes, but we have more to drink.

    Jenny – I agree. I keep telling her.

  167. Nice spread! I won’t be watching the Superbowl either, I’m totally waiting for Glee afterwards. I even made cookies to celebrate. :)

  168. WOWza!

    Dear Cupcake Julie,

    PLEASE start a blog!!!! You are out of control talented! This table has me speechless.

  169. Wow Wow Wow! What an impressive table! I’m a bit out of touch with football now since moving to the UK. Here football = soccer. Hope you have a fab game day! I wish I could be there – mainly just to watch all the cool commercials!

  170. You are so AMAZING! Thank you for sharing. LOVE all of it : ) even the team you are rooting for. We’ll be watching and enjoying a few cake pops ourselves.

  171. I LOVE THIS!!! Not really a Steelers fan, but YOUR ROCKED IT!!!!!!!!! Not sure I should admit that I’m a Cardinals fan (hometown team.) :)

  172. Wow, I’m not much of a football fan unless I have some sort of emotional/sentimental attachment to a team, like these goodies for instance-ha ha!

  173. What a fabulous spread! Your creativity will never cease to amaze me :) I’ll be watching the game I’m sure in between baking I hope. Lots of items on my list I want to make.

  174. this is AMAZING. Everything! But . . . weren’t the cokes going flat? (Maybe there were more on ice, nice and cold and capped up. :-)

  175. maybe this calls for some “glee”pops? :)

  176. Just awesome. wish I would of found your site awhile instead of a a few days ago. I love the Steelers and this gave me ideas for next year.

  177. One of my girlfriends is a DIE HARD Steelers fan and is going to freak out when I show her this table. I will be watching the Super bowl, but have no favorite for the Atlanta Falcons didn’t make it this year. Go Sweets!

  178. So amazing! I don’t care who wins but I could get behind the steelers just because they’re colors look so good on this table!

  179. Caroline – too funny.

  180. WOW… very nice! As for the Super Bowl… I really only like watching the commercials : )

  181. So disappointed you didn’t do a Green Bay batch. But I guess these will get eaten just like the Steelers will in a couple hours.

  182. I only care about Glee, not the football. But this is the cutest!

  183. THIS IS AMAZING .. so so cute

  184. I’m cheering for the Packers, but this display is awesome! The only thing missing are football cake pops! [I made some last year and everyone went wild for them: ] Happy Superbowl Everyone!

  185. WOW – this is amazing! Wish you could “pack” it up and send it to me in PITTSBURGH!!!!! GO STEELERS!!!

  186. GO STEELERS!!!!! In Pittsburgh, we say that we “bleed black and gold”! :) This display is unbelievable…WOW! I wish I could have seen it earlier so that I could do 1/2 as good a job for our party today! Awesome! Saving it for next year!! ;)


    Though this display rocks!

  188. Crazy cute!!!! I’m with you on waiting for Glee….

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