Mother’s Day is next Sunday, so I thought this was as good a time as any to experiment with some Flower Cake Pops. And, I had a bunch of leftover Bunny Candy Corn to get rid of, too. In addition to bunny ears, they make great pastel petals don’t you think.
I’m going to pretend that all of you that made the bunny pops still have these handy, too. You’ll need 8-10 pieces for each flower.
Make your cake pops following the basic cake pop instructions, but instead of shaping the pops into balls, make them more oval-shaped with one end flat so you can glue the flower parts on. Also, if you don’t want to make the entire recipe into flowers, you can divide the baked cake into fourths and freeze the unwanted sections for later use. Yay!
12 cake pops = 1/4 9 X 13 cake
24 cake pops = 1/2 9 X13 cake
36 cake pops = 3/4 9 X 13 cake
48 cake pops = One 9 X 13 cake
Man… I’m good at math.
Make sure you divide the frosting appropriately also.
Dip the pops in the color candy melts you want for your base. I used white here because it blended in with the white part of the candy corn and camouflaged the gaps a little.
Once dipped, let the cake pops dry standing up in a styrofoam block.
When dry, dip the flat tops back in some of the melted candy coating. This will act as the glue. The coating should be starting to cool off so it takes less time to dry when you attach the pieces.
Now for the balancing act.
Lightly grip the cake pop in your left hand, so your thumb and forefinger can act as a ledge for the candy corn to rest on when you attach them to the top of the pop. If you can do this without letting your hands touch the sides of the cake pop… even better because your body heat can start to melt the sides if you’re not careful. It helps a little to let the lollipop stick rest on your leg if you are sitting down.
I know. I know. Sounds like a lot of work. But, I had come this far and they were for… you know… the person who gave birth to me.
Hold them in place long enough for the pieces to set/dry in place and not slide down the side of the pop… which will happen if you remove your hand too soon. Did I mention that this was an experiment? Anyway, when attached, place a tiny bit of candy coating in the center and attach the yellow candies to finish off the flower. Right about here, I realized how happy I was that I decided to only make a dozen of these.
Another method is instead of dipping the top of the pop in candy melts is to apply one petal at a time by dipping the bottom of the candy corn in some of the melted candy coating and then glue it to the top. Wait a minute. Did you get all that? Because I think my head is going to explode.
I wish I had a picture to show you all of this, but my hands were kinda busy.
It’s a good idea to get all your pieces ready before you start any glueing. The centers in this case were yellow mint candies from The Fresh Market. (But m&ms would work, too.) And, if you’re like most of the population, and don’t have extra bunny corn laying around, you can try using licorice pastels and licorice buttons
or check out the nearest candy aisle and get creative.
These licorice candies give more of a wildflower look, but still pretty. I like them (also from the Fresh Market) because their shapes are a little more irregular. You can also get Good & Plenty brand licorice candies in this color pink. They are just a little bit fatter and more uniform in shape.
When all the flowers are made, you can arrange them in a small heavy basket or vase (The heavier, the better, so it doesn’t tip over) with at least 2-inch thick styrofoam in the bottom. Also if you decide to transport, keep the flowers from touching each other. The petals can be knocked off easily if they fall into each other.
Gosh, It sounds like I’ve given you plenty of reasons not to try these. Hopefully the finished product makes up for it.
And, don’t worry. I already have an easier flower design in mind for the future. One not influenced by left-over candy pieces : )
Here are some other Mother’s Day ideas:
Flower Cupcakes
Mom Tattoo Cupcake
cool. I love it
I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is too cute! perfect for mothers day, and instead of giving
her flowers and candy, you could make her these!!! :)
OMG how do u come up with these recipes(tot cool) i will make these all the time for my friends and family they are soooo cute i love them.Can’t wait to tell my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are thhe most creative person with sweets i love your mom pops your recipes are so delicious and tasty
i love these they are so cute you always make the best of the best
I live outside the USA:
Does candy corn comes in those colors? Where can I order it?
Congratulations! I just bought your book yesterday and can`t stop reading it!
Hi! I made these the other night and they came out beautifully. To make it easier to keep the candy corn on… after you dip them in the chocolate & tap them, put them pop side down on the wax paper to dry (I made a cute St. Paddy’s pot of gold this way). This will give them a flat top to work with… just dribble some chocolate on the flat top and assemble the candy corn. No balancing required :)
BTW I love your site & your book! You’ve inspired me to have fun making pops for my friends and family.
