
Easter Bonnets


I’ll just call them Cookie Hats since Easter is now over. I made these this weekend but you can certainly do them for other occasions like Mothers Day. Showers, too. You can change the colors for different themes. Any Red Hat Society peeps out there? These would be fun. I can also see these for a Kentucky Derby party – you could get really creative with them. Or forget the flowers, paint them with silver luster dust and turn them into flying saucers.

I found the instructions for these cuties in a book called Cookie Swap.



Here’s what they are supposed to look like. Gorgeous, huh! These are made using royal icing to coat the hat and pipe the perfect little dots. Fondant is used for the flowers and the bands.

Now, I didn’t have extra hours to wait for royal icing to dry when I made these, so I improvised. But, if time weren’t an issue, I’d go royal.


Instead, I covered the sugar cookie hats in tinted and rolled fondant…


And used sugar pearls to add detail. To help them stay in place, I used the pearls to press indentations around the hat. Then, I put a tiny amount of water on the sugar pearl and placed it in position.


Here they are with and without the pearls.

The base of the sugar cookie hats should be rolled thin before baking and the top part of the hat should be thicker to accommodate the fondant band. I used the shortbread sugar cookie recipe in the book, but feel free to use your own recipe and decorate.

Note: To get the fondant and cookie shapes to match in size, I re-cut the cookies with the cutter when I took them out of the oven and while they were still warm because they had spread a little.

You can attach the fondant to the cookies with a little bit of icing and you can attach the fondant flowers with a little dab of water.

Fondant Flowers.

All I can say is I heart my flower blossom plunger cutter. Say that fast three times.


I bought it a while ago and this is the first time I’ve used it.


You can cut shapes out of fondant and by pressing down on the plunger, you can make center indentations… or not.

You can also press the plunger into the fondant and remove the flower shape to then press and release onto a sponge.

This will give the flowers a curved shape.

But, without a sponge handy I had to improvise again.

So I grabbed the paper towel roll nearby and laid it on its side.


See how they curve when you press them into a soft surface and release? If you wanted, you could also add sugar pearls to the centers or pipe with icing.


These were fun to use. Now I need to get my hands on a little leaf plunger cutter to round out the look.



Cookie Swap is full of recipes, decorating and displaying ideas.

Like these….


Yes, this is a cookie. A ridiculously beautiful cookie. Seriously, who does that? Amazing!


And these are in the book, too. Love them! Looooooove them. But, I’d have to find someone to pipe those dots on for me. Mine would never look that perfect.

In addition to really pretty sweets, the book also has cute cookies to make you swoon.


Like these hamburger and hotdog shaped macarons. Dying.


And these watermelon cookies. Oh and umm, the lemons? Those are cookies, too. I know. Craziness.

Want to try your hand at some spectacular cookies?

Or just want to look at pretty pictures?

Enter for a chance to win a copy of the book.

Just leave a comment on this post and tell me if you’re an adventurous cookie maker or content taste tester.

Deadline to enter is Monday, April 5th at 5:00 pm ET. Sorry, Time’s Up! Winner below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced Monday evening on this post.

Good luck!

Okay, we have a winner. But first, I’d like to say how glad I am that so many of you lean towards the adventurous side. It’s fun to challenge yourself and this book will do just that.

Alright, let’s see who won.


YAY for Sarah the Adventurer! This book has plenty of projects to keep you busy. Have fun.

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3,222 comments on “Easter Bonnets”

  1. Adventurous baker! My soon-to-be-3-year-old daughter is the taste tester in chief.

  2. I love making cookies! I always make a ton around Christmas (we usually do about six different kinds), but I think they are good all year long. And, I absolutely love love love trying new recipes!

  3. I like to say I like to try new things, although I haven’t had much kitchen time lately.

  4. I would like to consider myself an adventurous cookie maker, but alas I am not. I stick with what I know, cakes. And my cookies are limited to snicker doodles and chocolate chip cookies (that is if the dough last long enough to make it into the oven.) I hope to get more exciting, and this book would help with just that :]

  5. I’m a serious cookie maker. I’m going to pastry school in the spring and am seriously intrigued by those watermelon cookies.

  6. I love those wedding cake shaped cookies! Beautiful!

    I’m usually the baker between my boyfriend and I, but recently he’s taken the reins so I’m left being the taste tester :)

  7. I am an adventerous cookie maker! One cookie i really like to make is biscotti. I do also love original cookies like chocolate chip and gingersnaps!!!