Luv Luv Luv
I hope you didn’t already answer this, but I’m having a really hard time getting my coating to melt and be nice and thin/runny. I use the Wilton candy melts and follow the directions on the back…I always end up having to add shortening. Any other suggestions or better melts that you would recommend??
Where can I find the colorful Candy Corns??? These are amazing!!!
Now we know who the sebnsile one is here. Great post!
I would like to know anyone where i can get these colorful candy corn?
I was going to make something like this, but pipe colored candy-melts onto the pop or on to wax paper and then place it onto the pop.
Where else can u get the candy corn in pastels. I live in California and the fresh market store is out of state.
I am actually using these for a project at school. i was wondering if you had any more flower patterns because i am probably going to share this neat idea with a group of 3rd graders and I’m not sure if the boys are going to like the more “girly’ decorations, so it would be sooo incredibly awesome if you could come up with more “boy friendly” flowers for me.
I would appreciate it very much.
Don’t stop creating.
I will try these by mothers day thank you
I just finished making these, and I love them! I found some bunny corn (I was very surprised because I live in Canada) and I used the green bunny corn for leaves, and wrapped the lollipop sticks in green floral tape. I couldn’t get the candy coating very smooth, so they don’t look as good as yours, but they’re still awesome! I made the cake balls into a cone shape so the part where the petals went was wider, which made it so much easier to assemble the flower.
I really need a solution to this cracking, it is so frustrating. I have to make a large amount for an upcoming party and I am so stressed that they are gonna crack and I am going to end up having to double my work load….please any suggestions??
I always try to think up some cake pops that you haven’t made. I always fail.
What a novel idea. Will steal of course! I write about children’s fashion. Drop by sometime.
You are so super cool
this is one of my favorite cupcake recipes (makes them super moist). do you think it would work for cake pops?
18.25-ounce box cake mix (French vanilla, devil’s food or yellow)
1 cup buttermilk, in place of the water called for on the box (the box will call for more water than the buttermilk you are using)
Vegetable oil (the amount on the box)
4 large eggs (in place of the number called for on the box)
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line 24 muffin cups with paper liners.
2. Follow the box instructions (with substitutions above), putting all the ingredients in a large bowl. Beat with an electric mixer
at low to medium speed until moistened, about 30 seconds. Increase speed to high and beat until thick, 2 minutes longer.
3. Spoon half of the batter into a zip-top bag. Snip a -inch corner from the bag and fill the paper liners 2/3 full. Bake until tops are golden and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the cupcakes from the baking pans, place on a wire rack and allow to cool completely.
OMG! I’m sooo making these for my mom this year!! She will love these!! I think I might have an easier way of doing this, how about dipping the cakepop in white chocolate? Because I searched every where for candy color coating and could not find it! Plus my mom is a huge chocolate fan! Thx! 80)
wow those are great! the licorice M&M ones look soo cute!
I made some this weekend. They turned out ok, nothing as precise as yours. But my family liked them!!/album.php?aid=168200&id=508165632&ref=mf
Do you think you could assemble the flower the same way, but onto a large marshmallow? I am wondering if it would work just as well and be a little easier and more kid-friendly.
i think that these are really cute, a suggestion i have is that maybe instead of balancing them one at a time, how about glue all the candy corn and the mint pieces together into the flower shape before adding it to the cake pop? when it is assembled you could then glue that to the cake pop. IF this doesn’t work don’t blame me, i haven’t tried it yet, but it seems to make sense right?
OH, and I forgot to mention, half the links above just took me to your main page. Didn’t think that was on purpose.
It happened again. I’m up past my bedtime because I got distracted by your site. congratulations!
Good thinking! I am trying the cupcake pops next for my daughter’s bday.
The flower pot cupcakes aren’t going to work out – the cake pops are too heavy so it wouldn’t be very stable. So I just put them in two big baskets and used some Easter grass. I will still make the cupcakes, but just put them around I guess.
If you used extra large cupcakes you could make it work, but I don’t have that set up.
I think the cracking has to do with the cake needing some room to expand after it’s dipped in the warm chocolate. I made a batch of cake balls last weekend, and I noticed that if the candy coating covered the entire surface on the bottom (usually, there’s a small unexposed area where the cake ball sits), the coating would crack. It’s just a hypothesis, but maybe something to consider. I think the reason cupcake pops never crack is because the tops sit unexposed while the bottoms dry, which allows for expansion.