  8. So far, I’m not a super adventurous cookie baker. I think I’m going to need to go get this book at dive in! So many cute ideas! Your cookies turned out fantastic!

  9. I love eating and baking but i prefer eating it cause you can enjoy it!! :D

  10. Depends…..Adventurous cookie maker when it comes to making different kinds of cookies (i.e. flavors), but when it comes to decorating I’m not that creative.

  11. Oh my goodness all those cookies are so cute! I am adventurous cookie maker for sure, but there is nothing better than a deliciously simple choc chip cookie!

  12. I’m a bit of the frozen cookie dough balls from Costco sort of cookie baker. *gasp* I KNOW!! maybe this book could help me venture out!

  13. These are so adorable! I love it!

    I would totally make these for my mom…if I was closer in distance, I have a feeling those cookies wouldnt be so easy to ship!

  14. I just started decorating cookies with royal icing this year! I love it. It has been so addicting for me. I need this book!

  15. I am up for tasting a delicious cookie any day. But I’ve recently moved into the adventurous baker category and I am always looking for a new cookie to make.

  16. Love to be a cookie taste tester!!

  17. I try to be an adventurous cookie maker, but I’m not sure I always succeed!

  18. definitely the taste tester! but i’d love to work on my cookie skills :)

  19. Pretty much the cookie taster, but I’d like to change that!

  20. I’d love to be an adventurous cookie maker :D

  21. Cookie maker!

  22. Adventure is my middle name :) i’ll try anything once.

  23. I would have to say adventurous baker, wanna be cookie maker, all to good of a taster! Love the cookies!! :)
    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  24. I am adventurous when it comes to making cookies but being a taste tester is also very fun!

    Cookies are a nice compliment to any gathering!

  25. I’m an adventurous cookie maker!! This Easter I made various sparkly cookie pops and displayed them in a mini tin pail. I swear I dream of sugar cookies or at least think about them a few times during the day!

    I’d LOVE to get a copy of that book!

  26. THESE COOKIES ARE ADORABLE. I have a collection of cooking and baking books going and I’d love to add this to my repertoire!

  27. oh cookies (L)
    I’ve never been good doing cookies
    but i have to try doing these sometime :)

  28. I would like to become an adventurous baker!! Right now I just drool over sites like yours.

  29. I have ALWAYS been a great test taster but recently began my adventurous baking journey. So far, I have been able to replicate your Vintage Valentine Cookies and look forward to trying these out. Here is hoping the book comes my way :)

  30. I am content to taste right now. Something about making cookies terrifies me! Ridiculous, I know.

  31. I love to try new things, but I really like taste testing. If they don’t taste good, it ruins it!

  32. I’m definitely a taster! I only bake tried-and-true Momma recipes, but I will put just about any cookie into my mouth! :)

  33. I used to just be a taste tester, but in the last year I’ve become much more adventurous!

  34. Both! I love trying new baking techniques AND drooling and looking at pretty pictures! Love the bonnets – love the book!

  35. I am adventurous in taste, but a beginner in decorating. My version of your Oreo Truffle Footballs have been renamed due to their, ahem, shape, but they certainly were delicious!

  36. i am a cookie taster although your website does make me want to bake everything you post!

  37. I didn’t think I was an adventurous cookie maker but I can’t wait to try some of these! Fun and tasty…win/win! I also must have the plunger cutters! Going shopping online right now! Thanks for the inspiration!

  38. I am def a tester!! lol but this book loos really cool and could give me tons of ideas to try !

  39. I’m always up for an adventure!! This book looks incredible! Never seen it before! I love to try new things with my three kids, and I love trying all the recipes that you put out!!
    Thank you so much!!

  40. Angie,

    Love, love, love the Easter Bonnet cookies! Beautiful work, as always. Good for you!!

  41. I will definitely try making the cookies. My family loves my baking. they can’t wait for the weekend when i try something new!

  42. Love the hats! I’m definitely a cookie baker, but not that adventurous yet. A bit of a traditionalist, I suppose! I’d love to make something as gorgeous as the hats, or the basket!

  43. Wow! The hats look amazing. I like your shortcut for the dots. BC (before children) I was much more of an adventurous baker. Now, it’s mixed! I’m definitely not as adventurous as I used to be.