I just wanted to add that I made these by dipping the cake pop in chocolate and then sitting it on the candy corn that was already laid out on wax paper – it worked AWESOME! And it went by really really quickly!. There were a few that I had to reattach a couple corns on , but otherwise it was great. I also used pastel M&M’s for the centers and just attached those later with some more melted candy coating.
I did have problems with cracking though on some of them – any reason why??
Just got all my stuff to make these for a birthday party this weekend – wish me luck! I have made cakeballs before, but never cake pops. I am excited! I bought green ribbon to tie around the stick to make it like “leaves”. and I am making cupcakes to look like flower pots to stick the cake pops in.
Kelley – here ya go
I love your creativity with cake, one of my favorite things, too! I am lookiing for the basic recipe for cake pops and although I have clicked the links, I am unable to find how to get started with these wonderful little cake pops. I have two small daughters, and these would be so fun to make and take to daycare/school! Can you direct me to the directions for making the cake pops?
I love your site.My daughter and i are room Mothers for my Great Grand Son’s class he is in k5 at school.We plan to make cake pops for different occasions.Thank You so much you are so clever to learn how to do this.Betty
wow, simple but, GENIUS!
AmateurBaker – Nope. But, cake art does.
I really love you site and your creations. I noticed we shop at the same cake supply store. CAKE ART is the greatest.
I am new to baking myself. Do you have any classes in the area.
Hello Bakerella, I’m Nanie from Malaysia. Your bloq is wondefully gorgeous, stunning, beautiful…u name it. I love how you potray all the pictures of your artistry. I’ll definetely try those cute lil’ cupcake pops.
Oh my. I am so out of my element over here, but I love all of your ideas and photos. Maybe I’ll learn something! (I hopped over via My Eloise)
Oh my gosh! I cannot believe I’ve never been to your blog before. It’s 8am here and now I’m dreaming of dessert for breakfast.
Had to share some cake pops that I made using tiny fondant cutters.. They’re still a work in progress. But they were a huge hit! Thanks for all the ideas and whatnot. I’ve directed a ton of people to your site (including the employees at Michaels where I bought all my supplies at!)
They are absolutely gorgeous. I adore the flowers. I’d love a little bouquet of those.
These are gorgeous! I’m featuring these as our cake of the week over at Australia Entertains tomorrow. Love them! Added a link too…
Don’t melt them in the bottle.
Melt them in a bowl and then pour in the bottle.
Also, you are supposed to melt in 30 sec intervals and stir in between and you can’t do that well if you melt straight in the bottle.
You always have the best ideas!! I do have one question, every time I go to melt my candy melts in the plastic squirt bottles…I always melt the bottle!! Any tips? Love your site!
what about trying to glue twizzler pieces on? Actually the squeeze bottle way might be better.
You are clever and should open your own store!
Bakerella, any ideas for the cake balls that look like balls of yarn? I was thinking of using the squeeze bottle and melted candy melts to create the effect but thought that might take forever!
and I have the problem of the sticks falling off when dipping the balls, I am better at the cupcakes, I guess I need more practice!
What a great idea! I just made cake balls and was looking for a decorating inspiration. Thank you!
Thank you, Thank you! I have tons of the candy corn left too, I tried another flower idea that did NOT work, I’m gonna try this today, it looks much eaiser! THANK YOU!!!
You are so clever! They are gorgeous. :-)
To expand on Mel’s idea, I think you could try a couple of things to still get the same effect of the petal tips pointing up without having to hold them until they dry. I think I would try making an indentation into the top of your cake pop. Dip the end into candy melts, then place your petals. Add the middle candy for the center of the flower, then weigh them all down with something like a Hershey’s kiss, and/or place the cake pop sans stick into an egg carton to hold the petals up until they dry? I’m sure there’s something you can rig to get them to set on their own without you holding them. I’ve made gingerbread houses for years, and you wouldn’t believe the tricks I have come up with to get royal icing to dry without me holding all the pieces in place! :)
Super cute. I’m doing these tomorrow with the kiddos using Good N Plenty candies. I am going to cheat a bit also and use a large marshmellow in place of the cake pop (say it isn’t so!) to save some time!! Hope it works.
Lynn Osborne – about 1 inch to 1.25 inches
Deric – Are your balls chilled when you dip? also, make sure the chocolate is thin enough and your bowl is deep enough to dip and remove in one motion. You can add shortening to help thin it out.