  44. I’m going to say adventurous….but not always with great results! I am still working on my icing piping techniques on cookies so sometimes it is a bit hard for others to guess what I was trying to achieve :-) Practice makes perfect I guess.

  45. I can distinctly remember trying to make chocolate chip cookies from scratch around the age of 7. They were thin with lumps (chocolate chips) and tasted AWFUL! Now I can whip up a batch in my sleep. I haven’t ventured far into the royal icing arena but a this book looks like just what I need to make the leap. How spectacular are those pictures!

  46. Ummm…I’m a cookie monster. I eat da cookies, not bake da cookies.

    But..if I had this book perhaps I could be encouraged to make da cookies, or get my infintely patient husband to make da cookies.

  47. I am a content taste tester. I love trying new things, but I am not sure if I could tackle these.

  48. I love to try adventurous cookies! And cakes… I’m making a big cake tomorrow, wish me luck!

  49. i’m not a big cookie kinda gal, but my hubby is a cookie monster!

  50. I’m all about adventure, but if they are yummy, it helps others to be more brave with their taste buds:)

  51. I hope the lemon cookies are lemon flavored too, yum!

  52. I am an adventurous cooking maker/baker/treat designer only in my dreams! I long to be creative with edible treats but I do not have the time, the talent, the equipment, nor the space. So I will have to be content as a taste tester. *le sigh*

  53. I aspire to be an adventurous cookie maker, but so far I’m more of a content taste tester. Hope to change that!

  54. LOL.. The book IS crazy with all that pretty ideas. :-D
    But it is so very creative of the authors to come up with those things. Much like you, Bakerella :-)

  55. Adventurous baker, but love to taste test as well. These hats are darling.

  56. I’ve always been content with my “go-to” recipes for shortbread cookies and cheesecake thumbprints…I’ve always been adventurous with my cakes, but those pics are awesome enough to make me crossover to cookies!

  57. I’m an adventurous cookie maker for sure, though lately I’ve been an adventurous cupcake maker…was up until 2 am a couple nights ago having too much fun! :)

  58. I would love to make these! And I HAVE to make those lemon ones for summer- have to

  59. if i’m making for others, i’m adventurous but when it comes to my husby, simple and quick and delicious wins every time!

  60. I love the Cookie Hats! I do not have the patience to make those kinds of cookies, so I guess I am a taste tester. I do love to bake cakes, cheesecakes, brownies and any other kinds of sweets, though. Thanks for the great recipes!

  61. I consider myself an adventerous taste tester. Ready, willing and able to taste any culinary cookie invention I come up with and a book with both would be just right.
    Great site!

  62. Adventure, by far. Chocolate + hot pepper + bacon = awesome.

  63. I’m a wannabee adventurous cookie maker. ;-)

  64. Happy Easter! I adore awesomely decorated cookies!

  65. i love to eat cookies… would like to be able to make cute cookies… to eat.

  66. Adventurous cookie maker and I would LOVE this book!!! Thanks for the chance!

  67. I’m not as adventurous as I’d like… but hopefully with the right inspiration I could create something that cute! In the meantime, I’m more than happy to taste.

  68. Adventurous cookie maker! I love trying any and all cookie recipes that interest me. Right now I am waiting to make chocolate chip cookies with craisens in them…..mmmmm!

  69. I’m an adventurer myself! You’ve gotta keep things interesting! The book looks amazing!

  70. These cookies looks so pretty, they would almost be to darling to eat…. almost ;) I heart sweets, lol.

  71. Just call me the Indiana Jones cookie baker :-)

  72. I would love to try all of those recipes! I looove shaped cookies!

  73. I love to hold both titles!!! Adventurous Cookie Maker AND Content Taste Tester!!! I like the cookie maker a bit better because you consume less calories!!!!

  74. I’m now an adventurous cookie maker. I got tired of eating dry boring cookies, and started to bake my own. The best part: I can make them with the best ingredients in all the flavours I want and baking them is easy and fun :)

  75. hands down adventurous cookie maker. i’m actually not a huge sweets eater, but i love making them for people :)

  76. adventurous cookie maker!! i love baking cookies and maybe eating a few as i decorate!??! :) So glad you are back and feeling better!! hope you had a great Easter!

  77. I am most definitely an adventurous cookie maker. And cupcake maker, too, for that matter!

  78. I’m better at eating cookies than baking them, but I’d love to try some of these!

  79. I would love to be an adventurous cookie maker, but I already love to eat them!! sign me up for learning how to bake!