Andi Anderson – fantastic!
Lynette – I hope I get to go back sometime. It was a blast.
alison Lewis – Thanks!!! Hope all is well.
Nightngale – probably, but that would me too many more steps for me.
Ashley – Love it! great ideas.
Sue Schmidt – yes
Ashley in Oregon – I think it has something to do with the temperature of the balls being too cold and then dipping into chocolate that is too hot. Also, try rolling them less compactly.
You can always re-dip if you need to and the cupcake pops never crack.
jaredsmom07 – apples?
Amanda – Americolor Brand works best for me.
bigSIS – really cute
I love all the cake pop ideas. Check out the cake pops I made for my sister’s babyshower to look like rattles. It was the first time I made them. I thought they turned out cute and everyone loved them.
Mel, I thought the same thing as I was reading the post.
Awesome as usual! I would never have thought to use the candies to make graduation caps. You are so creative!
Is there a good brand of food coloring marker… the ones I bought wouldn’t mark on the cake pops so I had to improvise. I made frogs, smileys and Hello Kitty for the kids Spring Fling.
Very Cute! Do you have any good ideas for Teacher’s Appreciation Week??? ;)
So Cute! Yes, I do have leftover bunny ears, so thanks for the great idea, since my mom bought the candy in the first place. Also, I get 45 balls from a 9X13 -wonder where the other 3 went:)
These are so very cute…can’t wait to try a bouquet myself.
I love these….so darn cute!!
Can’t wait to try them. Thanks for your inspirational creativity.
you should make tutorials. that would be interesting and help full
So beautiful… Wish I can find these candies here, but it’s quite difficult.
Wonderful! Fantastic, sooooooo creative! Do you sleep at night? LOL! You are an inspiration to us all! Thanks for sharing your baking muse!
They look great!
Okay… I have made over 400 cake pops in the last month… and I can’t figure out how to get the chocolate to not crack! Any suggestions? Also, my daughter is having a luau bday party Saturday… any ideas for a luau pop???
Totally chic and cute!
Oh my goodness. You are a genius. These pops look amazing. I can’t wait to try them out. I love this use for candy corn. Just perfect!
Those lollies are so cute – I’ve been seeing them over the blogosphere lately but can’t find them where I live – maybe they aren’t available here? :(
I have been racking my brain on how to make the cake pops into flowers and you did it…I was going at it from the wrong angle…think of the cake pop as the center and the petals extending from there but your idea is perfect as always!!! Thanks…can’t wait to make them.
Wow, these are adorable. How do you come up with so many creative ideas!????
once again, you’ve outdone yourself. Bravo!! ps your mother will love them!
I just got Betty Crocker's email today, and in it were "Spring Flower Brownies." Check them out! They use those pastel marshmallows for flowers (definitely not as cute as your idea, but might work well for the rest of us who didn't make the bunnies–sniff). I hope this is the correct link!
These are darling! Just like all your other wonderful creations! I do have a question, however. Are the cake pops freezeable once they have been dipped in the coating? Thanks!
That is such a cute idea! Makes me wish I was home to make them for my mom.
Bakerella! Great job!
I had just one idea to through out to you as well.
What if you put a little “blob” of melted candy on wax paper and then situated your candy flower the way you want on it?? Once the candy melts dry, you could peel the flower off the wax paper and then glue it to your cake pop with a bit more of the candy melts!
Just a thought :)
Very cute! I wondered about up-ending the pop on top of the candy, too.
these are so cute!good thing i just got stuff to make cake pops!
It is probably illegal to lick computer screens, so I am glad I OWN this computer. As always, your cake pops look great. My husband would live on Oreos he could, so I made him your Oreo Truffles. He loves you now as much as we all love you! The flowers are adorable, and so are Andi’s Chili Pepper Pops!
very pretty!
Lovely. Love the wildflowers too, the pink one reminds me of coneflowers.
I love all of your ideas! I made cake balls for my staff and they were a huge hit! I took some photos of them and posted on my blog and gave you several shout outs. I am still perfecting the “look” but the taste was incredible!! :0)
Thanks for the great baking ideas!
I love these! Your site is still my ultimate favorite! I always look forward to your entries! Best, Alison
I’m loving these! Being an old school cake decorator, I’m wondering if anyone has tried using royal icing as “glue” on melted chocolate? That stuff is great to attach things with, but I’ve never tried it on the melts.