  80. I’m an adventurous cookie maker. The book looks great!

  81. Oh my gosh! Those are to die for! I’d like to think that I’m an adventurous cookie maker, except that I get so excited just to drool over the pictures in beautiful books that sometimes I don’t really get to the baking or the tasting part!!

  82. I’m better at arranging fruits and vegetables pretty than decorating cookies…but probably the best at eating them!

  83. I love making cookies
    though mine are nothing compared to the things you make :)

  84. I am a cake person actually, but I love eating cookies :)

  85. Loooove these!!! Mother’s Day look out!!! I haven’t found a project small enough to try fondant on yet, and I think this one’s for me!!! <3 <3

  86. So far I’m just a cookie taster and cupcake baker but I wouldn’t be opposed to being the cookie baker as well :)

  87. I just got the book called hello cupcake and whats new cupcake, they have some really cute ideas in there.

  88. I am a content taste tester, mainly because my kitchen isn’t big enough to make cookies properly – no counter space. I’d have to take over the kitchen table! That might not be so bad, though.

  89. Well, right now I am a content cookie tester, but I hope to become a cookie maker! Those look amazing. My next project is to (gulp) try making maracons because my husband just had them for the first time today and declared them delicious (of course).

  90. I WANT to be an adventurous cookie maker, but that is quite hard to do in a dorm room :(

    So, taster for now, adventurer for later!

  91. BOTH an adventurer and happy taster!! Your cookie hats came out just beautiful and I love the little flower maker gadget, that’s a keeper!

  92. hum… content taste tester!

  93. cookie monster! :)

  94. I am the adventurous cookie maker! I would love a copy of this book!

  95. Usually content taste-tester. But … with step by step directions I sometimes get more adventurous! 8]

  96. I’m a bit of both. I’m not nearly as good as you or the author but I’ve managed to make some fun cookies. Now being a cookie tester is really where my heart is!

  97. I love to try new recipes and cookie designs. This book would be a great addition to my kitchen library!

  98. I*m for sure a taster, but I want to become a cookie master. I bought “Cookie Crafts” and this book looks like the perfect complimentary book for a newbie like me. :) Thank you!

  99. Too cute! Would love this book – I’m a little of both – depends on how much time I have and what kinda mood I’m in.

  100. I just don’t have a kitchen right now conducive to baking cookies. My oven can only bake three at a time, so batches aren’t worth it. So at this time, I’m more of a taste tester. When I go home to my parents house, with their great kitchen? Adventurous baker!

  101. I’m all for adventure! I love to experiment with baking. Yummy!

    As an aside, I hope you are feeling better and that you had a great Easter!

  102. nom nom nom… adventurous cookie maker/eater! haha

  103. Adventurous all the way!!! When i can find the time and the ingredients :)

  104. I am ALWAYS making new kinds of cookies for my husband to take to work! I have never thought to decorate cookies though -so cute! I am perfectly content on making them for others :)

  105. bakerella!
    I love you easter hats! they look so scrumpcious! I am def. a cookie maker! I would love this book b/c it would def. be put to good use in my kitchen

  106. Dear Cookie Monster,
    Lovely, lovely, lovely… where were you when I was turning 12 and I had a “hat” themed birthday because of my then recently discovered passion for wearing and collecting hats!? I would have loved to make these…
    I guess that answers your question, I’m a do-er. I love the pictures but words… words are my life — especially words about DOING things… like making beautiful things that taste divine.
    Buying This Book If I Don’t Win In NE

  107. I would absolutely love to be talented enough to make cookies as adorable as those.

  108. I think the book looks amazing!! Definately sign me
    up as taste tester!!!

  109. I love to make pretty cookies and really want to try the owls on the cover!

  110. Definitely the adventurous cookie maker!

  111. Hello Bakerella!
    I am definitely a bit of both. I love decorating and making cookies, but then again i get into those phases where all i want to do is eat em! Of course that always undoes the 3 mile run i probably did before, but what else are cookies for! I would love to win, simply because I treasure all of my cook books :) I love LOVE LOVE cook books! And i would especially love this book because it looks as though it has very detailed instructions…which is always a good thing for me.

  112. Best book ever!

  113. My 12 year old daughter got baking stuff in her basket, and this book would be a wonderful addition to her “Pioneer Woman Cooks” book she got in it.

  114. I’ve always wanted to try to make these gorgeous cookies but I just haven’t yet.

  115. Love to taste test, but I definitely want to work on my cookie skills!

  116. I love to make cookies but I am not patient about decorating them! :) I am working on it….

  117. I would have to say that I am an adventurous cookie maker. Because of your inspiration, I went out and bought ‘Cookie Craft’ and have been experimenting with those cookies. My favorite ones are the fall leaves. I can’t wait to try them this coming fall! My goal is to master the art of decorating sugar cookies and give them out as favors.

  118. definitely love a good cookie baking challenge!

  119. I’m an “adventurous taste tester”!!

  120. Cute cookies. I sure could use a copy of that book.

  121. I am an aspiring crazy cookie maker. Although taste testing is always welcome. I would love to win.

  122. Those are SO cute! I’m definitely an adventurous cookie maker. I actually just made some for a baby shower last weekend that were little babies holding a Teddy Graham. They were a huge hit!! If I don’t win this, I’m definitely going to have to purchase a copy of that book.

  123. I’m totally an adventurous gal. I have an office full of co-workers that I can make my official taste-testers, without ruining my waistline! ;)

  124. I’m a tester but would love to be a maker someday!

  125. … and to answer your question: I’d like to be more adventurous with cookies! i’ve really only stuck to cakes so far, but these look too fun not to try! :)

  126. Ohh this book looks great! I’m definitely an adventurous cookie maker!

  127. I love to try new things when baking… although I don’t eat much of what I make – there’s never much left once my husband sees it. So I guess I am an adventurous cookie maker and he is the taster. ;)

  128. Adventurous cookie baker, love to make interesting cookie bouquets. Have not seen this book before.

  129. Wow, only 13 minutes into the post and there’s already 62 comments…

    I am an official taster… I want to think I can make all of these but I think I’m a better judge…

  130. I’m an adventurer! I remember when I made my first peanut butter cookies with 1/2 CUP Baking Soda! Opps! Only called for a 1/2 teaspoon or tablespoon!

  131. these are delightful! thanks for sharing! it’s given me lots of inspiration for a tea party!

  132. I am hoping to become more adventurous but right now am loving being a taste tester. This book looks AMAZING!!!

  133. Adventurous one over here!!

  134. I guess you would have to say our household is trying to be “adventurous cookie maker’ , my oldest daughter has really gotten into baking and decorating, and loves to try new things

  135. I’m definitely adventurous, but most of my adventures in cookies taste better than they look. Beautiful hat cookies!

  136. Taste tester for sure!!! But, should I “win” the book, I would do my absolute BEST to become adventurous!! :)

  137. These are precious! I’m terrible at baking cookies, but these would be worth the additional practice!


  139. first you see then you eat so i am definately an adventurous cookie maker .

  140. I’m a taste tester! The only cookies I can make are drop ones :P

  141. I thought I was pretty adventurous when it came to baking cookies…until I saw yours! Your cookies are amazing!

  142. adventurous cookie maker! woot woot! :D

  143. I am most definitely an adventurous cookie decorator! Sometimes I wish I had more excuses to bake cookies all the time, since I will make cookies then gain 20 pounds eating them all myself!

  144. I’m definatly adventurous in the cookie making dept. I would love to recreate the cookies in this book- they’re beautiful!

  145. Right now a tester–but I’d like to be more adventurous!

  146. I thought I was adventurous until I saw this post! I need this book…all my cookie adventures pale in comparison to these. Mine still look like cookies when I’m done!

  147. I’d love a chance at the book. Those are some amazing cookies and treats!

  148. Whew! These are crazy beautiful! I like to bake cookies, but I’ve attempted NOTHING like these – not sure I’d have the p*a*t*i*e*n*c*e, but I’d be willing to try!

  149. definitely a taste tester! but I’m lucky enough to have a sister who loves to bake ;)

  150. Adventurous! The more WOW factor the better – like those basket cookies? Bring it on!

  151. I am now adventurous – it seems when I’m finished baking, I’m no longer hungry (probably too much ‘testing’ before they’re done)!

  152. I am content to taste. I love how all of these cookies look, but I am not patient enough to make them look the way they are supposed to! (Maybe having the book will help me with that)

  153. First word I ever said was “cookie”….need I say more?
    All about the cookie consuming decades after that first word.