I think the candy corn pops are sooo cute!! I am not a baker. I was inspired and bought the Wilton’s cake stuff to make cupcakes for my son’s 8th birthday. Ended up spending the night in the hospital with a stepdaughter the night before and called the local grocery store bakery. I still have bags, tips and gel in the packages to be used…someday! I sooo wanted to come to PW’s when you were there!!!
I live about 2 hrs away…will you be going again??
another great one!
looks yummy! I love candy corn!
I want these for Mother’s Day.
Perhaps I’ll ask Hubby if he can whip them up! Ha. ;)
Super cute!
Very cute! And creative, as usual!
I can’t wait to hear how Mel’s idea works because I was having the exact same thought as I read this. Too cute!
Those are adorable!
Nothing wrong with being creative with leftovers. :-)
Very pretty!
These would go perfect with my Mother’s Day cookie order. I could do one pop per dozen cookies. hmmmmm….I might just try this.
You are one of my fave bloggers- I have an award for you!
How on earth do you come up with these things? I’d never ever look at bunny corn and think “Hmmm, wonder if I can jam these on a cake pop into the cutest flower ever.” so creative and adorable.
Oh my GOSH… how do you do it??
Flowers are my favorite :) And these are positively adorable!!!
I’m really loving these! So pretty, I think you can use them for any occasion. I think they’d make a great “pick-me-up” for someone feeling a little down. Perfection, Bakerella!
SOOOOOOOO cute and pretty. I’m making red velvet cake balls for school but I’m having trouble cause I keep eating the cake before I can mix in the frosting. Maybe I should make two pans.
These are adorable – what a great idea! Now I wish I’d gotten that bunny corn!
too stinking cute!
Please hurry with the graduation pops…I need to make some this week, I know yours will be awesome; not too sure about mine :)
So cute! I have a daisy candy arrangement on my blog too (with another one due early this week). Great minds… I’ll also of course link on my edible crafts column (
I made some chili pepper pops for Cinco de Mayo!!
I love all your pops – but I think these are my favorite. So simple and pretty. Made me smile. Thank you.
You did it again! I absolutely love these! I hate licorice though…I wonder if my mom likes it.
I made the Chicks at Easter but I had a problem with the cake balls coming off the stick when I dipped them into the chocolate. Do you have anymore tips… maybe I made them to big, but I did dip the stick into the chocolate before I put it in the cake! I can’t wait to try to make these beautiful flower cake pops! Thanks for your wonderful creativity!! ~Amanda
So pretty and cute! I’d like to get a bouquet of those next Sunday!
Very cute…and alot of work! Your mom should be proud!
Sou Nutricionista e apaixonada com a arte de criar e inventar moda na cozinha.
O que vocês fazem é uma obra de arte!
Essa ideia da florzinha é perfeita para festa de criança e até mesmo para o dia das mães.
É uma pena que aqui no Brasil encontramos poucos materias como este.
Beijinhos, Aline
I tried the Easter bunny ones but made the cake balls to big? About how big are the cake balls before dipping in the melt? These are very cute!
So pretty… I wish my girls will make this for me!
they look great. I wish i had that much free time on my hands!! :)
Okay, these are adorable!!! I love all your creative pop ideas…they’re so fabulous.
As always sooooo cute! Where were these 3 weeks ago when I made a rose bouquet for my future MIL for her b-day?!?! I use the lolly mold of rose buds and took two of them back to back to back a full rose. Then rolled out cake pop “dough” to cut out petals with a cookie cutter!
Mel – Actually, that’s a GREAT idea!… if the petals will stay in place and not create a gap in between when you place the cake pop on.
And, take a look at the yellow ones in the picture. I was also trying to get all the petals to point up some like the one in the left. Instead of flat/pointing down like the yellow one on the right.
But you’re on to something. I think I’ll try a test run with some of these the next time I make pops to know for sure if it works.
Thanks Mel
They are beautiful.
Those are so darn cute! I’m overcome by their cuteness. :)
These are so cute! But rather than fidget around with sticking your candy/petals on it, couldn’t you just up-end the pop onto the candy as it’s laid out on the bench? Then stick the centre lolly in place after? That might be a little easier to juggle…. :D
This is so creative! Your ideas are so inspiring. Thank you for sharing!
As alway, these are very lovely
very cute!