  154. when it comes to cookies, I keep em simple….that way there’s less time between baking and getting them in my mouth! lol

  155. I am definitely not very adventurous with my baking, but for something so cute I’d be willing to set my nervousness aside! :)

  156. This is just too GORGEOUS! You just keep making the cutest things ever.

  157. LOVE the book already! Your hats are adorable ;)

  158. I wish I was adventurous, but every time I tried, I’ve failed. I do make killer choc chip cookies though!

  159. Oh I would be happy to just taste any (or all) cookies and enjoy those amazing pictures!

  160. For now I’m a not-so content cookie taster until we get more room in our house so that I can become the cookie maker!

  161. This book would get me through my summers off in between school years…and I’m sure my other half wouldn’t complain either as he’s a pro cookie taster!

  162. Cooke maker for sure!

  163. Those cookies are amazing! I wish I had the patience for that!! I’m a cupcake girl :) I would love to win the book!!!

  164. Making and testing! That is the best part about practice in your kitchen, you get to try the results….good or bad…!

  165. Those are amazing!! love the book

  166. Ahhh! I love making cookies! And all those ideas are so amazing. Thanks!

  167. I love to be adventurous! It always leads to a new favorite!

  168. Absolutely love the cookies. I think I’m going to need to find one of the fondant flower sets. Love your site and thank you so much for your willingness to share. Everyone here thinks cake balls/pops are the new best dessert. Happy Easter

  169. If only I made the time…. very pretty!

  170. I would LOVE to be an adventurous cookie maker! (But I need that book first!) :)

  171. I’m both!!! Love to make it, and eat every single one of them… or share a few with friends ;D

  172. What adorable cookies! I think these would be a perfect mother’s day treat. I love your site, you always have the cutest ideas!

  173. I’m all about adventure

  174. That book looks like so much fun!!! Id say im an adventurous cookie maker and this book would be perfect to try all sorts of them!! You did an awesome job at the hats they are adorable!! Happy Easter everyone!

  175. I am a huge cookie baking (and taste testing) finatic!!! I make dozens upon dozens of cookies every year. For all sorts of occasions, and I’m always looking for new ideas and recipes! I’ve seen this book swirling around the internet and would love to get a look at it!!!


  177. I am an adventurous baker, once I decide to do something I go all the way and then some. I am also in love with the flower plunger, I must find one!

  178. I love baking and can’t wait to try out these fun ideas! So cute.

  179. I LOVE looking at creative baking pictures! I would love to try some new cookies, too!

  180. Adventurous!

  181. I would totally become an adventurous cookie maker after learning how to make these types of cookies, although, I wouldn’t give up my day job of taste testing cookies!!

  182. I like to make simple cookies but I LOVE to eat them too.

  183. I’m a taste tester! When I have more time I might try to make them on my own…

  184. I am an adventurous cookie maker! And I taste them…so maybe I’m both, more the maker though and ALWAYS the taster. :)

  185. content taste tester and cookie maker, but not adventurous yet

  186. I am definitely an adventurous cookie creator! I make some pretty funky things for the kids at my day care!

  187. I’m more of a adventurous cookie maker than taster. I still remember the days when I would stick m&ms on peanut butter cookies and call it art, when I really wanted to get as much chocolate on the thing as possible!

  188. I adore them! I’d like to see some bunny cookies–perhaps the book has some?

  189. i’m both an adventurous cookie maker AND a content taste tester. probably more one than the other, but won’t mention which. ;-)

  190. Oh my goodness I am in love! They are adorable. HMMM…they look so much fun to make but I would want to try one just to see if they tasted as good as they were cute.

  191. I love to take on a challenge with new cookies! BUT I am definitely a content taste taker!

  192. I’m adventurous but these look far beyond anything I’ve ever attempted. The book looks great & I hope to win it so I can challenge my cooking making skills thus far. Thanks for the chance.

  193. I can make a basic cookie but these are amazing.

  194. OOooooh I LOVE to bake!! that book looks super fun! But I would never give up the option to try one too!! :)

  195. Wow – love those cookies! I’m not a really adventurous cookie maker… but I do like to try different things! My challenge has still been mastering icing… ! But I’ve never tried fondant – and you make it look so good!


  196. I would LOVE to win a copy of that. I am definitely an adventurous cookie maker! :) I love trying new stuff.

  197. I’m melting over here from the adorableness of those cookie hats. I’m one part adventurous and one part content… makes for some fun experiments! Thanks for the giveaway!

  198. id say adventurous cookie maker but i wouldn’t say no to tasting them either =)

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